Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Financial Regulation
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Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tea Party People Getting Crazy about Lack of Minorities
I have been to probably a dozen of these Tea Party events and taken hundreds of pictures. The one thing that stands out is the lack of blacks and Hispanics. The Tea Party has gone out of its way to be accommodating hiring or asking to speak or sing at their events. Black congressional candidate Angela McGlowan, Tea Party singer Lloyd Marcus, former Air force pilots and others have been enlisted to host, speak and sing at these events to put to rest the “racist” attacks from the left. I appreciate their efforts but its getting stupider by the day. Now Tea Party members are required to take a oath that they are not “racist”. Frankly I gave up on trying not to be labeled “racist” years ago. I just don’t give a damn. If you are white and you don’t think and do what the progressive want you are a racist. Get use to it and flip the bastards the middle finger.
Black Congressional candidate and Tea Party speaker Angela McGlowen
Bill O’Rielly sums it up best when he said last night (4-12-10) he stopped reporting on anything involving blacks after his incident where he dined in a Negro restaurant with Al Sharpton and was labeled a racist for saying the food was good. And of course the latest Newt Gingrich remarking Obama can hit a three point shot and that’s racist. It’s beyond ridiculous and it makes whites in positions of power and influence uncomfortable around blacks. Most of them secretly do not want anything to do with them. Where is the upside? It’s left up to people like me, an obscure blogger with a good education and the ability to think and to write about this explosive subject.
Attorney General Eric Holder issued a challenge calling America “a nation of cowards” when it comes to talking honestly about race. And he is right. With few exceptions we are cowards. So let’s just get some facts out there right off the get go that everyone is hush hush about. There are differences in the races. Blacks have an average IQ of 85, whites 100 and Hispanics 93. Black men end up in jail 28.6% of the time, whites 4.4% and Hispanics 16.7%. Are these statistics absolute? Who knows? The crime ones are from the Department of Justice but from years ago. Political correctness forced them to hid crime rates based on race as much as possible. Testing scores based on race are state secrets. The government has been engaged in a racial cover-up for decades. And if that was all it was that would be acceptable. Unfortunately it doesn’t end there.
Tea Party oath pledging “I am not a racist”
Racial preferences have been around since Richard Nixon. For most middle and upper class whites they never notice it. Their families have access to the best universities, schools, health care and they can avoid un-pleasantries like the military and dealing with the government for loans, jobs, and services if they choose to. It’s the poor whites who have been discriminated against for decades by the federal, state and local governments. For years governments at all levels have been legally discriminating against whites in their effort to make things “equal”. What college kid wouldn’t forget the phrase “you’re the wrong color to get financial aid” back in the fall of 1983 at USF? Or the military rigging the scores on promotion test and job placements to make things “equal”. The dumbing down of the curriculum at schools across America when busing was implemented in the 70’s costing thousands of poor white students precious years of quality education. The violence and rape of innocent children due to racial strife. Poor whites paid the price for “equality” and the middle and upper class whites moved to the suburbs.
And now the progressives are after the middle and upper white classes as they organize their Tea Party events. Well whites need to realize freedom and liberty just doesn’t appeal to most of the people in the world. At least not to the point where they will pick up a weapon and kill for it. That’s the sad truth. So be it. Just move on and accept it.
The truth is that there are very few Hispanic majority countries that enjoy freedom and liberty. Hispanic majority countries are less economically developed and the citizens make about one third of what majority white countries do. Black majority countries have no free areas that I am aware of. Most are crude and primitive where life is cheap and incomes are 1/40th that of white countries. Harsh realities that white people need to come to terms with if we are to maintain freedom and liberty for our children.
The cold hard facts are about (based on last election) 5% of blacks, 33% of Hispanics, 38% of Asians, 22% of Jews, and 55% of whites support freedom and liberty. Of the whites about 30% will actually pick up a gun and fight for it. That’s the reality. Most people in this world would prefer dictatorship and a dog bone to freedom and liberty.
In the next ten years even if the Republicans sweep into power and control everything there will be tremendous financial and possibly revolutionary change. There is a good possibility there will be a break up of the United States. There will be a tremendous upheaval in our society as the government thugs look to get more power, money and control over the peasants. People will seek out like minded people to organize with. And that is what the progressives are really afraid of.
If white people organize and form Tea Parties, Whig Parties or whatever they will out maneuver and destroy the progressive movement. Whites are still the largest population segment in America and those supporting freedom and liberty are the biggest minority group. If the white organize, and history tells us they always do, if there is a civil break down it will be a route for the freedom and liberty crowd. That is what the progressives are worried about. They know they will lose sooner or later if the “racist” whites organize.
Am I a racist? I am more of a Libertarian than racist in this sense. I don’t give a rat’s ass if Lloyd Marcus is black as long as he is willing to stand next to me when the crap hits the fan and fight. We can bitch about race later but right now I need Lloyd, Angela, James DeCocq and any person who will fight over the next ten years for freedom and liberty on my side. When we win we can go back to our old ways but now is not the time to squabble over the small stuff. Let the “racist” chants from the progressives run off you back like water runs off a ducks back. There are bigger battles to fight.
Black Congressional candidate and Tea Party speaker Angela McGlowen
Bill O’Rielly sums it up best when he said last night (4-12-10) he stopped reporting on anything involving blacks after his incident where he dined in a Negro restaurant with Al Sharpton and was labeled a racist for saying the food was good. And of course the latest Newt Gingrich remarking Obama can hit a three point shot and that’s racist. It’s beyond ridiculous and it makes whites in positions of power and influence uncomfortable around blacks. Most of them secretly do not want anything to do with them. Where is the upside? It’s left up to people like me, an obscure blogger with a good education and the ability to think and to write about this explosive subject.
Attorney General Eric Holder issued a challenge calling America “a nation of cowards” when it comes to talking honestly about race. And he is right. With few exceptions we are cowards. So let’s just get some facts out there right off the get go that everyone is hush hush about. There are differences in the races. Blacks have an average IQ of 85, whites 100 and Hispanics 93. Black men end up in jail 28.6% of the time, whites 4.4% and Hispanics 16.7%. Are these statistics absolute? Who knows? The crime ones are from the Department of Justice but from years ago. Political correctness forced them to hid crime rates based on race as much as possible. Testing scores based on race are state secrets. The government has been engaged in a racial cover-up for decades. And if that was all it was that would be acceptable. Unfortunately it doesn’t end there.
Tea Party oath pledging “I am not a racist”
Racial preferences have been around since Richard Nixon. For most middle and upper class whites they never notice it. Their families have access to the best universities, schools, health care and they can avoid un-pleasantries like the military and dealing with the government for loans, jobs, and services if they choose to. It’s the poor whites who have been discriminated against for decades by the federal, state and local governments. For years governments at all levels have been legally discriminating against whites in their effort to make things “equal”. What college kid wouldn’t forget the phrase “you’re the wrong color to get financial aid” back in the fall of 1983 at USF? Or the military rigging the scores on promotion test and job placements to make things “equal”. The dumbing down of the curriculum at schools across America when busing was implemented in the 70’s costing thousands of poor white students precious years of quality education. The violence and rape of innocent children due to racial strife. Poor whites paid the price for “equality” and the middle and upper class whites moved to the suburbs.
And now the progressives are after the middle and upper white classes as they organize their Tea Party events. Well whites need to realize freedom and liberty just doesn’t appeal to most of the people in the world. At least not to the point where they will pick up a weapon and kill for it. That’s the sad truth. So be it. Just move on and accept it.
The truth is that there are very few Hispanic majority countries that enjoy freedom and liberty. Hispanic majority countries are less economically developed and the citizens make about one third of what majority white countries do. Black majority countries have no free areas that I am aware of. Most are crude and primitive where life is cheap and incomes are 1/40th that of white countries. Harsh realities that white people need to come to terms with if we are to maintain freedom and liberty for our children.
The cold hard facts are about (based on last election) 5% of blacks, 33% of Hispanics, 38% of Asians, 22% of Jews, and 55% of whites support freedom and liberty. Of the whites about 30% will actually pick up a gun and fight for it. That’s the reality. Most people in this world would prefer dictatorship and a dog bone to freedom and liberty.
In the next ten years even if the Republicans sweep into power and control everything there will be tremendous financial and possibly revolutionary change. There is a good possibility there will be a break up of the United States. There will be a tremendous upheaval in our society as the government thugs look to get more power, money and control over the peasants. People will seek out like minded people to organize with. And that is what the progressives are really afraid of.
If white people organize and form Tea Parties, Whig Parties or whatever they will out maneuver and destroy the progressive movement. Whites are still the largest population segment in America and those supporting freedom and liberty are the biggest minority group. If the white organize, and history tells us they always do, if there is a civil break down it will be a route for the freedom and liberty crowd. That is what the progressives are worried about. They know they will lose sooner or later if the “racist” whites organize.
Am I a racist? I am more of a Libertarian than racist in this sense. I don’t give a rat’s ass if Lloyd Marcus is black as long as he is willing to stand next to me when the crap hits the fan and fight. We can bitch about race later but right now I need Lloyd, Angela, James DeCocq and any person who will fight over the next ten years for freedom and liberty on my side. When we win we can go back to our old ways but now is not the time to squabble over the small stuff. Let the “racist” chants from the progressives run off you back like water runs off a ducks back. There are bigger battles to fight.
Inflated Political GDP Numbers from the White House
The Wizard of Oz is trying desperately to get the public to not look behind the curtain but some of us mostly Libertarians we just can’t keep from peaking behind that curtain. The Federal Reserve released the latest Federal Government Current Receipts (FGRECPT), Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate = translation = the amount of money the federal government raked into its greedy little coffers. The $2,229.8 (billions of $$) for October of 2009 was up slightly from the previous quarter but down about 17% from the peak of 2,682.9 in July of 2007.
GDP from 07-2007 to 10-2009
The Federal Reserve also reported its GDP numbers and – surprise – they are positive. The GDP during the same period of time (07-07 to 10-09) went from $14,337.9 (billions of $$) to $14,453.8. A growth rate of about 0.8%. The peak GDP was recorded in July of 2008 at $14,546.7. So according to the White House the economy is close to full capacity or just about 0.6% off the peak in 2008. Does anyone feel like the economy is close to any peak? The Dow Jones certainly isn’t reflecting this new optimism. Caterpillar is reporting shy rocketing health care tax increases and doesn’t seem to be boasting of the good times. What’s up?
Of course we all know what is happening. The Wizard keeps distracting us but the answer is just too obvious for even the most childish among us to ignore. The government with the assistance of the Federal Reserve has blown up the money supply 157% in that same time frame. All the politicians are just hoping that wizard can keep Dorothy distracted until after November of 2010. The wizard is keeping the fire balls going and pretending like he is all powerful. I got news for that wizard. There isn’t a show in this universe that can keep that money bomb from crashing and exploding.
Take a look at all the politicians of the 2000’s. Take a really good long look at the leaders who led us to this crisis. Let’s expose a few of these vermin who sold out America.
Federal Tax Receipts from 07-2007 to 10-2009
The members of the Black Congressional Congress, Maxine Waters, Bobby Rush, Sheila Jackson Lee, Barbara Lee, Charles B. Rangel and so forth. All 39 or 40 of them. All pimping the Community Reinvestment Act. All playing on white guilt for nothing more than pure corruption and greed. All in lockstep with the redistribution of wealth to the Democratic Party and its members. Under the definition of being in political lockstep in the dictionary there should be a picture of the Black Congressional Caucus. All a bunch of progressive mindless zombies barking like dogs when told to by the white Robert “KKK” Bird, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. A bunch of dumb dogs doing what the master told them to do.
George Bush 43. Could there have been a more disastrous president to lead America during this time? Well yes Al Gore would have been worse but maybe Al would have hesitated to go into Iraq. Bush may well go down as a great war time president and he probably deserves the title but the guy after the tax cuts just totally and completely dropped the ball on personal liberties and economics. Bail outs, ineffectually trying to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Patriot Act all undermined this country. The Democrats listed above had a lot to do with it but when it counted, 2008, Bush caved like a house of cards. No bail outs no Morgan Stanley, AIG, Goldman Sacks, Citibank and the rest of the tarnished political players trying to scam the system. No homeowner bail out and the housing market would be cleared by now. The country would have saved at least a trillion off the national debt and the country would be in much better shape economically today if Bush would have taken his reckless spending medicine in 2008.
Monetary Base from 07-2007 to 2010. This is not normal folks
The Republicans in congress and the senate who undercut Bush or had no backbone. John McCain and that creep Lindsey Graham come to mind. John “two faced” McCain always running over to the democrats every time a controversial bill came up so he could be a “Maverick” and a “Moderate” to the country. No John you are just a progressive traitor who stabbed the Republicans in the back because you had a personal vendetta against them. You were a tool to the democrats who helped you get your need for revenge against Bush and the Republicans you so detest. Well you got your revenge. Was it worth it?
Lindsey Graham another backstabber looking to be a “moderate” while pretending to be so smooth and intellectual. Earth to Lindsey we know who you are and your act is getting old. We all watch Glen Beck is now and we can see a progressive a mile away. You can go home now and change your party affiliation to democrat or backstabber. We don’t care.
John Boehner the Republican Minority Leader during 2008 and the bail outs. Simply put he is suppose to implement what his party wants. Bush told him to support the bail outs. The American people told him not to support the bail outs. That was real money John and a real world test of intestinal fortitude. You failed plain and simple. So funny hearing Republicans complaining about congress not listening to the will of the people during the health care debate. Where were John Boehner and the Republicans in the fall of 2008? Voting against the will of the people.
Let’s not forget Alan “1% Fed Funds Rate” Greenspan. The one guy who knew exactly what was going on (besides Peter Schiff) and did the opposite of what he was paid to do. He sold out like McCain most likely because of personal feelings of disgust for Bush.
These politicians and Federal Chairman will not be remembered kindly in the history books if freedom loving Americans can wrest control away from the communist “progressives” that currently inhabit the positions of power in all branches of government. Bush, McCain, Graham and Boehner all paved the way for Obama and the democrats to do whatever the hell they wanted to. Especially Bush 43 who led his party to a complete rout in the 2008 elections by his actions leaving the door to dictatorship wide open for the communist “progressives” to exploit. Now we have a Hugo Chavez wanna bee that is weak, intellectually challenged, has ego issues, and was abandoned by mom and dad, and hates white people in the White House. Fricking great assholes.
And most likely the “Magic Negro” will be in the White House when that Argentina designed money bomb explodes onto the scene. Here’s to you George Bush and the politicians of the 2000’s. You really made an impression on the working folks. Enjoy your gold coins in your retirement years and let the people pick up after your mess. You are useless and gutless.
GDP from 07-2007 to 10-2009
The Federal Reserve also reported its GDP numbers and – surprise – they are positive. The GDP during the same period of time (07-07 to 10-09) went from $14,337.9 (billions of $$) to $14,453.8. A growth rate of about 0.8%. The peak GDP was recorded in July of 2008 at $14,546.7. So according to the White House the economy is close to full capacity or just about 0.6% off the peak in 2008. Does anyone feel like the economy is close to any peak? The Dow Jones certainly isn’t reflecting this new optimism. Caterpillar is reporting shy rocketing health care tax increases and doesn’t seem to be boasting of the good times. What’s up?
Of course we all know what is happening. The Wizard keeps distracting us but the answer is just too obvious for even the most childish among us to ignore. The government with the assistance of the Federal Reserve has blown up the money supply 157% in that same time frame. All the politicians are just hoping that wizard can keep Dorothy distracted until after November of 2010. The wizard is keeping the fire balls going and pretending like he is all powerful. I got news for that wizard. There isn’t a show in this universe that can keep that money bomb from crashing and exploding.
Take a look at all the politicians of the 2000’s. Take a really good long look at the leaders who led us to this crisis. Let’s expose a few of these vermin who sold out America.
Federal Tax Receipts from 07-2007 to 10-2009
The members of the Black Congressional Congress, Maxine Waters, Bobby Rush, Sheila Jackson Lee, Barbara Lee, Charles B. Rangel and so forth. All 39 or 40 of them. All pimping the Community Reinvestment Act. All playing on white guilt for nothing more than pure corruption and greed. All in lockstep with the redistribution of wealth to the Democratic Party and its members. Under the definition of being in political lockstep in the dictionary there should be a picture of the Black Congressional Caucus. All a bunch of progressive mindless zombies barking like dogs when told to by the white Robert “KKK” Bird, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. A bunch of dumb dogs doing what the master told them to do.
George Bush 43. Could there have been a more disastrous president to lead America during this time? Well yes Al Gore would have been worse but maybe Al would have hesitated to go into Iraq. Bush may well go down as a great war time president and he probably deserves the title but the guy after the tax cuts just totally and completely dropped the ball on personal liberties and economics. Bail outs, ineffectually trying to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Patriot Act all undermined this country. The Democrats listed above had a lot to do with it but when it counted, 2008, Bush caved like a house of cards. No bail outs no Morgan Stanley, AIG, Goldman Sacks, Citibank and the rest of the tarnished political players trying to scam the system. No homeowner bail out and the housing market would be cleared by now. The country would have saved at least a trillion off the national debt and the country would be in much better shape economically today if Bush would have taken his reckless spending medicine in 2008.
Monetary Base from 07-2007 to 2010. This is not normal folks
The Republicans in congress and the senate who undercut Bush or had no backbone. John McCain and that creep Lindsey Graham come to mind. John “two faced” McCain always running over to the democrats every time a controversial bill came up so he could be a “Maverick” and a “Moderate” to the country. No John you are just a progressive traitor who stabbed the Republicans in the back because you had a personal vendetta against them. You were a tool to the democrats who helped you get your need for revenge against Bush and the Republicans you so detest. Well you got your revenge. Was it worth it?
Lindsey Graham another backstabber looking to be a “moderate” while pretending to be so smooth and intellectual. Earth to Lindsey we know who you are and your act is getting old. We all watch Glen Beck is now and we can see a progressive a mile away. You can go home now and change your party affiliation to democrat or backstabber. We don’t care.
John Boehner the Republican Minority Leader during 2008 and the bail outs. Simply put he is suppose to implement what his party wants. Bush told him to support the bail outs. The American people told him not to support the bail outs. That was real money John and a real world test of intestinal fortitude. You failed plain and simple. So funny hearing Republicans complaining about congress not listening to the will of the people during the health care debate. Where were John Boehner and the Republicans in the fall of 2008? Voting against the will of the people.
Let’s not forget Alan “1% Fed Funds Rate” Greenspan. The one guy who knew exactly what was going on (besides Peter Schiff) and did the opposite of what he was paid to do. He sold out like McCain most likely because of personal feelings of disgust for Bush.
These politicians and Federal Chairman will not be remembered kindly in the history books if freedom loving Americans can wrest control away from the communist “progressives” that currently inhabit the positions of power in all branches of government. Bush, McCain, Graham and Boehner all paved the way for Obama and the democrats to do whatever the hell they wanted to. Especially Bush 43 who led his party to a complete rout in the 2008 elections by his actions leaving the door to dictatorship wide open for the communist “progressives” to exploit. Now we have a Hugo Chavez wanna bee that is weak, intellectually challenged, has ego issues, and was abandoned by mom and dad, and hates white people in the White House. Fricking great assholes.
And most likely the “Magic Negro” will be in the White House when that Argentina designed money bomb explodes onto the scene. Here’s to you George Bush and the politicians of the 2000’s. You really made an impression on the working folks. Enjoy your gold coins in your retirement years and let the people pick up after your mess. You are useless and gutless.
Building a Better Local Government by Matthew Falconer
Matt Falconer is a local developer in Orlando, Florida and the surrounding areas. In the not so distant past Florida had a fantastic business climate. We have year around good weather on a sand bar that was fantastic to build on and a fresh underground water (Avon Park and Osceola ) supply. We enjoyed low taxes and had the “mail box” economy where retirees with social security and retirement checks to spend littered the landscape. There was enough tourism to drive the locals crazy from the traffic congestion and we good people running the local governments. And then the craziness set in.
Bush was elected; 9-11 happened, the housing bubble came and burst. Ten years later we suddenly wake up to see our local government went nuts in the sea of tax revenues. In a nutshell local government has increased 100% to 300% depending on the government program and municipality. A complete orgy of wasteful spending and consumption.
Matthew Falconer Candidate for Orange County Mayor
All the cool kids in high school without the drive, ambition or brains to go to college have flocked to the high paying government jobs and joined the union. We all know the politically correct cool kids. The Ken and Barbie’s of yesteryear, so sweet, cute and so contemptuous of all us everyday people who work for a living. Ken is now working 58 days a year in the Orlando Fire Department making $90,000 a year and Barbie is the Mayor’s assistant making $117,000 a year with some bogus four year degree about political science or some such nonsense anyone with an IQ over 90 could achieve. Now the “in” crowd has migrated into government and they are using the police power of the state to extort monopoly profits from the working class slugs that would make mobster Tony Soprano blush with envy.
In the past a government worker might get $25,000 a year and a good vacation plan. Maybe $35,000 or at the most $50,000 for the super duper ones. Now that is all chump change to the cool people. These overpaid under worked too lazy to get a real college degree in a subject like engineering or economics are regularly pulling down $70,000 with benefits while the average taxpayer makes $38,000. Ken and Barbie found the easy way to live the high life and make the un cool kids their servants working the boring everyday jobs and taking their money using the power of government to steal for them. Good work if you can get it. It must be nice to be making $70,000 with 30 days vacation, the best medical and dental benefits with job security while the peasants suffer 12% official unemployment and unofficially 20% if you include all those illegal’s who up and left and the discouraged private sector productive workers.
Mr. Falconer has seen this disdain and arrogance from the other side as a person treated like a peasant by government. Government just getting bigger and more ridiculous by the day until he finally got fed up and did something about it. Instead of picking up the pitch fork and invading city hall which has always been the peasants’ recourse in the past against dysfunctional government he decided to use his wits. He formed a 30 member commission to look into the waste and abuse of our local government. Citizens who would donate their time and effort for the propose of building a better local government to protect and serve the people. The Taxpayer Budget Review Boards of Florida was formed in 2008 with the goal of improving local government and not overthrowing it.
Basically the committee looked at Orange County and the cities contained within. All together there are 14 governments with zigzagging jurisdictions inside Orange County. Orlando, Ocoee, Apopka, Oakland and so forth. All these local governments with their own police, fire, code enforcement, zoning and bureaucracies. All run to control the people and using the police powers of the state to extort the maximum revenue from the working stiffs trying to feed their families. The Ken and Barbie’s of the world along with the affirmative action and union crowds have transformed our local governments into mobster thugs looking to make a buck. Matt and his commission spent the better part of a year extracting financial information from these municipalities and developing strategies to reduce expenses. Here are his basic themes.
The first theme that occurs throughout the book over and over again is the waste in duplication of services. This means if city A is next to city B why not share resources? The equipment, manpower, facilities can be reduced and economies of scale can be achieved UP TO A POINT. There is no set point like the Laffer Curve has for excessive tax rates but the commission divided up Orange County into four service areas. Orange County has a population of a little over a million so setting up service zones around 250,000 seems reasonable. Of course local citizens will have to decide the size that best serves them. The point is that there are diminishing returns in government by getting too big. There is a loss of contact with the people and the services unresponsive to the needs of the public. Getting the perfect size and forming regional zones will be more of a art than science but the benefits is greater utilization of manpower, equipment and facilities saving the public a estimated 10% to 20% according to Mr. Falconer. This seems conservative to me. I suspect there are more savings especially in areas like fire protection, code enforcement and administrative staffing.
The second theme that runs throughout the book is technology, technology and technology. Basically placing as many function on the web as possible. Plans inspection and review, traffic tickets, code enforcement beefs, education on line to be accessed by the public. Basically putting as much as is possible on line for the average citizen to be able to access government services from the comfort of their home or business. One of the many examples is getting a permit for a billboard. Why do citizens have to fill out the paperwork and make a trip to the courthouse? Why not do it on line? The process would involve the normal information gathering as well as a question and answer session that the public may need to make sure the billboard is in compliance with construction codes. The same would apply to builders who submit plans on a regular basis. Why not have accounts where all updates and submittals can be handled on line instead of the regular trips to city hall? Creating a 21st century city hall will save both the public and local government valuable resources estimated again at a conservative 10% to 20%.
The third theme of the book is failure to utilize private services. The classic example is garbage pick up where the city service cost 40% more than the private service and occurs less frequently. There are other services that should be considered on a case by case basis. Building inspection, engineering, prisons, information technology, administration and many other aspects of government. The idea is to eliminate the functions outside the core functions of safety, justice, safety net, education and maintaining respect for the public and public property. Do we need public golf courses? The proposition is to eliminate all government functions outside the core functions and concentrate on delivering those services in an economical and responsive manner.
Education reform recommendations include Cyber Schools, Virtual Schools; Charter Schools, Smaller Schools of 50 to 100 students and Vouchers. A massive decentralization of the schools for the benefit of the public. There is nothing sadder and no sin greater than having our young loved ones sent to these huge government monopoly indoctrination centers of 3,000 to 6,000 students. Huge bastions of unionized teachers preaching progressive lockstep thinking to the poor peasant children that cannot escape to private schools. One recommendation that I would give would be to assign the money including transportation cost to the student and give the money to the principal to spend as he or she pleases. Let the principal budget for transportation, salaries, maintenance, administration, and overhead to Orange County at 445 West Amelia Street. Currently Orange County spends about $13,500 per student including capital projects and not including transportation cost. Put a voucher on each kid of say $8,000 + transportation cost and let the schools fight over the kids. We will see how eager the principals are to give any of that $8,000+ to 445 West Amelia Street and the bureaucracy. Education needs to be centered on the STUDENTS! If we give the power of the purse to the principals we will get more bang for the buck. Guaranteed.
It makes people feel good if they are spending on children and their education to go to first rate schools. It makes me feel horrible that all this money is being wasted on unions and bureaucracy that is designed more for indoctrination than education. I am saddened that my children and other children suffer this abuse from the government at such a young age.
There are more figures and recommendations and I would urge every local politician to read the book. It is amazing that Mr. Falconer and his volunteers have put together real numbers at the local level. It took the amazing 30 a lot of e-mails and conversations to get an overall view and idea of the waste in Orange County. When you’re taking about a few billion saving 20% is nothing to be taken lightly. Thank you Matt and the amazing 30 who put this book together.
Matt Falconer is a guy who did something constructive about the problem of fiscally insane government. He has identified problems and proposed concrete solutions to those problems. Mr. Falconer proposes an amendment to the Orange County charter. It contains language to eliminate duplicate services in nearby municipalities and other reorganization goals and realignments. Mr. Falconer is currently running for Orange County Mayor and has one of the most organized volunteer forces currently going from door to door spreading the government reform movement message. In local straw pools he finishes first by wide margins. I wish him the best and would vote for him if I could but currently reside in neighboring Seminole County.
A few amendments I would like to see to eliminate the gravy train for Ken and Barbie aka local government.
Amendment I. This would have to be statewide since implementation of it on a county level would give some merchants an unfair advantage for retail customers. The amendment would force all local taxes into three areas. The millage rate would be set at 1.65 or 2.00 or something agreed upon for residential and commercial real estate. No more two tier system of a fixed rate for the homeowner and a different rate for commercial and secondary homeowners. All other revenue collected must come from gas or sales tax so the public can see the true cost of local government every time they fill up or go to the store. No more hiding behind 100 fees for 100 different clients. This amendment would make all those thuggish behaviors of the union bureaucrats sniffing out more revenue disappear. Real simple like “All property tax rates shall be 1.65% and all remaining city and county revenues shall come from retail sales tax and or gasoline taxes.” Done. No need to be fancy or complex. I guarantee you the day this went into affect everyone would be REALLY interested in their local government and waste.
Amendment II. “No local worker can serve a city, county or state government agency longer than 12 years.” Real simple and it gets Ken and Barbie out of the government gravy train and into the private sector with all the other unwashed peasants looking to feed their families. The pension nightmare is ended. Lifelong government slugs are forced to get a real job. An elite class of union parasites are shown the door.
Just those two reforms would turn local governments upside down. Isaac Newton said “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Well it’s time for the reaction to the insanity of our local governments.
I will help Matt Falconer, Todd Long, Franklin Perez, Karen Diebel and anyone else who exhibits a basic understanding of Austrian school economics and just plain respect for their fellow human beings. We have become a nation of governments plundering the populations they are reported to be serving. It happens at the top and has infected even the lowers levels of government. This is not a Democrat or Republican problem. I could not tell you Mr. Falconer’s party affiliation before he declared his candidacy and I could care less. The man understands government is a dead weight on society that is dragging down our living standards. And let me be even more frank. When the government starts causing me to be unable to feed and protect my family I WILL grab that pitchfork and get some payback.
On another level this is so unfair for one class of privileged Barbie’s and Kens to be taking money from another class of people who are productive members of society. Government needs to remember they produce NOTHING! Why on earth should government workers be paid more than productive members of society? Most of them are nice good looking people that can sit around five days a week looking busy and pretty. Handsome firefighters and policemen who work 58 days a year with lots of time to work out and be buff for the wives. So far removed from the rest of society working at Home Depot or on a construction site producing goods and services that benefit the people.
It reminds me of high school and the reunion 30 years later. The dumb guys who were in the “good” crowd all went into the government or union jobs. Very few of them had college degrees but they all had nice wives and nice pensions. The smart ones who went to college became chemist, doctors and contractors. And then there were the same poor saps that mostly didn’t go to college but were not cool enough to get that government job. Struggling to get by. It was like nothing had changed in 30 years. The “in” crowd was hogging all the money and fun plundering and pillaging the working class crowd only instead of using social circles and school functions they used the police power of the state to set up tax breaks for their industries and generate monopoly revenues for the unionized workers.
Most of the people like me who see the coming financial collapse and most likely break up of the United States are going to give the elections of 2010 and 2012 a chance. We owe it to the good decent people like Matt Falconer who played by the rules all his life and wants to fight government with peaceful legal means. Make no mistake there is a smoldering undercurrent to America just like it was 1858. The sides are lined up. Progressive verses conservative. There is very little middle ground. It will not take much to light that flame and when it is lit there is a huge amount of fuel just waiting to burn. Give it your best shot Matt. I and others with the education and military background will be waiting in the wings. Simper fi or was that Go Blue!
Bush was elected; 9-11 happened, the housing bubble came and burst. Ten years later we suddenly wake up to see our local government went nuts in the sea of tax revenues. In a nutshell local government has increased 100% to 300% depending on the government program and municipality. A complete orgy of wasteful spending and consumption.
Matthew Falconer Candidate for Orange County Mayor
All the cool kids in high school without the drive, ambition or brains to go to college have flocked to the high paying government jobs and joined the union. We all know the politically correct cool kids. The Ken and Barbie’s of yesteryear, so sweet, cute and so contemptuous of all us everyday people who work for a living. Ken is now working 58 days a year in the Orlando Fire Department making $90,000 a year and Barbie is the Mayor’s assistant making $117,000 a year with some bogus four year degree about political science or some such nonsense anyone with an IQ over 90 could achieve. Now the “in” crowd has migrated into government and they are using the police power of the state to extort monopoly profits from the working class slugs that would make mobster Tony Soprano blush with envy.
In the past a government worker might get $25,000 a year and a good vacation plan. Maybe $35,000 or at the most $50,000 for the super duper ones. Now that is all chump change to the cool people. These overpaid under worked too lazy to get a real college degree in a subject like engineering or economics are regularly pulling down $70,000 with benefits while the average taxpayer makes $38,000. Ken and Barbie found the easy way to live the high life and make the un cool kids their servants working the boring everyday jobs and taking their money using the power of government to steal for them. Good work if you can get it. It must be nice to be making $70,000 with 30 days vacation, the best medical and dental benefits with job security while the peasants suffer 12% official unemployment and unofficially 20% if you include all those illegal’s who up and left and the discouraged private sector productive workers.
Mr. Falconer has seen this disdain and arrogance from the other side as a person treated like a peasant by government. Government just getting bigger and more ridiculous by the day until he finally got fed up and did something about it. Instead of picking up the pitch fork and invading city hall which has always been the peasants’ recourse in the past against dysfunctional government he decided to use his wits. He formed a 30 member commission to look into the waste and abuse of our local government. Citizens who would donate their time and effort for the propose of building a better local government to protect and serve the people. The Taxpayer Budget Review Boards of Florida was formed in 2008 with the goal of improving local government and not overthrowing it.
Basically the committee looked at Orange County and the cities contained within. All together there are 14 governments with zigzagging jurisdictions inside Orange County. Orlando, Ocoee, Apopka, Oakland and so forth. All these local governments with their own police, fire, code enforcement, zoning and bureaucracies. All run to control the people and using the police powers of the state to extort the maximum revenue from the working stiffs trying to feed their families. The Ken and Barbie’s of the world along with the affirmative action and union crowds have transformed our local governments into mobster thugs looking to make a buck. Matt and his commission spent the better part of a year extracting financial information from these municipalities and developing strategies to reduce expenses. Here are his basic themes.
The first theme that occurs throughout the book over and over again is the waste in duplication of services. This means if city A is next to city B why not share resources? The equipment, manpower, facilities can be reduced and economies of scale can be achieved UP TO A POINT. There is no set point like the Laffer Curve has for excessive tax rates but the commission divided up Orange County into four service areas. Orange County has a population of a little over a million so setting up service zones around 250,000 seems reasonable. Of course local citizens will have to decide the size that best serves them. The point is that there are diminishing returns in government by getting too big. There is a loss of contact with the people and the services unresponsive to the needs of the public. Getting the perfect size and forming regional zones will be more of a art than science but the benefits is greater utilization of manpower, equipment and facilities saving the public a estimated 10% to 20% according to Mr. Falconer. This seems conservative to me. I suspect there are more savings especially in areas like fire protection, code enforcement and administrative staffing.
The second theme that runs throughout the book is technology, technology and technology. Basically placing as many function on the web as possible. Plans inspection and review, traffic tickets, code enforcement beefs, education on line to be accessed by the public. Basically putting as much as is possible on line for the average citizen to be able to access government services from the comfort of their home or business. One of the many examples is getting a permit for a billboard. Why do citizens have to fill out the paperwork and make a trip to the courthouse? Why not do it on line? The process would involve the normal information gathering as well as a question and answer session that the public may need to make sure the billboard is in compliance with construction codes. The same would apply to builders who submit plans on a regular basis. Why not have accounts where all updates and submittals can be handled on line instead of the regular trips to city hall? Creating a 21st century city hall will save both the public and local government valuable resources estimated again at a conservative 10% to 20%.
The third theme of the book is failure to utilize private services. The classic example is garbage pick up where the city service cost 40% more than the private service and occurs less frequently. There are other services that should be considered on a case by case basis. Building inspection, engineering, prisons, information technology, administration and many other aspects of government. The idea is to eliminate the functions outside the core functions of safety, justice, safety net, education and maintaining respect for the public and public property. Do we need public golf courses? The proposition is to eliminate all government functions outside the core functions and concentrate on delivering those services in an economical and responsive manner.
Education reform recommendations include Cyber Schools, Virtual Schools; Charter Schools, Smaller Schools of 50 to 100 students and Vouchers. A massive decentralization of the schools for the benefit of the public. There is nothing sadder and no sin greater than having our young loved ones sent to these huge government monopoly indoctrination centers of 3,000 to 6,000 students. Huge bastions of unionized teachers preaching progressive lockstep thinking to the poor peasant children that cannot escape to private schools. One recommendation that I would give would be to assign the money including transportation cost to the student and give the money to the principal to spend as he or she pleases. Let the principal budget for transportation, salaries, maintenance, administration, and overhead to Orange County at 445 West Amelia Street. Currently Orange County spends about $13,500 per student including capital projects and not including transportation cost. Put a voucher on each kid of say $8,000 + transportation cost and let the schools fight over the kids. We will see how eager the principals are to give any of that $8,000+ to 445 West Amelia Street and the bureaucracy. Education needs to be centered on the STUDENTS! If we give the power of the purse to the principals we will get more bang for the buck. Guaranteed.
It makes people feel good if they are spending on children and their education to go to first rate schools. It makes me feel horrible that all this money is being wasted on unions and bureaucracy that is designed more for indoctrination than education. I am saddened that my children and other children suffer this abuse from the government at such a young age.
There are more figures and recommendations and I would urge every local politician to read the book. It is amazing that Mr. Falconer and his volunteers have put together real numbers at the local level. It took the amazing 30 a lot of e-mails and conversations to get an overall view and idea of the waste in Orange County. When you’re taking about a few billion saving 20% is nothing to be taken lightly. Thank you Matt and the amazing 30 who put this book together.
Matt Falconer is a guy who did something constructive about the problem of fiscally insane government. He has identified problems and proposed concrete solutions to those problems. Mr. Falconer proposes an amendment to the Orange County charter. It contains language to eliminate duplicate services in nearby municipalities and other reorganization goals and realignments. Mr. Falconer is currently running for Orange County Mayor and has one of the most organized volunteer forces currently going from door to door spreading the government reform movement message. In local straw pools he finishes first by wide margins. I wish him the best and would vote for him if I could but currently reside in neighboring Seminole County.
A few amendments I would like to see to eliminate the gravy train for Ken and Barbie aka local government.
Amendment I. This would have to be statewide since implementation of it on a county level would give some merchants an unfair advantage for retail customers. The amendment would force all local taxes into three areas. The millage rate would be set at 1.65 or 2.00 or something agreed upon for residential and commercial real estate. No more two tier system of a fixed rate for the homeowner and a different rate for commercial and secondary homeowners. All other revenue collected must come from gas or sales tax so the public can see the true cost of local government every time they fill up or go to the store. No more hiding behind 100 fees for 100 different clients. This amendment would make all those thuggish behaviors of the union bureaucrats sniffing out more revenue disappear. Real simple like “All property tax rates shall be 1.65% and all remaining city and county revenues shall come from retail sales tax and or gasoline taxes.” Done. No need to be fancy or complex. I guarantee you the day this went into affect everyone would be REALLY interested in their local government and waste.
Amendment II. “No local worker can serve a city, county or state government agency longer than 12 years.” Real simple and it gets Ken and Barbie out of the government gravy train and into the private sector with all the other unwashed peasants looking to feed their families. The pension nightmare is ended. Lifelong government slugs are forced to get a real job. An elite class of union parasites are shown the door.
Just those two reforms would turn local governments upside down. Isaac Newton said “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Well it’s time for the reaction to the insanity of our local governments.
I will help Matt Falconer, Todd Long, Franklin Perez, Karen Diebel and anyone else who exhibits a basic understanding of Austrian school economics and just plain respect for their fellow human beings. We have become a nation of governments plundering the populations they are reported to be serving. It happens at the top and has infected even the lowers levels of government. This is not a Democrat or Republican problem. I could not tell you Mr. Falconer’s party affiliation before he declared his candidacy and I could care less. The man understands government is a dead weight on society that is dragging down our living standards. And let me be even more frank. When the government starts causing me to be unable to feed and protect my family I WILL grab that pitchfork and get some payback.
On another level this is so unfair for one class of privileged Barbie’s and Kens to be taking money from another class of people who are productive members of society. Government needs to remember they produce NOTHING! Why on earth should government workers be paid more than productive members of society? Most of them are nice good looking people that can sit around five days a week looking busy and pretty. Handsome firefighters and policemen who work 58 days a year with lots of time to work out and be buff for the wives. So far removed from the rest of society working at Home Depot or on a construction site producing goods and services that benefit the people.
It reminds me of high school and the reunion 30 years later. The dumb guys who were in the “good” crowd all went into the government or union jobs. Very few of them had college degrees but they all had nice wives and nice pensions. The smart ones who went to college became chemist, doctors and contractors. And then there were the same poor saps that mostly didn’t go to college but were not cool enough to get that government job. Struggling to get by. It was like nothing had changed in 30 years. The “in” crowd was hogging all the money and fun plundering and pillaging the working class crowd only instead of using social circles and school functions they used the police power of the state to set up tax breaks for their industries and generate monopoly revenues for the unionized workers.
Most of the people like me who see the coming financial collapse and most likely break up of the United States are going to give the elections of 2010 and 2012 a chance. We owe it to the good decent people like Matt Falconer who played by the rules all his life and wants to fight government with peaceful legal means. Make no mistake there is a smoldering undercurrent to America just like it was 1858. The sides are lined up. Progressive verses conservative. There is very little middle ground. It will not take much to light that flame and when it is lit there is a huge amount of fuel just waiting to burn. Give it your best shot Matt. I and others with the education and military background will be waiting in the wings. Simper fi or was that Go Blue!
Congresswoman Kosmas and Progressives Acting like Little Girls
I am represented by a progressive Democrat who hides her exposure to public gatherings like a mouse hides from a cat. When she does have meetings they are announced to the inside Democrats well in advance. Republicans and Libertarians find out maybe 3 hours before the meeting like the one last summer at Lake Nona. Her best meetings are teleconferences where there is no face to face. Her most recent teleconference was held after she voted for the health care bill. In the teleconference she gives all the talking points with no independent thinking or positions. This kind of cowardly unimaginative behavior earns her contempt from both the right and the left.
I simply refer to her as the “mouse” because of her evasive maneuvers away from the limelight. The two faced weasel was for health care reform then voted against it when she saw the opposition and finally when it counted voted for it. Maybe this was related to her primary opponent Paul Partyka, a wealthy real estate developer. He has the money to compete against Kosmas. She is widely considered the most corrupt corporate shill among all House Democratic freshmen. Her life in DC has been a life spent with K Street lobbyists, who have showered her with money. She has accumulated $1.3 million and it will be no easy task to dislodge her. A tough primary that uses up all of her resources is likely to make her much easier pickings, if she survives the primary, for a solid Republican opponent.
Seminole County Florida is a mostly independent but Republican leaning county which makes up the majority of Kosmas District 24 area. She knows her election in 2010 is history. She most likely has been bribed by Obama. Nobody is sure what the bribe was but Dick Morris specifically stated on Fox News he would be watching her in the future after her defeat. Along with Morris I and whoever the congresswoman to replace her will be watching. Whoever is elected to replace her, Karen Diebel or Sandy Adams, will be inundated with request to follow up on Kosmas and her new employer. If Kosmas survives her primary she is toast in the general election and she knows it.
Kosmas like other Democrats know they just finished their political carriers. So what to do when they are about to meet the pissed off peasants? Drag out the death threats. The press is reporting some incidences of vandalism and phone threats and house Minority Leader John Boehner has issued a statement “I know many Americans are angry over this health care bill, and that Washington Democrats just aren’t listening. But, as I’ve said, violence and threats are unacceptable,” he said in a statement. What the hell is going on? Haven’t these left loons been burning effigies of George Bush and assaulting Republicans like Ann Coulter for years? Were these Democrats condemning the violence? Of course we know the answer. Violence is okay on the left if you agree with the protesters.
Republicans need to get real vicious in the coming years. The progressives took power because they lied, cheated and intimidated. They made the ground rules. Republicans need to outnumber them and become absolutely vicious when confronting these leftist freaks from mom’s basement. Whatever the left does increase the escalation. No mercy. No quarter. Expose and defeat the “Die Quickly” freaks wherever they pop up.
Eric Cantor's office shot up. Where's the Democratic outrage?
I have no sympathy for Kosmas or any two faced scum from the progressive swamp. Alan Grayson at least has the guts to say what he really means. As far as I am concerned Kosmas can lose in the primary or general. It makes no difference to me. If there are death threats against her and the others then welcome to the world of Republicans, Glen Beck, Bill O’Rielly, Rush Limbaugh and any right public figure. Get use to it.
What the left is really doing are the same tactics North Vietnam use on America during the Vietnam War. When America was kicking the North Vietnamese Army’s ass across the country they would fly to Paris and ask for peace talks and a cease fire. The stupid Americans would agree allowing the North time to regroup and organize for more offensive campaigns against the South Vietnamese and the America Army. It was a stupid tactic except it worked. The Americans would always grasp at any peace straw the communist threw out there. It was silly beyond belief but Nixon and Kissinger fell for the stupid tactic every time.
And now the communist are in control. They are using the same tactics on the American public. Portraying the Tea Party people as violent thugs. Of course the most violent Tea Party incident was SEIU members beating up a black man who dared sell merchandise to white folks. And now Democratic supporters shooting up Virginia Republican Eric Cantor office.
Where is the Democratic outrage?
Violence seems to be fine if it comes from the left. Just one of those things radicals will be radicals don’t you know? Libertarians, Republicans and Tea Party members better wake the hell up. Communist don’t have a very good peace, love, dove track record. They tend to kill their opponents and have a long history of doing just that. Wake the hell up and prepare.
If this war is to be won for the soul of America then Republicans, Tea Party members and Libertarians cannot take their eye off the prize. Ignore the distractions that will come from the left like “death threats” and always be looking to kill progressive careers. Grayson and Kosmas are just two. There will be many more to come. Republicans would do well to acquire a killer instinct and use it.
And always be aware that if the communist win after 2012 succession will become a viable outcome just like in the former USSR. Freedom isn’t free. The Republicans squandered it away and now a new generation will most likely have to fight a new revolution. Hopefully peacefully like the breakup of the USSR but maybe like 1776. Even if Palin wins in 2012 the country is so divided the best thing that could happen would be a peaceful breakup of the left loons to the west coast and northeast and the rest to conservatives and libertarians. Until that happy day always be prepared to fight to the death.
I simply refer to her as the “mouse” because of her evasive maneuvers away from the limelight. The two faced weasel was for health care reform then voted against it when she saw the opposition and finally when it counted voted for it. Maybe this was related to her primary opponent Paul Partyka, a wealthy real estate developer. He has the money to compete against Kosmas. She is widely considered the most corrupt corporate shill among all House Democratic freshmen. Her life in DC has been a life spent with K Street lobbyists, who have showered her with money. She has accumulated $1.3 million and it will be no easy task to dislodge her. A tough primary that uses up all of her resources is likely to make her much easier pickings, if she survives the primary, for a solid Republican opponent.
Seminole County Florida is a mostly independent but Republican leaning county which makes up the majority of Kosmas District 24 area. She knows her election in 2010 is history. She most likely has been bribed by Obama. Nobody is sure what the bribe was but Dick Morris specifically stated on Fox News he would be watching her in the future after her defeat. Along with Morris I and whoever the congresswoman to replace her will be watching. Whoever is elected to replace her, Karen Diebel or Sandy Adams, will be inundated with request to follow up on Kosmas and her new employer. If Kosmas survives her primary she is toast in the general election and she knows it.
Kosmas like other Democrats know they just finished their political carriers. So what to do when they are about to meet the pissed off peasants? Drag out the death threats. The press is reporting some incidences of vandalism and phone threats and house Minority Leader John Boehner has issued a statement “I know many Americans are angry over this health care bill, and that Washington Democrats just aren’t listening. But, as I’ve said, violence and threats are unacceptable,” he said in a statement. What the hell is going on? Haven’t these left loons been burning effigies of George Bush and assaulting Republicans like Ann Coulter for years? Were these Democrats condemning the violence? Of course we know the answer. Violence is okay on the left if you agree with the protesters.
Republicans need to get real vicious in the coming years. The progressives took power because they lied, cheated and intimidated. They made the ground rules. Republicans need to outnumber them and become absolutely vicious when confronting these leftist freaks from mom’s basement. Whatever the left does increase the escalation. No mercy. No quarter. Expose and defeat the “Die Quickly” freaks wherever they pop up.
Eric Cantor's office shot up. Where's the Democratic outrage?
I have no sympathy for Kosmas or any two faced scum from the progressive swamp. Alan Grayson at least has the guts to say what he really means. As far as I am concerned Kosmas can lose in the primary or general. It makes no difference to me. If there are death threats against her and the others then welcome to the world of Republicans, Glen Beck, Bill O’Rielly, Rush Limbaugh and any right public figure. Get use to it.
What the left is really doing are the same tactics North Vietnam use on America during the Vietnam War. When America was kicking the North Vietnamese Army’s ass across the country they would fly to Paris and ask for peace talks and a cease fire. The stupid Americans would agree allowing the North time to regroup and organize for more offensive campaigns against the South Vietnamese and the America Army. It was a stupid tactic except it worked. The Americans would always grasp at any peace straw the communist threw out there. It was silly beyond belief but Nixon and Kissinger fell for the stupid tactic every time.
And now the communist are in control. They are using the same tactics on the American public. Portraying the Tea Party people as violent thugs. Of course the most violent Tea Party incident was SEIU members beating up a black man who dared sell merchandise to white folks. And now Democratic supporters shooting up Virginia Republican Eric Cantor office.
Where is the Democratic outrage?
Violence seems to be fine if it comes from the left. Just one of those things radicals will be radicals don’t you know? Libertarians, Republicans and Tea Party members better wake the hell up. Communist don’t have a very good peace, love, dove track record. They tend to kill their opponents and have a long history of doing just that. Wake the hell up and prepare.
If this war is to be won for the soul of America then Republicans, Tea Party members and Libertarians cannot take their eye off the prize. Ignore the distractions that will come from the left like “death threats” and always be looking to kill progressive careers. Grayson and Kosmas are just two. There will be many more to come. Republicans would do well to acquire a killer instinct and use it.
And always be aware that if the communist win after 2012 succession will become a viable outcome just like in the former USSR. Freedom isn’t free. The Republicans squandered it away and now a new generation will most likely have to fight a new revolution. Hopefully peacefully like the breakup of the USSR but maybe like 1776. Even if Palin wins in 2012 the country is so divided the best thing that could happen would be a peaceful breakup of the left loons to the west coast and northeast and the rest to conservatives and libertarians. Until that happy day always be prepared to fight to the death.
O’Reilly Drifting into the Putz Zone
Bill O’Reilly is now talking peace with conservative talk radio show host who want to raise a little hell and kick some ass. The old Irish cop is losing his nerve. Frankly his long winded attempts at moderation are becoming so tiresome it’s just a matter of time before his ratings go down. But give the old fart millionaire credit for trying to keep the peace until he can get out of Dodge.
Bill O'Reilly getting soft as he approaches retirement
The guy has become to fat and soft to be effective to anyone but the Geritol crowd. His bloviating just goes on and on drowning out guest on a daily basis. My wife who use to love him now yells out every once in a while “shut up” in her broken English and “let the guest talk.” The poor Harvard educated elitist has lost his Irish vitriol towards freaks on the left like Barney Frank. Chairman Mao is sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and any rational patriot would be calling for a military coup or impeachment whichever is faster and Mr. Bill pretends its 1999 all over again. Just a little misunderstanding between the boys and their toys.
Earth to Bill there is a communist in the White House. His father abandoned him at the age of two to serve Karl Marx. His mother abandoned him at the age of ten to serve Karl Marx. Frank Davis, a communist, mentored him as a teenager. His grandparents were communist. He attended Black Liberation Theology sermons for 20 years. That would be the sermons where the black man was wronged by whitey and time to make whitey black mans bitch and pay. Obama is a crazed Negro looking to get back at whitey. Why in the hell would you sit in that chair and pretend the president is a rational human being? Communism is a disease and there is no cure. Take the crazy Negro down any way you can. End of story. What part don’t you
Bill O'Reilly getting soft as he approaches retirement
The guy has become to fat and soft to be effective to anyone but the Geritol crowd. His bloviating just goes on and on drowning out guest on a daily basis. My wife who use to love him now yells out every once in a while “shut up” in her broken English and “let the guest talk.” The poor Harvard educated elitist has lost his Irish vitriol towards freaks on the left like Barney Frank. Chairman Mao is sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and any rational patriot would be calling for a military coup or impeachment whichever is faster and Mr. Bill pretends its 1999 all over again. Just a little misunderstanding between the boys and their toys.
Earth to Bill there is a communist in the White House. His father abandoned him at the age of two to serve Karl Marx. His mother abandoned him at the age of ten to serve Karl Marx. Frank Davis, a communist, mentored him as a teenager. His grandparents were communist. He attended Black Liberation Theology sermons for 20 years. That would be the sermons where the black man was wronged by whitey and time to make whitey black mans bitch and pay. Obama is a crazed Negro looking to get back at whitey. Why in the hell would you sit in that chair and pretend the president is a rational human being? Communism is a disease and there is no cure. Take the crazy Negro down any way you can. End of story. What part don’t you
A Day in Infamy March 21, 2010
Yesterday, March 21, 2010 — a date which will live in infamy – the sovereignty of the People of United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the Congress of the United States of America and the President of the Federal Government of the United States of America.
The people of the United States of America was at peace with the federal government of America and, at the solicitation of the people, was still in conversation with its Congress and its President looking toward the maintenance of sovereignty and independence of the people. Indeed, in after publicizing draconian socialist legislation it was passed within seventy two hours by the Congress of the United States of America.
Continental Congress voting for independence
Progressives had commenced and fired their first blow in their quest of the destruction of the Constitution of the United States. It will be recorded that after the defeat of Martha Coakley on January 19, 2010 the people of the United States of America made it obvious that a progressive take over of the health care industry and altercation of the Constitution of the United Stated of America was repudiated. During the intervening time the Federal Government had deliberately sought to deceive the people of the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued freedom and liberty.
The attack yesterday on the people of the United States has caused severe damage to American constitution and economic vitality of the people. Many American lives will be lost in our fight to regain our freedom and liberty.
The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama has launched an attack for legalizing millions of illegal aliens.
The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama has launched an attacked to unionize large segment of the American work force.
The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama has consistently and intentionally ignored the will of the people since his swearing into office in January 2009.
The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama has launched an attack for legalizing the plundering of utility companies and energy consumers in an effort to further impoverish the people of America.
The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the entire constitution of the United States of America. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our Nation.
As a citizen of this nation under arms I will exercise all measures humanly possible to be taken for the defense of the constitution of the United States of American against all enemies foreign and domestic.
Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us.
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
I believe I interpret the will of the Continental Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.
With confidence in our armed forces — with the unbounded determination of our people — we will gain the inevitable triumph — so help us God.
I ask that the people of the United States of America declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama and the United States Congress on Sunday, March 21, a state of war has existed between the people of the United States and The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama.
Mark W. Thompson
Winter Springs, Florida
The people of the United States of America was at peace with the federal government of America and, at the solicitation of the people, was still in conversation with its Congress and its President looking toward the maintenance of sovereignty and independence of the people. Indeed, in after publicizing draconian socialist legislation it was passed within seventy two hours by the Congress of the United States of America.
Continental Congress voting for independence
Progressives had commenced and fired their first blow in their quest of the destruction of the Constitution of the United States. It will be recorded that after the defeat of Martha Coakley on January 19, 2010 the people of the United States of America made it obvious that a progressive take over of the health care industry and altercation of the Constitution of the United Stated of America was repudiated. During the intervening time the Federal Government had deliberately sought to deceive the people of the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued freedom and liberty.
The attack yesterday on the people of the United States has caused severe damage to American constitution and economic vitality of the people. Many American lives will be lost in our fight to regain our freedom and liberty.
The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama has launched an attack for legalizing millions of illegal aliens.
The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama has launched an attacked to unionize large segment of the American work force.
The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama has consistently and intentionally ignored the will of the people since his swearing into office in January 2009.
The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama has launched an attack for legalizing the plundering of utility companies and energy consumers in an effort to further impoverish the people of America.
The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the entire constitution of the United States of America. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our Nation.
As a citizen of this nation under arms I will exercise all measures humanly possible to be taken for the defense of the constitution of the United States of American against all enemies foreign and domestic.
Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us.
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
I believe I interpret the will of the Continental Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger.
With confidence in our armed forces — with the unbounded determination of our people — we will gain the inevitable triumph — so help us God.
I ask that the people of the United States of America declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama and the United States Congress on Sunday, March 21, a state of war has existed between the people of the United States and The Imperial Federal Government led by President Obama.
Mark W. Thompson
Winter Springs, Florida
Obama not the First Crazy Negro to Humiliate White America
With the end of “white privilege” just around the corner and Americans learning what Negros and loons are really like we must remember this is not the first time this has happened. A century earlier America had its first Negro boxing champion in Jack Johnson. His record of 73-13-10 was somewhat impressive (he was knocked out seven times) but what really set him apart was his complete contempt for white culture and norms of the time. He regularly dated, beat, tortured and humiliated white women back in the segregated days after the civil war. He was belligerent to both blacks and white and was arrested several times.
Jack Johnson Boxing Champion 1908-1915
And now we have Obama the crazed communist who will redistribute the wealth to the colored folks of America who have been suffering under white oppression for centuries. The head Negro in charge is here to set it up right with his crazy progressive loons. He don’t care about any white mans constitution and those dead white slave owners. He’s America’s political Jack Johnson stepping all over the norms of the constitution and decency in politics. The dictator wanna bee wants socialized medicine, union card check, immigration amnesty and all by reconciliation. The Democrats are at the point as to say “what the fuck” and pass whatever the hell they want. It’s the Hitler take over without the public support.
I guess we all should be thankful Obama is not like most Americans. We should be thankful he is an affirmative action dolt without an original thought in his head. He’s predictable and in the end that will catch up to him and his progressive buddies. He will be defeated in the end but at what cost?
In the end the country will be bankrupt. There will be no alternative but to liquidate and start over at some point. The bail out will not last forever. The lesson to be learned is that when America needed an Andrew Jackson we got a Jack Johnson instead. The only realistic hope for this country to stay together is if Sarah Palin wins in 2012 and Republicans control 70 Senate seats and congress. All the damage the crazy communist Negro, Bush 41 and Bush 43 have done and will do will have to be undone and then some. Otherwise its bankruptcy and liquidation.
Really who wants to live in a socialist pig sty when prosperity is just a succession vote away? Anyone think Texas and Alaska will stick around for the 20% unemployment and lower living standards on par with Mexico? For gods sake both are sitting on all the oil they will ever need. Does anyone think the residences of these two states will settle for the Mexican life style offered by Obama and his thugs? Not a chance. If Texas and Alaska get 38 states to sign on to succession there is not a whole lot Obama or anyone else can do. As the insanity out of Washington increases by the day look for the succession dance to play out over the next decade. By 2020 the changes will be almost complete.
Jack Johnson Boxing Champion 1908-1915
And now we have Obama the crazed communist who will redistribute the wealth to the colored folks of America who have been suffering under white oppression for centuries. The head Negro in charge is here to set it up right with his crazy progressive loons. He don’t care about any white mans constitution and those dead white slave owners. He’s America’s political Jack Johnson stepping all over the norms of the constitution and decency in politics. The dictator wanna bee wants socialized medicine, union card check, immigration amnesty and all by reconciliation. The Democrats are at the point as to say “what the fuck” and pass whatever the hell they want. It’s the Hitler take over without the public support.
I guess we all should be thankful Obama is not like most Americans. We should be thankful he is an affirmative action dolt without an original thought in his head. He’s predictable and in the end that will catch up to him and his progressive buddies. He will be defeated in the end but at what cost?
In the end the country will be bankrupt. There will be no alternative but to liquidate and start over at some point. The bail out will not last forever. The lesson to be learned is that when America needed an Andrew Jackson we got a Jack Johnson instead. The only realistic hope for this country to stay together is if Sarah Palin wins in 2012 and Republicans control 70 Senate seats and congress. All the damage the crazy communist Negro, Bush 41 and Bush 43 have done and will do will have to be undone and then some. Otherwise its bankruptcy and liquidation.
Really who wants to live in a socialist pig sty when prosperity is just a succession vote away? Anyone think Texas and Alaska will stick around for the 20% unemployment and lower living standards on par with Mexico? For gods sake both are sitting on all the oil they will ever need. Does anyone think the residences of these two states will settle for the Mexican life style offered by Obama and his thugs? Not a chance. If Texas and Alaska get 38 states to sign on to succession there is not a whole lot Obama or anyone else can do. As the insanity out of Washington increases by the day look for the succession dance to play out over the next decade. By 2020 the changes will be almost complete.
Republicans Finally Waking up to that Communist in the White House
It’s so funny and sad that the main stream Republicans like “independent” Bill O’Reilly, John McCain and Lindsey Graham complaining about the crazy whacked out Democrats as they prepare to pass the first major piece of legislation consolidating a dictatorship over the peasants since Medicare in 1965. The communist educated half Negro himself went on the capitalist Fox News and gave a victory interview with Bret Baier this afternoon (3-17-10). It’s over for civil law as soon as health care is passed without an up or down vote. Oh the devious tactics and the sweetheart deals. Gatorade, Louisiana Purchase, Nebraska kickback. The Nancy Pelosi womens club. And on and on.
John McCain always gets his ass kicked by communist
The Republicans and Bill O’Reilly all looking around at themselves wondering what the hell happened. Doesn’t Obama know this is America? No not really. He could care less about America and all those old white men. People like Pamela Geller and Glen Beck have been saying for years Obama was abandoned by his communist father at the age of two and his communist mother at the age of 10. He was raised by his communist grandparents and mentored by communist Frank Davis as a teenager attended communist infiltrated Columbia and Harvard. He attended a Black Liberation Theology church for 20 years. Married a radical Negro Angela Davis wanna bee. And now John McCain and Lindsey Graham are surprised that their old fart asses are not on the welcome list for the new dictatorship leaders of America. John McCain just keeps on getting his ass kicked by communist on both sides of the planet. What a pity.
For years Libertarians have been screaming at people to not vote for either party and for years we were ignored. The Republicans thought they could deal with the Marxist. Just like the old fart in charge of the Weimar Republic though he could deal with Hitler. Kurt von Schleicher was pushed aside by Hitler just as McCain and Graham are being pushed aside by Obama. Obama has no need for old white men except to shine his shoes and kiss his ass.
Lindsey Graham wants Soviet Style ID Cards
So the Republicans under Bush and McCain let us down and here we are left to pick up the pieces. Those Republicans who remain, the Tea Party independents and Libertarians will have to form alliances to fight the Democrats, 78% of the Jews, 95% of the Negros, 62% of Asians, 65% of Hispanics, unions, communist and the scum of the earth who want dictatorship. The fun and games are about to end. The sunshine patriots will pack up and leave the battle field. Soon all that will be left are the ones willing to sacrifice it all for freedom and liberty. And if history tells us anything there will not be a whole lot of those people in a couple of years. So take a good look at yourself and ask yourself are you willing to go to jail and lose everything to defend freedom and liberty? Are you willing to die like John Hancock? Are you just another slug looking for a beer and some cheap lady? Time for the sunshine patriots to leave the stage and let the real players enter and do the dirty work.
Don’t let the door hit you on your way out John McCain and Lindsey Graham.
John McCain always gets his ass kicked by communist
The Republicans and Bill O’Reilly all looking around at themselves wondering what the hell happened. Doesn’t Obama know this is America? No not really. He could care less about America and all those old white men. People like Pamela Geller and Glen Beck have been saying for years Obama was abandoned by his communist father at the age of two and his communist mother at the age of 10. He was raised by his communist grandparents and mentored by communist Frank Davis as a teenager attended communist infiltrated Columbia and Harvard. He attended a Black Liberation Theology church for 20 years. Married a radical Negro Angela Davis wanna bee. And now John McCain and Lindsey Graham are surprised that their old fart asses are not on the welcome list for the new dictatorship leaders of America. John McCain just keeps on getting his ass kicked by communist on both sides of the planet. What a pity.
For years Libertarians have been screaming at people to not vote for either party and for years we were ignored. The Republicans thought they could deal with the Marxist. Just like the old fart in charge of the Weimar Republic though he could deal with Hitler. Kurt von Schleicher was pushed aside by Hitler just as McCain and Graham are being pushed aside by Obama. Obama has no need for old white men except to shine his shoes and kiss his ass.
Lindsey Graham wants Soviet Style ID Cards
So the Republicans under Bush and McCain let us down and here we are left to pick up the pieces. Those Republicans who remain, the Tea Party independents and Libertarians will have to form alliances to fight the Democrats, 78% of the Jews, 95% of the Negros, 62% of Asians, 65% of Hispanics, unions, communist and the scum of the earth who want dictatorship. The fun and games are about to end. The sunshine patriots will pack up and leave the battle field. Soon all that will be left are the ones willing to sacrifice it all for freedom and liberty. And if history tells us anything there will not be a whole lot of those people in a couple of years. So take a good look at yourself and ask yourself are you willing to go to jail and lose everything to defend freedom and liberty? Are you willing to die like John Hancock? Are you just another slug looking for a beer and some cheap lady? Time for the sunshine patriots to leave the stage and let the real players enter and do the dirty work.
Don’t let the door hit you on your way out John McCain and Lindsey Graham.
The Socialist Republic of Florida by Matthew Falconer
Matt Falconer is a local Orlando, Florida developer of some note and is running for Orange County mayor this fall. His book looks at Florida government from an “evil” developer’s point of view. This allows him to relate personal experiences and the frustration of dealing with government over the decades.
I have meet Matt once or twice and e-mail him once in awhile pretending we are buddies taking advantage of the fact that he is running for local office. He e-mails me back politely on occasion surly scratching his head wondering who the hell I am. Politicians God bless em. They do put up with a lot of crap come election time.
The forward is from Richard T. Lee of milk fame, one of the congressionally favor industries receiving billions in artificial price floor supports, caught me off guard. Having the corporate welfare queen write the forward to an anti government tax book was probably not the greatest idea. Fortunately he has a new book out and a second chance at redemption.
Mathhew Falconer
The first thing that sticks out in The Socialist Republic of Florida is Mr. Falconer’s looks at just the Florida economy explaining the boom and bust of the 2000’s. Quite shocking to the rest of us who are familiar with Alan Greenspan’s infamous 1% Fed Funds rate, Fannie and Freddie, the Community Reinvestment Act, Sarbanes-Oxley, foreign dollars flooding onto our shores and all the assorted macro issues with what is referred to as the “housing bubble”. Not to mention illegal immigrants buying up huge housing stocks in Central Florida and then exiting when the going got tough. Quite a bit to leave out of the book but in a way it’s a blessing because it allows the reader a more “micro” look at the state economy.
The first portion is about economic tax distortions caused by Florida’s homestead exemption that fixes property taxes for primary property owners leaving secondary home owners and commercial business exposed to the mercy of government officials. This is typical government thinking because the voters don’t get hit with a direct tax on their personal property. They get taxed with lost economic activity in their communities due to business failures and uncompetitive commercial properties. This can be seen in the huge commercial business buildings all around Central Florida partially or totally empty with no clients. A lot of these are not old out of date strip malls that are at the end of their life cycle but relatively new
10 years old or less structures that should be in their peak utilization years today. Here in the swank suburbs of Winter Springs we have several of these structures sitting unused begging for tenants. The point being that government economic distortions in the marketplace are not some abstract geek concept but real world policies that have devastating effects on the quality of life for our communities.
Simply put if $5,000 is taken away from the tax bill of a private residences and added to the local hardware store the hardware store has to lower profits, cut wages, cut staff, cut something to pay the bill. With the Internet and competition from competing chains the ability to pass the cost on consumers is limited by how sensitive consumers are to price. At the retail level the answer to that is VERY sensitive. So for most commercial enterprises they have to absorb part or all of a tax hike in property and related taxes. Because of the inability to pass cost on to consumers it becomes a contest to stay in business with eventually the death of marginal businesses. This is nothing new. Take a drive around Canada sometime. What do you see? Very limited competition, a couple of food and tire chains, a few specialty shops and a lot of blandness. Some would say like the Canadian people. Some in government see no problem with losing marginal competitors but those are real people losing their life dream. Those marginal competitors give consumers another choice. We lose competition and diversity when local and regional businesses go under.
The Socialist Republic of Florida
Mr. Falconer stumbles on the solution but bypasses it in favor of a “Taxpayer Amendment for Florida.” The amendment spells out a bunch of gobble gook that the average voter will never understand and the average politician could bypass in a New York minute. The solution is to limit taxes on property, all property to 1.35%. Put that on a statewide ballot. It will pass. And then put on a ballot an amendment eliminating all other local taxes except the gas and sales tax. You want to bring the cost of local government up front and personal to the average citizen? Force local governments to put the cost onto every purchase a citizen makes at the gas pump or grocery store. I guarantee you local governments will not be so caviler about expanding the scope of services if they have to add another 5 cents at the pump.
Why do the media cover gas prices and ATM fees so much? It’s something people deal with every day. It’s out there for all to see every time they drive anywhere. Use the same concept for local government taxes. When people in Seminole County see Volusia County pay 5 cents less for a gallon of gas and a penny less in retail sales taxes they are going to become involved in local government real quick demanding some answers. Simply put scrap the bloviating and expose inefficient operations by forcing local governments to display their cost to everyone on a daily basis. And yes some exemptions and waivers would need to be granted for special merchant situations on a case by case basis. By closing local taxing options, including impact fees, and exposing the true cost of government to the public on a daily basis people will demand and be very sensitive to price fluctuations.
Matt with supporters at local rally
Mr. Falconer exposes some local government waste like the City of Orlando buying Segway scooters and hiring people to drive them around town giving tourist tips and directions for lost souls from bland places like Canada. Pretty crazy and normally I wouldn’t believe him except I live here and he’s not lying. Really he’s telling the truth. This “rent seeking behavior” where government spends money to kill a budget on completely stupid crap has reached a boiling point here in Florida and the nation. The Tea Party has emerged at a powerful political force because of millions of Segway projects all across America.
Education, police, fire inefficiencies are explained. Mr. Falconer correctly points out the pension system for local governments cannot possibly be honored in the long run but offers up a “pay as you go” plan similar to a 401K plan. This will create a conflict between government workers and taxpayers without solving the real problem. The real problem is people get lazy in their government jobs. They lose their ability to be competitive in the private sector and sponge off the taxpayers their whole life. If you want to change the system you have to address this problem. Pass a constitutional amendment where no one can be employed by the state or local government longer than 12 years. No exceptions at all levels of government including elected officials. I know this would be a hard sell but it would eliminate the pension problems as well as the lazy slugs looking to suckle the government tit their whole working lives. Government workers attitudes would change dramatically if they knew their job was temporary and they would be working in that dreaded private sector sooner or later. You want change? That’s real change.
Instead of a traffic light and a designated crossing area Winter Springs got a $5 million dollar pedestrian bridge that is lightly used by the public
Mr. Falconer talks about the absurdity of government boards and their zoning requirements. Basically a bunch of do gooders trying to be productive on someone else’s dime. Zoning boards making goofy recommendations to developers like having buildings close to sidewalks to encourage pedestrian traffic to the shops. He points out that 99% of people in Florida drive and restricted parking access limits consumers and many of these new developments fail.
There is also something else he fails to mention but believe me it will happen. In Winter Park there is a new shopping development on Orlando Avenue right next to the sidewalk. Thousands of cars pass everyday. Cars get in accidents. When they do sometimes they stay on the road and other times they will end up on the sidewalk or into that nice expensive development just a few yards off Orlando Avenue. It’s a disaster waiting to happen and someday it will happen. Hopefully no one will be killed because of this government insanity but it just shows the complete lack of common sense these government officials have. If you want to be stupid and make a ass out of yourself there are better ways to do it than putting peoples lives at risk just because you think the peasants should be confined to half a square mile in the city. Appallingly stupid and disturbing.
Beautiful new private office building not less than a mile from pedestrian bridge unused with no tenants.
Mr. Falconer is one of the few higher income people to understand the relationship between taxes, lawyers, regulations and blue collar wages. Most “educated” upper income people believe income is related to education and to a certain degree they are right. For most Americans without a degree wages are directly tied to their employer’s ability to make a profit. The more an employer has to pay out in workman’s compensation, compliance cost, court cost, and the millions of other cost the less money there is for compensation. Kudos to one of the rich guys for recognizing the slugs in government and legal profession living off the sweat of the productive citizens.
I have seen this first hand in construction over the years. Back in the 1980’s I was the private inspector 12 story high rise, Orlando City Hall, as well as others. Back then the project had one inspector. The threshold inspector was required to do soil density testing, rebar inspection, form inspection, mold concrete cylinders, check the shoring holding up the forms for the elevated decks, break concrete cylinders, do daily reports, write structural request for further information (RFI’s) and fax as well as explain the changes to the structural engineer and deliver any paperwork or construction testing materials to the main office. The only time the inspector was given help was if there was an elevated slab concrete placement and the inspector could not physically be in two places t the same time. Other than that the inspector was on his own. And I can personally attest to the fact that Orlando City Hall (1989 phase) was an easier project than the 33 story Sun Trust right across the street was in 1987. Sun Trust (formerly Sun Bank) was twice as brutal and dangerous.
Our FDOT super duper $5 million pedestrian bridge on a beautiful 70 degree Saturday afternoon.
Generally inspectors had to be certified with the private Southern Building Code Congress International but it wasn’t the law. A lot of times a company with the inspection contract would simply pick out a smart guy known not to be involved with drugs and give him a set of multi-million dollar plans and just expect the guy to figure it out. Believe it or not most did. The ones who didn’t were kicked off the job usually because of a tip from the contractor to the inspection company. Contrary to popular belief most contractors want the job done right the first time. If there are problems in the future contractors love the phrase “but I did it exactly like the plans showed!” So the inspectors learned real quick or were demoted back to simpler tasks.
On the City Hall project a city inspector would come on the job once in a while and proclaim all was well or pick out some minor problem and spend weeks addressing it in meetings with the contractor. To the private inspector and contractor this was like some side circus played out to appease the city egos across the street. The real drama was being played out everyday in the sweltering 95 degree heat 80 feet up in the air. Never once did I see a city inspector up there long enough to check a post tension cable. Inspection is tough work if you do it right.
Now city, county and state inspectors have people to do all the physical work for them. They stand around job sites for hours waiting to do an inspection. They get paid well with job security and benefits. Political correctness has creped into the inspectors life since so little is required of them. Anyone can do the job now so why not get the “right” inspectors with the right political views in place to receive government checks. If you did a survey of the Turnpike, FDOT, Orange County, City of Orlando I would guess 70% or more of them are Democrat and the number is rising as the politically incorrect ones are shown the door. The job has gone from physically and mentally demanding to being the right fit for the affirmative action profile.
Down in Miami a Turnpike Enterprise Project Manager was in charge of a project for years. The contractor had been screwing up the paperwork for years and the private inspectors assisting the turnpike inspectors were in and out of the project with no continuation of a designated private inspector which the Turnpike “Project Manager” should have insisted upon. Clearly the responsibility to maintain consistency of the project would fall on the Turnpike Enterprise inspector. Unfortunately this inspector was often at bars and failed to keep up with the paperwork, missing contract requirements. Sometimes not even notifying the proper private inspection firms the contractor was performing work. To make a long story short a complete and utter screw up. So what to do?
Believe it or not the Turnpike called in inspectors from Orlando to cover the job for this jerk and then over a month or so blamed them for the screw ups. In one instance the Turnpike authority was so desperate to make themselves look good and private inspectors bad they had several government inspectors stand around a work trailer while others were trying to work and be productive. The government inspectors standing around made fun of some other government inspector sitting down pretending to work because the inspector believed in Islam. I swear to god this happened. The idea was to make fun of the Islamic guy and hope the private inspectors would join in the religion bashing so they could report the incident to the government and fire some private guys to obscure the fact the Turnpike had completely blown it’s assignment. It was strait out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell. Who cares about the job when there is politically bad thought out there to be demonized. Of course traditionally guys always went into construction because they were NOT politically correct but this is where the government has taken the inspection industry in the last 25 years. Lazy politically correct slugs that do nothing but push paperwork around (badly in the case of the Turnpike Authority), flap their lips and collecting a check while others do the real work.
Mr. Falconer covers communist goals of promoting the UN, promiscuity, media control, destruction of the family unit and so forth. What he fails to see is the real motivations behind Marxism in journalism, government and the upper middle class. Only the useful idiots truly believe the goals of communism. Most upper class people stay married and don’t have children out of wedlock. They promote communism simply because it’s the best way to promote their carriers. If you are a lawyer it’s nice that the black community has an almost 70% out of wedlock birth rate and 28.6% of black men end up in jail. It keeps you rolling in the cash. There is never a shortage of criminals flowing in and out of the justice system.
If you are a journalist its easier to get emotional responses to “justice” stories and a lot less complex than explaining why not allowing across state line health insurance sales creates oligopolies and higher cost. Just put the brain into neutral and go for the emotion as well as the higher paycheck. Really why would any reporter want to take the hard road of explaining complex problems like Fox News John Stossel? John has to research and explain problems. It’s hard work. Why not just do a Chris Mathews and get some uninsured guy on with cancer and blame the government? Sure takes lot less work and gets better ratings.
The true motivation of the communist at the top is simply that they are cold hearted bastards that exploit stupid people for their own personal gain. Obama loves capitalism as can be seen in his expensive King Louis XVI taste. He just doesn’t want the peasants enjoying those same benefits. What communist truly want is just enough servants to sustain them in their life style of luxury while keeping the countryside clear of development so as to enjoy it when taking excursions out of the big city. Pretty much the same as the bully in high school who wanted to screw all the girls and beat up any guy who tried to get some. People need to recognize this behavior in government Mr. Falconer describes and be rude. In high school the best way to take down a bully was to break his nose. The same tactics need to be displayed to government bullies. Get in their face, be rude and take them down a few notches. Kick some ass. Whenever you see some communist government crap freak out and cause a scene.
Some of Mr. Falconer’s solutions are common sense like privatization of services. Again his Declaration of Taxpayers Independence is long winded and well intentioned. But it fails to get to the heart of the matter. The problem is people can make careers out of government service. Smart people who will figure out ways to get more money from taxpayers. Government workers need to be limited to a total of 12 years service in their lifetime. Government service should be a temporary employment situation at best. 12 years and then you are gone. 12 years gives enough time for even the most complex functions to be performed. And then it’s over and back to the private sector.
The second thing is to get government cost out in the public domain every day. Gas tax per gallon and sales tax are everyday things that will keep the cost of government permanently in front of the publics eye. Any local government wanting to increase its scope of services will not be able to hide behind taxes on business. Opps there it is! Exposed!
All these reforms could be done with a few amendments to the Florida constitution. Simple amendments. Amendment 12 “All new state and local employees shall not be employed longer than 12 years.” Government arrogance, pensions, attitude solved. Keep it simple and with some luck something positive will come out of the looming economic melt down.
I wish Matt the best of luck. Government needs more people like him with the intelligence and distrust of government to do good things for the average taxpayer. God speed.
I have meet Matt once or twice and e-mail him once in awhile pretending we are buddies taking advantage of the fact that he is running for local office. He e-mails me back politely on occasion surly scratching his head wondering who the hell I am. Politicians God bless em. They do put up with a lot of crap come election time.
The forward is from Richard T. Lee of milk fame, one of the congressionally favor industries receiving billions in artificial price floor supports, caught me off guard. Having the corporate welfare queen write the forward to an anti government tax book was probably not the greatest idea. Fortunately he has a new book out and a second chance at redemption.
Mathhew Falconer
The first thing that sticks out in The Socialist Republic of Florida is Mr. Falconer’s looks at just the Florida economy explaining the boom and bust of the 2000’s. Quite shocking to the rest of us who are familiar with Alan Greenspan’s infamous 1% Fed Funds rate, Fannie and Freddie, the Community Reinvestment Act, Sarbanes-Oxley, foreign dollars flooding onto our shores and all the assorted macro issues with what is referred to as the “housing bubble”. Not to mention illegal immigrants buying up huge housing stocks in Central Florida and then exiting when the going got tough. Quite a bit to leave out of the book but in a way it’s a blessing because it allows the reader a more “micro” look at the state economy.
The first portion is about economic tax distortions caused by Florida’s homestead exemption that fixes property taxes for primary property owners leaving secondary home owners and commercial business exposed to the mercy of government officials. This is typical government thinking because the voters don’t get hit with a direct tax on their personal property. They get taxed with lost economic activity in their communities due to business failures and uncompetitive commercial properties. This can be seen in the huge commercial business buildings all around Central Florida partially or totally empty with no clients. A lot of these are not old out of date strip malls that are at the end of their life cycle but relatively new
10 years old or less structures that should be in their peak utilization years today. Here in the swank suburbs of Winter Springs we have several of these structures sitting unused begging for tenants. The point being that government economic distortions in the marketplace are not some abstract geek concept but real world policies that have devastating effects on the quality of life for our communities.
Simply put if $5,000 is taken away from the tax bill of a private residences and added to the local hardware store the hardware store has to lower profits, cut wages, cut staff, cut something to pay the bill. With the Internet and competition from competing chains the ability to pass the cost on consumers is limited by how sensitive consumers are to price. At the retail level the answer to that is VERY sensitive. So for most commercial enterprises they have to absorb part or all of a tax hike in property and related taxes. Because of the inability to pass cost on to consumers it becomes a contest to stay in business with eventually the death of marginal businesses. This is nothing new. Take a drive around Canada sometime. What do you see? Very limited competition, a couple of food and tire chains, a few specialty shops and a lot of blandness. Some would say like the Canadian people. Some in government see no problem with losing marginal competitors but those are real people losing their life dream. Those marginal competitors give consumers another choice. We lose competition and diversity when local and regional businesses go under.
The Socialist Republic of Florida
Mr. Falconer stumbles on the solution but bypasses it in favor of a “Taxpayer Amendment for Florida.” The amendment spells out a bunch of gobble gook that the average voter will never understand and the average politician could bypass in a New York minute. The solution is to limit taxes on property, all property to 1.35%. Put that on a statewide ballot. It will pass. And then put on a ballot an amendment eliminating all other local taxes except the gas and sales tax. You want to bring the cost of local government up front and personal to the average citizen? Force local governments to put the cost onto every purchase a citizen makes at the gas pump or grocery store. I guarantee you local governments will not be so caviler about expanding the scope of services if they have to add another 5 cents at the pump.
Why do the media cover gas prices and ATM fees so much? It’s something people deal with every day. It’s out there for all to see every time they drive anywhere. Use the same concept for local government taxes. When people in Seminole County see Volusia County pay 5 cents less for a gallon of gas and a penny less in retail sales taxes they are going to become involved in local government real quick demanding some answers. Simply put scrap the bloviating and expose inefficient operations by forcing local governments to display their cost to everyone on a daily basis. And yes some exemptions and waivers would need to be granted for special merchant situations on a case by case basis. By closing local taxing options, including impact fees, and exposing the true cost of government to the public on a daily basis people will demand and be very sensitive to price fluctuations.
Matt with supporters at local rally
Mr. Falconer exposes some local government waste like the City of Orlando buying Segway scooters and hiring people to drive them around town giving tourist tips and directions for lost souls from bland places like Canada. Pretty crazy and normally I wouldn’t believe him except I live here and he’s not lying. Really he’s telling the truth. This “rent seeking behavior” where government spends money to kill a budget on completely stupid crap has reached a boiling point here in Florida and the nation. The Tea Party has emerged at a powerful political force because of millions of Segway projects all across America.
Education, police, fire inefficiencies are explained. Mr. Falconer correctly points out the pension system for local governments cannot possibly be honored in the long run but offers up a “pay as you go” plan similar to a 401K plan. This will create a conflict between government workers and taxpayers without solving the real problem. The real problem is people get lazy in their government jobs. They lose their ability to be competitive in the private sector and sponge off the taxpayers their whole life. If you want to change the system you have to address this problem. Pass a constitutional amendment where no one can be employed by the state or local government longer than 12 years. No exceptions at all levels of government including elected officials. I know this would be a hard sell but it would eliminate the pension problems as well as the lazy slugs looking to suckle the government tit their whole working lives. Government workers attitudes would change dramatically if they knew their job was temporary and they would be working in that dreaded private sector sooner or later. You want change? That’s real change.
Instead of a traffic light and a designated crossing area Winter Springs got a $5 million dollar pedestrian bridge that is lightly used by the public
Mr. Falconer talks about the absurdity of government boards and their zoning requirements. Basically a bunch of do gooders trying to be productive on someone else’s dime. Zoning boards making goofy recommendations to developers like having buildings close to sidewalks to encourage pedestrian traffic to the shops. He points out that 99% of people in Florida drive and restricted parking access limits consumers and many of these new developments fail.
There is also something else he fails to mention but believe me it will happen. In Winter Park there is a new shopping development on Orlando Avenue right next to the sidewalk. Thousands of cars pass everyday. Cars get in accidents. When they do sometimes they stay on the road and other times they will end up on the sidewalk or into that nice expensive development just a few yards off Orlando Avenue. It’s a disaster waiting to happen and someday it will happen. Hopefully no one will be killed because of this government insanity but it just shows the complete lack of common sense these government officials have. If you want to be stupid and make a ass out of yourself there are better ways to do it than putting peoples lives at risk just because you think the peasants should be confined to half a square mile in the city. Appallingly stupid and disturbing.
Beautiful new private office building not less than a mile from pedestrian bridge unused with no tenants.
Mr. Falconer is one of the few higher income people to understand the relationship between taxes, lawyers, regulations and blue collar wages. Most “educated” upper income people believe income is related to education and to a certain degree they are right. For most Americans without a degree wages are directly tied to their employer’s ability to make a profit. The more an employer has to pay out in workman’s compensation, compliance cost, court cost, and the millions of other cost the less money there is for compensation. Kudos to one of the rich guys for recognizing the slugs in government and legal profession living off the sweat of the productive citizens.
I have seen this first hand in construction over the years. Back in the 1980’s I was the private inspector 12 story high rise, Orlando City Hall, as well as others. Back then the project had one inspector. The threshold inspector was required to do soil density testing, rebar inspection, form inspection, mold concrete cylinders, check the shoring holding up the forms for the elevated decks, break concrete cylinders, do daily reports, write structural request for further information (RFI’s) and fax as well as explain the changes to the structural engineer and deliver any paperwork or construction testing materials to the main office. The only time the inspector was given help was if there was an elevated slab concrete placement and the inspector could not physically be in two places t the same time. Other than that the inspector was on his own. And I can personally attest to the fact that Orlando City Hall (1989 phase) was an easier project than the 33 story Sun Trust right across the street was in 1987. Sun Trust (formerly Sun Bank) was twice as brutal and dangerous.
Our FDOT super duper $5 million pedestrian bridge on a beautiful 70 degree Saturday afternoon.
Generally inspectors had to be certified with the private Southern Building Code Congress International but it wasn’t the law. A lot of times a company with the inspection contract would simply pick out a smart guy known not to be involved with drugs and give him a set of multi-million dollar plans and just expect the guy to figure it out. Believe it or not most did. The ones who didn’t were kicked off the job usually because of a tip from the contractor to the inspection company. Contrary to popular belief most contractors want the job done right the first time. If there are problems in the future contractors love the phrase “but I did it exactly like the plans showed!” So the inspectors learned real quick or were demoted back to simpler tasks.
On the City Hall project a city inspector would come on the job once in a while and proclaim all was well or pick out some minor problem and spend weeks addressing it in meetings with the contractor. To the private inspector and contractor this was like some side circus played out to appease the city egos across the street. The real drama was being played out everyday in the sweltering 95 degree heat 80 feet up in the air. Never once did I see a city inspector up there long enough to check a post tension cable. Inspection is tough work if you do it right.
Now city, county and state inspectors have people to do all the physical work for them. They stand around job sites for hours waiting to do an inspection. They get paid well with job security and benefits. Political correctness has creped into the inspectors life since so little is required of them. Anyone can do the job now so why not get the “right” inspectors with the right political views in place to receive government checks. If you did a survey of the Turnpike, FDOT, Orange County, City of Orlando I would guess 70% or more of them are Democrat and the number is rising as the politically incorrect ones are shown the door. The job has gone from physically and mentally demanding to being the right fit for the affirmative action profile.
Down in Miami a Turnpike Enterprise Project Manager was in charge of a project for years. The contractor had been screwing up the paperwork for years and the private inspectors assisting the turnpike inspectors were in and out of the project with no continuation of a designated private inspector which the Turnpike “Project Manager” should have insisted upon. Clearly the responsibility to maintain consistency of the project would fall on the Turnpike Enterprise inspector. Unfortunately this inspector was often at bars and failed to keep up with the paperwork, missing contract requirements. Sometimes not even notifying the proper private inspection firms the contractor was performing work. To make a long story short a complete and utter screw up. So what to do?
Believe it or not the Turnpike called in inspectors from Orlando to cover the job for this jerk and then over a month or so blamed them for the screw ups. In one instance the Turnpike authority was so desperate to make themselves look good and private inspectors bad they had several government inspectors stand around a work trailer while others were trying to work and be productive. The government inspectors standing around made fun of some other government inspector sitting down pretending to work because the inspector believed in Islam. I swear to god this happened. The idea was to make fun of the Islamic guy and hope the private inspectors would join in the religion bashing so they could report the incident to the government and fire some private guys to obscure the fact the Turnpike had completely blown it’s assignment. It was strait out of the novel 1984 by George Orwell. Who cares about the job when there is politically bad thought out there to be demonized. Of course traditionally guys always went into construction because they were NOT politically correct but this is where the government has taken the inspection industry in the last 25 years. Lazy politically correct slugs that do nothing but push paperwork around (badly in the case of the Turnpike Authority), flap their lips and collecting a check while others do the real work.
Mr. Falconer covers communist goals of promoting the UN, promiscuity, media control, destruction of the family unit and so forth. What he fails to see is the real motivations behind Marxism in journalism, government and the upper middle class. Only the useful idiots truly believe the goals of communism. Most upper class people stay married and don’t have children out of wedlock. They promote communism simply because it’s the best way to promote their carriers. If you are a lawyer it’s nice that the black community has an almost 70% out of wedlock birth rate and 28.6% of black men end up in jail. It keeps you rolling in the cash. There is never a shortage of criminals flowing in and out of the justice system.
If you are a journalist its easier to get emotional responses to “justice” stories and a lot less complex than explaining why not allowing across state line health insurance sales creates oligopolies and higher cost. Just put the brain into neutral and go for the emotion as well as the higher paycheck. Really why would any reporter want to take the hard road of explaining complex problems like Fox News John Stossel? John has to research and explain problems. It’s hard work. Why not just do a Chris Mathews and get some uninsured guy on with cancer and blame the government? Sure takes lot less work and gets better ratings.
The true motivation of the communist at the top is simply that they are cold hearted bastards that exploit stupid people for their own personal gain. Obama loves capitalism as can be seen in his expensive King Louis XVI taste. He just doesn’t want the peasants enjoying those same benefits. What communist truly want is just enough servants to sustain them in their life style of luxury while keeping the countryside clear of development so as to enjoy it when taking excursions out of the big city. Pretty much the same as the bully in high school who wanted to screw all the girls and beat up any guy who tried to get some. People need to recognize this behavior in government Mr. Falconer describes and be rude. In high school the best way to take down a bully was to break his nose. The same tactics need to be displayed to government bullies. Get in their face, be rude and take them down a few notches. Kick some ass. Whenever you see some communist government crap freak out and cause a scene.
Some of Mr. Falconer’s solutions are common sense like privatization of services. Again his Declaration of Taxpayers Independence is long winded and well intentioned. But it fails to get to the heart of the matter. The problem is people can make careers out of government service. Smart people who will figure out ways to get more money from taxpayers. Government workers need to be limited to a total of 12 years service in their lifetime. Government service should be a temporary employment situation at best. 12 years and then you are gone. 12 years gives enough time for even the most complex functions to be performed. And then it’s over and back to the private sector.
The second thing is to get government cost out in the public domain every day. Gas tax per gallon and sales tax are everyday things that will keep the cost of government permanently in front of the publics eye. Any local government wanting to increase its scope of services will not be able to hide behind taxes on business. Opps there it is! Exposed!
All these reforms could be done with a few amendments to the Florida constitution. Simple amendments. Amendment 12 “All new state and local employees shall not be employed longer than 12 years.” Government arrogance, pensions, attitude solved. Keep it simple and with some luck something positive will come out of the looming economic melt down.
I wish Matt the best of luck. Government needs more people like him with the intelligence and distrust of government to do good things for the average taxpayer. God speed.
Somebody Please Tell the Little Jew Man in the White House to STFU
What is it with these little rude Jews invading American politics? These Jew Marxist nihilist worshiping schemes that will destroy America as a free nation. Chuck Schumer thinks free speech is pornography. Maybe that Jew needs to pack his crap and go back to Germany or some European hole.
Barbra Boxer selling every secret she can get her hands on to the Chinese. How do I know this? Almost all Jews who get in a position of power with sensitive compartmented information sell it to communist in China or Russia. It’s what Jews do. They never have had an allegiance to America and never will. They are here to get some coins and leave when it all falls in. They don’t call them wandering Jews for nothing.
Barney Frank and his Freddie Mac boyfriend swapping bodily fluids while devising zero down balloon loan schemes that defined the housing bubble. Why is this vile Jew not in jail? Was there ever a more disgusting Jew? A pervert who runs a brothel out of his house while supporting the Community Reinvestment Act that forced banks to loan trillions to people who could not afford it. All the while his lover and other Democrats making millions from the disaster. Typical Jew. Destroy a country but as long and the Jews and their friends get rich it’s cool.
Rahm Emanuel likes to run around naked in the congressional gym intimidating the gentiles
Dianne Feinstein getting rich of her husbands connections to China’s business community. All the while preaching to the gentile’s justice. Another disguising Jew making some coins off her connections.
And now the dirt bag Jew from Chicago. Rahm Emanuel the little Jew man with some coins in his pocket. Running up to the gentiles pointing his little boney finger in their chest demanding political loyalty. Was there any doubt that this would happen when an afro Leninists was elected to the White House? Jews and Negros. What the hell did the American people expect? At least Bush had the decency to wipe after bending over and screwing the American people. Now we have the communist Jews teamed with the Negros telling us white folk to bend over for a bigger faster version of Bush.
Here’s the lesson of it all. Next time a Jew or Negro walks up to you and demands something just simply walk away or bust their jaw on the spot. No need to apologize for supporting freedom and liberty. No need to want to be a part of the Marxist nihilist movement. After you knock them the fuck out pray to Jesus a little with them.
There is no need to play nice to pigs in the White House or outside the White House. It doesn’t matter where you are you don’t play their game. If they are rude to you then be twice as rude to them. If they stick their finger in your chest put your fist on their face. Sooner or later white America needs to realize the other side is acting like Jews and Negros from the ghetto and they better adjust their behavior accordingly.
Barbra Boxer selling every secret she can get her hands on to the Chinese. How do I know this? Almost all Jews who get in a position of power with sensitive compartmented information sell it to communist in China or Russia. It’s what Jews do. They never have had an allegiance to America and never will. They are here to get some coins and leave when it all falls in. They don’t call them wandering Jews for nothing.
Barney Frank and his Freddie Mac boyfriend swapping bodily fluids while devising zero down balloon loan schemes that defined the housing bubble. Why is this vile Jew not in jail? Was there ever a more disgusting Jew? A pervert who runs a brothel out of his house while supporting the Community Reinvestment Act that forced banks to loan trillions to people who could not afford it. All the while his lover and other Democrats making millions from the disaster. Typical Jew. Destroy a country but as long and the Jews and their friends get rich it’s cool.
Rahm Emanuel likes to run around naked in the congressional gym intimidating the gentiles
Dianne Feinstein getting rich of her husbands connections to China’s business community. All the while preaching to the gentile’s justice. Another disguising Jew making some coins off her connections.
And now the dirt bag Jew from Chicago. Rahm Emanuel the little Jew man with some coins in his pocket. Running up to the gentiles pointing his little boney finger in their chest demanding political loyalty. Was there any doubt that this would happen when an afro Leninists was elected to the White House? Jews and Negros. What the hell did the American people expect? At least Bush had the decency to wipe after bending over and screwing the American people. Now we have the communist Jews teamed with the Negros telling us white folk to bend over for a bigger faster version of Bush.
Here’s the lesson of it all. Next time a Jew or Negro walks up to you and demands something just simply walk away or bust their jaw on the spot. No need to apologize for supporting freedom and liberty. No need to want to be a part of the Marxist nihilist movement. After you knock them the fuck out pray to Jesus a little with them.
There is no need to play nice to pigs in the White House or outside the White House. It doesn’t matter where you are you don’t play their game. If they are rude to you then be twice as rude to them. If they stick their finger in your chest put your fist on their face. Sooner or later white America needs to realize the other side is acting like Jews and Negros from the ghetto and they better adjust their behavior accordingly.
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