Monday, May 9, 2011

Why is the price of gas so high?

I love to give extra credit on economic quizzes. Recently I asked why is gas so high. The inevitable answer is because of oil companies. Big oil this and big oil that. And of course our 95 IQ idiot in the White House feeds the mis-direction by demonizing big oil hiding his true motivation of a government take over and plundering of big oil. The creeps in the federal government are never satisfied with destroying health care, retirement, schools, trains, and anything they touch. There is always one more mountain to destroy and with gas prices rising you can bet the bastards in Washington will want to nationalize big oil and plunder the profits. The economic stupidity never stops.

When the Federal Reserve prints dollars

The value of the dollar drops and because oil is priced in dollars we pay more dollars for oil.

And just think we get to look forward to Quantitative Easing III. To be announced this June.

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