Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. is chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, editor of LewRockwell.com, and author of The Left, the Right, and the State.
One of the big myths out there believed by both the left and right is that we need the federal government to regulate profit crazed maniacs who would sell our children morphine and poisoned milk. Little thought goes into this logic peddled on Main Street. It is accepted as gospel, capitalist are crazed lunatics willing to kill grandma to make a profit.
But if a company sold a harmful product wouldn’t they get sued if we had property rights enforced?
Hush citizen!
The truth is the federal agencies are there to protect the elites by crushing Main Street. And Main Street supports the theft. We are held hostage by a privileged class and we enjoy it, often refereed to as the Stockholm Syndrome.
It is a wonderful thing for the government thugs when they can steal your money and brainwash your children into believing the theft is justified by educating helpless children in government schools. 90% of Americans are brainwashed fools, and we don’t even realize it.
And to top it off the thieves get the people to play blue team/red team politics so the theft is concealed from the public. Like a magician the ignorant masses are fooled year after year. Go Red Team/Go Blue Team!!! Ra, ra, ra.
Below is a blog from Ludwig von Mises on 2-29-2012 by http://www.lewrockwell.com/.
The article briefly covers the regulatory history that should be taught in Universities and Colleges across America. Instead we get “government is good, fiscal policy” and “Federal Reserve is good, monetary policy” propaganda. Complete hog wash economics that is nothing but a smoke screen to hide the elites theft from the public. For every 100 students who take economics maybe 1 will see the malicious fairy tales for what they really are.
Ted Kennedy lived like a king while wishing the rest of Americans lived like peasants and obedient servants. When it was his turn to die he turned to capitalist private doctors to save his life
“Socialists want socialism for everyone else, but capitalism for themselves, while capitalists want capitalism for everyone else, but socialism for themselves.
Neither Ted Kennedy nor Jane Fonda practices a vow of poverty, nor are they taking any homeless into their mansions, while too many big companies try to short-circuit the market with government privileges. And one way they do it is through the regulatory agencies that acne Washington, DC.
If I may make a public confession (counting on the charity of Mises Daily readers): I used to work for the US Congress. I’ve since gone straight, of course, but the experience had its value, much as the future criminologist might benefit from serving with the James Gang.
For one thing, being on Capitol Hill showed me that, unlike the republic of the Founding Fathers’ vision, our DC Leviathan exists only to extract money and power from the people for itself and the special interests.
Ludwig von Mises called this an inevitable “caste conflict.” There can be no natural class conflict in society, Mises showed, since the free market harmonizes all economic interests, but in a system of government-granted privileges, there must be a struggle between those who live off the government and the rest of us. It is a disguised struggle, of course, since truth threatens the loot.
Department of Energy secretary Steven Chu, Socialism for the masses and capitalism for me
When I worked on Capitol Hill, Jimmy Carter was bleating about the energy crisis and promising to punish big oil with a “windfall profits tax.” But I saw that the lobbyists pushing for the tax were from the big oil companies.
And, after a moment’s thought, it was easy to realize why. There was no windfall-profits tax in Saudi Arabia, but it did fall heavily on Oklahoma. And as intended, the tax aided the big companies that imported oil by punishing their competitors, smaller, independent firms.
In the ensuing restructuring of the industry, also brought about by the price and allocation regulations of the Department of Energy, the big firms bought up domestic capacity at fire-sale prices, and then the Reagan administration repealed the tax and the regulations. Meanwhile, the big companies received contracts from the Department of Energy to produce money-losing “alternative fuels.”
In every administration, the tools of inflation, borrowing, taxation, and regulation are used to transfer wealth from the people to the government and its cronies.
At times, one or another of these tools becomes politically dangerous, so the government alters the mix. That’s why the Reagan administration switched from taxes and inflation to borrowing, and it’s why the Bush administration, with the deficit a liability, calls for more taxes, inflation, and regulation.
Authors note, here are the White House Tables, Table 1-3, that prove Reagan had no interest in reducing the size of government. Reagan set the then post WWII record for a budget deficit of 6% of GDP in 1983, a record that was not broken until the Obama Administration.
A tremendous amount is at stake in the re-regulation of the economy advocated by the Bush administration. Just one clause in the Federal Register can mean billions for a favored firm or industry, and disaster for its competitors, which is why lobbyists cluster around the Capitol like flies around a garbage can.
While claiming to need more money for — among other vital projects — a trip to Mars supervised by Dan Quayle, the president is boosting the budget of every regulatory agency in Washington.
Here are just some of those agencies, and the way they function: Founded by Richard Nixon, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is an antientrepreneur agency. Not only does OSHA target small- and medium-sized businesses, its regulatory cases are easily handled by Exxon’s squad of lawyers, while they can bankrupt a small firm.
Also founded by Nixon, the Consumer Product Safety Commission issues regulations drawn up in open consultation with big business — regulations that often conform exactly to what those firms are already doing. Small businesses, on the other hand, must spend heavily to comply.
EPA Secretary Lisa P. Jackson lives the good life on the taxpayers dime protecting special interest groups
Another Nixon creation is the Environmental Protection Agency, whose budget is larded with the influence of politically connected businesses, and whose regulations buttress established industries and discriminate against entrepreneurs — by, for example, legalizing pollution for existing companies but making new firms spend heavily.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development was founded by Lyndon B. Johnson, but its roots stretch back to the housing policy of the New Deal, whose explicit purpose was to subsidize builders of rental and single-family housing. Since LBJ’s Great Society, HUD has subsidized builders of public-housing projects, and of subsidized private housing. How can anyone be surprised that fat cats use HUD to line their pockets? That was its purpose.
The Securities and Exchange Commission was established by Franklin D. Roosevelt, with its legislation written by corporate lawyers to cartelize the market for big Wall Street firms. Over the years, the SEC has stopped many new stock issues by smaller companies, who might grow and compete with the industrial and commercial giants aligned with the big Wall Street firms. And right now, it is lessening competition in the futures and commodities markets.
The Interstate Commerce Commission was created in 1887 to stop “cut-throat” competition among railroads (i.e., competitive pricing) and to enforce high prices. Later amendments extended its power to trucking and other forms of transportation, where it also prevented competition. During the Carter administration, much of the ICC’s power was trimmed, but some of this was undone in the Reagan administration.
The Federal Communications Commission was established by Herbert Hoover to prevent private property in radio frequencies, and to place ownership in the hands of the government. The FCC set up the network system, whose licenses went to politically connected businessmen, and delayed technological breakthroughs that might have threatened the networks. There was some deregulation during the Reagan administration — although it was the development of cable TV that did the most good, by circumventing the networks.
The Department of Agriculture runs America’s farming on behalf of producers, keeping prices high, profits up, imports out, and new products off the shelves. We can’t know what food prices would be in the absence of the appropriately initialed DOA, only that food would be much cheaper. Now, for the first time since the farm program was established by Herbert Hoover, as a copy of the Federal Food Administration he ran during World War I, we are seeing widespread criticism of farm welfare.
The Federal Trade Commission — as shown by the fascist-deco statue in front of its headquarters — claims to “tame” the “wild horse of the market” on behalf of the public. Since its founding in 1914, however, it has restrained the market to the benefit of established firms. That’s why the chief lobbyists for the FTC were all from big business.
When then-Congressman Steve Symms (R-ID) tried to partially deregulate the Food and Drug Administration in the 1970s to allow more new drugs, he was stopped by the big drug companies and their trade association. Why? Because the FDA exists to protect them.
OSHA, CPSC, EPA, HUD, SEC, ICC, FCC, DOA, FTC, FDA — I could go on and on, through the entire alphabet from Hell. I have only scratched the villainous surface. But according to the average history or economics text, these agencies emerged in response to public demand. There is never a hint of the regulatory-industrial complex. We’re told that the public is being served. And it is: on a platter.”
Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. is chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, editor of LewRockwell.com, and author of The Left, the Right, and the State. Send him e-mail, rockwell@mises.org.
Monday, March 26, 2012
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BOOK OF REVELATIONS) by ASSAYID ISSA AL HADDI 1991,PUB. N.Y. “TENTS OF KEDAR “ IN QUOTE: ” Take recent history, for example. There is an immutable and rigidly-dogma, dogma, taught to all the people through the land, that the Germans were uniquely and sole responsible for starting World War11. Thus, the unspeakable disastrous political results of that war–the rise of COMMUNISM and the destruction of Europe as a world force, as well as infinite human suffering both during and after the war: 50 million lives lost,an ultimate financial cost of 25 trillion dollars or more–can be comfortably blamed on the Nazi devils without pain of having to examine the possibility that Britain, America and our ” noble ally “, the Soviet Union, were note entirely blameless. Another subject which has been completely removed from the realm of national, open discussion by the repressive effects of the myth is that mysterious international force known as Zionism Just what is the true extent of the power that this shadowy force exerts over all of governments of the West? Do Zionism and COMMUNISM and Zionism spring from the same origins, and are they still interconnected today? Were the only two victors of the war ZIONISM and COMMUNISM? If so, what part did they play in its incitement? What is the connection of Zionism with the news media and with those very practical and profit-minded men who control our money system? What are the real aims of Zionism? !” The real aim of Zionism was world domination.Now that that aim h
P.S. Transubstantiation of neurotic personalities is implanted within
barking dogs. Individuals surrounded by barking dogs ( at all hours )
relieves masochistic yearnings. This is another measure of erotic
behaviour. Usually religious confliction.If one will look around, there
will be hundreds of little booklets knocking everything, and what evolves
from the publication of sewage, in the line of ever supporting
Protestantism, with its break from Catholicism. Only the ignorant
misunderstand that Protestantism evolved from Catholicism. This being true,
designates that both are wrong or one is wrong and the other is correct.
With such consideration, it is necessary to do some investigation, of
earlier Oriental fundamentalists beliefs, of one ancient religion known as
Gautama. This ancient Gautama was the very basis for Oriental religious
fundamentalists. All of us wear thinking caps over intelligent brains.
Generally, money is the very root of many world religious movements. Have
you ever considered that great opposition to western Christianity. Yes, it
originated in the Orient. Have you ever been informed that the seed line of
Abraham is God’s chosen seed line. Do you know from whence one of Noah’s
sons that you have descended through. Try searching the origins of Ham,
Japhet and Shem. Have you ever taken the time in discovering just who
controls the commie
run news media in our country. Learn these things about Christian
civilization, and
then pick faults from other’s insinuations and reason, in trying to
influence many to think with a one way mind. Having never seen nor read the
hand book mentioned--tells me that you are finding fault without
qualification. Please keep an open mind
for we have many avenues of contrary truths, that the world is only a
fool’s paradise.Further, when searching out modern Christology, the
national religious empire, take into the historicity of religious ties to
the national treasury. Here we have a double standard contrary to our
Constitution. No doubt about it, the control over all religions are state
orientated. In America when things go wrong, one runs from one denomination
to another, in order to reconcile guilt complexes. Here Satan is drug up,
in trying to palm off self-induced, personality debilitation.Its been a
long waiting period for the great Parousal, ( God’s earthly return )to take
place. More than likely, much longer before the expansive eschalogical,
false man made teachings, will come to the truth voluntarily. The world is
under the influence of an invisible society, that is supportive of global
Pan Theosophy, Pan finance, Pan Russia and Pan Orientalism. America is
headed in this direction. Since the national publishing industry is a tool,
and a product, on the threshing floor of universal socialism, it would be
wise to ignore off-color information and lean out the true Gospel of of an
unseen Creator.
ReplyDeleteYes, indeed, our United States confederated states have been
completely inundated with world-wide trained professional
revolutionists, that absolutely are filled with self-hatred towards
Western civilization. Karl Marx coined the phrase ( man is man ). One of
Marx’s fellow travelers, the late David Ricardo, fabulous mouth piece
of London’s intellectual rabble-rousers, collided with Marx’s view that
proletarians of the world to unite, and they had nothing to loose but
their chains, to loose. Ricardo was given the originator of the so
called ( iron law of wages). Here we have two characters on the ideal
anti-social third rail of colliding intelligentsia butting heads, in
controlling any and all decent laboring people within the occidental
empire. Mud people have no allegiance with our contemporary mankind. Yet
they come out of every sewer line that trails back into recorded history
of progressive civilizations. Parasitic by nature, our Republic must
eliminate this explosive nest of vicious and vile reptilian instincts
from our shores; and let Karl Marx and David Ricardo remain as perfect
examples of bankrupt personalities, that have influenced the
mob-controlled political failures of which holds America in complete
derision. The late President Ronald Reagan thought so much of Karl
Marx’s and David Ricardo’s social engineering that he personally brought
one of Ricardo’s relatives into the federal labor department. Reagan
was a liberal’s’ liberal. And this mud people scheme moves along in
shaking down our republic. The late Hollywood columnist, Hedda Hopper
vouches for Reagan as a genuine liberal in moving into the life of a
political whore. No better to place to seek public officialdom that
Hollywood that to run the sewer lines streaming from the Screen Guild’s
gutter of psycho-neuroticism
ReplyDeleteIt is impossible to know anything about one’s conscious understanding and reactions unless the following questioned is posed, ( Do you know who you are ). Here lies the issue in trying to asses an opponents view. Out side of this I gather that you are a decent person searching for truth. Most people spend their whole life times without ever learning who they were during an earthly struggle. KINDLY-DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE?
Incidentally, in the abstract no reasonable explanation can be discovered regarding true rule by the few. From pharaoh of Egypt unto the many Kings over Canaan and to all presidents of our United States absolutely reverses Adams passing to all mankind free speech. We have thought control in America; and even in the beginning of Genesis, ( Bible ), we find no government! Something to think about. Christ recognized no formal government. Like i said, no governments-organized brutality!
ReplyDeleteIt is impossible to know anything about one’s conscious understanding and reactions unless the following questioned is posed, ( Do you know who you are ). Here lies the issue in trying to asses an opponents view. Out side of this I gather that you are a decent person searching for truth. Most people spend their whole life times without ever learning who they were during an earthly struggle. KINDLY-DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE?
Incidentally, in the abstract no reasonable explanation can be discovered regarding true rule by the few. From pharaoh of Egypt unto the many Kings over Canaan and to all presidents of our United States absolutely reverses Adams passing to all mankind free speech. We have thought control in America; and even in the beginning of Genesis, ( Bible ), we find no government! Something to think about. Christ recognized no formal government. Like i said, no governments-organized brutality!