Everyone loves Sarah. Of course except the deranged emotionally handicapped on the left. And I mean that in its totality. Only complete disingenuous freaks of conformity could hate a woman who paid her way through college, raised five children, stayed married to her high school sweetheart, climbed out of literally nowhere with no money or connections to become governor of her state and run for vice president. She is a modern hero to millions of women including my wife who adores her. And I have to be honest she’s pretty fringing hot. “I am not blind” as she says about her husband Todd. Yea Sarah and neither are we.
Sarah showed she has good instinct and that can not be taught. She is a natural. I believe her when she confesses she got a “D” in macroeconomics. She’s not one to slough through the nitty gritty of abstract thinking or do a whole lot of reading outside required reading to perform her job. Well if she’s going to be a presidential candidate in 2012 it’s about time to retake macroeconomics and get an “A” this time around. Sarah has a whole lot of reading to do if she wants to serve the people to the best of her ability. I know it’s a lot more fun to shoot a 30-06 or snowmobile. And if she doesn’t want to run for president then have fun. If she really wants to blow away Obama or Romney in a debate then she needs to do some serious reading over the next two years. As for Huckabee she should be nice and forget about pinning him in some corner. That is not going to happen.
Why should she run as a Libertarian? The Libertarian Party is an established party that is closer to her values of limited government than the republicans. The republicans talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. Sarah is a woman of action. The republicans are not. Running as a Libertarian would be putting her principals first and party second. And hopefully destroy the Republican Party while she’s at it.
And if Obama is re-elected? So what! The best thing that ever happened to republicans these last three years has been the election of Obama. Obama had a huge impact on gun sales and he should be the NRA gun salesman of the year. And just as Obama has affected gun sales so has he affected the national attitude towards conservatives. Almost overnight democrats have been exposed for the fascist dictator wanna bees that they are. Obama is a walking freak show that is glued to Teleprompters, unable to articulate arguments on his own. Could the republicans dream up of a better advertisement of what a liberal democrat really is? Come on who could be so stupid as to have the 9-11 terrorist masterminds tried in NYC? Talk about the gift from heaven. Republicans should be supporting Obama in 2012 so when they win in 2016 they will have 300 seats in the house and 70 in the senate. By then we will have suffered hyperinflation and maybe we can eliminate a whole lot of federal programs, privatize social security and kill Medicare. Germany reformed after Hitler and we can reform after Obama.
Now Sarah will have some problems with the Libertarians. We believe in liberty and freedom. That means legalized drugs for adults. Prevention and rehabilitation cost 10% of the cost we now pay for the war on drugs. No federal programs except national defense. Abortion should be a state issue or better yet a local issue. Most libertarians are isolationist but not all. Foreign policy is one of the few really contentious issues Libertarians are divided on. Myself I think killing bad guys overseas is an investment in creating a better gene pool for humanity. Like some general in Afghanistan said “killing bad guys makes for a good day” or something to that effect. Killing terrorist who kill innocent women and children in the name of Allah is a good thing. Thugs of the world need to be killed. But I am in a minority in the Libertarian Party. Most like to stick their head in the sand pre WWII style.
Hey it’s not a perfect party but is there such a thing? Sarah would be in a win win position. She could help in the destruction of the Republican Party. She might even win. At worse she would get the allegedly Parkinson disease riddle Obama a second term. The man is a complete Jimmy Carter II except he’s more of a dictator asshole. As long as the republicans have the house or senate nothing will get done. What the hell. Go rogue Sarah and don’t look back.
The freedom loving people of this country have been looking for someone of national stature to lead a secessionist movement both away from the corrupt Republican Party and a true secessionist movement of the states away from Washington DC. We don’t want to be a part of a nation that rips off the peasants with both taxes from the federal government and inflation from the Federal Reserve. We want to be able to pursue life, liberty and happiness without interference from ANY federal or state government. All social engineering needs to be at the local government level period. Kill the nanny state. If it causes a realignment of the United States then that is the price of freedom and liberty. Go rogue Sarah. Kill the beast.
One final though Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. If we the people are going to get our freedom and liberty back sacrifices will need to be made. Get it Sarah?
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