Sunday, September 4, 2011

Goldman Sachs bailing out of the U.S. economy

Goldman Sachs has had a good run in the United States. The Wall Street and industrial firms of J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller, Schiff, and others have pretty much run Washington for the last century. Now that the country is bankrupt the rats are jumping off the ship.

Goldman Sachs will be scaling back its operations in the United States by a billion dollars in fixed cost, that would be permanent shut down of office facilities and other assets, as well as laying off employees. As GS is doing that they will be hiring 1,000 employees in Singapore. Additional expansions are planned for Brazil and India.

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein jumping off the sinking U.S. ship

With $467 billion to be rolled over in August it plainly clear the game is up for the United States. Even if all goes well, everything is successfully rolled over, the debt ceiling is raised, interest rates stay moderate, to any sane banker the game of chicken is getting to be too much.

Facts are facts. The U.S. is a debtor nation, Singapore, China, and India are the future, why waste resources and time in a bankrupt nation? Unlike our politicians the private sector does not like to contemplate and ponder every minute political move. The rats are jumping ship. Time for the parasites to find another host.

Reportedly the U.S. has $75 trillion in assets. The federal government ran up this debt, time for the federal government to start selling those assets.

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