Perry says Obama taking U.S. toward socialism
Texas Governor Rick Perry has given several provocative speeches the latest coming yesterday (11-11-09) using the socialist label to describe the Obama Administration. Pretty tame in my estimation. Obama is a Black Liberation Marxist. He hates Jews except when they make the trains run on time for him. Obama hates white America and capitalism. He’s a disgusting half Negro who has ridden the affirmative action train all the way to the White House. America is discovering how inhumane and out of touch the dull boy is. No sympathy whatsoever for the dead soldiers in Texas when he spoke about them the day of the incident. Pimping Indian rights and giving a shout out before even mentioning the terrorist act. Nothing more than dictator wanna be.
The states need to start getting contingency plans ready to secede from the union. The states not getting all the bail out money. That would be red states and districts that got 60% on the dollar in the Obama bail out payments. So states like Texas that are fiscally responsible pay California and all the union goons. Why in the hell would a responsible state like Texas or Florida want to stay in the union? Getting ripped off 40 cents on every federal dollar? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see where this is going.
Texas Governor Rick Perry
In the video Governor Perry complains about illegals from California being dumped in Texas. The motive is simple. Obama and democrats want illegal’s to take over Texas and make it a blue state. Until Texas becomes a blue state Obama will continue to punish the state financially and any way it can. Perry also complains about the lack of response from Washington in approving Texas health care reform measures. It’s all about the power for Washington. Yea we get it.
The bottom line is Perry is saying Texas is ready to go it alone but they cannot do it without other states help. Texas needs Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Utah, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Alaska and Montana to stand with them against the federal government. The way the federal government is set up all the fly over Republican states are getting ripped off and strangled while the Democratic districts and states with large SEIU union membership are getting billions from Washington. California gets $50 billion and Texas losses $50 billion. It’s that simple. California gets to ship illegal immigrants with 5th grade educations and four times the crime rate of whites to Texas.
The other Republican fly over states can sit back and watch Texas get the shaft but sooner or later it will be their turn. If Texas falls the other red states will fall faster. Texas is the Alamo. It is the last stand of white America and the principals of the founding fathers to stand up and get back to 1776.
And I don’t want to hear the politically correct bull shirt that minorities like freedom and liberty. They don’t. Show me a free ethnic group in the world with a majority of its citizens living in freedom and liberty. Asians? No. Negros? No. Middle Easterners? No. White people need to get over this politically correct notion that Negros, Jews, Arabs and Hispanics share the principals of the founding fathers. Negros live in poverty in Africa and Hispanics worship dictators like Chavez, Castro and Che. Get over the myth. Minorities ARE NOT like white people. They prefer dictators and repression. Mother Nature’s way of controlling them? Who knows? Not my problem. I could care less how they want to live but I damn sure care about how I live and my children. If Texas needs to deport a million or two Mexican then so be it. Doesn’t bother me in the least.
Texas is getting flat out screwed over by the federal government and the other fly over states better take notice. When Texas goes down you people in Oklahoma will be right behind them. Millions of illegal’s, socialism, unemployment, and the end of your privileged white standard of living. You kids will be ridiculed as racist in school. Whites will be second class, really we already are in the eyes of the federal government. Has anyone filled out a federal, state or local government job application? No points for being white but every other group gets points. Do white people want to be second class citizens in their own country? Pretty much how it has been for lower class whites for the last 40 years plus. Well you middle and upper class whites will soon be joining us lower class whites. Hope you enjoy what you reap. Get off your ass and fight.
Texas is on the front line of the effort by Washington to make them a California. And when all the states are California whites and their ideas of freedom and liberty will be gone. We will be just like Venezuela where the government owns the media, oil companies, cement companies, automobiles, air lines, telephones and tariffs will be 90% on imported goods. Our public schools will be horrible cess pools unimaginable except in Detroit or Chicago. The Head Negro in the White House is leading the charge and Texas is feeling the heat. Stand up or be someone’s bitch.
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