Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
How Did We the People get in this Mess?
To put it simply we expected our politicians to deliver miracles and perform economic feats that in the long run are unsustainable. We vote in politicians and demand retirement, medical services, housing subsidies, education oversight, national defense, domestic defense, lazy high paid government jobs, drug wars, overseas spying, domestic spying and thousands of other things unrelated to protecting freedom and liberty. The programs are cheap poorly thought out schemes in some cases no better than a Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme. Social Security was supposes to be put in a “lock box” back in 1985. Guess what it was robbed. Surprised? People condemn corporations for greed but there is no swine shallower than the politician that would steal grandma’s retirement money.
Problem number one is federal spending. This is not a Democrat or Republican problem. Both parties are equally guilty of spending the United States into oblivion.
Bill Clinton the most fiscally conservative president since Eisenhower?
A quick look at the St. Louis Federal Reserve web site and Federal Consumption and Gross Investment shows a spending increase of 82% for the 1960’s, 92% for the 70’s, a whooping 97% under Reagan and Bush 41, 13% under Clinton and another 86% under Bush 43. The most fiscally conservative president since Eisenhower has been Bill Clinton? Yes that’s what the numbers tell us.
Today our known national debt is 12.5 trillion. Our entire GDP is $14.5 trillion. 87% debt ratio is not good but it could be overcome if that was all we owed. Unfortunately our unfunded liabilities are $108 trillion. Medicare liability being the largest chunk at $74 trillion. Is it any wonder the federal government is fighting tooth and nail to get its hands on Medicare? With baby boomers scheduled to retire by the millions this program alone will financially destroy America. In the coming years there will have to be a huge expansion in the supply of medical care or massive rationing.
It doesn’t matter which party is in control. If the ship is sinking I would rather take my chances with the private sector. I cringe at the thought of being stuck in some hospital ward for months with no care and little food like in England. State wards checking me every few hours to see if I am dead so they can move another patient into my space. Thanks but no thanks. I think I would rather die in a barn than a state run medical facility.
So the federal government has promised the gimme generation generous retirements and medical care for their votes. And for the most part they delivered. Pensioners like my grandmother paid a 1% payroll tax and she never saw her tax increase above 5% matched by her employer. For her paying a few thousand to get a few hundred thousand in benefits was a no brainer. She was at the beginning of the FDR vote buying schemes. It was a great New Deal for her. And now the baby boomers are about to retire and there is no possible way the politicians can deliver on their promises. The lock box is empty, the party is over, the alcohol is wearing off and people are beginning to realize it was all just a generational illusion. One group of citizens getting another to pay for their retirement and medical care. Generational theft as John McCain likes to coin the phrase. Only the generation that got robbed doesn’t even realize it yet. But they will.
Ronald Reagan talked the talk but delivered big government
The average debt per citizen is $40,372. The debt per taxpayer is $113,840. The PPP is $46,400 per citizen. Personal debt per citizen is $53,905. The average tax payer is on the hook for about $190,000 both personal and government debt but he only makes $46,400. And the bills just keep on coming. The president states that he will not tax anyone making over $250,000. Does any sane person think that is true?
This entire health care bill is one big tax hike and rationing program. A complete renunciation of past promises made to the gimme generation. Benefits taken away from the gullible baby boomers that paid for grandma and grandpa their whole life to get negative returns in the end. Maybe the next generation will not be so gullible. Maybe the next generation will have personal savings retirement accounts.
They have the audacity to disguise it as providing health care for all. We are fools for voting them in and drowning them out when Reagan in 1983 and Bush in 2004 spoke up about the insolvency of these programs. This is nothing more than the final nail in the coffin for the United States. Are things ever the same after a personal bankruptcy? The United States will fundamentally change over the next decade. The Obama dictators on the left and freedom and liberty on the right. The states are already filing law suits and making preparations for state rule. They know what is on the horizon and are preparing accordingly.
There are other follies that have contributed to the demise of the United States but they are rooted in the fact that people vote for politicians who promise them the means to live the high life. The Community Reinvestment Acts of 1977 and 1996 opened up home ownership to the “disadvantaged” and gave everyone a piece of the American pie. We learned some people are renters and some are owners for a reason. Maybe everyone should not have a home.
Bush 43 set spending records. So much for the “R” label.
The Federal Reserve and it’s independence from Congress. Hey it’s a bank. It’s a bank that can print money. What do banks that can print money like to do? Maybe print money? It’s not rocket science but somehow our politicians ignore the fact that the dollar has lost 93% of its value since the creation of the Fed in 1913. The Federal Reserve played a huge role in making the Great Depression longer and deeper. In the past half the time the Federal Reserve got monetary policy right and half the time wrong. One thing is certain Alan Greenspan will go down in the Hall of Shame for his 1% Fed Funds rate in the middle of the biggest housing bubble in the history of mankind. With friends like that who needs enemies?
There was a reason Andrew Jackson killed the Second Bank of the United States and reverted back to a banking system of “hard money.” The biggest one was limiting the debt the federal government could get itself into. When the federal government borrowed money it had to pay back the money to private banks. This meant immediate tax hikes or long term debt. There was no game played where the Federal Reserve issues bonds to finance the federal government, sells them to a third party and then buys them back. From 1837 to 1913 if the federal government borrowed money it paid it back or defaulted like everyone else. It was only after the private sector bail out in 1895 of the federal government that New York bankers revive the idea of a national bank. And today we are relearning the lessons Andrew Jackson learned 181 years ago about concentration of wealth and power in a single bank.
The progressives of 1913 put into place their piece of the dictatorship puzzle. FDR put his ponzi schemes in place to move toward dictatorship. Nixon and his communist price controls. Reagan and his crazy spending. It’s been a march for a hundred years now.
Jeckle Island the birth of the Federal Reserve
Some generations have done well and some have yet to be screwed royally. Everyone keeps electing the same D and R politicians and we keep getting the same D and R solutions. What is best for the people will probably never happen but they are:
1. Health Savings Accounts with catastrophic $5,000 deductibles. Simple and puts the power in the hands of consumers.
2. Personal Retirement Accounts. Let the people keep 5% of what they earn in local, state, federal or corporate AAA bonds. At least the people will know what return they are getting on their money.
3. End the Fed. God I sound like an Alex Jones nut-case. I have supported the Federal Reserve my whole life under Volcker and Greenspan but after the disastrous events that have occurred and will occur in the future I simply changed my mind. Peter Schiff, Dan Mitchell and others were right and I was wrong. The Federal Reserve simply cannot be trusted to do what is in the best interest of the people. I would support a return to “hard money” or a limited controlled Federal Reserve that is required by law to increase the monetary base at a set rate such as 3% plus or minus 1%. All other functions are delegated to different institutions.
4. Constitutional amendments further restricting the federal government from all social engineering. Social justice quickly becomes corruption. Let the states decide what is needed in the social justice arena.
There are many events that have led up to the point of insolvency and dictatorship. Hundreds and thousands. But the biggest change that has led us to this point is the change in attitude. During the Great Depression and afterwards a whole generation looked to the federal government for economic salvation. It mattered little that the results were horrible and returns meager. People began voting for politicians that could deliver more and more benefits. No one looked to the year 2019 when the bills came due. It was all fun and games for the “Greatest Generation” and they plundered their children for retirement payments and medical bills. And now the baby boomers are going to retire and the politicians have spent all the money and left an unattainable national debt. The politician’s equivalent of a lump of coal for Christmas. We get the government we deserve.
Problem number one is federal spending. This is not a Democrat or Republican problem. Both parties are equally guilty of spending the United States into oblivion.
Bill Clinton the most fiscally conservative president since Eisenhower?
A quick look at the St. Louis Federal Reserve web site and Federal Consumption and Gross Investment shows a spending increase of 82% for the 1960’s, 92% for the 70’s, a whooping 97% under Reagan and Bush 41, 13% under Clinton and another 86% under Bush 43. The most fiscally conservative president since Eisenhower has been Bill Clinton? Yes that’s what the numbers tell us.
Today our known national debt is 12.5 trillion. Our entire GDP is $14.5 trillion. 87% debt ratio is not good but it could be overcome if that was all we owed. Unfortunately our unfunded liabilities are $108 trillion. Medicare liability being the largest chunk at $74 trillion. Is it any wonder the federal government is fighting tooth and nail to get its hands on Medicare? With baby boomers scheduled to retire by the millions this program alone will financially destroy America. In the coming years there will have to be a huge expansion in the supply of medical care or massive rationing.
It doesn’t matter which party is in control. If the ship is sinking I would rather take my chances with the private sector. I cringe at the thought of being stuck in some hospital ward for months with no care and little food like in England. State wards checking me every few hours to see if I am dead so they can move another patient into my space. Thanks but no thanks. I think I would rather die in a barn than a state run medical facility.
So the federal government has promised the gimme generation generous retirements and medical care for their votes. And for the most part they delivered. Pensioners like my grandmother paid a 1% payroll tax and she never saw her tax increase above 5% matched by her employer. For her paying a few thousand to get a few hundred thousand in benefits was a no brainer. She was at the beginning of the FDR vote buying schemes. It was a great New Deal for her. And now the baby boomers are about to retire and there is no possible way the politicians can deliver on their promises. The lock box is empty, the party is over, the alcohol is wearing off and people are beginning to realize it was all just a generational illusion. One group of citizens getting another to pay for their retirement and medical care. Generational theft as John McCain likes to coin the phrase. Only the generation that got robbed doesn’t even realize it yet. But they will.
Ronald Reagan talked the talk but delivered big government
The average debt per citizen is $40,372. The debt per taxpayer is $113,840. The PPP is $46,400 per citizen. Personal debt per citizen is $53,905. The average tax payer is on the hook for about $190,000 both personal and government debt but he only makes $46,400. And the bills just keep on coming. The president states that he will not tax anyone making over $250,000. Does any sane person think that is true?
This entire health care bill is one big tax hike and rationing program. A complete renunciation of past promises made to the gimme generation. Benefits taken away from the gullible baby boomers that paid for grandma and grandpa their whole life to get negative returns in the end. Maybe the next generation will not be so gullible. Maybe the next generation will have personal savings retirement accounts.
They have the audacity to disguise it as providing health care for all. We are fools for voting them in and drowning them out when Reagan in 1983 and Bush in 2004 spoke up about the insolvency of these programs. This is nothing more than the final nail in the coffin for the United States. Are things ever the same after a personal bankruptcy? The United States will fundamentally change over the next decade. The Obama dictators on the left and freedom and liberty on the right. The states are already filing law suits and making preparations for state rule. They know what is on the horizon and are preparing accordingly.
There are other follies that have contributed to the demise of the United States but they are rooted in the fact that people vote for politicians who promise them the means to live the high life. The Community Reinvestment Acts of 1977 and 1996 opened up home ownership to the “disadvantaged” and gave everyone a piece of the American pie. We learned some people are renters and some are owners for a reason. Maybe everyone should not have a home.
Bush 43 set spending records. So much for the “R” label.
The Federal Reserve and it’s independence from Congress. Hey it’s a bank. It’s a bank that can print money. What do banks that can print money like to do? Maybe print money? It’s not rocket science but somehow our politicians ignore the fact that the dollar has lost 93% of its value since the creation of the Fed in 1913. The Federal Reserve played a huge role in making the Great Depression longer and deeper. In the past half the time the Federal Reserve got monetary policy right and half the time wrong. One thing is certain Alan Greenspan will go down in the Hall of Shame for his 1% Fed Funds rate in the middle of the biggest housing bubble in the history of mankind. With friends like that who needs enemies?
There was a reason Andrew Jackson killed the Second Bank of the United States and reverted back to a banking system of “hard money.” The biggest one was limiting the debt the federal government could get itself into. When the federal government borrowed money it had to pay back the money to private banks. This meant immediate tax hikes or long term debt. There was no game played where the Federal Reserve issues bonds to finance the federal government, sells them to a third party and then buys them back. From 1837 to 1913 if the federal government borrowed money it paid it back or defaulted like everyone else. It was only after the private sector bail out in 1895 of the federal government that New York bankers revive the idea of a national bank. And today we are relearning the lessons Andrew Jackson learned 181 years ago about concentration of wealth and power in a single bank.
The progressives of 1913 put into place their piece of the dictatorship puzzle. FDR put his ponzi schemes in place to move toward dictatorship. Nixon and his communist price controls. Reagan and his crazy spending. It’s been a march for a hundred years now.
Jeckle Island the birth of the Federal Reserve
Some generations have done well and some have yet to be screwed royally. Everyone keeps electing the same D and R politicians and we keep getting the same D and R solutions. What is best for the people will probably never happen but they are:
1. Health Savings Accounts with catastrophic $5,000 deductibles. Simple and puts the power in the hands of consumers.
2. Personal Retirement Accounts. Let the people keep 5% of what they earn in local, state, federal or corporate AAA bonds. At least the people will know what return they are getting on their money.
3. End the Fed. God I sound like an Alex Jones nut-case. I have supported the Federal Reserve my whole life under Volcker and Greenspan but after the disastrous events that have occurred and will occur in the future I simply changed my mind. Peter Schiff, Dan Mitchell and others were right and I was wrong. The Federal Reserve simply cannot be trusted to do what is in the best interest of the people. I would support a return to “hard money” or a limited controlled Federal Reserve that is required by law to increase the monetary base at a set rate such as 3% plus or minus 1%. All other functions are delegated to different institutions.
4. Constitutional amendments further restricting the federal government from all social engineering. Social justice quickly becomes corruption. Let the states decide what is needed in the social justice arena.
There are many events that have led up to the point of insolvency and dictatorship. Hundreds and thousands. But the biggest change that has led us to this point is the change in attitude. During the Great Depression and afterwards a whole generation looked to the federal government for economic salvation. It mattered little that the results were horrible and returns meager. People began voting for politicians that could deliver more and more benefits. No one looked to the year 2019 when the bills came due. It was all fun and games for the “Greatest Generation” and they plundered their children for retirement payments and medical bills. And now the baby boomers are going to retire and the politicians have spent all the money and left an unattainable national debt. The politician’s equivalent of a lump of coal for Christmas. We get the government we deserve.
Obama Prepares Counter Insurgency against Peasants
The news for the ethnocentric narcissist has been bad for months now. The elitist probably doesn’t care in the slightest other than the white people are upset they lost their job. All those nasty Tea Party white trash peasants clogging up the streets and parks of America.
Michele and Barack are eating their Iron Chef meals while the girls attend the finest $30,000 a year economically segregated private school while the black peasants get raped and brutalized in the public schools a few feet away from the privileged Obama girls. The Federal Reserve is left holding $5.1 trillion in useless notes from payoffs to the Democratic Party thugs and Michele eagerly plans another tax payer funded party featuring the finest movie stars and the best food from Indonesia. The communist thugs won the election and they will have none of that back talk from the Tea Party peasants. So what to do? Let the peasants have health care.
Our Dear Leader, where’s the cigarette?
Yes while the peasants are starving, jobless, homeless and desperate just as in 1789 when Marie Antoinette proclaimed “Let them eat cake” and so to do our useless aristocrats in Washington proclaim “let them have health care” so they can feel good about their enlightened thinking and Harvard educations. And just as the reality of the precarious situation King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette faced in 1789 did not dawn on them so to do Michele and Barack ignore the will of the peasants as they continue their self indulgence and pursuit of Harvard politics as the nation suffers. There are some earth changing events just around the corner in 2011 and the Obama’s are oblivious to change when it is front of their face.
A so it is in March of 2010. The Federal Reserve claims 5.7% GDP growth while the US Department of Labor reports 496,000 more job losses in one week. The Obama’s and the radical left have rallied the faithful for one last push for health care reform. If it’s good or bad for the people matters little. It’s good for consolidation of power in Washington.
Joseph Stalin could not find a Doctor in 1953 because he killed the best ones. He died alone.
The elites will always be able to afford the best doctors. Stalin had access to the best doctors even in the communist days of the USSR. That was until he had a purge of doctors. So unfortunate for him the purge occurred right before he got deathly ill and needed a doctor. Bad timing. Stalin died without medical assistance suffering in pain. No doctor in the USSR dared treat the tyrant for fear of being executed if there were any complications. Stalin withered away isolated and uncared for. And so some day may our smoking president contract lung cancer. May he receive the same treatment as Stalin on his death bed.
We the people know socialized medicine doesn’t work. We see Canada, England, France and Germany. We know cost will increase and quality decline just like any government run program. In this time of high cost the government should be going in the opposite direction eliminating programs. But the progressives continue to push for reconciliation and passage. And the peasants continue to be pushed just a little bit further towards revolution and real change against the aristocrats. Keep it up Harvard graduate we got your number. 1793 er 2012 is just around the corner.
Michele and Barack are eating their Iron Chef meals while the girls attend the finest $30,000 a year economically segregated private school while the black peasants get raped and brutalized in the public schools a few feet away from the privileged Obama girls. The Federal Reserve is left holding $5.1 trillion in useless notes from payoffs to the Democratic Party thugs and Michele eagerly plans another tax payer funded party featuring the finest movie stars and the best food from Indonesia. The communist thugs won the election and they will have none of that back talk from the Tea Party peasants. So what to do? Let the peasants have health care.
Our Dear Leader, where’s the cigarette?
Yes while the peasants are starving, jobless, homeless and desperate just as in 1789 when Marie Antoinette proclaimed “Let them eat cake” and so to do our useless aristocrats in Washington proclaim “let them have health care” so they can feel good about their enlightened thinking and Harvard educations. And just as the reality of the precarious situation King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette faced in 1789 did not dawn on them so to do Michele and Barack ignore the will of the peasants as they continue their self indulgence and pursuit of Harvard politics as the nation suffers. There are some earth changing events just around the corner in 2011 and the Obama’s are oblivious to change when it is front of their face.
A so it is in March of 2010. The Federal Reserve claims 5.7% GDP growth while the US Department of Labor reports 496,000 more job losses in one week. The Obama’s and the radical left have rallied the faithful for one last push for health care reform. If it’s good or bad for the people matters little. It’s good for consolidation of power in Washington.
Joseph Stalin could not find a Doctor in 1953 because he killed the best ones. He died alone.
The elites will always be able to afford the best doctors. Stalin had access to the best doctors even in the communist days of the USSR. That was until he had a purge of doctors. So unfortunate for him the purge occurred right before he got deathly ill and needed a doctor. Bad timing. Stalin died without medical assistance suffering in pain. No doctor in the USSR dared treat the tyrant for fear of being executed if there were any complications. Stalin withered away isolated and uncared for. And so some day may our smoking president contract lung cancer. May he receive the same treatment as Stalin on his death bed.
We the people know socialized medicine doesn’t work. We see Canada, England, France and Germany. We know cost will increase and quality decline just like any government run program. In this time of high cost the government should be going in the opposite direction eliminating programs. But the progressives continue to push for reconciliation and passage. And the peasants continue to be pushed just a little bit further towards revolution and real change against the aristocrats. Keep it up Harvard graduate we got your number. 1793 er 2012 is just around the corner.
Dan Mitchell Videos on You Tube
Dan Mitchell one of the premiere economics at the CATO Institute has a web page on You Tube where his videos can be accessed for education and training proposes.
Here is the link for the You Tube site featuring Dan and other CATO scholars.
Here is a link to Dan Mitchell’s personal web site. On this site more videos can be accessed.
Here is a link to the Center for Freedom and Prosperity.
And finally here is Dan’s CATO web site.
Did I miss any Dan?
Dan Mitchell
Dan is an important figure in 21st century economics because he utilizes the media and Internet to its fullest advantage. This allows access to important economic concepts to the average citizen that otherwise would be unavailable or distorted by politicians. The more people learn about economics and the destructive consequences of government interference in the economic activities of free men the more libertarian people become. There is little need for government other than to protect property rights, defend the nation and protect society from fraud and abuse.
Here is the link for the You Tube site featuring Dan and other CATO scholars.
Here is a link to Dan Mitchell’s personal web site. On this site more videos can be accessed.
Here is a link to the Center for Freedom and Prosperity.
And finally here is Dan’s CATO web site.
Did I miss any Dan?
Dan Mitchell
Dan is an important figure in 21st century economics because he utilizes the media and Internet to its fullest advantage. This allows access to important economic concepts to the average citizen that otherwise would be unavailable or distorted by politicians. The more people learn about economics and the destructive consequences of government interference in the economic activities of free men the more libertarian people become. There is little need for government other than to protect property rights, defend the nation and protect society from fraud and abuse.
Obama comes off as a Boorish Absent Minded Professor
The health care summit came and went last Thursday (2-25-10) without a blip in the polls either way for or against health care reform. The only surprise was more people thought the Republicans won and agreed with their ideas even though Obama hogged the air time 108 minutes to 56. The Times of London proclaimed “the summit was the equivalent of a bikini mud wrestling contest. You half expected the picture to shake as the camera operator struggled to compose himself.”
Professor Obama lecturing the peasants
As I watched the Republicans refer to Obama as President Obama and Obama return with replies to the senators on a first name basis it just reminded me of what an ethnocentric narcissist this man is. Where is Barbra Boxer “don’t call me ma’am” when you need her? It was another reminder of how the press covered for this affirmative action jackass during the election and still does.
For most Americans who watch the main stream media and John Stewart it was their first exposure to Republican ideas. And generally they liked what they heard. It was a chance for Republicans to get some basic ideas out there to the Democratic rank and file that have never heard of. Things like Health Savings Accounts and across state line health insurance sales. Quit shocking to the ignorant masses no doubt. It must have been just as unsettling for the masses to see the Hugo Chavez arrogance of Obama as he blabbered on for 7 ½ hours. Just like Hugo.
It scares the hell out of me that a dictator wanna be like Obama could become president. It shows that years of indoctrination and propaganda really do work. Without the internet the dictatorship may very well have succeeded. Fortunately we live in the information age and enough of the people realized this was coming and mobilized. Obama no matter how big his ego and his office cannot govern without the consent of the people. This is not 1934 and Obama is not Hitler. Hitler had the people behind him. Obama does not. He will fall.
Professor Obama lecturing the peasants
As I watched the Republicans refer to Obama as President Obama and Obama return with replies to the senators on a first name basis it just reminded me of what an ethnocentric narcissist this man is. Where is Barbra Boxer “don’t call me ma’am” when you need her? It was another reminder of how the press covered for this affirmative action jackass during the election and still does.
For most Americans who watch the main stream media and John Stewart it was their first exposure to Republican ideas. And generally they liked what they heard. It was a chance for Republicans to get some basic ideas out there to the Democratic rank and file that have never heard of. Things like Health Savings Accounts and across state line health insurance sales. Quit shocking to the ignorant masses no doubt. It must have been just as unsettling for the masses to see the Hugo Chavez arrogance of Obama as he blabbered on for 7 ½ hours. Just like Hugo.
It scares the hell out of me that a dictator wanna be like Obama could become president. It shows that years of indoctrination and propaganda really do work. Without the internet the dictatorship may very well have succeeded. Fortunately we live in the information age and enough of the people realized this was coming and mobilized. Obama no matter how big his ego and his office cannot govern without the consent of the people. This is not 1934 and Obama is not Hitler. Hitler had the people behind him. Obama does not. He will fall.
Arnold Schwarzenegger from Libertarian to Socialist
When did Schwarzenegger change from a fun loving free sex young adult to a true supporter of state control over the people? In his early years he went AWOL from the military and refused to conform to the strict catholic upbringing of his parents. He has reminisced about his free days of working out and having sex with whoever was available. He fondly recalls remembering Richard Nixon’s 1968 speech at the Republican National convention about freedom and liberty. So what happened?
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Also in his early childhood it is clear he had little or no feeling for his family with the exception of his mother. His father was abusive and his older brother was his parents’ favorite son. Depending on which version is told he did not attend his father’s funeral or his brothers when he passed in a car accident. Detached and self consumed he sought out stardom through weight lifting and acting.
And so the actor turned governor tried to save California like a movie star would do. He proposed four amendments to the California constitution that struck at the power the unions and special interest had over the state and budget.
The first would have required unions to get permission from individual union members to use union dues for political purposes. The unions won and the measure was defeated.
The second dealt with having judges draw district lines instead of gerrymandering. It was defeated.
The third dealt with the power the governor had over the budget. Allowing line item vetoes to get rid of pork and it was defeated.
The fourth increased the probationary period for teachers from two years to five years. The teachers unions won.
Some modest attempts at reform for the bankrupt state. All defeated. And so Schwarzenegger learned his lesson. If Californians thought they were invincible to the laws of finance and gravity he would not only accommodate them but speed up the process as the state went into financial chaos.
The lesson that needs to be learned is that if by the grace of God we elect politicians like Sarah Palin, Florida District 8 contender Todd Long, Connecticut Senate contender Peter Schiff we cannot wilt under the pressure the special interest will apply to them. They cannot stand alone and take all the fire while we sit back and watch. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the strongest man in the world but he is just one man. He lost his battle for the freedom and independence of California and its citizens. Sooner or later the federal bail outs will end. Sooner or later California will be a financial basket case absorbed by the federal government and we can all take one star off the American flag. Over the next decade we need to support financially, emotionally and at the polls politicians who support freedom and liberty or we will end up with a bunch of two faced Arnold Schwarzenegger’s.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Also in his early childhood it is clear he had little or no feeling for his family with the exception of his mother. His father was abusive and his older brother was his parents’ favorite son. Depending on which version is told he did not attend his father’s funeral or his brothers when he passed in a car accident. Detached and self consumed he sought out stardom through weight lifting and acting.
And so the actor turned governor tried to save California like a movie star would do. He proposed four amendments to the California constitution that struck at the power the unions and special interest had over the state and budget.
The first would have required unions to get permission from individual union members to use union dues for political purposes. The unions won and the measure was defeated.
The second dealt with having judges draw district lines instead of gerrymandering. It was defeated.
The third dealt with the power the governor had over the budget. Allowing line item vetoes to get rid of pork and it was defeated.
The fourth increased the probationary period for teachers from two years to five years. The teachers unions won.
Some modest attempts at reform for the bankrupt state. All defeated. And so Schwarzenegger learned his lesson. If Californians thought they were invincible to the laws of finance and gravity he would not only accommodate them but speed up the process as the state went into financial chaos.
The lesson that needs to be learned is that if by the grace of God we elect politicians like Sarah Palin, Florida District 8 contender Todd Long, Connecticut Senate contender Peter Schiff we cannot wilt under the pressure the special interest will apply to them. They cannot stand alone and take all the fire while we sit back and watch. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the strongest man in the world but he is just one man. He lost his battle for the freedom and independence of California and its citizens. Sooner or later the federal bail outs will end. Sooner or later California will be a financial basket case absorbed by the federal government and we can all take one star off the American flag. Over the next decade we need to support financially, emotionally and at the polls politicians who support freedom and liberty or we will end up with a bunch of two faced Arnold Schwarzenegger’s.
Nihilist at NYTimes Type Casting the Tea Party
Well the Massachusetts massacre finally got the attention of the New York Times elites. The bankrupt rag full of nihilist on the far left has written a hit piece trying to type cast Tea Party members. The white peasants seem to be in revolt and now its time for the Wall Street intellectuals with their upper Manhattan apartments to put down the peasants. How dare those white people organize! They must be racist!
New York Times Picture of Tea Party Protesters
So here is some of the type casting that has been attributed to Tea Party members. Pam Stout worries about hyper inflation and social unrest. She is reported to be a member of the John Birch Society and Oath Keepers. The rest of the Tea Party participants are similarly labeled as extremist and nut jobs. Well let’s look at the charges the NYTimes lays out there and see if they are extremist.
Well according to the Federal Reserve the monetary base has increased 154% in the last couple of years. Total Reserves have gone up 2,400% since 2008. Now I may be a stupid economist but it seems like there is an awful lot of cash sloshing around the Federal Reserve, Wall Street and banks. I look at that MZM number and see a 16.2% increase since 2008 and just scratch my stupid head and wonder what we have in store down the road when the curtain is pulled back and the world financial system is exposed to the forces of gravity. But then again I am just a stupid guy with a master in the subject.
Social Unrest.
Probably the stupidest charge the NYTimes could write about. Where were they on 9-12-09? Does a million people standing outside Capitol Hill maybe sound like social unrest? I may be a stupid bumpkin but if I saw a million people outside my place of work I would certainly take notice of the “social unrest” that was occurring outside my door. Are these elitist for real? Are they stupid or do they just pretend to be?
Martial Law.
It’s a possibility. One of many. Should we be prepared for it? Well yes just like we should be prepared for a hurricane or tornado. I don’t know but when I see millions of people marching in opposition to my federal government I certainly take notice. With the right fuel a fire could start. But then again I am not educated in those fine northern schools of Nihilism like Harvard and Yale.
John Birch Society.
According to it’s web site the organization has a “strong belief in personal freedom and limited government, plus a sense of duty” and is anti communist and socialist. The Birch Society opposed aspects of the civil rights movement citing communist infiltration into these movements which in later years was confirmed by none other than J. Edgar Hoover. Opps. They also oppose globalism and unfortunately free trade agreements. I would not choose to be a member of this group because of their opposition to free trade but they have a right to recruit whoever they want and say what they want. Who in the hell gave the NYTimes and other nihilist the right to marginalize them?
Oath Keepers.
Oath Keepers recruits law enforcement officers and has them pledge not to infringe upon the constitutional rights of citizens. Rights like the Second Amendment that allows citizens to keep and bear arms. Follow the Constitution? Sound real radical to me, not! Oh the elite nihilist must be in a tizzy seeing all them white police officers deciding to protect and serve the people and not the state. Gosh I almost feel sorry for them.
“These people (Pam Stout and others listed above) are part of a significant undercurrent within the Tea Party movement that has less in common with the Republican Party than with the Patriot movement, a brand of politics historically associated with libertarians, militia groups, anti-immigration advocates and those who argue for the abolition of the Federal Reserve.”
Libertarians? Oh gosh! People who believe in freedom and liberty? Oh dear me! I always knew I was a radical. Wouldn’t want the peasants to think they are free. If we could all just worship the atheist in NY City and keep our televisions glued to Keith Olbermann we would be much better subjects of the Washington New York aristocracy. Oh the indignity of the NYTimes having to waste fine print and paper on the squalid masses of ignorant white peasants polluting the country side of America. Certainly it’s past time for them to shut up and sit down!
First militia groups helped win the revolutionary war. Historically militia groups were the guys who protected the village from thieves and bandits. These guys also protected the women from rape and the children from the humiliation of watching. Today we have a police force but as any cop will tell you they cant be everywhere and when the gang bangers enter your home you will be the first responder. If there is a riot in your neighborhood you will be the first responder. If the Jews had formed militias in the 1930’s they would have still died but they would have sent a lot of Nazis to their grave first. Has anyone ever wondered why there has not been another Waco slaughter of innocent women and children? It certainly wasn’t because of the federal government’s good heart.
Anti-immigration groups.
Multiculturalism is the biggest lie ever perpetrated by the government excluding Social Security and war. Sorry if that doesn’t make me mainstream but facts are facts. Multicultural societies eventually break up or worse have civil wars. Anyone remember the USSR? I know that was centuries ago but they were multi cultural. How did that work out for them? Czechoslovakia? Yugoslavia? How’s that diversity thing working out in England? Demark? The cold hard facts are people are happiest when they are surrounded by people like them. Races are not equal in intelligence, athletic abilities, crime rates or much of anything. We are different. Mexico has their own country. It’s called Mexico. If they want to change their country they can vote just like us white folks do in America. Good fences make good neighbors. It’s past time we stopped being the caretaker of illegal immigrants.
“In this view, Mr. Obama and many of his predecessors (including George W. Bush) have deliberately undermined the Constitution and free enterprise for the benefit of a shadowy international network of wealthy elites.”
Well the Patriot Act comes to mind. Didn’t see that in the Constitution. George Soros. Global Warming. Alan Greenspan’s sabotage of the economy with his 1% Fed Funds rate. Alan the same guy who saw the NASDAQ bubble and warned about “irrational exuberance” and saw the Savings and Loan bubble and jacked up interest rates to 9% when that was happening. Or maybe that $4 a gallon gas right before the election of 2008 that collapsed the economy that was already sliding. You think China had anything to do with that? Golly gee it’s all just so confusing us stupid white folks can’t figure it out. We need those smart nihilists in New York to help us here in the fly over states.
And so the article goes on to discredit the Tea Party movement. What the elitist in New York don’t understand is that we white folks built this nation and we can damn sure tear it down. Washington, Wall Street, New York and the Federal Reserve were given the trust and duty to protect the nation from corruption, inflation and collapse. They failed and now its time for the people to get a little payback. America was founded as a white Christian nation with freedom and justice for all. Sorry if the Mexicans, Asians, Negros, Arabs and Jews don’t approve of that but that’s just the way it is. We don’t buy into fascism, socialism, communism, nihilism, progressive secularism or any of that elitist crap disguised to hide the dictatorship. We can read the numbers. We know the federal government is now 25% of the GDP. We can see the deficits and the coming collapse. What needs to happen is a whole lot of politicians need to get the hell out of the way and let the white folks restore this country to where it was when it was founded. We founded this damn country and we can take it back. This little game is just beginning.
New York Times Picture of Tea Party Protesters
So here is some of the type casting that has been attributed to Tea Party members. Pam Stout worries about hyper inflation and social unrest. She is reported to be a member of the John Birch Society and Oath Keepers. The rest of the Tea Party participants are similarly labeled as extremist and nut jobs. Well let’s look at the charges the NYTimes lays out there and see if they are extremist.
Well according to the Federal Reserve the monetary base has increased 154% in the last couple of years. Total Reserves have gone up 2,400% since 2008. Now I may be a stupid economist but it seems like there is an awful lot of cash sloshing around the Federal Reserve, Wall Street and banks. I look at that MZM number and see a 16.2% increase since 2008 and just scratch my stupid head and wonder what we have in store down the road when the curtain is pulled back and the world financial system is exposed to the forces of gravity. But then again I am just a stupid guy with a master in the subject.
Social Unrest.
Probably the stupidest charge the NYTimes could write about. Where were they on 9-12-09? Does a million people standing outside Capitol Hill maybe sound like social unrest? I may be a stupid bumpkin but if I saw a million people outside my place of work I would certainly take notice of the “social unrest” that was occurring outside my door. Are these elitist for real? Are they stupid or do they just pretend to be?
Martial Law.
It’s a possibility. One of many. Should we be prepared for it? Well yes just like we should be prepared for a hurricane or tornado. I don’t know but when I see millions of people marching in opposition to my federal government I certainly take notice. With the right fuel a fire could start. But then again I am not educated in those fine northern schools of Nihilism like Harvard and Yale.
John Birch Society.
According to it’s web site the organization has a “strong belief in personal freedom and limited government, plus a sense of duty” and is anti communist and socialist. The Birch Society opposed aspects of the civil rights movement citing communist infiltration into these movements which in later years was confirmed by none other than J. Edgar Hoover. Opps. They also oppose globalism and unfortunately free trade agreements. I would not choose to be a member of this group because of their opposition to free trade but they have a right to recruit whoever they want and say what they want. Who in the hell gave the NYTimes and other nihilist the right to marginalize them?
Oath Keepers.
Oath Keepers recruits law enforcement officers and has them pledge not to infringe upon the constitutional rights of citizens. Rights like the Second Amendment that allows citizens to keep and bear arms. Follow the Constitution? Sound real radical to me, not! Oh the elite nihilist must be in a tizzy seeing all them white police officers deciding to protect and serve the people and not the state. Gosh I almost feel sorry for them.
“These people (Pam Stout and others listed above) are part of a significant undercurrent within the Tea Party movement that has less in common with the Republican Party than with the Patriot movement, a brand of politics historically associated with libertarians, militia groups, anti-immigration advocates and those who argue for the abolition of the Federal Reserve.”
Libertarians? Oh gosh! People who believe in freedom and liberty? Oh dear me! I always knew I was a radical. Wouldn’t want the peasants to think they are free. If we could all just worship the atheist in NY City and keep our televisions glued to Keith Olbermann we would be much better subjects of the Washington New York aristocracy. Oh the indignity of the NYTimes having to waste fine print and paper on the squalid masses of ignorant white peasants polluting the country side of America. Certainly it’s past time for them to shut up and sit down!
First militia groups helped win the revolutionary war. Historically militia groups were the guys who protected the village from thieves and bandits. These guys also protected the women from rape and the children from the humiliation of watching. Today we have a police force but as any cop will tell you they cant be everywhere and when the gang bangers enter your home you will be the first responder. If there is a riot in your neighborhood you will be the first responder. If the Jews had formed militias in the 1930’s they would have still died but they would have sent a lot of Nazis to their grave first. Has anyone ever wondered why there has not been another Waco slaughter of innocent women and children? It certainly wasn’t because of the federal government’s good heart.
Anti-immigration groups.
Multiculturalism is the biggest lie ever perpetrated by the government excluding Social Security and war. Sorry if that doesn’t make me mainstream but facts are facts. Multicultural societies eventually break up or worse have civil wars. Anyone remember the USSR? I know that was centuries ago but they were multi cultural. How did that work out for them? Czechoslovakia? Yugoslavia? How’s that diversity thing working out in England? Demark? The cold hard facts are people are happiest when they are surrounded by people like them. Races are not equal in intelligence, athletic abilities, crime rates or much of anything. We are different. Mexico has their own country. It’s called Mexico. If they want to change their country they can vote just like us white folks do in America. Good fences make good neighbors. It’s past time we stopped being the caretaker of illegal immigrants.
“In this view, Mr. Obama and many of his predecessors (including George W. Bush) have deliberately undermined the Constitution and free enterprise for the benefit of a shadowy international network of wealthy elites.”
Well the Patriot Act comes to mind. Didn’t see that in the Constitution. George Soros. Global Warming. Alan Greenspan’s sabotage of the economy with his 1% Fed Funds rate. Alan the same guy who saw the NASDAQ bubble and warned about “irrational exuberance” and saw the Savings and Loan bubble and jacked up interest rates to 9% when that was happening. Or maybe that $4 a gallon gas right before the election of 2008 that collapsed the economy that was already sliding. You think China had anything to do with that? Golly gee it’s all just so confusing us stupid white folks can’t figure it out. We need those smart nihilists in New York to help us here in the fly over states.
And so the article goes on to discredit the Tea Party movement. What the elitist in New York don’t understand is that we white folks built this nation and we can damn sure tear it down. Washington, Wall Street, New York and the Federal Reserve were given the trust and duty to protect the nation from corruption, inflation and collapse. They failed and now its time for the people to get a little payback. America was founded as a white Christian nation with freedom and justice for all. Sorry if the Mexicans, Asians, Negros, Arabs and Jews don’t approve of that but that’s just the way it is. We don’t buy into fascism, socialism, communism, nihilism, progressive secularism or any of that elitist crap disguised to hide the dictatorship. We can read the numbers. We know the federal government is now 25% of the GDP. We can see the deficits and the coming collapse. What needs to happen is a whole lot of politicians need to get the hell out of the way and let the white folks restore this country to where it was when it was founded. We founded this damn country and we can take it back. This little game is just beginning.
Orlando Tea Party Straw Poll
Local politicians from Orange and Seminole County gathered last Saturday (2-13-10) for three minutes of speaking time and a table for a reported $200 each. The event had a couple of surprises but mostly politicians meeting and greeting the hard core political activist peasants. This is one of those times the average guy doesn’t have to shell out $75 to $250 to meet their local leaders.
The biggest surprise was Sandy Adams upset of Karen Diebel in the Florida Congressional District 24 race. Diebel has out raised Adams in contributions 2 to 1. The last report on Open Secrets had Diebel with $213,000 and Adams with $114,000. Both well below Democratic incumbent Susanne Kosmas $1.1 million. Diebel reported her contributions were up to $300,000. Still Sandy won with 31% to Diebel’s 28%.
Florida Congressional D24 Republican Candidate Sandy Adams
One thing I have notice talking to the two of them is Adams comes across as genuine. Diebel comes across as a Winter Park aristocrat. Like she really thinks she is smarter than us peons, maybe most but not all Mrs. Diebel. She is a politician and is vague on hard issues like Social Security reform and Medicare. District 8 candidate Todd Long wrote a book on his positions. Karen gives out one paragraph blurbs on her web site like “The Democrats in Congress continue to punish innovators and entrepreneurs. As a businesswoman, Karen Diebel has created hundreds of jobs for Floridians. She knows first hand what it takes to create growth and improve small businesses. Karen Diebel will protect those who create jobs by fighting burdensome government regulations and overbearing taxes. As your Congresswoman, Karen Diebel will support those who create jobs – not punish them.” Well hell Karen what exactly does that mean? Fair Tax? Cutting corporate taxes? Privatizing Social Security? Cutting capital gains taxes? Who knows? The aristocrat from Winter Park is the only one who knows. I sure don’t.
D24 candidate Karen Diebel enjoying political talk
I don’t like Sandy Adams politics especially her support of Sun Rail but she comes across as genuine and with no hidden agenda. She is not as flashy or as well heeled as Diebel but seems to say what she means and means what she says. She puts people at ease and is plain spoken. Her web site is a little more specific but not much “The marriage penalty should be eliminated entirely and we need to stop penalizing small businesses that want to keep their business in the family by removing the death tax. We need a simpler tax code that every American can understand.” Hey it’s a start. I would rather deal with a politician that maybe I am not 100% with but know where she stands on issues and doesn’t cater to an elite clientèle. Apparently more than a few peasants at the straw poll agreed with me. Personally I hope Jim Foster (11%) can give the two ladies a run for their money but as of now he has not filed a financial report.
Another shocker in Congressional District 8 was Patricia Sullivan’s surprising second place finish. Local favorite and strong grass roots organizer Todd Long squeaked out a 30% to 29% victory. After listening to Sullivan speak I figured it out. This lady may look average but she has charisma pouring out of her in abundance. She was easily one of the top three speakers of the day. This took me off guard and I had to do a double take to see if this was the same lady I was talking to maybe 30 minutes ago. I was impressed. Her campaign contributions to date are $13,000 well behind Republican challenger Gutierrez $300,000 and Democrat incumbent Grayson’s $2.3 million. Sullivan probably will not make it out of the Republican Primary but she is definitely an up and comer.
The Surprising D8 Candidate Patricia Sullivan
Todd Long won the straw poll as expected. He is the favorite candidate in District 8. The peasants, Tea Party activist and Libertarians love him because he is a federalist. He believes social engineering (that would include Social Security and Medicare) should be done at the state level. His grass roots organizational skills are phenomenal. Surprisingly he has not filled out a campaign contribution report at this time according to Open Secrets. In his 2008 Republican Primary he spent $250,000 of his own money in his race against Ric Keller. Something tells me his better half told him to lay off the personal funds and do more organizing. Just a guess. He is the type of candidate that can go head on with Grayson and win. “Kick Grayson ass” would be the campaign slogan I would choose but somehow I don’t think that will happen.
Florida House District 33 Candidate Franklin Perez
The best Libertarian showing was Franklin Perez’s surprising second place finish in Florida House District 33 race with 25% to Jay Brodeur’s 31%. Alex Snitker also finished second in the US Senate race with 22% to Marco Rubio’s 67%.
Franklin was a last minute entry into the event when another candidate dropped out. Franklin took advantage of his opportunity and made the most of it. The surprising results resulted in this celebratory e-mail “PRESS RELEASE: Libertarian Candidate for Florida State House (District 33) Franklin Perez Gets SECOND Place Finish in 2/13/2010 Orlando City Hall Tea Party Event Straw Poll! Gives Thanks to Those Who Voted for Him! Celebrates at Rachel’s Adult Entertainment Establishment in Casselberry! After the event, James Coakley and I decided to celebrate by going to Rachel’s Adult Entertainment Establishment in Casselberry and see beautiful ladies dance semi-nude! Again, thanks SO MUCH for those that have supported me! Sincerely, Franklin Perez (Libertarian) Florida State House Candidate (District 33) – Year 2010. Libertarian and Independent! Not Beholden to Party Politics! http://www.fperez1776.com.”
When was the last time a politician went to a strip bar to celebrate and then e-mailed the press to brag about it? Usually it’s the press busting the politician for going to strip clubs but not with Franklin. He is one politician that you can be 100% sure says what he means and means what he says. Rachel’s should give Franklin some comps next time he is there.
And the 2010 election season progresses. The only regret I have at these events is that more people don’t take the time to meet the politicians they gripe about all the time. When you meet these people in person they really do surprise and telegraph what they are about. The As a Mom website is planning to feature an outline on how the Tea Party members can organize into voting blocks for the primaries to get constitutional candidates into the general election. Probably something very similar if not the same rules I wrote about on this web site. Let’s all get organized for the primaries where we can make a difference.
The official results are as follow:
REP Paula Dockery 179 45.4%
REP Bill McCollum 139 35.3%
LIB John Wayne Smith 56 14.2%
REP Tim Devine 4 1.0%
DEM Anthony Knox Sr. 3 0.8%
IDP Peter Allen 2 0.5%
NPA Herman Giger 2 0.5%
REP Ed Heeney 2 0.5%
NPA C.C. Reed 2 0.5%
DEM Alex Sink 2 0.5%
REP James Van Driessche 2 0.5%
NPA Lesther Trujillo 1 0.3%
REP Marco Rubio 277 66.6%
LIB Alex Snitker 90 21.6%
REP Charlie Crist 17 4.1%
REP Bernie DeCastro 9 2.2%
NPA Bobbie Bean 4 1.0%
REP Gwyn McClellan 3 0.7%
TEA Jorge Lovenguth 2 0.5%
DEM Chuch Lynch 2 0.5%
REP Robert smith 2 0.5%
NPA Lewis Armstrong 1 0.2%
DEM Tryone Brown Sr. 1 0.2%
DEM Kevin Burns 1 0.2%
REP Bob Coggins 1 0.2%
DEM Raphael Herman 1 0.2%
REP Thomas Mangum 1 0.2%
DEM Kendrick Meek 1 0.2%
DEM Belinda Noah 1 0.2%
DEM Lawrence Penpek 1 0.2%
REP Shawn Teeters 1 0.2%
REP Sandy Adams 112 30.8%
REP Karen Diebel 103 28.3%
REP Jim Foster 39 10.7%
REP Deon Long 31 8.5%
REP Edward Dedelow 24 6.6%
REP Tom Garcia 20 5.5%
REP James Heinzelman, Sr. 16 4.4%
NPA Larry Sinclair 15 4.1%
REP Jason Davis 2 0.5%
GRE Nicholas Ruiz III 2 0.5%
REP Todd Long 119 29.9%
REP Patricia Sullivan 114 28.6%
REP Dan Fanelli 57 14.3%
REP Ken Miller 49 12.3%
REP Kurt Kelly 35 8.8%
REP Peg Dunmire 12 3.0%
NPA Thomas Gregory 5 1.3%
DEM Alan Grayson 3 0.8%
REP Armando Gutierrez 2 0.5%
REP William Collins IV 1 0.3%
DEM Jim Holcomb 1 0.3%
REP Pam Bondi 230 70.8%
REP Jim Lewis 46 14.2%
REP Jeff Kottkamp 30 9.2%
REP Holly Benson 15 4.6%
DEM Dave Aronberg 2 0.6%
DEM Dan Gelber 2 0.6%
Matthew Falconer 242 73.3%
Mildred Fernandez 27 8.2%
Teresa Jacobs 24 7.3%
Bill Segal 18 5.5%
Linda Stewart 11 3.3%
Tim Adams 7 2.1%
Vienna Avaleres 1 0.3%
REP Adam Putnam 141 46.8%
REP Carey Baker 131 43.5%
REP James Harlin Carter 12 4.0%
DEM Scott Maddox 8 2.7%
DEM Randy Hatch 4 1.3%
DEM Thaddeus Hamilton 3 1.0%
DEM Rick Minton, Jr. 2 0.7%
REP Jason Brodeur 86 31.3%
LIB Franklin Perez 69 25.1%
REP Scott Bland 45 16.4%
REP Alice Sterling 45 16.4%
REP James DeCocq 23 8.4%
DEM Leo Cruz 7 2.5%
REP Chris Dorworth 116 87.9%
DEM Steven Barnes 16 12.1%
REP Dean Cannon 124 87.9%
DEM Amy Mercado 17 12.1%
REP Craig McCarthy 118 93.7%
DEM Scott Randolph 8 6.3%
REP Eric Eisnaugle 126 90.0%
DEM Todd Christian 8 5.7%
DEM Rhonda Doyle 6 4.3%
REP Stephen Precourt 218 74.4%
REP Kevin Butler 63 21.5%
DEM Lee Douglas 12 4.1%
Jennifer Thompson 39 39.8%
Peter Clarke 21 21.4%
Lydia Pisano 14 14.3%
H. James Herborn III 11 11.2%
Kenneth Zook 8 8.2%
Mayra Uribe 5 5.1%
The biggest surprise was Sandy Adams upset of Karen Diebel in the Florida Congressional District 24 race. Diebel has out raised Adams in contributions 2 to 1. The last report on Open Secrets had Diebel with $213,000 and Adams with $114,000. Both well below Democratic incumbent Susanne Kosmas $1.1 million. Diebel reported her contributions were up to $300,000. Still Sandy won with 31% to Diebel’s 28%.
Florida Congressional D24 Republican Candidate Sandy Adams
One thing I have notice talking to the two of them is Adams comes across as genuine. Diebel comes across as a Winter Park aristocrat. Like she really thinks she is smarter than us peons, maybe most but not all Mrs. Diebel. She is a politician and is vague on hard issues like Social Security reform and Medicare. District 8 candidate Todd Long wrote a book on his positions. Karen gives out one paragraph blurbs on her web site like “The Democrats in Congress continue to punish innovators and entrepreneurs. As a businesswoman, Karen Diebel has created hundreds of jobs for Floridians. She knows first hand what it takes to create growth and improve small businesses. Karen Diebel will protect those who create jobs by fighting burdensome government regulations and overbearing taxes. As your Congresswoman, Karen Diebel will support those who create jobs – not punish them.” Well hell Karen what exactly does that mean? Fair Tax? Cutting corporate taxes? Privatizing Social Security? Cutting capital gains taxes? Who knows? The aristocrat from Winter Park is the only one who knows. I sure don’t.
D24 candidate Karen Diebel enjoying political talk
I don’t like Sandy Adams politics especially her support of Sun Rail but she comes across as genuine and with no hidden agenda. She is not as flashy or as well heeled as Diebel but seems to say what she means and means what she says. She puts people at ease and is plain spoken. Her web site is a little more specific but not much “The marriage penalty should be eliminated entirely and we need to stop penalizing small businesses that want to keep their business in the family by removing the death tax. We need a simpler tax code that every American can understand.” Hey it’s a start. I would rather deal with a politician that maybe I am not 100% with but know where she stands on issues and doesn’t cater to an elite clientèle. Apparently more than a few peasants at the straw poll agreed with me. Personally I hope Jim Foster (11%) can give the two ladies a run for their money but as of now he has not filed a financial report.
Another shocker in Congressional District 8 was Patricia Sullivan’s surprising second place finish. Local favorite and strong grass roots organizer Todd Long squeaked out a 30% to 29% victory. After listening to Sullivan speak I figured it out. This lady may look average but she has charisma pouring out of her in abundance. She was easily one of the top three speakers of the day. This took me off guard and I had to do a double take to see if this was the same lady I was talking to maybe 30 minutes ago. I was impressed. Her campaign contributions to date are $13,000 well behind Republican challenger Gutierrez $300,000 and Democrat incumbent Grayson’s $2.3 million. Sullivan probably will not make it out of the Republican Primary but she is definitely an up and comer.
The Surprising D8 Candidate Patricia Sullivan
Todd Long won the straw poll as expected. He is the favorite candidate in District 8. The peasants, Tea Party activist and Libertarians love him because he is a federalist. He believes social engineering (that would include Social Security and Medicare) should be done at the state level. His grass roots organizational skills are phenomenal. Surprisingly he has not filled out a campaign contribution report at this time according to Open Secrets. In his 2008 Republican Primary he spent $250,000 of his own money in his race against Ric Keller. Something tells me his better half told him to lay off the personal funds and do more organizing. Just a guess. He is the type of candidate that can go head on with Grayson and win. “Kick Grayson ass” would be the campaign slogan I would choose but somehow I don’t think that will happen.
Florida House District 33 Candidate Franklin Perez
The best Libertarian showing was Franklin Perez’s surprising second place finish in Florida House District 33 race with 25% to Jay Brodeur’s 31%. Alex Snitker also finished second in the US Senate race with 22% to Marco Rubio’s 67%.
Franklin was a last minute entry into the event when another candidate dropped out. Franklin took advantage of his opportunity and made the most of it. The surprising results resulted in this celebratory e-mail “PRESS RELEASE: Libertarian Candidate for Florida State House (District 33) Franklin Perez Gets SECOND Place Finish in 2/13/2010 Orlando City Hall Tea Party Event Straw Poll! Gives Thanks to Those Who Voted for Him! Celebrates at Rachel’s Adult Entertainment Establishment in Casselberry! After the event, James Coakley and I decided to celebrate by going to Rachel’s Adult Entertainment Establishment in Casselberry and see beautiful ladies dance semi-nude! Again, thanks SO MUCH for those that have supported me! Sincerely, Franklin Perez (Libertarian) Florida State House Candidate (District 33) – Year 2010. Libertarian and Independent! Not Beholden to Party Politics! http://www.fperez1776.com.”
When was the last time a politician went to a strip bar to celebrate and then e-mailed the press to brag about it? Usually it’s the press busting the politician for going to strip clubs but not with Franklin. He is one politician that you can be 100% sure says what he means and means what he says. Rachel’s should give Franklin some comps next time he is there.
And the 2010 election season progresses. The only regret I have at these events is that more people don’t take the time to meet the politicians they gripe about all the time. When you meet these people in person they really do surprise and telegraph what they are about. The As a Mom website is planning to feature an outline on how the Tea Party members can organize into voting blocks for the primaries to get constitutional candidates into the general election. Probably something very similar if not the same rules I wrote about on this web site. Let’s all get organized for the primaries where we can make a difference.
The official results are as follow:
REP Paula Dockery 179 45.4%
REP Bill McCollum 139 35.3%
LIB John Wayne Smith 56 14.2%
REP Tim Devine 4 1.0%
DEM Anthony Knox Sr. 3 0.8%
IDP Peter Allen 2 0.5%
NPA Herman Giger 2 0.5%
REP Ed Heeney 2 0.5%
NPA C.C. Reed 2 0.5%
DEM Alex Sink 2 0.5%
REP James Van Driessche 2 0.5%
NPA Lesther Trujillo 1 0.3%
REP Marco Rubio 277 66.6%
LIB Alex Snitker 90 21.6%
REP Charlie Crist 17 4.1%
REP Bernie DeCastro 9 2.2%
NPA Bobbie Bean 4 1.0%
REP Gwyn McClellan 3 0.7%
TEA Jorge Lovenguth 2 0.5%
DEM Chuch Lynch 2 0.5%
REP Robert smith 2 0.5%
NPA Lewis Armstrong 1 0.2%
DEM Tryone Brown Sr. 1 0.2%
DEM Kevin Burns 1 0.2%
REP Bob Coggins 1 0.2%
DEM Raphael Herman 1 0.2%
REP Thomas Mangum 1 0.2%
DEM Kendrick Meek 1 0.2%
DEM Belinda Noah 1 0.2%
DEM Lawrence Penpek 1 0.2%
REP Shawn Teeters 1 0.2%
REP Sandy Adams 112 30.8%
REP Karen Diebel 103 28.3%
REP Jim Foster 39 10.7%
REP Deon Long 31 8.5%
REP Edward Dedelow 24 6.6%
REP Tom Garcia 20 5.5%
REP James Heinzelman, Sr. 16 4.4%
NPA Larry Sinclair 15 4.1%
REP Jason Davis 2 0.5%
GRE Nicholas Ruiz III 2 0.5%
REP Todd Long 119 29.9%
REP Patricia Sullivan 114 28.6%
REP Dan Fanelli 57 14.3%
REP Ken Miller 49 12.3%
REP Kurt Kelly 35 8.8%
REP Peg Dunmire 12 3.0%
NPA Thomas Gregory 5 1.3%
DEM Alan Grayson 3 0.8%
REP Armando Gutierrez 2 0.5%
REP William Collins IV 1 0.3%
DEM Jim Holcomb 1 0.3%
REP Pam Bondi 230 70.8%
REP Jim Lewis 46 14.2%
REP Jeff Kottkamp 30 9.2%
REP Holly Benson 15 4.6%
DEM Dave Aronberg 2 0.6%
DEM Dan Gelber 2 0.6%
Matthew Falconer 242 73.3%
Mildred Fernandez 27 8.2%
Teresa Jacobs 24 7.3%
Bill Segal 18 5.5%
Linda Stewart 11 3.3%
Tim Adams 7 2.1%
Vienna Avaleres 1 0.3%
REP Adam Putnam 141 46.8%
REP Carey Baker 131 43.5%
REP James Harlin Carter 12 4.0%
DEM Scott Maddox 8 2.7%
DEM Randy Hatch 4 1.3%
DEM Thaddeus Hamilton 3 1.0%
DEM Rick Minton, Jr. 2 0.7%
REP Jason Brodeur 86 31.3%
LIB Franklin Perez 69 25.1%
REP Scott Bland 45 16.4%
REP Alice Sterling 45 16.4%
REP James DeCocq 23 8.4%
DEM Leo Cruz 7 2.5%
REP Chris Dorworth 116 87.9%
DEM Steven Barnes 16 12.1%
REP Dean Cannon 124 87.9%
DEM Amy Mercado 17 12.1%
REP Craig McCarthy 118 93.7%
DEM Scott Randolph 8 6.3%
REP Eric Eisnaugle 126 90.0%
DEM Todd Christian 8 5.7%
DEM Rhonda Doyle 6 4.3%
REP Stephen Precourt 218 74.4%
REP Kevin Butler 63 21.5%
DEM Lee Douglas 12 4.1%
Jennifer Thompson 39 39.8%
Peter Clarke 21 21.4%
Lydia Pisano 14 14.3%
H. James Herborn III 11 11.2%
Kenneth Zook 8 8.2%
Mayra Uribe 5 5.1%
Tea Party Strategy for Victory
After the Massachusetts victory the Tea Party has gotten a lot of attention. Locally infiltration and threatening lawsuits have occurred. Nationally the state organizations are splitting off into different directions. California is running several candidates including Clayton Thibodeau who is running for Mary Bono-Mack’s 45th Congressional District seat, California State Assemblyman Chuck DeVore who is running for Barbara Boxer’s U.S. Senate seat, Lt. Colonel Ken Dickson (USAF Ret.) who is running for termed-out Dennis Hollingsworth’s California State Senate seat and Lydia Gutierrez who is running for California State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Here locally Cheryl of OTown (Orlando) is adamantly opposed to third parties. It’s fractionalized as it should be.
Tea Party Protest 9-12-09
Every situation is different. In California there is no Republican Party. If the best the Republican Party can do is Carly Fiorina for Barbra Boxers senate seat I will vote for Tea Party candidate Chuck DeVore every time. Because of the boldness of the California Tea Party they have a real shot at replacing the Republican Party, with some time and money, as the conservative party of California.
Here in Florida we have a strong Republican Party that has been in control of state legislatures since Reagan. The problem is often times they don’t act like Republicans but even at their worst they are light years ahead of California’s progressive left politicians.
Eventually as the Tea Party gains strength they will form a national leadership and field candidates on a regular basis. What will precipitate this movement to the right is the horrible financial situation the United States is in. The house of cards will fall sooner or later. When the collapse comes there will be enough people who see clearly to topple the Republican Party on the right. On the left they will have to take care of their own. I can say one thing 2008 was the zenith of the Democratic Party. The only thing left for that party to do is consolidate the dictatorship and that ain’t happening. This is not Cuba or Venezuela. Too many informed people with money to fight back. Sorry Obots you will lose. Peacefully or violently. Your choice.
Republican Carly Fiorina
So what should the Tea Party do to become VERY effective? Simple follow the example of the NRA. Get organized at a local level into voting groups. Start e-mail list and delegate people to concentrate on specific local and state races. Everyone should know what district they are in. Find out about the PRIMARY candidates. Look at both the Democratic and Republican candidates and choose one from each party that you want to:
1. Win the general election.
2. Win the primary but lose the general election if that party has no acceptable candidate.
3. If both are good support your favorite in the primary and general. Doubt that will happen often.
The most effective use of the Tea Party vote would be as a voting BLOCK in the PRIMARIES to push for the candidate of choice. Same strategy the NRA uses very effectively. Both to get your guy in and to get the WEAKEST opponent for him in the general election. This means switching party affiliation on a dime.
My personal favorite in the Republican Primary is Todd Long. Why? He’s a federalist. Return the social engineering back to the states and local government. That’s all I need to know. So the strategy is simple.
Plan A. My guy is in a tight primary.
1. Follow the polls closely as primary day approaches. What is his lead? Comfortable or to close to call. If it’s to close to call I organize the Tea Party voters to get their butts out there and vote for him.
2. His opponent is Alan Grayson. Alan will win his primary easily if there is one. So I don’t waste time switching party affiliation.
Plan B. My guy is a shoe in to win. My guy is leading by 20 or 30 points. His opposition is disorganized and splitting the remaining vote. There is no candidate among the other contestants that can match his name recognition and they lack the resources to make a last minute media appeal. I get dirty.
Daisy W. Lynum the perfect polarizing candidate
Daisy W. Lynum the perfect polarizing candidate
I tell the members of the Tea Party to switch party affiliation to democrat. Research the candidates and fine the weakest most polarizing candidate on the list and vote for him. Democrats have been doing this to Republicans for years.
Candidates that attract voting blocks based on race or ethnicity are best. Someone like Orlando City Councilwoman Daisy Lynum who would get maybe 30% of the vote in a general county wide election. She will attract enough of a voting block from her base to make the Tea Party vote that much more effective and push her to a primary victory. That is the type of candidate the Tea Party should be looking at to set up their favorite candidate in the general election.
The NRA raises all kinds of cash and votes as a block. It is a one issue organization. They don’t care if you are a Republican or Democrat. If you don’t support the Second Amendment they work against you. This is the mentality the Tea Party needs to adopt when they are not running a candidate. Vote as a block and set your candidate up for victory.
Plan C. There is not Republican or Democrat that is acceptable. Both are bad. John McCain and Barrack Obama. You get the idea. Run a candidate. Maybe you will win but most likely you will take votes from the Republican. So be it. Maybe next time they will field a candidate more to your liking. Make a statement and don’t be scared.
Eventually the two party system will end. The Tea Party needs to stay involved and disciplined. Don’t ignore the small stuff. Just because the congressional and senate races are more glamorous don’t ignore the local councilmen and state house races. The State of Florida spends the same money the federal government does. Find out about the candidates in these primaries and make sure everyone knows who the favorites are.
Finally organize, organize and organize. Find out who you have and where they vote. The more organized you are the better your chances. Delegate. Use state house districts and designate a leader to look at the local candidates. The more you delegate the more time you have too look at the overall view. Ronald Reagan was the best at this strategy. He delegated everything and he didn’t turn out so bad. Don’t get caught up and the pretenders and infiltrators that will come and go. People will always disappoint you no matter what you do. Business, education and politics. Stay focused and move on. Don’t be scared to fire or remove people from positions of trust. Be quick about it and move on. Finally win baby win.
Tea Party Protest 9-12-09
Every situation is different. In California there is no Republican Party. If the best the Republican Party can do is Carly Fiorina for Barbra Boxers senate seat I will vote for Tea Party candidate Chuck DeVore every time. Because of the boldness of the California Tea Party they have a real shot at replacing the Republican Party, with some time and money, as the conservative party of California.
Here in Florida we have a strong Republican Party that has been in control of state legislatures since Reagan. The problem is often times they don’t act like Republicans but even at their worst they are light years ahead of California’s progressive left politicians.
Eventually as the Tea Party gains strength they will form a national leadership and field candidates on a regular basis. What will precipitate this movement to the right is the horrible financial situation the United States is in. The house of cards will fall sooner or later. When the collapse comes there will be enough people who see clearly to topple the Republican Party on the right. On the left they will have to take care of their own. I can say one thing 2008 was the zenith of the Democratic Party. The only thing left for that party to do is consolidate the dictatorship and that ain’t happening. This is not Cuba or Venezuela. Too many informed people with money to fight back. Sorry Obots you will lose. Peacefully or violently. Your choice.
Republican Carly Fiorina
So what should the Tea Party do to become VERY effective? Simple follow the example of the NRA. Get organized at a local level into voting groups. Start e-mail list and delegate people to concentrate on specific local and state races. Everyone should know what district they are in. Find out about the PRIMARY candidates. Look at both the Democratic and Republican candidates and choose one from each party that you want to:
1. Win the general election.
2. Win the primary but lose the general election if that party has no acceptable candidate.
3. If both are good support your favorite in the primary and general. Doubt that will happen often.
The most effective use of the Tea Party vote would be as a voting BLOCK in the PRIMARIES to push for the candidate of choice. Same strategy the NRA uses very effectively. Both to get your guy in and to get the WEAKEST opponent for him in the general election. This means switching party affiliation on a dime.
My personal favorite in the Republican Primary is Todd Long. Why? He’s a federalist. Return the social engineering back to the states and local government. That’s all I need to know. So the strategy is simple.
Plan A. My guy is in a tight primary.
1. Follow the polls closely as primary day approaches. What is his lead? Comfortable or to close to call. If it’s to close to call I organize the Tea Party voters to get their butts out there and vote for him.
2. His opponent is Alan Grayson. Alan will win his primary easily if there is one. So I don’t waste time switching party affiliation.
Plan B. My guy is a shoe in to win. My guy is leading by 20 or 30 points. His opposition is disorganized and splitting the remaining vote. There is no candidate among the other contestants that can match his name recognition and they lack the resources to make a last minute media appeal. I get dirty.
Daisy W. Lynum the perfect polarizing candidate
Daisy W. Lynum the perfect polarizing candidate
I tell the members of the Tea Party to switch party affiliation to democrat. Research the candidates and fine the weakest most polarizing candidate on the list and vote for him. Democrats have been doing this to Republicans for years.
Candidates that attract voting blocks based on race or ethnicity are best. Someone like Orlando City Councilwoman Daisy Lynum who would get maybe 30% of the vote in a general county wide election. She will attract enough of a voting block from her base to make the Tea Party vote that much more effective and push her to a primary victory. That is the type of candidate the Tea Party should be looking at to set up their favorite candidate in the general election.
The NRA raises all kinds of cash and votes as a block. It is a one issue organization. They don’t care if you are a Republican or Democrat. If you don’t support the Second Amendment they work against you. This is the mentality the Tea Party needs to adopt when they are not running a candidate. Vote as a block and set your candidate up for victory.
Plan C. There is not Republican or Democrat that is acceptable. Both are bad. John McCain and Barrack Obama. You get the idea. Run a candidate. Maybe you will win but most likely you will take votes from the Republican. So be it. Maybe next time they will field a candidate more to your liking. Make a statement and don’t be scared.
Eventually the two party system will end. The Tea Party needs to stay involved and disciplined. Don’t ignore the small stuff. Just because the congressional and senate races are more glamorous don’t ignore the local councilmen and state house races. The State of Florida spends the same money the federal government does. Find out about the candidates in these primaries and make sure everyone knows who the favorites are.
Finally organize, organize and organize. Find out who you have and where they vote. The more organized you are the better your chances. Delegate. Use state house districts and designate a leader to look at the local candidates. The more you delegate the more time you have too look at the overall view. Ronald Reagan was the best at this strategy. He delegated everything and he didn’t turn out so bad. Don’t get caught up and the pretenders and infiltrators that will come and go. People will always disappoint you no matter what you do. Business, education and politics. Stay focused and move on. Don’t be scared to fire or remove people from positions of trust. Be quick about it and move on. Finally win baby win.
Gerrymandering Contributing to Political Strife in the United States.
Gerrymandering. A word that draws contempt from the right and left. One of the few areas of agreement that everyone agrees should be changed and today that’s a rarity. Few issues are agreed upon these days by the far right and left, auditing the Federal Reserve, crime is bad, terrorism is bad and gerrymandering is bad. The two political parties jockey for control of state legislatures every ten years so as to draw up the most advantageous districts for their respective political parties. And we get dead elections as a result. We end up with Nancy Pelosi, the late John Murtha and 359 out of the 435 districts “safe” for the incumbent.
Florida 8th Congressional District
In 2000 98% of the incumbents won re-election and 64 incumbents did not even have an opponent. Incumbents out spend their opponents typically 9 to 1. Unless an incumbent gets caught in bed with a transvestite or tapping for sex in a bathroom stall their odds of winning are at least 90%. This allows the congress to go far right or left without fear of losing political power. Nancy Pelosi is perhaps the most corrupt incompetent Speaker of the House ever but she is assured of an easy victory come the fall of 2010. Why should she moderate her leadership style?
Florida 24th Congressional District
Here in Orlando we have two early front runners for the Republican nomination from District 8 and 24 that live 3.4 miles apart. Now as a city dweller I am ecstatic about this development, I hope they both win but it’s not representative of the other rural and inner city members of these districts. Who wouldn’t want double representation for Orlando and the suburbs? Hey I will take that in a New York minute.
The average congressional district is made up of 700,000 constituents and the population of Orlando and neighboring Winter Park where these two reside is 258,602. I feel bad for Titusville, New Smyrna, Port Orange, Deltona, Deland, Eustis and rural Marion County but it sure is good for us city dwellers. To be fair I should point out these are two of the 76 congressional districts that are competitive.
So how do you make elections more competitive? One simple way would be to mandate whenever possible any urban with a population over 500,000 have one representative. Urban areas including the suburbs should have one representative if possible. Splitting large urban areas with completely rural areas means one side or the other will not have representation. Urban areas should include the ghetto and the suburbs competing against each other. The rural areas will be huge districts but they will be represented. Does anyone in rural Marion County think they are being represented well by the far left loon Alan Grayson?
Alan Grayson is a city boy and he belongs in Orlando competing with Todd Long for the suburban vote including neighboring Winter Park. Winter Park and Orlando have been best buddies for decades and it makes little sense having two congressional representatives representing each city. But like I said if Todd Long and Karen Diebel win I will not be complaining. Works for me.
Florida 8th Congressional District
In 2000 98% of the incumbents won re-election and 64 incumbents did not even have an opponent. Incumbents out spend their opponents typically 9 to 1. Unless an incumbent gets caught in bed with a transvestite or tapping for sex in a bathroom stall their odds of winning are at least 90%. This allows the congress to go far right or left without fear of losing political power. Nancy Pelosi is perhaps the most corrupt incompetent Speaker of the House ever but she is assured of an easy victory come the fall of 2010. Why should she moderate her leadership style?
Florida 24th Congressional District
Here in Orlando we have two early front runners for the Republican nomination from District 8 and 24 that live 3.4 miles apart. Now as a city dweller I am ecstatic about this development, I hope they both win but it’s not representative of the other rural and inner city members of these districts. Who wouldn’t want double representation for Orlando and the suburbs? Hey I will take that in a New York minute.
The average congressional district is made up of 700,000 constituents and the population of Orlando and neighboring Winter Park where these two reside is 258,602. I feel bad for Titusville, New Smyrna, Port Orange, Deltona, Deland, Eustis and rural Marion County but it sure is good for us city dwellers. To be fair I should point out these are two of the 76 congressional districts that are competitive.
So how do you make elections more competitive? One simple way would be to mandate whenever possible any urban with a population over 500,000 have one representative. Urban areas including the suburbs should have one representative if possible. Splitting large urban areas with completely rural areas means one side or the other will not have representation. Urban areas should include the ghetto and the suburbs competing against each other. The rural areas will be huge districts but they will be represented. Does anyone in rural Marion County think they are being represented well by the far left loon Alan Grayson?
Alan Grayson is a city boy and he belongs in Orlando competing with Todd Long for the suburban vote including neighboring Winter Park. Winter Park and Orlando have been best buddies for decades and it makes little sense having two congressional representatives representing each city. But like I said if Todd Long and Karen Diebel win I will not be complaining. Works for me.
The Real Unemployment Story
The White House has been celebrating that the unemployment rate fell to 9.7% even though it was because 1.1 million Americans have quit looking for work. Every time I see the affirmative action dolt on television I just cringe at his stupidity. I mean if the dude is smart enough to figure out Bush set him up for failure with three bail outs why did he do the fourth and now a fifth? Of course the answer is his head doesn’t have an original thought in it unlike Bill Clinton who knew bull crap when he saw it. But anyway what is the real employment picture.
Non-Farm Payroll Not Seasonally Adjusted
Total non farm payroll (not seasonally adjusted) went down from December (130,431) to January (127,612) or 2819 x 1,000 = 2,819,000 less workers in the economy IN ONE MONTH. The percent of the work force employed is 41.9% of the total population of 308,833,000. Compare that to December 2007 when 45.5% of the work force was employed in non farm jobs. The only sector of massive growth is government jobs. I am sure China is impressed with that number.
Weekly hours worked is down 3.5% since Obama was inaugurated. The civilian participation rate is down from 65.7% to 64.7% and drastically down from its five year high of 66.2%. So we lose 4 millions workers permanently, hey its good new to the White House. The Fed won’t even release the tax receipts numbers for October.
The bottom like is Greenspan set up Bush for his economic collapse with the bogus 1% Fed Funds rate during the housing bubble and Bush set up Obama with three bail outs that ballooned the deficit. Obama being the Harvard educated economic illiterate that he is just continued the same stupid policies of Bush not even thinking about it. By the time that fourth bail out came the peasants were ready for a rumble. And Obama walked right into the ambush.
Okay as the cliché goes fool me once. I am willing to give Obama some slack on the first “stimulus” plan. We all make rookie mistakes. But the idiot is too stupid to figure it out. He is a walking advertisement of why we need to end affirmative action in this country. Bill Clinton made similar mistakes with health care and the economy. But he learned, cut capital gains taxes, signed welfare reform, signed NAFTA and balanced the budget. Obama only knows what he read in books and that is redistribute the wealth, tax, spend, America is bad. The tape recorder is on a loop and he can’t shut it off.
Here’s a clue. Really freeze all federal spending except defense. Cut corporate taxes to 25%. Cut capital gains taxes to 10%. Extend the Bush tax cuts to 2013. Set up a commission to eliminate departments like education and housing and let the states deal with it. Stop bailing out states with “stimulus” money. They made their bed let them lie in it. But the 95 IQ affirmative action dolt will march off the cliff taking us idiots who voted for him with him. Where is Rudy Giuliani when you need him?
Non-Farm Payroll Not Seasonally Adjusted
Total non farm payroll (not seasonally adjusted) went down from December (130,431) to January (127,612) or 2819 x 1,000 = 2,819,000 less workers in the economy IN ONE MONTH. The percent of the work force employed is 41.9% of the total population of 308,833,000. Compare that to December 2007 when 45.5% of the work force was employed in non farm jobs. The only sector of massive growth is government jobs. I am sure China is impressed with that number.
Weekly hours worked is down 3.5% since Obama was inaugurated. The civilian participation rate is down from 65.7% to 64.7% and drastically down from its five year high of 66.2%. So we lose 4 millions workers permanently, hey its good new to the White House. The Fed won’t even release the tax receipts numbers for October.
The bottom like is Greenspan set up Bush for his economic collapse with the bogus 1% Fed Funds rate during the housing bubble and Bush set up Obama with three bail outs that ballooned the deficit. Obama being the Harvard educated economic illiterate that he is just continued the same stupid policies of Bush not even thinking about it. By the time that fourth bail out came the peasants were ready for a rumble. And Obama walked right into the ambush.
Okay as the cliché goes fool me once. I am willing to give Obama some slack on the first “stimulus” plan. We all make rookie mistakes. But the idiot is too stupid to figure it out. He is a walking advertisement of why we need to end affirmative action in this country. Bill Clinton made similar mistakes with health care and the economy. But he learned, cut capital gains taxes, signed welfare reform, signed NAFTA and balanced the budget. Obama only knows what he read in books and that is redistribute the wealth, tax, spend, America is bad. The tape recorder is on a loop and he can’t shut it off.
Here’s a clue. Really freeze all federal spending except defense. Cut corporate taxes to 25%. Cut capital gains taxes to 10%. Extend the Bush tax cuts to 2013. Set up a commission to eliminate departments like education and housing and let the states deal with it. Stop bailing out states with “stimulus” money. They made their bed let them lie in it. But the 95 IQ affirmative action dolt will march off the cliff taking us idiots who voted for him with him. Where is Rudy Giuliani when you need him?
Seminole County Libertarian Civil War
The normally quit race for Florida House District 33 just erupted into a full blown civil war in the Libertarian Party. The seat is currently occupied by Sandra “Sandy” Adams, Republican. James Decocq has filed to run as a Republican for the 2010 election and is the early favorite to win against Alice Sterling (R), Scott Bland (R) and Leo Cruz (D). The Libertarians get at the most 20% of the vote in a great year so why all the intense infighting?
Florida House District 33 Candidate Franklin Perez
The first candidate on the scene who became involved with the Seminole County Libertarian Party (SCLP) was Franklin Perez around 2000. He ran as a non affiliated candidate in 2006 and 2008 because of infighting with the Seminole County Libertarian Party leadership citing “anti-Hispanic remarks”. As former Vice-Chairman Franklin and then LP Chairman Mark Clifford became estranged over issues of style and substance. The former chair allegedly objected to provocative and sometimes lewd post on the libertarian message board in defense of legalized prostitution and descriptive details of those encounters allegedly posted by Mr. Perez. The situation came to a boil in April 19, 2004 when then LP Chairman Mark Clifford sent the following e-mail to Mr. Perez:
You are a virgin to leadership so I appreciate you trying and I appreciate your work at it.
Your Hispanic nature appears to start by creating conflict. Being machismo does not serve you and it slows your progress. (It works when it serves to scare away your opponent but we are not your opponents.)
At the moment you do not seem to understand group dynamics. (I thought about asking the other members to consider removing you for cause as I see you not qualified to hold the office held). You are worried about Robert’s Rules paragraph [zz] but you not have the ‘common courtesy’ part at all. You HAVE a right to speak but you have one mouth and you have two ears -develop wisdom to listen wisely. Individual responsibility means acting responsibly. (What is going to happen when the LP offers Franklin Perez as an example to lead? You need to be ready to do it because those who wear the label with be prejudged by your performance.) I believe you have the individual part but individual responsibility is not related.
Florida House District 33 Candidate Ellen M. Paul
Before I post our reply, I need to get your input as a member of the team. (That means that the post stands by itself and it does not get responded to by someone who helped draft it. Your option to comment is now, not later.)
Your signature block says:
Franklin Perez
Libertarian Party of Seminole County Florida
and you said “I do not understand why you even need approval from the “Executive Committee”. That is the difference between speaking for you and speaking for the organization. And yet you post apparently using the group to add credibility to your post rather than to help the reader to understand your message. You seem to understand the title and seem to like wearing it. It must be more than that or this group will fail to be effective. You appear driven by all about self and no humility. Each post indicates to me you do not understand teams. Every effective leader understands humility.
The Executive Committee speaks for the group and the chair speaks when the executive committee cannot be reached. The vice chair speaks when the chair cannot be reached – not hard to reach but cannot be reached. It also means that you remove the title from your signature until you are BOTH speaking for the party AND you are speaking in the capacity you show. It is for the reader – not the poster. (Period)
You also speak ill of you teammates before you have the facts to judge. This is why your original post offended me. You have an obligation to serve in a neutral capacity so that you can be given the gavel to resolve a dispute that originates outside of the executive committee. When anyone objects to the resolution of a dispute, you will be given the opportunity to resolve it. Point out oversights in private and save the cheap shots for your enemy, not your friends.
Bonus TIP: Drop the need to find fault; after that you can focus on finding liberty.
Bonus TIP2: Respect the time of your chair; it is not an endless commodity.
Franklin – my recommendation to you is to develop the ability to listen-or- resign the post as a leader of a group until you develop the skills and wisdom to lead. I am speaking only to you because I do not need to publicly humiliate you, I need you to get through to you and provide you some honest feedback.
If you do not want to develop leadership skills that is not a crime but you should just stop pretending.
Others have the same view of you but they think you are so hopeless that they don’t provide useful feedback that you can actualize since they do not believe you have the ability to learn. If you have no desire to learn, that is an option but if you need a mentor, I can help.
Thank you for your work and considering things outside of the box.
This email took more than 6 hours to draft edit and reconsider but it is the
readers digest version. If I have offended you then I have not successfully communicated.
You’re Friend,
Wm “Mark” Clifford
Oviedo FL 32765-6831
And the battle has continued. The Libertarian Party leadership currently headed up by Sean Concannon, Jennifer Concannon, Larry Lawver and Mike Barr reportedly did not approve of Mr. Franklin’s 2006 and 2008 bid to run as a Libertarian and Mr. Perez ran as a no party affiliation (NPA) candidate. For the latest election cycle it is not necessary to receive approval from the party leadership to run as a third party candidate. Mr. Franklin took advantage of the change in election law and registered for District 33 as a Libertarian.
The leadership disapproved but there was nothing they could do about until Ellen M. Paul agreed to run against Mr. Franklin as a Libertarian in District 33 setting up the first Libertarian Primary election ever in the state of Florida. And the war continues…
Mr. Franklin correctly points out Miss. Paul currently resides in District 37 but Florida law required residency prior to swearing in not during the campaign. Mr. Perez also points out the current house member for District 37 is Republican Scott Plakon who has supported such fiscally unpopular expenditures such as SunRail. Mr. Perez asks “Why does Ellen M. Paul run a Libertarian Party Candidate for Florida State House District 33 when she resides in Florida State House District 37? Florida State House District 37 seat is currently occupied by Scott Plakon and NOBODY has challenging him. On top of that, why does she run in a race where a Libertarian is already running when she could run in Florida State House District 37 against just ONE incumbent opponent in a House District she actually resides in?”
Good questions. The real answer may be in the following e-mail:
Libertarian Treasurer Larry Lawver wrote in July of 2004
It sucks that I have to spend time responding to this clueless shit while trying to handle the devastation of my property after Hurricane Charley. Beaucoup thanks to Mark Clifford and Carl Geiger for their brilliant and damned near heroic work on my roof Saturday 28 August 2004! Franklin remains an unimportant troll with no idea what’s actually going on.
Statement from the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Seminole County
1 July 2004
Seminole County Libertarian Party Chairman Sean Concannon
And the LP Executive Committee wrote:
The Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Seminole County hereby declares how it will handle the dispute between Franklin Perez and the rest of the Executive Committee for the remainder of Franklin’s term of office.
Franklin Perez has served our party as an officer, a candidate, a major contributor, and a friend for over five years. However, he has chosen to distance himself from the rest of the Executive Committee of the
Libertarian Party of Seminole County since February of this year. We have tried to repair the break, but have failed. We have no idea why Franklin decided to become an adversary, but as heartbroken friends, we deplore his action.
Franklin’s term as Vice Chair of the LPSC expires in November of 2004. Our intentionally simple Constitution and Bylaws make it easier to let his term expire than to remove him from office. Thus, we are subject to his postings to various websites and other entities without recourse. Although he is the elected Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Seminole County, he has none of the correct information that officer would normally have, because he has rejected contact from the rest of the LPSC officers.
In particular, Franklin Perez has no knowledge of the actual candidates that the Libertarian Party of Seminole County may field in the 2004 election. His previous privilege as a moderator of some Yahoo! Groups let him appear that he does, and we apologize for that.
Franklin Perez has no remaining support from the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Seminole County, but he retains the office for four more months. Our profound embarrassment will continue as long as he holds that position. Our official response to his communications will be silence or reference to this memo. We apologize to our membership for having to endure this conflict. Please plan to attend the November meeting and elect an Executive Committee slate that promotes liberty.
Yours, in Liberty, Mark Clifford, Chair, Libertarian Party of Seminole County Larry Lawver, Treasurer, Libertarian Party of Seminole County Mike Barr, Secretary, Libertarian Party of Seminole County Jennifer Concannon, Membership Committee Chair, Libertarian Party of Seminole County.
And nothing has changed in the last six years. So Ellen M. Paul comes into the feud to save the SCLP leadership from Mr. Perez and the war hopefully will reach its climax in August 24th 2010 when the primary is held. That is if Mr. Perez does not switch party affiliation to No Party Affiliation (NPS). Personally I think this should be fought to the end. The loose cannon against the party establishment candidate. Finish what you started.
Florida House District 33 Candidate Franklin Perez
The first candidate on the scene who became involved with the Seminole County Libertarian Party (SCLP) was Franklin Perez around 2000. He ran as a non affiliated candidate in 2006 and 2008 because of infighting with the Seminole County Libertarian Party leadership citing “anti-Hispanic remarks”. As former Vice-Chairman Franklin and then LP Chairman Mark Clifford became estranged over issues of style and substance. The former chair allegedly objected to provocative and sometimes lewd post on the libertarian message board in defense of legalized prostitution and descriptive details of those encounters allegedly posted by Mr. Perez. The situation came to a boil in April 19, 2004 when then LP Chairman Mark Clifford sent the following e-mail to Mr. Perez:
You are a virgin to leadership so I appreciate you trying and I appreciate your work at it.
Your Hispanic nature appears to start by creating conflict. Being machismo does not serve you and it slows your progress. (It works when it serves to scare away your opponent but we are not your opponents.)
At the moment you do not seem to understand group dynamics. (I thought about asking the other members to consider removing you for cause as I see you not qualified to hold the office held). You are worried about Robert’s Rules paragraph [zz] but you not have the ‘common courtesy’ part at all. You HAVE a right to speak but you have one mouth and you have two ears -develop wisdom to listen wisely. Individual responsibility means acting responsibly. (What is going to happen when the LP offers Franklin Perez as an example to lead? You need to be ready to do it because those who wear the label with be prejudged by your performance.) I believe you have the individual part but individual responsibility is not related.
Florida House District 33 Candidate Ellen M. Paul
Before I post our reply, I need to get your input as a member of the team. (That means that the post stands by itself and it does not get responded to by someone who helped draft it. Your option to comment is now, not later.)
Your signature block says:
Franklin Perez
Libertarian Party of Seminole County Florida
and you said “I do not understand why you even need approval from the “Executive Committee”. That is the difference between speaking for you and speaking for the organization. And yet you post apparently using the group to add credibility to your post rather than to help the reader to understand your message. You seem to understand the title and seem to like wearing it. It must be more than that or this group will fail to be effective. You appear driven by all about self and no humility. Each post indicates to me you do not understand teams. Every effective leader understands humility.
The Executive Committee speaks for the group and the chair speaks when the executive committee cannot be reached. The vice chair speaks when the chair cannot be reached – not hard to reach but cannot be reached. It also means that you remove the title from your signature until you are BOTH speaking for the party AND you are speaking in the capacity you show. It is for the reader – not the poster. (Period)
You also speak ill of you teammates before you have the facts to judge. This is why your original post offended me. You have an obligation to serve in a neutral capacity so that you can be given the gavel to resolve a dispute that originates outside of the executive committee. When anyone objects to the resolution of a dispute, you will be given the opportunity to resolve it. Point out oversights in private and save the cheap shots for your enemy, not your friends.
Bonus TIP: Drop the need to find fault; after that you can focus on finding liberty.
Bonus TIP2: Respect the time of your chair; it is not an endless commodity.
Franklin – my recommendation to you is to develop the ability to listen-or- resign the post as a leader of a group until you develop the skills and wisdom to lead. I am speaking only to you because I do not need to publicly humiliate you, I need you to get through to you and provide you some honest feedback.
If you do not want to develop leadership skills that is not a crime but you should just stop pretending.
Others have the same view of you but they think you are so hopeless that they don’t provide useful feedback that you can actualize since they do not believe you have the ability to learn. If you have no desire to learn, that is an option but if you need a mentor, I can help.
Thank you for your work and considering things outside of the box.
This email took more than 6 hours to draft edit and reconsider but it is the
readers digest version. If I have offended you then I have not successfully communicated.
You’re Friend,
Wm “Mark” Clifford
Oviedo FL 32765-6831
And the battle has continued. The Libertarian Party leadership currently headed up by Sean Concannon, Jennifer Concannon, Larry Lawver and Mike Barr reportedly did not approve of Mr. Franklin’s 2006 and 2008 bid to run as a Libertarian and Mr. Perez ran as a no party affiliation (NPA) candidate. For the latest election cycle it is not necessary to receive approval from the party leadership to run as a third party candidate. Mr. Franklin took advantage of the change in election law and registered for District 33 as a Libertarian.
The leadership disapproved but there was nothing they could do about until Ellen M. Paul agreed to run against Mr. Franklin as a Libertarian in District 33 setting up the first Libertarian Primary election ever in the state of Florida. And the war continues…
Mr. Franklin correctly points out Miss. Paul currently resides in District 37 but Florida law required residency prior to swearing in not during the campaign. Mr. Perez also points out the current house member for District 37 is Republican Scott Plakon who has supported such fiscally unpopular expenditures such as SunRail. Mr. Perez asks “Why does Ellen M. Paul run a Libertarian Party Candidate for Florida State House District 33 when she resides in Florida State House District 37? Florida State House District 37 seat is currently occupied by Scott Plakon and NOBODY has challenging him. On top of that, why does she run in a race where a Libertarian is already running when she could run in Florida State House District 37 against just ONE incumbent opponent in a House District she actually resides in?”
Good questions. The real answer may be in the following e-mail:
Libertarian Treasurer Larry Lawver wrote in July of 2004
It sucks that I have to spend time responding to this clueless shit while trying to handle the devastation of my property after Hurricane Charley. Beaucoup thanks to Mark Clifford and Carl Geiger for their brilliant and damned near heroic work on my roof Saturday 28 August 2004! Franklin remains an unimportant troll with no idea what’s actually going on.
Statement from the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Seminole County
1 July 2004
Seminole County Libertarian Party Chairman Sean Concannon
And the LP Executive Committee wrote:
The Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Seminole County hereby declares how it will handle the dispute between Franklin Perez and the rest of the Executive Committee for the remainder of Franklin’s term of office.
Franklin Perez has served our party as an officer, a candidate, a major contributor, and a friend for over five years. However, he has chosen to distance himself from the rest of the Executive Committee of the
Libertarian Party of Seminole County since February of this year. We have tried to repair the break, but have failed. We have no idea why Franklin decided to become an adversary, but as heartbroken friends, we deplore his action.
Franklin’s term as Vice Chair of the LPSC expires in November of 2004. Our intentionally simple Constitution and Bylaws make it easier to let his term expire than to remove him from office. Thus, we are subject to his postings to various websites and other entities without recourse. Although he is the elected Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party of Seminole County, he has none of the correct information that officer would normally have, because he has rejected contact from the rest of the LPSC officers.
In particular, Franklin Perez has no knowledge of the actual candidates that the Libertarian Party of Seminole County may field in the 2004 election. His previous privilege as a moderator of some Yahoo! Groups let him appear that he does, and we apologize for that.
Franklin Perez has no remaining support from the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Seminole County, but he retains the office for four more months. Our profound embarrassment will continue as long as he holds that position. Our official response to his communications will be silence or reference to this memo. We apologize to our membership for having to endure this conflict. Please plan to attend the November meeting and elect an Executive Committee slate that promotes liberty.
Yours, in Liberty, Mark Clifford, Chair, Libertarian Party of Seminole County Larry Lawver, Treasurer, Libertarian Party of Seminole County Mike Barr, Secretary, Libertarian Party of Seminole County Jennifer Concannon, Membership Committee Chair, Libertarian Party of Seminole County.
And nothing has changed in the last six years. So Ellen M. Paul comes into the feud to save the SCLP leadership from Mr. Perez and the war hopefully will reach its climax in August 24th 2010 when the primary is held. That is if Mr. Perez does not switch party affiliation to No Party Affiliation (NPS). Personally I think this should be fought to the end. The loose cannon against the party establishment candidate. Finish what you started.
Leftist “Elites” Invade Tea Party Protesters
At a recent Obama speech in Tampa, Florida (1-28-10) a familiar scene was played out with the local media and leftist. The media called the protesters “Republican” even though 44% of conservatives are not Republicans. The leftist infiltrated the crowd of protesters gathered to give Obama the one fingered sauté as his motorcade passed.
One of the leftist was a know it all moron with maybe a bachelor’s degree with a couple of his side kicks arguing with Tea Party protesters. He claimed to be a “economist” studying the exotic subject at some college from the great superior state of New York. All us dumb Tea Party people should be thankful for his brilliance and patience to set us strait in our thinking. The great northern liberal helping us dumb southerners with his intellectual brilliance and superior upbringing from the Yankee north lands.
Tampa Tea Party Organizers
Tampa Tea Party Organizers
His female side kick was arguing with a protester that the United States health care was ranked 37th in the world or some arbitrary rank because the infant mortality rate was higher here than in Europe or Canada. A totally false argument that has been going around in the leftist world much like Global Warming and other propaganda with no overall look at the facts. It is a cherry picked statistic but fails to take into account the real reason for the discrepancy.
In the United States we have large Negro, Hispanic and white trash populations that for some reason like to snort cocaine and other drugs while pregnant. It doesn’t matter how great the health care system is if the baby is born half dead and addicted to drugs. To do a fair study of competing heath care system you would have to eliminate extremes like race and education. A fair comparison would be the white middle 80% population of Europe verses the white middle 80% population of America including all outcomes not just infant mortality rates. If that study was ever done the United States would be years ahead of Europe and Canada.
The Tea Party protester was arguing that the United States health care system was the best and the young leftist was arguing the simple statistic which the Tea Party protester was disagreeing with. I corrected him that the infant mortality statistic was correct but her argument was totally false. She shut up and handed off to the brilliant northerner from New York.
Orlando Tea Party protesters in Tampa
Orlando Tea Party protesters in Tampa
He immediately asked “Do you know who John Maynard Keynes is?” Like this is some secret knowledge only reserved for the elites up north. This really pissed me off. If you have been to college and were paying attention in macroeconomics you probably know Keynes wrote Treatise on Money or The Means to Prosperity which lays out the demand side argument leftist and Democrats love so much. Tax and spend. It has been the only economic policy of our federal government and Federal Reserve (Bernanke 2006) have used since 2007 when the Democrats gained control of the House and Senate. How you liking them results?
What pissed me off was he was asking average citizens this asinine question. Now if only 27.2% of the population have a college degree that pretty much means 72.8% of the population does not know. Why ask the question unless you are looking to show off?
I asked him what “crowing out” was. He didn’t know so I explained “any reduction in private consumption or investment that occurs because of an increase in government spending” or something to that effect. I then asked him who Milton Friedman was and got the brilliant reply “Oh he’s a bad one” or some nonsense. Friedman was the guy who ripped Keynesian economic theory to shreds and won a Nobel Prize for his work in 1976. Suddenly he complained I was talking to loud and he wanted to move on.
Tampa Protesters 1-28-10
Tampa Protesters 1-28-10
Later down the block he and his intellectual elites were arguing again about education and how blacks were not getting the same educational money whites are. I told him there was no correlation between education spending per pupil and results. He came back with “causation and correlation are not related” or some such Cliff Notes crap. Fine he knew what correlation was so I asked him if he knew what regression analysis was. Blank stare. End of argument.
Apparently up in the great educated north they don’t explain regression analysis gives you a correlation or maybe a few. Not exactly the kind of education I would want for my kid. And I am sure in the great elite north they skip derivatives and integrals to find max, min and areas under a curve used in the backward south. Just a guess. I pointed out that in Detroit the per pupil spending was $11,000. A pretty decent sum. More than in those mean evil white kids get in the suburbs. No explanation of the “real” cause. More blank stares and he ran away again.
Finally wanting to leave a positive note I told him Libertarians were opposed to social engineering on the federal level but if a local community wanted socialized medicine let them knock themselves out. Of course I know that freeloaders would bankrupt any community offering freebies and soon they would stop the insanity but I kept my mouth shut.
What really pisses me off about these leftist is they think they are educated. This dude comes into a crowd of average citizens asking abstract economic questions. It would be like a engineer going to a Tea Party and asking “Do you know Newton’s second law?” Or a chemist asking “Do you know Boyle’s Law?” How in the hell is the average person going to know? They don’t. All they know is the federal government and Federal Reserve are taking them for a ride and they want to get off. It doesn’t take a economist to figure out when the government prints money faster than the year before there will be inflation sometime in the future. It doesn’t take a economists to figure out taxing everything that moves concentrates power and wealth in the hands of the government and takes away from families’ ability to feed their children. It doesn’t take a economist to figure out that when the government borrows billions and trillions of dollars there is less money for private companies to borrow. People know Keynesian economics is a failure even if they don’t know the dude that invented this leftist school of economic thought.
One of the leftist was a know it all moron with maybe a bachelor’s degree with a couple of his side kicks arguing with Tea Party protesters. He claimed to be a “economist” studying the exotic subject at some college from the great superior state of New York. All us dumb Tea Party people should be thankful for his brilliance and patience to set us strait in our thinking. The great northern liberal helping us dumb southerners with his intellectual brilliance and superior upbringing from the Yankee north lands.
Tampa Tea Party Organizers
Tampa Tea Party Organizers
His female side kick was arguing with a protester that the United States health care was ranked 37th in the world or some arbitrary rank because the infant mortality rate was higher here than in Europe or Canada. A totally false argument that has been going around in the leftist world much like Global Warming and other propaganda with no overall look at the facts. It is a cherry picked statistic but fails to take into account the real reason for the discrepancy.
In the United States we have large Negro, Hispanic and white trash populations that for some reason like to snort cocaine and other drugs while pregnant. It doesn’t matter how great the health care system is if the baby is born half dead and addicted to drugs. To do a fair study of competing heath care system you would have to eliminate extremes like race and education. A fair comparison would be the white middle 80% population of Europe verses the white middle 80% population of America including all outcomes not just infant mortality rates. If that study was ever done the United States would be years ahead of Europe and Canada.
The Tea Party protester was arguing that the United States health care system was the best and the young leftist was arguing the simple statistic which the Tea Party protester was disagreeing with. I corrected him that the infant mortality statistic was correct but her argument was totally false. She shut up and handed off to the brilliant northerner from New York.
Orlando Tea Party protesters in Tampa
Orlando Tea Party protesters in Tampa
He immediately asked “Do you know who John Maynard Keynes is?” Like this is some secret knowledge only reserved for the elites up north. This really pissed me off. If you have been to college and were paying attention in macroeconomics you probably know Keynes wrote Treatise on Money or The Means to Prosperity which lays out the demand side argument leftist and Democrats love so much. Tax and spend. It has been the only economic policy of our federal government and Federal Reserve (Bernanke 2006) have used since 2007 when the Democrats gained control of the House and Senate. How you liking them results?
What pissed me off was he was asking average citizens this asinine question. Now if only 27.2% of the population have a college degree that pretty much means 72.8% of the population does not know. Why ask the question unless you are looking to show off?
I asked him what “crowing out” was. He didn’t know so I explained “any reduction in private consumption or investment that occurs because of an increase in government spending” or something to that effect. I then asked him who Milton Friedman was and got the brilliant reply “Oh he’s a bad one” or some nonsense. Friedman was the guy who ripped Keynesian economic theory to shreds and won a Nobel Prize for his work in 1976. Suddenly he complained I was talking to loud and he wanted to move on.
Tampa Protesters 1-28-10
Tampa Protesters 1-28-10
Later down the block he and his intellectual elites were arguing again about education and how blacks were not getting the same educational money whites are. I told him there was no correlation between education spending per pupil and results. He came back with “causation and correlation are not related” or some such Cliff Notes crap. Fine he knew what correlation was so I asked him if he knew what regression analysis was. Blank stare. End of argument.
Apparently up in the great educated north they don’t explain regression analysis gives you a correlation or maybe a few. Not exactly the kind of education I would want for my kid. And I am sure in the great elite north they skip derivatives and integrals to find max, min and areas under a curve used in the backward south. Just a guess. I pointed out that in Detroit the per pupil spending was $11,000. A pretty decent sum. More than in those mean evil white kids get in the suburbs. No explanation of the “real” cause. More blank stares and he ran away again.
Finally wanting to leave a positive note I told him Libertarians were opposed to social engineering on the federal level but if a local community wanted socialized medicine let them knock themselves out. Of course I know that freeloaders would bankrupt any community offering freebies and soon they would stop the insanity but I kept my mouth shut.
What really pisses me off about these leftist is they think they are educated. This dude comes into a crowd of average citizens asking abstract economic questions. It would be like a engineer going to a Tea Party and asking “Do you know Newton’s second law?” Or a chemist asking “Do you know Boyle’s Law?” How in the hell is the average person going to know? They don’t. All they know is the federal government and Federal Reserve are taking them for a ride and they want to get off. It doesn’t take a economist to figure out when the government prints money faster than the year before there will be inflation sometime in the future. It doesn’t take a economists to figure out taxing everything that moves concentrates power and wealth in the hands of the government and takes away from families’ ability to feed their children. It doesn’t take a economist to figure out that when the government borrows billions and trillions of dollars there is less money for private companies to borrow. People know Keynesian economics is a failure even if they don’t know the dude that invented this leftist school of economic thought.
Colts Win Third Super Bowl
The Colts will win their third super bowl title. Of course they won their first in 1971 with a 16-13 win against the Dallas Cowboys with Johnny Unitas, Errol Morrall and Jim O’Brien. Their second came with Peyton Manning in 2007. And now the third title for the franchise.
I know the game has not been played yet but this match up of the overachiever New Orleans Saints against a determined and disciplined foe who has been there reminds me of the old NFC verses AFC days when Pittsburgh, Oakland and Miami dominated the NFC. Now we have Pittsburgh, New England and Indianapolis dominating. Sentimentally I hope New Orleans can win one for the long suffering city but this game has all the makings of a blowout.
Peyton Manning wins second Super Bowl Title
Peyton Manning wins second Super Bowl Title
The best chance for the NFC was the Minnesota Vikings and with Bret Favre’s brain fart at the end of the game that hope has vanished. So let’s tip our hats off to the Colts and Peyton Manning. They will play disciplined and Manning will shred up the Saints defense on his way to Super Bowl glory.
I know the game has not been played yet but this match up of the overachiever New Orleans Saints against a determined and disciplined foe who has been there reminds me of the old NFC verses AFC days when Pittsburgh, Oakland and Miami dominated the NFC. Now we have Pittsburgh, New England and Indianapolis dominating. Sentimentally I hope New Orleans can win one for the long suffering city but this game has all the makings of a blowout.
Peyton Manning wins second Super Bowl Title
Peyton Manning wins second Super Bowl Title
The best chance for the NFC was the Minnesota Vikings and with Bret Favre’s brain fart at the end of the game that hope has vanished. So let’s tip our hats off to the Colts and Peyton Manning. They will play disciplined and Manning will shred up the Saints defense on his way to Super Bowl glory.
The Case against Ben Bernanke‘s Reconfirmation as Fed Chairman
Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke is up for reconfirmation. He was initially appointed in 2006 and will soon receive a vote in the senate for a second term. He is a trained classical Keynesian economist and studied the Great Depression for this PhD. His actions have been classical Keynesian which believes when the economy is under performing the magic bullet is for the government to increase spending to “fill the full employment gap”. Basically if the Gross Domestic Product at “full employment” is $1,000 and current production is $900 then the government steps in and spends $100 to get the economy back to $1,000 or full employment. Simplistic concept but vehemently opposed by “Austrian” economist who oppose deflating the currency by printing excess paper money and artificial stimulus that will mis-allocate resources towards unproductive uses. Austrian economists argue printing money will create a monetary bubble and inflation similar to the housing bubble. Additionally they argue mis-allocation of resources towards unproductive pursuits do not lead to permanent long term sustainable job or economic growth. So let’s bypass the argument and look at the results.
When Bernanke was appointed in February of 2006 the GDP was about $14.1 trillion. It peaked at $15.3 in 2008 and dropped down to $14.4 and is currently at $14.6.
When Bernanke was appointed in February of 2006 the GDP was about $14.1 trillion. It peaked at $15.3 in 2008 and dropped down to $14.4 and is currently at $14.6.
Clearly after Alan Greenspan mismanaged the Federal Reserve laying the foundation for the housing bubble with a 1% federal funds rate the downturn cannot be blamed on Bernanke. But how did Mr. Bernanke react?
M-1 is the notes, traveler checks, demand deposits and other checkable forms of on demand cash like brokerage checking accounts
Bernanke has increased M-1 money supply. Notice how the money supply jumps from $785 billion when TARP was passed to $860 billion now. A staggering 9.6% in little over a year. This expansionist monetary policy has been going on for decades but has accelerated under Bernanke.
M-2 is M-1 plus savings and time deposits
M-2 Money stock under Bernanke. An increase of 25.5% or an annual rate of 6.5%. Many economists argue for a money supply growth rate of 3% plus or minus 1%. Some argue for the gold standard and virtually zero inflation or “hard money”. Not many support inflationary policies above 5%.
MZM or M-1 + M-2 + M-3 and all money market funds
MZM or all funds combined has increased 38.6%.
And finally the last straw the monetary base. This is what has Peter Schiff, Dan Mitchell and any reputable economist basically freaking out over Bernanke, Bush, Obama, bail outs and stimulus plans. This is a money bomb just waiting to explode. You think the Savings and Loan, NASDAQ and housing bubbles were bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet. When this baby explodes you will see $10 or maybe $20 gallon gasoline. Interest rates will skyrocket and housing will be a cash only business because no one will be able to afford a mortgage. Housing prices in real terms will plummet. Milk will be $10 a gallon. But where is all this money?
The Monetary Base has increased 154% under Bernanke
Where did all that bail out cash go? It’s sitting in banks everywhere. From 45.2 billion to 1,140.5 billion. A 2,400% increase! This is not going to end well.
Total Reserves. Where did all that bail out cash go? It’s sitting in banks everywhere. From 45.2 billion to 1,140.5 billion. A 2,400% increase! This is not going to end well.
To translate the Fed gave their buddies on Wall Street first dibs to the devalued cash so they can get ahead of the inflationary curve and divest themselves from American assets including the dollar. Why would a banker make a loan to a medium sized firm at 5% when they clearly see 10% maybe even 20% interest rates in the not to distant future? The bankers are taking the almost free cash at 0.5% from the federal discount window and loaning it back in short term notes at 3%. Basically all that cash we paid the bankers to get back to making loans is sitting on the sidelines until the banks most likely go bankrupt again and all hell breaks loose or the Fed pulls a magic trick out of its hat. The banks are in a rock and a hard place. Make loans now at 5% and get crushed in the future or try to build up reserves off the spread from the discount window funds. This is why for a lot of economist it would have been better to let the insolvent banks go bankrupt in 2008. All we have done is postpone the bankruptcy to a future date and spent a few trillion in the process. A few trillion that will come back to haunt us with inflation and more taxes at the very time we need less taxes.
Federal investment into the economy has gone up 25% but GDP has risen 3.5% during that same time frame. Spending doesn’t seem to be filling up the “gap” very well.
Greenspan was committing sabotage against the Bush administration and the economy. Maybe he hates Republicans, white guys, who knows? But the destruction he caused was intentional. Greenspan knew exactly what he was doing. Bernanke is more of an accommodating tool used by both Bush and Obama to finance their political objectives. Bernanke is a true believer in Keynesian economics. He may truly believe that he is doing the right thing for the economy. But we don’t need a yes man in charge of the Federal Reserve. Unfortunately it will take a man of iron will and a lot of pain with an intimate knowledge of Milton Freidman and his monetary policies. We need a man who will be the equivalent of a butcher chopping up the carcass of our previous monetary policy and someday reinventing it into something we can all stomach.
Finally the last two nails in the coffin.
Federal tax receipts have gone down 11.5% from 2006. Bernanke, Obama, Bush have all “stimulated” the economy with spending and cash. Is this what we want?
Federal investment into the economy has gone up 25% but GDP has risen 3.5% during that same time frame. Spending doesn’t seem to be filling up the “gap” very well.
Federal tax receipts have gone down 11.5% from 2006. Bernanke, Obama, Bush have all “stimulated” the economy with spending and cash. Is this what we want?
During the same time the federal government Keynesian economic policies have increased unemployment. This unemployment graph is deceptive. It does not count underemployed, illegal immigrants moving out of the United States, and those who have given up looking for work. Most economics think the true number is around 17%.
This unemployment graph is deceptive. It does not count underemployed, illegal immigrants moving out of the United States, and those who have given up looking for work. Most economics think the true number is around 17%.
America has received a strong dose of Keynesian economics quite some time now. Bubbles have been created in the savings and loan financial firms under Bush 41, NASDAQ under Clinton, housing under Bush 43 and now the looming monetary bubble under Obama. All the Federal Reserve and congress do is to kick the can down the road. The bubbles get bigger and the pain harder. We have got to change. Obama is more of the same. Bernanke is more of the same. The pain is coming far worse than today. Bernanke needs to go and a Federal Reserve Chairman appointed who understands where inflation comes from and how to run a responsible banking institution in a manner that will provide a stable currency. That’s it.
No politics, no special deals. Print the money and keep the currency value stable. When that is accomplished then advocate for the repeal of the Federal Reserve and a return to free banking. In a few years from now the public will look at the Federal Reserve and Keynesian economics the same way it views the Vietnam War. A waste of lives and money.
When Bernanke was appointed in February of 2006 the GDP was about $14.1 trillion. It peaked at $15.3 in 2008 and dropped down to $14.4 and is currently at $14.6.
When Bernanke was appointed in February of 2006 the GDP was about $14.1 trillion. It peaked at $15.3 in 2008 and dropped down to $14.4 and is currently at $14.6.
Clearly after Alan Greenspan mismanaged the Federal Reserve laying the foundation for the housing bubble with a 1% federal funds rate the downturn cannot be blamed on Bernanke. But how did Mr. Bernanke react?
M-1 is the notes, traveler checks, demand deposits and other checkable forms of on demand cash like brokerage checking accounts
Bernanke has increased M-1 money supply. Notice how the money supply jumps from $785 billion when TARP was passed to $860 billion now. A staggering 9.6% in little over a year. This expansionist monetary policy has been going on for decades but has accelerated under Bernanke.
M-2 is M-1 plus savings and time deposits
M-2 Money stock under Bernanke. An increase of 25.5% or an annual rate of 6.5%. Many economists argue for a money supply growth rate of 3% plus or minus 1%. Some argue for the gold standard and virtually zero inflation or “hard money”. Not many support inflationary policies above 5%.
MZM or M-1 + M-2 + M-3 and all money market funds
MZM or all funds combined has increased 38.6%.
And finally the last straw the monetary base. This is what has Peter Schiff, Dan Mitchell and any reputable economist basically freaking out over Bernanke, Bush, Obama, bail outs and stimulus plans. This is a money bomb just waiting to explode. You think the Savings and Loan, NASDAQ and housing bubbles were bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet. When this baby explodes you will see $10 or maybe $20 gallon gasoline. Interest rates will skyrocket and housing will be a cash only business because no one will be able to afford a mortgage. Housing prices in real terms will plummet. Milk will be $10 a gallon. But where is all this money?
The Monetary Base has increased 154% under Bernanke
Where did all that bail out cash go? It’s sitting in banks everywhere. From 45.2 billion to 1,140.5 billion. A 2,400% increase! This is not going to end well.
Total Reserves. Where did all that bail out cash go? It’s sitting in banks everywhere. From 45.2 billion to 1,140.5 billion. A 2,400% increase! This is not going to end well.
To translate the Fed gave their buddies on Wall Street first dibs to the devalued cash so they can get ahead of the inflationary curve and divest themselves from American assets including the dollar. Why would a banker make a loan to a medium sized firm at 5% when they clearly see 10% maybe even 20% interest rates in the not to distant future? The bankers are taking the almost free cash at 0.5% from the federal discount window and loaning it back in short term notes at 3%. Basically all that cash we paid the bankers to get back to making loans is sitting on the sidelines until the banks most likely go bankrupt again and all hell breaks loose or the Fed pulls a magic trick out of its hat. The banks are in a rock and a hard place. Make loans now at 5% and get crushed in the future or try to build up reserves off the spread from the discount window funds. This is why for a lot of economist it would have been better to let the insolvent banks go bankrupt in 2008. All we have done is postpone the bankruptcy to a future date and spent a few trillion in the process. A few trillion that will come back to haunt us with inflation and more taxes at the very time we need less taxes.
Federal investment into the economy has gone up 25% but GDP has risen 3.5% during that same time frame. Spending doesn’t seem to be filling up the “gap” very well.
Greenspan was committing sabotage against the Bush administration and the economy. Maybe he hates Republicans, white guys, who knows? But the destruction he caused was intentional. Greenspan knew exactly what he was doing. Bernanke is more of an accommodating tool used by both Bush and Obama to finance their political objectives. Bernanke is a true believer in Keynesian economics. He may truly believe that he is doing the right thing for the economy. But we don’t need a yes man in charge of the Federal Reserve. Unfortunately it will take a man of iron will and a lot of pain with an intimate knowledge of Milton Freidman and his monetary policies. We need a man who will be the equivalent of a butcher chopping up the carcass of our previous monetary policy and someday reinventing it into something we can all stomach.
Finally the last two nails in the coffin.
Federal tax receipts have gone down 11.5% from 2006. Bernanke, Obama, Bush have all “stimulated” the economy with spending and cash. Is this what we want?
Federal investment into the economy has gone up 25% but GDP has risen 3.5% during that same time frame. Spending doesn’t seem to be filling up the “gap” very well.
Federal tax receipts have gone down 11.5% from 2006. Bernanke, Obama, Bush have all “stimulated” the economy with spending and cash. Is this what we want?
During the same time the federal government Keynesian economic policies have increased unemployment. This unemployment graph is deceptive. It does not count underemployed, illegal immigrants moving out of the United States, and those who have given up looking for work. Most economics think the true number is around 17%.
This unemployment graph is deceptive. It does not count underemployed, illegal immigrants moving out of the United States, and those who have given up looking for work. Most economics think the true number is around 17%.
America has received a strong dose of Keynesian economics quite some time now. Bubbles have been created in the savings and loan financial firms under Bush 41, NASDAQ under Clinton, housing under Bush 43 and now the looming monetary bubble under Obama. All the Federal Reserve and congress do is to kick the can down the road. The bubbles get bigger and the pain harder. We have got to change. Obama is more of the same. Bernanke is more of the same. The pain is coming far worse than today. Bernanke needs to go and a Federal Reserve Chairman appointed who understands where inflation comes from and how to run a responsible banking institution in a manner that will provide a stable currency. That’s it.
No politics, no special deals. Print the money and keep the currency value stable. When that is accomplished then advocate for the repeal of the Federal Reserve and a return to free banking. In a few years from now the public will look at the Federal Reserve and Keynesian economics the same way it views the Vietnam War. A waste of lives and money.
China’s Economy Grows 10.7% while the US borrows another $1.9 Trillion
Obama and the Democrats continue to plunder the American people to pay their special interest off. Just like King Louis the XVI and Marie Antoinette the anointed one and his court ignore reality and live the high life of parties and travel while the peasants lose millions of jobs.
China reported a staggering 10.7% growth for the 4th quarter of 2009. China is a lender nation. China has a government surplus. America lost 448,000 jobs the last four weeks and 5.9 million are on extended unemployment benefits. Since the Democrats and their Keynesian economic policies were instituted in 2007 the unemployment claims have gone from about 250,000 to a peak of 676,000. The unemployment rate has gone from 4.6% to 10.0%. And this doesn’t take into account the illegal immigrants who moved back to their native lands leaving foreclosed homes everywhere. It also doesn’t include those who gave up and part time workers.
When will the American public learn that taxing and spending doesn’t work? When those extended unemployment benefits run out social unrest will increase. But Barack and Michele will be dining on Arugula and herbs from the Kitchen Garden, honey from the White House Beehive, American wine pairings while the peasants get health care.
Unemployment since the Democrats gained control of the House and Senate
Unemployment since the Democrats gained control of the House and Senate
What works is getting rid of the fake corporate tax which is a tax on consumers, stock holders and research and development. Corporate taxes are a scam that politicians inflict on the ignorant and class envy population to please the big corporations and increase revenue to themselves. Big corporations like complex tax codes and high corporate taxes because they can get special deals and loopholes that take a PhD in accounting to figure out. Something the average business doesn’t have access to. High corporate taxes keep the competition limited and the profits high.
Big business also loves regulation contrary to popular opinion because it adds more staffing burden to the medium and smaller companies. Also depending on the regulation it can create oligopolies like we have in the drug industry due to the cost and delays involved in getting drugs approved for the market. This creates high profits for the politically connected and to hell with competition. Cut corporate taxes to zero and the unemployment would disappear in six months if…
The federal government stops spending and borrowing money. The government is like a huge pig devouring all the capital from medium and small business. The federal government is 28% of the GDP and growing as opposed to 19% when Clinton was president. Do we need a Department of Education, Housing and god knows what they have hiding in Washington. Maybe its time to lay off some federal workers and shut down a few departments. We can’t afford it. We are broke.
You can change all the tax codes in the world but if the government hogs all the money you still won’t have a job. Stop spending, shrink government and pay down the debt. It’s that simple. Communism doesn’t work, we know that.
China reported a staggering 10.7% growth for the 4th quarter of 2009. China is a lender nation. China has a government surplus. America lost 448,000 jobs the last four weeks and 5.9 million are on extended unemployment benefits. Since the Democrats and their Keynesian economic policies were instituted in 2007 the unemployment claims have gone from about 250,000 to a peak of 676,000. The unemployment rate has gone from 4.6% to 10.0%. And this doesn’t take into account the illegal immigrants who moved back to their native lands leaving foreclosed homes everywhere. It also doesn’t include those who gave up and part time workers.
When will the American public learn that taxing and spending doesn’t work? When those extended unemployment benefits run out social unrest will increase. But Barack and Michele will be dining on Arugula and herbs from the Kitchen Garden, honey from the White House Beehive, American wine pairings while the peasants get health care.
Unemployment since the Democrats gained control of the House and Senate
Unemployment since the Democrats gained control of the House and Senate
What works is getting rid of the fake corporate tax which is a tax on consumers, stock holders and research and development. Corporate taxes are a scam that politicians inflict on the ignorant and class envy population to please the big corporations and increase revenue to themselves. Big corporations like complex tax codes and high corporate taxes because they can get special deals and loopholes that take a PhD in accounting to figure out. Something the average business doesn’t have access to. High corporate taxes keep the competition limited and the profits high.
Big business also loves regulation contrary to popular opinion because it adds more staffing burden to the medium and smaller companies. Also depending on the regulation it can create oligopolies like we have in the drug industry due to the cost and delays involved in getting drugs approved for the market. This creates high profits for the politically connected and to hell with competition. Cut corporate taxes to zero and the unemployment would disappear in six months if…
The federal government stops spending and borrowing money. The government is like a huge pig devouring all the capital from medium and small business. The federal government is 28% of the GDP and growing as opposed to 19% when Clinton was president. Do we need a Department of Education, Housing and god knows what they have hiding in Washington. Maybe its time to lay off some federal workers and shut down a few departments. We can’t afford it. We are broke.
You can change all the tax codes in the world but if the government hogs all the money you still won’t have a job. Stop spending, shrink government and pay down the debt. It’s that simple. Communism doesn’t work, we know that.
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