The Jews who make up 2% of the US population and Arabs who make up 0.6% of the population are having a little public relations fight over here. Both groups have a war going on in America and are infiltrating our Tea Parties and universities. Here locally in Orlando we have Jews telling us Tea Party folk about the evils of Muslims and Sharia Law. Like we didn’t notice those two wars that we fought, oh when was that? 2000’s maybe?
Pamela Geller is giving her spiel to the Tennessee Tea Party May 22 to 23rd. The oh so smart Jews need to educate us dumb white folk that the Arabs are bad folks and that 0.6% minority group will be dictating to us any month now not to eat bacon. Muhammad will replace Jesus Christ any day now. Just listen to Pam she will set you strait.
Pamela Geller is now preaching to the Tea Party
Here’s a message to the Jews. If you want to protect Israel then maybe you should have thought of that before you voted 78% for Obama. Maybe you should not have donated so heavily to the Democratic Party. Maybe you should not piss off the Christians with your constant legal harassments of their religion using the ACLU as a front. Maybe you should not be so in love with communism and Karl Marx. You made your bed now lie in it. American Jews will need to explain to their children what they did to help Israel out in 2008 someday when Israel no longer exist.
Here’s a message for the Muslims. Your religion sucks. You are stuck in the 7th century. That sucks for you. As soon as the peasants get a cell phone and an I Pod your religion is history. Anyone remember Zoroastrianism? Anyone worshiping Ahura Mazda? Kiss your religion goodbye. Who in the fuck wants to be a part of a religion that kills women and children in the name of Allah? As soon as your jihad is over and your people realize what cold hearted murdering bastards the mullahs are they will be flocking to Christianity. You a bunch of sick bastards that are too cowardly to fight a war with a regular army. You resort to murdering the innocent and putting bombs on the side of the road. Yea assholes that will go down in history right next to the Normandy invasion, not.
Both these asshole groups need to go over to the Middle East and fight it out. Frankly I could care less. We fought two wars over there and compared to the Vietnamese, Japanese or Germans the Arabs fight like stupid kids. We found out they are bullies that can kill women and children. They like to blow themselves up and have many candidates for this duty. Huh? What else is here to say? Stupidly fanatical?
We found out the Jews love it when Americas fight Muslims. Jews support the vilest communist progressive organizations in America continually attacking Christianity with legal entanglements but come crying to us when they need another war fought. Fuck the Jews. Fight your own god damn wars. It’s not my problem you can’t get along with your neighbors. If it were me I would speak the language of the Muslims and bribe the hell out of them. But that’s just me.
Nobody is worshiping Ahura Mazda these days
Here’s another message to the Jews. We just had two wars with the Muslims and where the hell were you? How many Jews were in the US Army in Iraq? If you were 35 years old or less and not in the United States Army from 2001 to present or the Israeli Army then I really have no respect for you. I really don’t want to talk to you.
It really makes an impression seeing a young, educated 25 year old Jew giving a lecture to us white folks about how we need to get our lily white ass over there to the Middle East and kill us some more Muslims. Get your Jew ass over there and stop counting you gold coins. Stop fucking up America with your Karl Marx shit and your Jew sponsored organizations. Frankly we are sick of the Jew foreign policy towed by the United States government. One of the few things I agree with Obama on.
We Americans want to get the United States government reset to 1791. That is our priority. Not Sharia Law or Israel. Live Free or Die. It’s not just a slogan anymore. Here’s a word of warning to both groups. In the next decade it will get pretty ugly in America. Maybe just maybe you don’t want to get caught in the crossfire. You need to take your fight back over to the Middle East and let us white folks do our fighting or I promise you both groups will come to deeply regret their decisions. When you rile us white folk up we generally kill millions not thousands.
VN:D [1.9.1_1087]
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Who Would Go to Jail if the United States was Communist?
For those who have read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918 – 2008) The Gulag Archipelago and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich you know that after the priest, rabbis, political dissidents and enemies of the state are imprisoned or killed there are still a lot of people out there that need to be terrorized for the regime to stay in power. What to do?
The former USSR went on monthly campaigns against whatever was convenient. If you neighbor didn’t like you and complained that was seven years in Siberia. If you didn’t attend enough political functions that was five years. If you didn’t kill enough rats or complained about the lack of toilet paper that was good for ten years. The propose was not so much that people were not pure communist but that the state needed slave labor for state projects and had a need to continually terrorize the peasants. Every month there would be a new crime of the month that was publicized and people rounded up and sent to slave labor camps.
USSR writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsin
Under such a system for the average person intelligence and self control would be the key to staying out of the gulag. Intelligence and self control. Who in the United States has those qualities and who lacks them?
It just so happens that mathematician La Griffe du Lion ( has indirectly answered this question. When he was analyzing serial killers he came up with a couple of probability charts showing the incarceration rates for blacks, Hispanics and whites. With the data set for blacks and whites the information would be very relevant due to the two populations long established in America. Hispanics are a little tougher because they are relatively new entrants into American society. What is known is Hispanics have a average IQ of 93, blacks 85 and whites 100.
Because of the get tough on crime attitude and break up of the black family in the last 50 years we already have seen this scenario play out to a large extent. If America went communist the already huge disparities in incarceration rates would become even more exaggerated. This is not good news for the Hope and Change crowd. If they were hoping to get a free car and house with the communist their dream could become the nightmare of a jail cell and a push food service cart.
Black vs White incarceration rates
Back in 1974 blacks had about a 14% chance of doing time, Hispanics roughly 4% and whites 2.5%. Society passed laws that increased child support payments that led to increased divorce rates, increased welfare payments that led to more unwed mothers. Out of wedlock rates went to eventually 68% black, 42% Hispanic and 26% white. Divorce rates are stagnant at 40% but that is under represented because many couples today simply do not bother getting married today. In the end the government got what it wanted, lots of fatherless children and lots of clients for the criminal justice industry.
With increased law enforcement crack downs on drugs, violent crimes and the lack of a father figure the prison population increased dramatically. By 2001 if you were black your chances of ending up in the clink were approximately 32%, Hispanics 17% and whites about 4.5%. As America became less traditional family orientated and more police state orientated clearly the Hope and Change crowd bore the brunt of the oppression and family destruction. Pure government evil that is rarely reported on in the press and only occasionally in academia. Was this destruction of the family and increased incarceration of the male population laying the groundwork for our current progressive government to move America into a totalitarian police state? Sure seems to be the trend.
Hispanic vs White incarceration rates
Nobody seems to care. Republicans claim to be for the family and are against abortion but rarely stand up for no child support laws and split custody arrangement where expenses of child rearing are spit evenly as well as parental time. Democrats support as much cash in single mothers pockets as possible. Single women overwhelmingly vote (63% in 2004) Democrat. Democrats don’t hide their contempt for the traditional family and Republicans are all talk and generally make the problem worse by supporting draconian child support laws at the state level. We can only assume a communist Obama regime would further destroy the family unit.
So what would the incarceration rates be under a screwed up nobody has a dad communist regime? For white men let’s say the police state under Obama incarcerated 10% of them. A reasonable figure probably achieved in the USSR in its heyday. At a white incarceration rate of 10% black males, if justice was blind, would be incarcerated at a rate of an astonishing 50% or more! Hispanics about 35%! Damn amigo that’s a pretty damn good excuse to head for the southern border.
At 20% incarceration rate for white guys the number are even more astonishing. The black incarceration rate climbs to over 70% and Hispanic to over 60%. This of course assumes justice is blind and there are no quotas like there are for federal employment. These numbers show that blacks and Hispanic males have by far the most to fear from a communist Obama administration if it gains enough strength to take our country into the Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro territory.
Criminal Distribution Blacks 1.27 standard deviation and Hispanic 1.02 SD
People have been screaming at blacks to get off the Democratic Party plantation for decades. And for decades they have moved closer and closer to dependency and now towards slavery in penitentiaries all over America. Nothing really has changed in 145 years for blacks. They were freed, imprisoned in large numbers and now are returning to slavery in the form of incarcerated government servants . Hope and Change.
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Rating: 10.0/10 (3 votes cast)
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The former USSR went on monthly campaigns against whatever was convenient. If you neighbor didn’t like you and complained that was seven years in Siberia. If you didn’t attend enough political functions that was five years. If you didn’t kill enough rats or complained about the lack of toilet paper that was good for ten years. The propose was not so much that people were not pure communist but that the state needed slave labor for state projects and had a need to continually terrorize the peasants. Every month there would be a new crime of the month that was publicized and people rounded up and sent to slave labor camps.
USSR writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsin
Under such a system for the average person intelligence and self control would be the key to staying out of the gulag. Intelligence and self control. Who in the United States has those qualities and who lacks them?
It just so happens that mathematician La Griffe du Lion ( has indirectly answered this question. When he was analyzing serial killers he came up with a couple of probability charts showing the incarceration rates for blacks, Hispanics and whites. With the data set for blacks and whites the information would be very relevant due to the two populations long established in America. Hispanics are a little tougher because they are relatively new entrants into American society. What is known is Hispanics have a average IQ of 93, blacks 85 and whites 100.
Because of the get tough on crime attitude and break up of the black family in the last 50 years we already have seen this scenario play out to a large extent. If America went communist the already huge disparities in incarceration rates would become even more exaggerated. This is not good news for the Hope and Change crowd. If they were hoping to get a free car and house with the communist their dream could become the nightmare of a jail cell and a push food service cart.
Black vs White incarceration rates
Back in 1974 blacks had about a 14% chance of doing time, Hispanics roughly 4% and whites 2.5%. Society passed laws that increased child support payments that led to increased divorce rates, increased welfare payments that led to more unwed mothers. Out of wedlock rates went to eventually 68% black, 42% Hispanic and 26% white. Divorce rates are stagnant at 40% but that is under represented because many couples today simply do not bother getting married today. In the end the government got what it wanted, lots of fatherless children and lots of clients for the criminal justice industry.
With increased law enforcement crack downs on drugs, violent crimes and the lack of a father figure the prison population increased dramatically. By 2001 if you were black your chances of ending up in the clink were approximately 32%, Hispanics 17% and whites about 4.5%. As America became less traditional family orientated and more police state orientated clearly the Hope and Change crowd bore the brunt of the oppression and family destruction. Pure government evil that is rarely reported on in the press and only occasionally in academia. Was this destruction of the family and increased incarceration of the male population laying the groundwork for our current progressive government to move America into a totalitarian police state? Sure seems to be the trend.
Hispanic vs White incarceration rates
Nobody seems to care. Republicans claim to be for the family and are against abortion but rarely stand up for no child support laws and split custody arrangement where expenses of child rearing are spit evenly as well as parental time. Democrats support as much cash in single mothers pockets as possible. Single women overwhelmingly vote (63% in 2004) Democrat. Democrats don’t hide their contempt for the traditional family and Republicans are all talk and generally make the problem worse by supporting draconian child support laws at the state level. We can only assume a communist Obama regime would further destroy the family unit.
So what would the incarceration rates be under a screwed up nobody has a dad communist regime? For white men let’s say the police state under Obama incarcerated 10% of them. A reasonable figure probably achieved in the USSR in its heyday. At a white incarceration rate of 10% black males, if justice was blind, would be incarcerated at a rate of an astonishing 50% or more! Hispanics about 35%! Damn amigo that’s a pretty damn good excuse to head for the southern border.
At 20% incarceration rate for white guys the number are even more astonishing. The black incarceration rate climbs to over 70% and Hispanic to over 60%. This of course assumes justice is blind and there are no quotas like there are for federal employment. These numbers show that blacks and Hispanic males have by far the most to fear from a communist Obama administration if it gains enough strength to take our country into the Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro territory.
Criminal Distribution Blacks 1.27 standard deviation and Hispanic 1.02 SD
People have been screaming at blacks to get off the Democratic Party plantation for decades. And for decades they have moved closer and closer to dependency and now towards slavery in penitentiaries all over America. Nothing really has changed in 145 years for blacks. They were freed, imprisoned in large numbers and now are returning to slavery in the form of incarcerated government servants . Hope and Change.
VN:D [1.9.1_1087]
Rating: 10.0/10 (3 votes cast)
VN:D [1.9.1_1087]
Sunday, May 16, 2010
What to do After the Money Bubble Explodes?
Every “real” economist out there knows the United States is not immune from the laws of physics or economics for that matter. We have had the Savings and Loan bubble, NASDAQ bubble, housing bubble and now the biggest bubble of them all our fiat (dollar) currency. Moody’s is predicting a drop in the USA bond rating around 2013. That means the deficit will increase because of higher interest rates on our short term bonds to unsustainable record levels. Others are looking at 2011 when a lot of commercial real estate is scheduled to be refinanced or defaulted on. Combined with tax hikes and the chaos in Europe some economist seem to think the coming crash is closer than we all anticipate. Nobody knows for sure but we do know when it does happen it will be devastating.
Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman doesn’t have a clue about economics
So what to do? Fortunately most politically savvy people including Democrats are knowledgeable about the impossibility of the Obama Administrations current path of fiscal insanity. There is a good possibility Republicans can take the House and Senate creating gridlock and giving the economy some much needed breathing room. Gridlock will create more economic certainty and business loves certainty not chaos. That’s step one.
Step two is getting the communist loons out of Washington. That means defeating Obama or impeaching him. The communist “progressives” need to be run out of Washington just like the NAZI’s were run out of Berlin in 1945. No mercy should be showed any of these crazies. Jail them for violating our constitution and throw away the key.
Step three get real economists in charge of the federal government. Most of what the federal government does is a complete waste of time and money. We have departments overseeing financial transactions, oil drilling, natural disasters and many others. They do nothing but react and pretend they are doing something. Most of the time they watch porn, screw lobbyist, harass industry, pretend they are smart, ask congress for more money and drag down the productive members of society. We need to fire about 75% of the federal work force in 30 days or sooner. Fire them with an executive order and move on. The remaining bureaucrats can clean out the office space. These parasites need to get a real life.
Economist Peter Schiff saw the housing bubble in 2003, wrote about it, warned viewers on several business networks and understands economics. Doubtful he will ever get a Nobel Prize.
Real economist would reform entitlement programs. They would end the Ponzi schemes and return medicine to the private sector. Medical services would become much more affordable if Medicaid and Medicare were eliminated.
Why? Simple supply and demand. Government programs inject huge amounts of artificial cash into the medical system. This drives up cost. Eliminate the subsidy of government cash, artificial monopolies caused by restricting sale of insurance over state lines and other restrictions on hospitals, medical schools and payments to out of country medical providers like Columbia and Mexico and cost would drop my guess 50%. Doctors can only charge what people can pay.
Why did the cost of health care go up so dramatically after WWII? Government interference into the marketplace created artificially high prices for medical services and monopoly prices for health care coverage. Without the artificial monopolies and government infusions of cash prices will drop to market clearing levels. Real economist understand this. The other 90% get caught up in minutia and theoretical crap.
The goal is to get people in power that can facilitate the transaction to post dollar bust economy that will not follow rigid dogma and rules. For example when the bubble burst and the dollar drops like a rock allow any currency that merchants will accept for goods and services. Allow merchants to do business in gold, silver or whatever viable form of money is acceptable for exchange. The United States did it from 1837 to 1913 and it worked. We can do it again. We don’t need to repeat the Wiemar Republic where people pushed around wheelbarrows of cash to buy a loaf of bread. When the dollar explodes let the people do what is best for themselves.
When the money bust comes if the right people are in place the transition doesn’t have to be a gut wrenching transition into communist USSR or fascist NAZI Germany. If we get people in government who will take out the communist and have the guts to kill the entitlements and federal government intrusion and regulations the transition can be accomplished in a year maybe less.
CATO scholar Dan Mitchell has made several videos explaining government policy and economics that the average viewer can understand. Dan understands economics. Doubtful he will ever win a Nobel Prize.
People ridicule me because I like Sarah Palin. Romney is better; Huckabee is smarter and so forth. Palin is stupid, bla, bla, bla. Some on the left are scared of her because she’s not corrupt or indoctrinated with a Harvard degree. Some on the right just don’t have the balls to go after Social Security or Medicare. I like her because she has guts and more important she has good instincts.
In the book The Survivors Club the author talks about how in a emergency 10% of people do the right thing, 80% do nothing and 10% do the wrong thing. Being familiar with economics I see that in my field.
Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman is so smooth and brilliant in his arguments about economics he won the ultimate prize for it. After reading his work and watching him on YouTube all I can do is scratch my head. The guy may know the lingo but he has NO understanding of economics whatsoever. He wanted housing inflation back in 2003, he thinks printing money and inflating our way out of debt is just fine. He believes in price ceilings and floors whenever they suit his fascist goals. Everything he says is stupid and offensive to any economist who understands economics and wants to maximize personal utility for the masses. Krugman is an elitist and clearly does not care about what is best for the people and has an political agenda that clouds his thinking. He is wrong in his economic analysis in my opinion about 90% of the time or more. People say “but he won the Nobel Prize in economics.” Yes he did and so did USSR communist Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich in 1975. I think it’s safe to say Mr. Kantorovich’s economic theories did not stand the test of time.
My favorite economists Dan Mitchell and Peter Schiff get things right. Same area of study with totally different analysis of economic problems. I would group them in the 10% of the population that does the right thing in a crisis. Palin might not have the economic education but she would have on staff economist like Schiff or Mitchell that would react correctly when the dollar bust comes. I would trust her with my life unlike the waffling Romney who blows in the wind or the Jesus Christ welfare entitlement state weak ass Huckabee. In a crisis Romney would be useless and Huckabee would be out in the soup lines dolling out food to the masses. Maybe a good photo op but of little use. Palin would have the, for lack of a better term, balls to kill Social Security and the Federal Reserve while other Republicans stood around with their thumb up their ass hoping for the storm to pass so they can win the next election.
USSR economist Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich won the Nobel Prize in 1975 with some of the most beautiful and complex mathematical modeling that failed miserably in the real world.
To get these people in place will require a herculean effort. The price of failure is catastrophic. When Russia fell into economic chaos with the defeat of the Russian Army in 1917 Vladimir Lenin assumed power.
Communism took hold and lasted 72 years. 72 years of genocide, gulags, living like pigs, long lines for toilet paper and a degrading life style for the masses while the elite lived like royalty.
Economic collapse in the 1920’s Germany paved the way for Hitler in the 1930’s. The communist “progressives” in the White House know this. They are intentionally spending the United States into oblivion. Their game plan is to shoot for 2013 after Obama is re-elected. They feel with redistricting and the Negro face on the ballot for president they will sweep back into power. After that if the dollar collapses then it’s just another crisis to consolidate the dictatorship over the peasants. Illegal aliens will pour into the country and capitalist will flee for their lives. We the people get the short 12 year collapse and defeat like Germany or the long torturous 72 year reign of terror. Either way life sucks unless you are part of the elite.
We can turn this around if we get the right people in place and stop pretending programs like Medicaid and Social Security matter. They don’t. They were always a fraud. The WWII gimme generation ripped off their kids the baby boomer’s. The time for the crying is over. Old farts 1 baby boomer’s 0. Get over it for your kids sake.
Who do you want in power when it all comes crashing down? Republican milquetoast Romney, Huckabee, Pawlenty or one of the 10% that knows how to react in a crisis? Let’s get the Republicans in the House and Senate in 2010 and Palin in the White House in 2012 and sent the communist packing into hiding for another 50 years.
Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman doesn’t have a clue about economics
So what to do? Fortunately most politically savvy people including Democrats are knowledgeable about the impossibility of the Obama Administrations current path of fiscal insanity. There is a good possibility Republicans can take the House and Senate creating gridlock and giving the economy some much needed breathing room. Gridlock will create more economic certainty and business loves certainty not chaos. That’s step one.
Step two is getting the communist loons out of Washington. That means defeating Obama or impeaching him. The communist “progressives” need to be run out of Washington just like the NAZI’s were run out of Berlin in 1945. No mercy should be showed any of these crazies. Jail them for violating our constitution and throw away the key.
Step three get real economists in charge of the federal government. Most of what the federal government does is a complete waste of time and money. We have departments overseeing financial transactions, oil drilling, natural disasters and many others. They do nothing but react and pretend they are doing something. Most of the time they watch porn, screw lobbyist, harass industry, pretend they are smart, ask congress for more money and drag down the productive members of society. We need to fire about 75% of the federal work force in 30 days or sooner. Fire them with an executive order and move on. The remaining bureaucrats can clean out the office space. These parasites need to get a real life.
Economist Peter Schiff saw the housing bubble in 2003, wrote about it, warned viewers on several business networks and understands economics. Doubtful he will ever get a Nobel Prize.
Real economist would reform entitlement programs. They would end the Ponzi schemes and return medicine to the private sector. Medical services would become much more affordable if Medicaid and Medicare were eliminated.
Why? Simple supply and demand. Government programs inject huge amounts of artificial cash into the medical system. This drives up cost. Eliminate the subsidy of government cash, artificial monopolies caused by restricting sale of insurance over state lines and other restrictions on hospitals, medical schools and payments to out of country medical providers like Columbia and Mexico and cost would drop my guess 50%. Doctors can only charge what people can pay.
Why did the cost of health care go up so dramatically after WWII? Government interference into the marketplace created artificially high prices for medical services and monopoly prices for health care coverage. Without the artificial monopolies and government infusions of cash prices will drop to market clearing levels. Real economist understand this. The other 90% get caught up in minutia and theoretical crap.
The goal is to get people in power that can facilitate the transaction to post dollar bust economy that will not follow rigid dogma and rules. For example when the bubble burst and the dollar drops like a rock allow any currency that merchants will accept for goods and services. Allow merchants to do business in gold, silver or whatever viable form of money is acceptable for exchange. The United States did it from 1837 to 1913 and it worked. We can do it again. We don’t need to repeat the Wiemar Republic where people pushed around wheelbarrows of cash to buy a loaf of bread. When the dollar explodes let the people do what is best for themselves.
When the money bust comes if the right people are in place the transition doesn’t have to be a gut wrenching transition into communist USSR or fascist NAZI Germany. If we get people in government who will take out the communist and have the guts to kill the entitlements and federal government intrusion and regulations the transition can be accomplished in a year maybe less.
CATO scholar Dan Mitchell has made several videos explaining government policy and economics that the average viewer can understand. Dan understands economics. Doubtful he will ever win a Nobel Prize.
People ridicule me because I like Sarah Palin. Romney is better; Huckabee is smarter and so forth. Palin is stupid, bla, bla, bla. Some on the left are scared of her because she’s not corrupt or indoctrinated with a Harvard degree. Some on the right just don’t have the balls to go after Social Security or Medicare. I like her because she has guts and more important she has good instincts.
In the book The Survivors Club the author talks about how in a emergency 10% of people do the right thing, 80% do nothing and 10% do the wrong thing. Being familiar with economics I see that in my field.
Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman is so smooth and brilliant in his arguments about economics he won the ultimate prize for it. After reading his work and watching him on YouTube all I can do is scratch my head. The guy may know the lingo but he has NO understanding of economics whatsoever. He wanted housing inflation back in 2003, he thinks printing money and inflating our way out of debt is just fine. He believes in price ceilings and floors whenever they suit his fascist goals. Everything he says is stupid and offensive to any economist who understands economics and wants to maximize personal utility for the masses. Krugman is an elitist and clearly does not care about what is best for the people and has an political agenda that clouds his thinking. He is wrong in his economic analysis in my opinion about 90% of the time or more. People say “but he won the Nobel Prize in economics.” Yes he did and so did USSR communist Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich in 1975. I think it’s safe to say Mr. Kantorovich’s economic theories did not stand the test of time.
My favorite economists Dan Mitchell and Peter Schiff get things right. Same area of study with totally different analysis of economic problems. I would group them in the 10% of the population that does the right thing in a crisis. Palin might not have the economic education but she would have on staff economist like Schiff or Mitchell that would react correctly when the dollar bust comes. I would trust her with my life unlike the waffling Romney who blows in the wind or the Jesus Christ welfare entitlement state weak ass Huckabee. In a crisis Romney would be useless and Huckabee would be out in the soup lines dolling out food to the masses. Maybe a good photo op but of little use. Palin would have the, for lack of a better term, balls to kill Social Security and the Federal Reserve while other Republicans stood around with their thumb up their ass hoping for the storm to pass so they can win the next election.
USSR economist Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich won the Nobel Prize in 1975 with some of the most beautiful and complex mathematical modeling that failed miserably in the real world.
To get these people in place will require a herculean effort. The price of failure is catastrophic. When Russia fell into economic chaos with the defeat of the Russian Army in 1917 Vladimir Lenin assumed power.
Communism took hold and lasted 72 years. 72 years of genocide, gulags, living like pigs, long lines for toilet paper and a degrading life style for the masses while the elite lived like royalty.
Economic collapse in the 1920’s Germany paved the way for Hitler in the 1930’s. The communist “progressives” in the White House know this. They are intentionally spending the United States into oblivion. Their game plan is to shoot for 2013 after Obama is re-elected. They feel with redistricting and the Negro face on the ballot for president they will sweep back into power. After that if the dollar collapses then it’s just another crisis to consolidate the dictatorship over the peasants. Illegal aliens will pour into the country and capitalist will flee for their lives. We the people get the short 12 year collapse and defeat like Germany or the long torturous 72 year reign of terror. Either way life sucks unless you are part of the elite.
We can turn this around if we get the right people in place and stop pretending programs like Medicaid and Social Security matter. They don’t. They were always a fraud. The WWII gimme generation ripped off their kids the baby boomer’s. The time for the crying is over. Old farts 1 baby boomer’s 0. Get over it for your kids sake.
Who do you want in power when it all comes crashing down? Republican milquetoast Romney, Huckabee, Pawlenty or one of the 10% that knows how to react in a crisis? Let’s get the Republicans in the House and Senate in 2010 and Palin in the White House in 2012 and sent the communist packing into hiding for another 50 years.
Communist, Fascist and the Jews
It amazes me how little Americans know of the history of Hitler and WWII. Everyone thinks Hitler just out of thin air started hating the Jews. We have all been told that the Jews have suffered for centuries pogams from the Germans and Russians but never given a reason why. I think what is happening in the United States today is probably very similar to what has happened for centuries wherever Jews have immigrated to.
First my apologies to the 22% of Jews who fight for freedom.
10 million dead Ukrainians 1932-33
Jews have a reputation as being Marxist and radicalizing groups like the American Negroes since WWI. Jews form legal societies that seem to go against main stream society every chance they get. ACLU, SPLC and others regularly fight some good fights but mostly to quash the rights of Christians and white males.
They amass fortunes in law, movies, banking and use their wealth to promote promiscuity and lewd behavior among gentiles and pass it off as normal.
There are hundreds of cases of Rabbi Pedophiles that go unreported in the press. Cases like Rabbi Jerry Brauner of NYC. One guy amassed a list of 400 pervert Rabbi’s convicted in the last decade or so. Clearly these people are outside the mainstream of any society I know of. They accumulate cash, power and corrupt society. Anybody see a reason for all the pogams in the past?
After the fall of the Czar in Russia Lenin then Stalin took control. And who were the dedicated communist helping Stalin? Jews swarmed the Kremlin to help Uncle Joe build the utopia society. Much like today back in the 20’s and 30’s Jews were the largest minority of the Soviet Security apparatus. According to Tel Aviv University 38.5% of the leadership was Jewish. And what did they do? Starve 7 to 10 million Ukrainians to death in 1932 to 1933.
Now you have to ask yourself why Hitler would put to death so brutally 6 million Jews when he could have deported them to Palestine? Or better yet send them to France.
How would the Canadians react if 20 million white and Asian Americans were starved to death by the Jewish dominated Obama Administration in the coming years? You think they might fear a repeat in Canada? Hell yes they would. This is the path Hitler was on in the 1920’s and 30’s. His NAZI Party was fighting the communist. If he lost the communist would have been dominated by his enemies, Jews, communist, and the rest. He and the other “Arian” Germans would have been the ones in the ovens or starved to death. Make no mistake at one point it could have gone either way. Much like the fight we have in America today.
“Jews make up 2% of the US population. Jewish political power is at an all time high in the US. The Supreme Court is 22% Jewish and Kagan would make it 33% Jewish. The US Senate is 15% Jewish and the US House is 7.6% Jewish. All Jewish Senators caucus with the Democrats and many are ranked among the most extreme left. You essentially have two, Lieberman and Specter, considered to be left of center moderates. Then you have Franken, Schumer, Boxer, Fienstein, and Sanders who are all recognizable icons of the extreme left. Only two of the 33 Jewish US Representatives are Republicans. To be Frank, a Supreme Court that is 44% white Gentiles, 0% Protestants, and 33% Jewish appears eerily similar to post-Bolshevik Revolution Soviet Union. The early Soviet government was dominated by minorities. Jews, followed by Georgians, held position in extreme disproportion to their numbers. According to a recent study done by Tel Aviv University, 38.5% of the senior leadership of the Soviet security apparatus in the mid 1930’s was made up of Jews. This at the height of when the Soviet Union was slaughtering its own people.
The disproportionate rate at which Jewish people provided funding and leadership to Marxist movements, particularly in Hungary, Russia, Belarus, Bavaria, Lithuania, and others, led to the greatest and most violent anti-Jewish backlash in European history.”
Some Jews instinctively recognize this. Blogger Pamela Geller calls the recent Jewish behavior of snuggling up to a communist president that hates Israel “Jewicide”. Peter Schiff is running for the US Senate seat in Connecticut regularly fights the tide of centralized planning coming out of Washington. But they are badly outnumbered and out spent. For every Schiff there are ten Schumer’s. For every Geller there are hundreds working for the ACLU and SPLC. Statistically it breaks down to 78% of Jews voting for Obama and 22% for McCain. A pretty good view of the Jews split politically most likely thought history.
One year ago I could care less about the Jews. I laughed at my Arab room mate in college when he foamed at the mouth whenever I mentioned the word “Jew”. To me it was hilarious. Now with all these Jews snuggling up to our communist president giving him the intellectual and financial power to achieve a dictatorship it’s not so funny anymore. I see clearly why Jews are so hated all over the world now and I never wanted to be at this place. It makes me uncomfortable but I am not the one destroying a republic.
There will be a backlash. People today can put the pieces together just like they did 700 years ago. I don’t know what will happen but I do know for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Words the president and others should pay close attention to.
First my apologies to the 22% of Jews who fight for freedom.
10 million dead Ukrainians 1932-33
Jews have a reputation as being Marxist and radicalizing groups like the American Negroes since WWI. Jews form legal societies that seem to go against main stream society every chance they get. ACLU, SPLC and others regularly fight some good fights but mostly to quash the rights of Christians and white males.
They amass fortunes in law, movies, banking and use their wealth to promote promiscuity and lewd behavior among gentiles and pass it off as normal.
There are hundreds of cases of Rabbi Pedophiles that go unreported in the press. Cases like Rabbi Jerry Brauner of NYC. One guy amassed a list of 400 pervert Rabbi’s convicted in the last decade or so. Clearly these people are outside the mainstream of any society I know of. They accumulate cash, power and corrupt society. Anybody see a reason for all the pogams in the past?
After the fall of the Czar in Russia Lenin then Stalin took control. And who were the dedicated communist helping Stalin? Jews swarmed the Kremlin to help Uncle Joe build the utopia society. Much like today back in the 20’s and 30’s Jews were the largest minority of the Soviet Security apparatus. According to Tel Aviv University 38.5% of the leadership was Jewish. And what did they do? Starve 7 to 10 million Ukrainians to death in 1932 to 1933.
Now you have to ask yourself why Hitler would put to death so brutally 6 million Jews when he could have deported them to Palestine? Or better yet send them to France.
How would the Canadians react if 20 million white and Asian Americans were starved to death by the Jewish dominated Obama Administration in the coming years? You think they might fear a repeat in Canada? Hell yes they would. This is the path Hitler was on in the 1920’s and 30’s. His NAZI Party was fighting the communist. If he lost the communist would have been dominated by his enemies, Jews, communist, and the rest. He and the other “Arian” Germans would have been the ones in the ovens or starved to death. Make no mistake at one point it could have gone either way. Much like the fight we have in America today.
“Jews make up 2% of the US population. Jewish political power is at an all time high in the US. The Supreme Court is 22% Jewish and Kagan would make it 33% Jewish. The US Senate is 15% Jewish and the US House is 7.6% Jewish. All Jewish Senators caucus with the Democrats and many are ranked among the most extreme left. You essentially have two, Lieberman and Specter, considered to be left of center moderates. Then you have Franken, Schumer, Boxer, Fienstein, and Sanders who are all recognizable icons of the extreme left. Only two of the 33 Jewish US Representatives are Republicans. To be Frank, a Supreme Court that is 44% white Gentiles, 0% Protestants, and 33% Jewish appears eerily similar to post-Bolshevik Revolution Soviet Union. The early Soviet government was dominated by minorities. Jews, followed by Georgians, held position in extreme disproportion to their numbers. According to a recent study done by Tel Aviv University, 38.5% of the senior leadership of the Soviet security apparatus in the mid 1930’s was made up of Jews. This at the height of when the Soviet Union was slaughtering its own people.
The disproportionate rate at which Jewish people provided funding and leadership to Marxist movements, particularly in Hungary, Russia, Belarus, Bavaria, Lithuania, and others, led to the greatest and most violent anti-Jewish backlash in European history.”
Some Jews instinctively recognize this. Blogger Pamela Geller calls the recent Jewish behavior of snuggling up to a communist president that hates Israel “Jewicide”. Peter Schiff is running for the US Senate seat in Connecticut regularly fights the tide of centralized planning coming out of Washington. But they are badly outnumbered and out spent. For every Schiff there are ten Schumer’s. For every Geller there are hundreds working for the ACLU and SPLC. Statistically it breaks down to 78% of Jews voting for Obama and 22% for McCain. A pretty good view of the Jews split politically most likely thought history.
One year ago I could care less about the Jews. I laughed at my Arab room mate in college when he foamed at the mouth whenever I mentioned the word “Jew”. To me it was hilarious. Now with all these Jews snuggling up to our communist president giving him the intellectual and financial power to achieve a dictatorship it’s not so funny anymore. I see clearly why Jews are so hated all over the world now and I never wanted to be at this place. It makes me uncomfortable but I am not the one destroying a republic.
There will be a backlash. People today can put the pieces together just like they did 700 years ago. I don’t know what will happen but I do know for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Words the president and others should pay close attention to.
Obama Nominates another Freak to the Supreme Court
We got the Latino Lunch Lady who thinks she is superior because she’s brown and now we get the Harvard Lesbian who thinks gay guys in the military should be able to solicit for sex on demand. I guess so Obama can scout the troops for some good presidential material.
This administration just gets weirder by the day. You know Elena Kaganis is a Marxist loon by the simple fact that she made it to the top of the slime bucket at Harvard. That pretty much means if you are a corporation or white male you have another enemy on the Supreme Court looking to demote you or rob you. All for the lawyers and unions. What’s new? Different day, same crap and another day closer to the dissolution of the United States.
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kaganis a Harvard educated lesbian who dreams of Chairman Mao at night
She doesn’t have any judicial experience but who cares? She has Ivy League education and socialist Oxford in her so nothing but Marxist philosophy should be all that comes out. Those Ivy League schools brainwash them young ones better than the USSR ever could. The Republicans should delay her confirmation as long as possible but look for them to cave. I mean after all she is a lesbian one of the protected classes in America.
Of course for those sleeping the protected classes, those that get more rights than the rest of us are Negros, illegal immigrants, lesbians, gays, some women but not conservative women, Jews, Hispanics and Democrats. If you are a white male, unless you are gay, conservative female, Republican, Libertarian, Arab, Asian or any group that scores over 100 on IQ test you will be discriminated against by this Harvard educated creep. Justice is not blind and has not been for a long long time.
This administration just gets weirder by the day. You know Elena Kaganis is a Marxist loon by the simple fact that she made it to the top of the slime bucket at Harvard. That pretty much means if you are a corporation or white male you have another enemy on the Supreme Court looking to demote you or rob you. All for the lawyers and unions. What’s new? Different day, same crap and another day closer to the dissolution of the United States.
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kaganis a Harvard educated lesbian who dreams of Chairman Mao at night
She doesn’t have any judicial experience but who cares? She has Ivy League education and socialist Oxford in her so nothing but Marxist philosophy should be all that comes out. Those Ivy League schools brainwash them young ones better than the USSR ever could. The Republicans should delay her confirmation as long as possible but look for them to cave. I mean after all she is a lesbian one of the protected classes in America.
Of course for those sleeping the protected classes, those that get more rights than the rest of us are Negros, illegal immigrants, lesbians, gays, some women but not conservative women, Jews, Hispanics and Democrats. If you are a white male, unless you are gay, conservative female, Republican, Libertarian, Arab, Asian or any group that scores over 100 on IQ test you will be discriminated against by this Harvard educated creep. Justice is not blind and has not been for a long long time.
Is Obama a Homosexual?
We all know about the birth certificate controversy. Hillary Clinton during the 2008 presidential primary floated the possibility that Obama was not born in Hawaii. Obama feed the controversy for a few reasons. First to make the Hillary crowd then later the Republican crowd look like loons. Second there is damaging information on his birth certificate about his father (Muslim-Negro) and other details he would rather not have public. Third since the long form has never been entered into a court of law does it even exist? At this point its much ado about nothing since the communist is residing in the White House. And now it’s leaking out Obama is floating another smoke screen.
Obama's 1981 boyfriend he went to Pakistan with when Americans were barred from traveling to that country.
The latest misdirection is that Obama is having an affair with the definitely female Vera Baker. The National Enquirer is reporting on the story but is it just misdirection from the White House to cover up Obama’s homosexual past? Obama has been linked to actor Kal Penn and others. There have been unsubstantiated rumors of Obama, gay guys, cocaine and weekend getaways in Chicago. So is our President gay? A simple question inquiring minds want to know.
Of course the political ramifications would be devastating. Negroes are some of the most socially conservative creatures on the planet. The California gay marriage amendment was defeated by the black vote. The thought that the first African American President is gay would be absolutely crushing to the anti-gay black community. A large portion of the rest of America would get queasy at the thought of Obama swapping bodily fluids with another guy. The stories are out there floating around on the Internet and names as well as White House visit records are being leaked. It’s just a matter of time before this story breaks so what to do? Misdirection as always. Saul Alinsky or whatever crap the communist read. Basically lying your ass off and hoping people believe your crap.
The bottom line is our president is not only a phony in his claim to be just one of us but also a phony in his marriage. What a complete douche bag this POS is.
Obama's 1981 boyfriend he went to Pakistan with when Americans were barred from traveling to that country.
The latest misdirection is that Obama is having an affair with the definitely female Vera Baker. The National Enquirer is reporting on the story but is it just misdirection from the White House to cover up Obama’s homosexual past? Obama has been linked to actor Kal Penn and others. There have been unsubstantiated rumors of Obama, gay guys, cocaine and weekend getaways in Chicago. So is our President gay? A simple question inquiring minds want to know.
Of course the political ramifications would be devastating. Negroes are some of the most socially conservative creatures on the planet. The California gay marriage amendment was defeated by the black vote. The thought that the first African American President is gay would be absolutely crushing to the anti-gay black community. A large portion of the rest of America would get queasy at the thought of Obama swapping bodily fluids with another guy. The stories are out there floating around on the Internet and names as well as White House visit records are being leaked. It’s just a matter of time before this story breaks so what to do? Misdirection as always. Saul Alinsky or whatever crap the communist read. Basically lying your ass off and hoping people believe your crap.
The bottom line is our president is not only a phony in his claim to be just one of us but also a phony in his marriage. What a complete douche bag this POS is.
Revisiting Losing Ground by Charles Murray
I was at a political party talking trash when the subject of what books do you read came up. Most of the thirty something crowd liked the current political authors Jonah Goldberg Liberal Fascism, Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt, Crash Proof by Peter Schiff and others. With the Internet and cable television people today have access to information that not so long ago was reserved for the halls of academia. Way back in 1984 before the Internet this was not the case. Government and private institutions hid embarrassing data like the CIA hiding the latest jet design from the USSR. One scholar, Charles Murray, decided to go public with a most politically incorrect set of data and observation that eventually let to welfare reform in 1996. The book was simply described as “explosive.”
Charles Murray AEI Scholar
So if welfare was reformed in 1996 why is the book still relevant? Because a lot of politicians today on the left and right want to impose the same mistakes and moral principals into law. The politicians on the right want to abolish abortion keep drugs illegal, keep prostitution illegal, and for women who want an abortion to force them to pay for an ultrasound to see their unborn baby they are about to kill. On the left they want even more government goodies for the “disadvantaged” to “even the playing field.” As with the goals for ending poverty on the left and making people more moral on the right both are fighting a battle that should not be fought. The proper role of the government should be to let moral law be decided by those of faith. History shows when the government interferes in the family structure with programs and policies disaster follows.
First some highlights of Losing Ground. The book shows that the greatest gains in black education and employment were from 1950 to 1965. You will not learn that in any textbook today. Up to that point black teenage unemployment was 19% compared to 15% for white teenagers. Two parent families had been stable for decades at 78% compared to 88% for whites. Out of wedlock births varied little from 4.5% to 5.3% overall for both races. Then from 1965 to 1970 the year the Great Society programs were signed into law and gradual implementation and spending for the programs the poor and especially black progress towards integration into mainstream society took a huge leap BACKWARD.
Losing Ground by Charles Murray
The easiest example to understand why this happened is the case of a couple of teenagers starting a new family with a child on the way. Back in 1960 a woman could get Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) $23 dollars a week (about $171 today) and could not have a live in boyfriend. She was subject to unannounced searches of her residence for evidence of a live in boyfriend. This means that the man cannot live off the welfare of the woman and must set up a separate household with the accompanying expenses. If the man gets a bare substance job he will make after taxes $111 a month (about $824 after taxes today). So the choice was $690 a month and living alone with duel residences or $824 with a single residence, social approval, psychological and physical comforts. Statistics show most couples in this predicament choose marriage.
By 1970 the equation had completely changed. Unannounced inspections of a woman’s residence were eliminated; men could come and go as they pleased. AFDC payments were $50 dollars a week (about $1160 a month today); food stamps $11 a week (about $255 a month), rent subsidies and Medicaid another $5 a week (about $116 a month). On the conservative side an unwed mother would get $66 a week (about $1550 a month today). A typical low wage job would pay $64 a week (about $1,480 a month). The woman gets these benefits as long as she is unwed and there is no legal responsibility for care from the father. Clearly for any young couple starting out the contrast is quit stark from the 1960 couple. By the mother remaining unwed and with no father they can double their purchasing power ($1,480 verses $3,030 today’s dollars), the man can cohabitate as he pleases. If life becomes difficult the couple can split up and go their separate ways.
As a result of this federal government intervention into the low income black families out of wedlock births went from less than 25% to over 50%, two parent families dropped from 78% to 60%, homicide almost doubled, rape, theft all increased in black communities. The one group that escaped was upper income blacks who took advantage of their opportunities and left these communities in large numbers making huge strides in white collar employment opportunities.
This is just one example in the game changing book but my point is that when the government gets involved in family law there are unintended consequences no matter how good the intentions of the law are. As Mr. Murray correctly points out the greatest strides in family formation, out of wedlock stability, black economic progress, black educational progress was from the period of 1950 to 1965 when there was very little government intervention into black and poor white families. Is there a lesson to be learned here?
I believe in Jesus Christ as my savior. I believe God gave man free will. Jesus if he were alive today would use the power of the church to fight abortion and other social issues. I somehow don’t envision Jesus lobbying Pontius Pilate for anything. Render to Cesar what is Cesar’s.
19 week old baby
Republicans would be smart to understand the true root causes of the destruction of the family in America and look to get to that cause. Passing ultra sound laws will cost mostly poor women extra money and for some even further traumatize them for the rest of their life. Maybe some babies will live. But is it the role of the state to enforce moral law? Would Jesus lobby Pontius Pilate for an equivalent law?
Outlawing abortion on the federal level will drive it underground just like drugs, prostitution and other very expensive law enforcement issues. Do we go back to throwing doctors in jail? How will that look on every cable news outlet? That will be a one way ticket into oblivion for the Republican Party.
Conservative religious politicians who want to attempt moral laws that are destructive (or help?) to the family should first recognize what the bad laws are first. This would include child support payments and their effect on the divorce rate. Tough hard issues that will make a change for millions of parents and children. Without a basic understanding of these issues there will most likely be more harm done than good. We need to get back to 1960 where it made more sense for a young couple to get married then playing the system. Anything less is politics.
Charles Murray AEI Scholar
So if welfare was reformed in 1996 why is the book still relevant? Because a lot of politicians today on the left and right want to impose the same mistakes and moral principals into law. The politicians on the right want to abolish abortion keep drugs illegal, keep prostitution illegal, and for women who want an abortion to force them to pay for an ultrasound to see their unborn baby they are about to kill. On the left they want even more government goodies for the “disadvantaged” to “even the playing field.” As with the goals for ending poverty on the left and making people more moral on the right both are fighting a battle that should not be fought. The proper role of the government should be to let moral law be decided by those of faith. History shows when the government interferes in the family structure with programs and policies disaster follows.
First some highlights of Losing Ground. The book shows that the greatest gains in black education and employment were from 1950 to 1965. You will not learn that in any textbook today. Up to that point black teenage unemployment was 19% compared to 15% for white teenagers. Two parent families had been stable for decades at 78% compared to 88% for whites. Out of wedlock births varied little from 4.5% to 5.3% overall for both races. Then from 1965 to 1970 the year the Great Society programs were signed into law and gradual implementation and spending for the programs the poor and especially black progress towards integration into mainstream society took a huge leap BACKWARD.
Losing Ground by Charles Murray
The easiest example to understand why this happened is the case of a couple of teenagers starting a new family with a child on the way. Back in 1960 a woman could get Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) $23 dollars a week (about $171 today) and could not have a live in boyfriend. She was subject to unannounced searches of her residence for evidence of a live in boyfriend. This means that the man cannot live off the welfare of the woman and must set up a separate household with the accompanying expenses. If the man gets a bare substance job he will make after taxes $111 a month (about $824 after taxes today). So the choice was $690 a month and living alone with duel residences or $824 with a single residence, social approval, psychological and physical comforts. Statistics show most couples in this predicament choose marriage.
By 1970 the equation had completely changed. Unannounced inspections of a woman’s residence were eliminated; men could come and go as they pleased. AFDC payments were $50 dollars a week (about $1160 a month today); food stamps $11 a week (about $255 a month), rent subsidies and Medicaid another $5 a week (about $116 a month). On the conservative side an unwed mother would get $66 a week (about $1550 a month today). A typical low wage job would pay $64 a week (about $1,480 a month). The woman gets these benefits as long as she is unwed and there is no legal responsibility for care from the father. Clearly for any young couple starting out the contrast is quit stark from the 1960 couple. By the mother remaining unwed and with no father they can double their purchasing power ($1,480 verses $3,030 today’s dollars), the man can cohabitate as he pleases. If life becomes difficult the couple can split up and go their separate ways.
As a result of this federal government intervention into the low income black families out of wedlock births went from less than 25% to over 50%, two parent families dropped from 78% to 60%, homicide almost doubled, rape, theft all increased in black communities. The one group that escaped was upper income blacks who took advantage of their opportunities and left these communities in large numbers making huge strides in white collar employment opportunities.
This is just one example in the game changing book but my point is that when the government gets involved in family law there are unintended consequences no matter how good the intentions of the law are. As Mr. Murray correctly points out the greatest strides in family formation, out of wedlock stability, black economic progress, black educational progress was from the period of 1950 to 1965 when there was very little government intervention into black and poor white families. Is there a lesson to be learned here?
I believe in Jesus Christ as my savior. I believe God gave man free will. Jesus if he were alive today would use the power of the church to fight abortion and other social issues. I somehow don’t envision Jesus lobbying Pontius Pilate for anything. Render to Cesar what is Cesar’s.
19 week old baby
Republicans would be smart to understand the true root causes of the destruction of the family in America and look to get to that cause. Passing ultra sound laws will cost mostly poor women extra money and for some even further traumatize them for the rest of their life. Maybe some babies will live. But is it the role of the state to enforce moral law? Would Jesus lobby Pontius Pilate for an equivalent law?
Outlawing abortion on the federal level will drive it underground just like drugs, prostitution and other very expensive law enforcement issues. Do we go back to throwing doctors in jail? How will that look on every cable news outlet? That will be a one way ticket into oblivion for the Republican Party.
Conservative religious politicians who want to attempt moral laws that are destructive (or help?) to the family should first recognize what the bad laws are first. This would include child support payments and their effect on the divorce rate. Tough hard issues that will make a change for millions of parents and children. Without a basic understanding of these issues there will most likely be more harm done than good. We need to get back to 1960 where it made more sense for a young couple to get married then playing the system. Anything less is politics.
When is Florida’s Gay Governor coming out of the Closet?
It’s pretty much out of the closet now. For those not paying attention Florida Republican Governor Charlie Crist is gay. The guy is still in the closet but he has been ousted a long time ago by many others including the gay guys up in Chicago at Hillbuzz. Charlie is most famous for his drag appearances at the Green Iguana in Tampa, Florida as “Sweet Charlotte, Belle of the South”. Normally this would be just another Mark Foley or Eric Massa story but Crist is going to run as an independent for the Florida Senate seat.
Florida Governor Charlie Crist
This would split the vote up three ways. Kendrick Meeks a nice articulate Negro like Obama will get 30% to 45% in a two way race. Marco Rubio who would get 50% to 60% in a two way race and Libertarian Alex Snitker would get 1% to 3% of the vote.
With Crist as an independent he gets 32% of the vote, Rubio 30% and Meeks left in the dust. A very bad outcome for the Democrats in a key swing state. Not only that but a lot of disenchanted Democrats, independents and some Republicans would look at Snitker as a viable alternative.
Libertarians appeal to thinking liberals who hate the police state. Meeks will get the black vote from the Democrats because his skin color but a lot of white traditional liberals might be attracted to Crist or Snitker. Most likely Crist.
This presents the Democrats with quite the dilemma. Should they secretly support Crist and hope he keeps his secrets in the closet while undercutting Meeks? Undercutting Meeks would leave a very bitter taste in black voter’s mouths. Here is Florida’s Obama gubernatorial candidate and the DNC cuts the legs right out from under him? Something tells me that will not happen. Without the Negro vote the Democratic Party is history and they know it. The Democrats are now forced to be racist every election if they want to win from now on since they have abandoned the elderly vote with health care reform. In the past the Negro vote could be taken for granted, not now. Look for the Democrats to throw Crist under the bus.
Libertarian Senate Candidate Alex Snitker
There will be photos surfacing of Charlie in drag coming to the light of day if the polls show Crist digging into the white Democratic vote. Charlie just jumped into no mans land. He is out there alone and will be taking shots from both sides. The most damaging blows from the Democrats since the Republicans are a bunch of dorks that don’t know how to fight. The fighting on the right seems to be coming more and more from the Libertarians.
Look for Libertarian Snitker to do the most damage to Rubio’s campaign and Crist. Meeks will be a side note in this campaign. He will get the black vote because he’s black. The real fighting will be between the DNC, Crist and Rubio. In the end look for Rubio to prevail out of this little Florida civil war. He’s got the Latino vote and an abundance of charisma. He is polished and smooth. The only hope Crist has is if the Democrats throw their support behind him alienating the black vote. Either way Republicans win. If Democrats hoped to divide and conquer it will back fire on them.
Florida Governor Charlie Crist
This would split the vote up three ways. Kendrick Meeks a nice articulate Negro like Obama will get 30% to 45% in a two way race. Marco Rubio who would get 50% to 60% in a two way race and Libertarian Alex Snitker would get 1% to 3% of the vote.
With Crist as an independent he gets 32% of the vote, Rubio 30% and Meeks left in the dust. A very bad outcome for the Democrats in a key swing state. Not only that but a lot of disenchanted Democrats, independents and some Republicans would look at Snitker as a viable alternative.
Libertarians appeal to thinking liberals who hate the police state. Meeks will get the black vote from the Democrats because his skin color but a lot of white traditional liberals might be attracted to Crist or Snitker. Most likely Crist.
This presents the Democrats with quite the dilemma. Should they secretly support Crist and hope he keeps his secrets in the closet while undercutting Meeks? Undercutting Meeks would leave a very bitter taste in black voter’s mouths. Here is Florida’s Obama gubernatorial candidate and the DNC cuts the legs right out from under him? Something tells me that will not happen. Without the Negro vote the Democratic Party is history and they know it. The Democrats are now forced to be racist every election if they want to win from now on since they have abandoned the elderly vote with health care reform. In the past the Negro vote could be taken for granted, not now. Look for the Democrats to throw Crist under the bus.
Libertarian Senate Candidate Alex Snitker
There will be photos surfacing of Charlie in drag coming to the light of day if the polls show Crist digging into the white Democratic vote. Charlie just jumped into no mans land. He is out there alone and will be taking shots from both sides. The most damaging blows from the Democrats since the Republicans are a bunch of dorks that don’t know how to fight. The fighting on the right seems to be coming more and more from the Libertarians.
Look for Libertarian Snitker to do the most damage to Rubio’s campaign and Crist. Meeks will be a side note in this campaign. He will get the black vote because he’s black. The real fighting will be between the DNC, Crist and Rubio. In the end look for Rubio to prevail out of this little Florida civil war. He’s got the Latino vote and an abundance of charisma. He is polished and smooth. The only hope Crist has is if the Democrats throw their support behind him alienating the black vote. Either way Republicans win. If Democrats hoped to divide and conquer it will back fire on them.
Dear Congresswoman Kosmas,
I received your campaign literature in the mail today and disapprove of you using taxpayer money for propaganda proposes. I know most Democrats think like mobsters looking for money or are useful idiots so let me be up front with you. I am a member of the Libertarian Party, the most educated political group in America by far. Propaganda doesn’t work and I am not that emotional. Unless you kill a baby I really don’t tear up that much.
Suzanne Kosmas thinks I am a dumb as my dog
First you say that I can keep my doctor if I want to. Really? Like it’s any of your business? Who the hell appointed you the granter of my rights to do as I please? Are you for real? We are going to have a serious man to man in the future if you don’t get out of my face.
Second I am not an economist, well maybe I am, but if you take $500 billion from Medicare how will those recipients not lose access to services? Do you have a pile of Obama cash somewhere you pay doctors under the table with? Please don’t insult my intelligence. You need a better education than you have if you believe seniors will not suffer under this reform. If you lower payments to doctors some, not all, will choose to not see Medicare patients. This will reduce the supply of doctors and services available. You will need to import doctors from India and Arab countries to make up the difference. Same a Britain and Canada. Me I like American doctors whose first language is English educated in American medical schools. Cheap imported doctors is not what I would call a gift to our seniors. Hell why not just ship them over to Mexico for treatment?
Sebastian is a great dog but he does not listen to me when I tell him not to defecate in my neighbor’s yard. He is not a complex thinker and cannot foresee the unintended consequences of his actions. I end up cleaning up after his mess and he hardly notices. He and my Congresswoman Kosmas are similar in IQ and behavior.
Third I am a Veteran and I avoid government care whenever possible. Nothing personal but I like avoiding long waits and delays in getting treatment. Oh I guess that is what is in store for all Americans.
So our small businesses get a tax credit of up to 35%? Well golly gee I guess that $150 bucks a month make the $5,000 expense of a new employee worth it? Really? Did they teach this in real estate class? Next time give the 35% write off to individuals who buy their own health insurance. Better yet allowing 35% write offs for Health Savings Accounts. I bet that would be popular with the young people. Just a guess.
So the pre-existing condition people get a special pool. And what is to stop people from dropping their coverage and waiting until they need insurance to sign up? That $700 dollar IRS fine verses a $8,000 health care plan? Are you really that stupid Mrs. Kosmas? There is a reason the free market works better than the government. They have IQ’s over 100 and they don’t have a pool of Obama money waiting to dip into when things don’t balance out.
Requiring “free” preventive care for private plans and Medicare. Free? Free? Really? Is it that Obama stash of money somewhere paying the doctors and staff for the “free” preventive care? Why did I even read this? Nothing is free. Private health care plans will raise cost to cover the “free” preventative care or cut back services in other areas. The stupidity of Democrats is just mind boggling. Why do I even bother? It’s like convincing my dog shitting in someone else’s yard is not good. He smiles at me and seems to agree but still shits in my neighbor’s yard whenever we go for a walk leaving me to clean up the mess.
There are some other points like lower the age of eligibility for Medicare down to 55, banning limits on coverage and ending pre-existing conditions for children. Really is there a problem with children getting coverage with pre-existing conditions? Is there one sick child in America that cannot enter any hospital anywhere with a serious illness and be refused treatment? I don’t think so. This is not England or Mexico. Most Americans including doctors have common sense and compassion.
Extending coverage through parents up to age 26. Hell when I was 18 I wanted out of the house and joined the Air Force. My kid went into the Army when he was 18. Do people really live with their parents at age 26? I say give them mom’s health insurance coverage up to the age of 65 as long as they get a vasectomy and don’t reproduce.
So Mrs. Kosmas we don’t see eye to eye. I like you just like I like my dog. You smile just like him and have about the same intellect as my beloved Schnauzer. I know the real motive is control over the peasants and to create another flow of revenue to politicians. As with GM things will get propped up and lies told but the people will still flock to Toyota for their cars. People don’t like working for free. Not even doctors. So please save the taxpayers money and resign yourself to the fact that Karen Diebel will be taking your place soon. She’s a really nice mother and has a business degree! I have even heard rumors she can do arithmetic and complex business type of things. So as you become just an average citizen again in less than a year be assured Karen and others will clean up your mess and you will not be doomed to government rationed care in your golden years.
Suzanne Kosmas thinks I am a dumb as my dog
First you say that I can keep my doctor if I want to. Really? Like it’s any of your business? Who the hell appointed you the granter of my rights to do as I please? Are you for real? We are going to have a serious man to man in the future if you don’t get out of my face.
Second I am not an economist, well maybe I am, but if you take $500 billion from Medicare how will those recipients not lose access to services? Do you have a pile of Obama cash somewhere you pay doctors under the table with? Please don’t insult my intelligence. You need a better education than you have if you believe seniors will not suffer under this reform. If you lower payments to doctors some, not all, will choose to not see Medicare patients. This will reduce the supply of doctors and services available. You will need to import doctors from India and Arab countries to make up the difference. Same a Britain and Canada. Me I like American doctors whose first language is English educated in American medical schools. Cheap imported doctors is not what I would call a gift to our seniors. Hell why not just ship them over to Mexico for treatment?
Sebastian is a great dog but he does not listen to me when I tell him not to defecate in my neighbor’s yard. He is not a complex thinker and cannot foresee the unintended consequences of his actions. I end up cleaning up after his mess and he hardly notices. He and my Congresswoman Kosmas are similar in IQ and behavior.
Third I am a Veteran and I avoid government care whenever possible. Nothing personal but I like avoiding long waits and delays in getting treatment. Oh I guess that is what is in store for all Americans.
So our small businesses get a tax credit of up to 35%? Well golly gee I guess that $150 bucks a month make the $5,000 expense of a new employee worth it? Really? Did they teach this in real estate class? Next time give the 35% write off to individuals who buy their own health insurance. Better yet allowing 35% write offs for Health Savings Accounts. I bet that would be popular with the young people. Just a guess.
So the pre-existing condition people get a special pool. And what is to stop people from dropping their coverage and waiting until they need insurance to sign up? That $700 dollar IRS fine verses a $8,000 health care plan? Are you really that stupid Mrs. Kosmas? There is a reason the free market works better than the government. They have IQ’s over 100 and they don’t have a pool of Obama money waiting to dip into when things don’t balance out.
Requiring “free” preventive care for private plans and Medicare. Free? Free? Really? Is it that Obama stash of money somewhere paying the doctors and staff for the “free” preventive care? Why did I even read this? Nothing is free. Private health care plans will raise cost to cover the “free” preventative care or cut back services in other areas. The stupidity of Democrats is just mind boggling. Why do I even bother? It’s like convincing my dog shitting in someone else’s yard is not good. He smiles at me and seems to agree but still shits in my neighbor’s yard whenever we go for a walk leaving me to clean up the mess.
There are some other points like lower the age of eligibility for Medicare down to 55, banning limits on coverage and ending pre-existing conditions for children. Really is there a problem with children getting coverage with pre-existing conditions? Is there one sick child in America that cannot enter any hospital anywhere with a serious illness and be refused treatment? I don’t think so. This is not England or Mexico. Most Americans including doctors have common sense and compassion.
Extending coverage through parents up to age 26. Hell when I was 18 I wanted out of the house and joined the Air Force. My kid went into the Army when he was 18. Do people really live with their parents at age 26? I say give them mom’s health insurance coverage up to the age of 65 as long as they get a vasectomy and don’t reproduce.
So Mrs. Kosmas we don’t see eye to eye. I like you just like I like my dog. You smile just like him and have about the same intellect as my beloved Schnauzer. I know the real motive is control over the peasants and to create another flow of revenue to politicians. As with GM things will get propped up and lies told but the people will still flock to Toyota for their cars. People don’t like working for free. Not even doctors. So please save the taxpayers money and resign yourself to the fact that Karen Diebel will be taking your place soon. She’s a really nice mother and has a business degree! I have even heard rumors she can do arithmetic and complex business type of things. So as you become just an average citizen again in less than a year be assured Karen and others will clean up your mess and you will not be doomed to government rationed care in your golden years.
Obama throws Goldman Under the Bus
We all remember the campaign of 2008 when the going got tough for Obama. He was ousted for attending a Marxist Black Liberation Theology church with Pastor Jeremiah Wright of “God Damn America” fame. The weasel came back with the infamous “grandma “speech where he threw grandma under the bus for some political points. Obama accused her of being a racist confiding to the press grandma “once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.” Of course now we know blacks are 6.5 times more likely to end up in jail and commit 59% of the homicides in America while making up only 13% of the population. Sounds like grandma had some common sense. For Obama throwing grandma under the bus to deflect criticism of his belonging to a Marxist church for 20 years made it all worthwhile. The press bought it and he is president.
Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein use to like Obama
Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein
So why is it a surprise that Obama wouldn’t throw his number two campaign contributor Goldman Sachs under the bus? Goldman family members gave Obama $994,795, (Citigroup $701,290, and JPMorgan $695,132) Goldman gave Democrats $4.5 million out of $5.9 million in political donations the last election cycle. Obama met with Goldman Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein four times. The Goldman employees in the White House number what 13? 15? Glen Beck posts their mugs up on his show every now and then. Obama, Democrats and Goldman Sachs seem to be very close. Time to show ego and ideology are more important than loyalty.
Really is anyone surprised? Did Joseph Stalin show any loyalty to the Jews that helped build up the USSR in the 1920’s and 30’s? The same Jews and communist that helped kill 7 to 10 million during the Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33? The same year the USSR exported grain to Western Europe? Hell no. As soon as Hitler had enough power after 1933 and prior to Germany’s invasion of the USSR on June 22, 1941 Stalin was shipping Jews over to German authorities as fast as the trains could carry them. With communist there is no such thing as loyalty. Only the dictator and party count. Goldman Sachs just relearned a lesson form history. Obama has shown he has no loyalty to anyone but himself and his communist ideology. Need more proof?
All Obama’s legislative proposals are death to Democrats except one. Financial reform against the evil Wall Street greed monsters. So write up the take over of another industry, throw your friends under the bus, show the Jews once again how much you despise them and move the dictatorship forward another step. Did I get it right Mr. Axelrod?
Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein use to like Obama
Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein
So why is it a surprise that Obama wouldn’t throw his number two campaign contributor Goldman Sachs under the bus? Goldman family members gave Obama $994,795, (Citigroup $701,290, and JPMorgan $695,132) Goldman gave Democrats $4.5 million out of $5.9 million in political donations the last election cycle. Obama met with Goldman Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein four times. The Goldman employees in the White House number what 13? 15? Glen Beck posts their mugs up on his show every now and then. Obama, Democrats and Goldman Sachs seem to be very close. Time to show ego and ideology are more important than loyalty.
Really is anyone surprised? Did Joseph Stalin show any loyalty to the Jews that helped build up the USSR in the 1920’s and 30’s? The same Jews and communist that helped kill 7 to 10 million during the Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33? The same year the USSR exported grain to Western Europe? Hell no. As soon as Hitler had enough power after 1933 and prior to Germany’s invasion of the USSR on June 22, 1941 Stalin was shipping Jews over to German authorities as fast as the trains could carry them. With communist there is no such thing as loyalty. Only the dictator and party count. Goldman Sachs just relearned a lesson form history. Obama has shown he has no loyalty to anyone but himself and his communist ideology. Need more proof?
All Obama’s legislative proposals are death to Democrats except one. Financial reform against the evil Wall Street greed monsters. So write up the take over of another industry, throw your friends under the bus, show the Jews once again how much you despise them and move the dictatorship forward another step. Did I get it right Mr. Axelrod?
Another Bail Out Disguised as “Financial Reform”
One of the biggest misconceptions the public has is that Wall Street is for Republicans and they are in bed together. This despite the fact that Wall Street firms regularly donate $4 million to Democrats and $994,795 to Obama. And why not? Almost a trillion later in TARP slush funds Wall Street seems to be doing great thanks to Bush, Obama and our Democratic Congress and Senate. So why would anyone be surprised Chris Dodd was proposing to further rip off the public and enriched his clients on Wall Street?
Corrupt Bastard Chris Dodd wants to extort more $$$$ from the American Public
What the bill does is add new restrictions on credit. That means it will drive up the cost of money and that means more profits for the banking community.
Look at Dodd’s credit card bill that has been law for a year. Costs have increased and credit availability has decreased with the bill. A great deal if you are a banker and not so great if you are a consumer. The American public just gets pummeled time after time because they have no business or economic education to filter out the bull crap coming out of Washington. Just label it “Financial Reform” and the dolts with a “D” next to their name line up to support it.
The Dodd proposal would increase regulatory cost of compliance and increase litigation cost. Got to throw the lawyers a bone right Dodd? Does any of this sound familiar? Buy off the special interest, restrict competition, and stick it to the people. The public buy this crap time after time. Democrats, Republicans each have their clientèle and each are con artist ripping off America.
The new restrictions would narrow the market for credit and marginal customers would be locked out of the market. People who may want to start a new business would not be able to get financing even if they wanted to run up their credit cards. But the lawyers and bankers can look forward to higher profits from the remaining customers. How convenient. How evil.
George Mason University Professor Joshua Wright estimates that the Dodd bill’s credit restrictions would reduce job creation by 4.3 percent — about 60,000 fewer jobs every year.
Same crap different day. Where is the new regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? If the money goes to Negroes we don’t need none of that fancy regulation do we? Washington sticking to the people, killing jobs, redistributing the wealth, enriching lawyers and bankers. So what’s new Dodd? Time for your ass to hit the road. Let’s pray Peter Schiff gets elected to replace the corrupt son of a bitch.
Corrupt Bastard Chris Dodd wants to extort more $$$$ from the American Public
What the bill does is add new restrictions on credit. That means it will drive up the cost of money and that means more profits for the banking community.
Look at Dodd’s credit card bill that has been law for a year. Costs have increased and credit availability has decreased with the bill. A great deal if you are a banker and not so great if you are a consumer. The American public just gets pummeled time after time because they have no business or economic education to filter out the bull crap coming out of Washington. Just label it “Financial Reform” and the dolts with a “D” next to their name line up to support it.
The Dodd proposal would increase regulatory cost of compliance and increase litigation cost. Got to throw the lawyers a bone right Dodd? Does any of this sound familiar? Buy off the special interest, restrict competition, and stick it to the people. The public buy this crap time after time. Democrats, Republicans each have their clientèle and each are con artist ripping off America.
The new restrictions would narrow the market for credit and marginal customers would be locked out of the market. People who may want to start a new business would not be able to get financing even if they wanted to run up their credit cards. But the lawyers and bankers can look forward to higher profits from the remaining customers. How convenient. How evil.
George Mason University Professor Joshua Wright estimates that the Dodd bill’s credit restrictions would reduce job creation by 4.3 percent — about 60,000 fewer jobs every year.
Same crap different day. Where is the new regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? If the money goes to Negroes we don’t need none of that fancy regulation do we? Washington sticking to the people, killing jobs, redistributing the wealth, enriching lawyers and bankers. So what’s new Dodd? Time for your ass to hit the road. Let’s pray Peter Schiff gets elected to replace the corrupt son of a bitch.
Florida’s Congressional District 24 Race Heating up
Florida’s congressional District 24 race is home to Democratic Congresswoman flip flopper Suzanne Kosmas. The race is heating up with the entrance of restaurant executive Craig S. Miller. The established front runners on the Republican side are Sandy Adams and Karen Diebel. Also running are Dorothy L. Hukill, George Thomas Garcia, Sean Campbell, Robert Lawrence Robey, Chad Macinnes, Ometrias Deon Long, Jason Paul Davis, Jim Foster, James P. Heinzelman, independent Larry Sinclair, Democrats Paul Partyka and Suzanne Kosmas. In 44 days Craig Miller has raised $341,000 moving ahead of Diebel and Adams throwing a new dynamic in the Republican race.
Restaurant Chain Executive Craig S. Miller
Kosmas had a lackluster 90 days since last December budging her contributions to not quite $1.36 million from her previous amount of over $1.3 million. The lobbyist in Washington DC must be reevaluation her chances of winning. Her disastrous flip flop sure must have inspired Craig Miller because he put in $200,000 of his own money into his campaign chest.
Of the top three Republican challengers Diebel has invested $26,000 of her own money, Adams $100,000 and Miller $200,000. Miller leads with $341,000 followed by Diebel with $333,000 and Adams with $287,000. Adams and Diebel have been matching each other almost one for one in spending with Miller lagging behind. Locally Miller has almost no following that I am aware of and I live in the district. Just another rich guy with the money to buy commercials. I have yet to see him at any civic functions.
The fact that Diebel has raised 92% of her funds from others verses 65% for Adams and 41% for Craig S. Miller pretty much tells me what I already suspected. Diebel just plain has more star power and charisma than her competitors. She has a lot of friends in Winter Park with large bank accounts and she easily mingles with the wealthy elite that dominate her community. Mrs. Diebel’s assets of belonging to a privilege community also make her venerable to attacks from Adams who is a blue collar type of woman and former police officer. Of the three she has the best education having graduated from Notre Dame and USF with a MBA. She is a single mother (widowed) of three boys 13, 12 and 10. That’s got to be tough. Overall she has the package to successfully defeat Kosmas in the general election.
Craig S. Miller is a restaurant chain developer and has served Ruth’s Chris Steak House, Red Lobster and Pizza Uno. His positions are standard Republican fare with nothing innovative I can glean from his web site. He is, as we all learned in business school, at the end of his sales curve at 59. Seems a lot of people are looking for government work these days and Craig is one of them. Pizza Uno is on the rocks and I suspect so is Ruth’s Chris. Without a law degree or a MBA what does Mr. Miller have to offer congress to help with the financial crisis that will consume America over the next decade? Privatizing the food service in congress?
Karen Diebel, her son Liam and Campaign Manager Anthony Bonna
Adams and Diebel also have a situation in that there are only so many female republican women voters to attract. If either one were the sole strong female republican candidate in the primary the female vote could easily push them ahead of Miller. Rumor has it Adams may drop out of the race but having invested $100,000 of her own money that doesn’t seem likely. If either one dropped out and endorsed the other the primary would be the remaining ones for the taking. If Sandy Adams drops out of the race look for Mrs. Diebel to run away with this contest.
Overall this race is rated as a toss up but living in the district without Obama running Kosmas will be lucky to get 45% of the vote. If Kosmas would have voted against health care reform she would have easily won. But that didn’t happen. The Democrat fat cats need to contribute to independent Larry Sinclair and hope he can get some Republican votes. Kosmas looks one and done. Look for Diebel to out class her and destroy her on her record as a flip flopper.
Restaurant Chain Executive Craig S. Miller
Kosmas had a lackluster 90 days since last December budging her contributions to not quite $1.36 million from her previous amount of over $1.3 million. The lobbyist in Washington DC must be reevaluation her chances of winning. Her disastrous flip flop sure must have inspired Craig Miller because he put in $200,000 of his own money into his campaign chest.
Of the top three Republican challengers Diebel has invested $26,000 of her own money, Adams $100,000 and Miller $200,000. Miller leads with $341,000 followed by Diebel with $333,000 and Adams with $287,000. Adams and Diebel have been matching each other almost one for one in spending with Miller lagging behind. Locally Miller has almost no following that I am aware of and I live in the district. Just another rich guy with the money to buy commercials. I have yet to see him at any civic functions.
The fact that Diebel has raised 92% of her funds from others verses 65% for Adams and 41% for Craig S. Miller pretty much tells me what I already suspected. Diebel just plain has more star power and charisma than her competitors. She has a lot of friends in Winter Park with large bank accounts and she easily mingles with the wealthy elite that dominate her community. Mrs. Diebel’s assets of belonging to a privilege community also make her venerable to attacks from Adams who is a blue collar type of woman and former police officer. Of the three she has the best education having graduated from Notre Dame and USF with a MBA. She is a single mother (widowed) of three boys 13, 12 and 10. That’s got to be tough. Overall she has the package to successfully defeat Kosmas in the general election.
Craig S. Miller is a restaurant chain developer and has served Ruth’s Chris Steak House, Red Lobster and Pizza Uno. His positions are standard Republican fare with nothing innovative I can glean from his web site. He is, as we all learned in business school, at the end of his sales curve at 59. Seems a lot of people are looking for government work these days and Craig is one of them. Pizza Uno is on the rocks and I suspect so is Ruth’s Chris. Without a law degree or a MBA what does Mr. Miller have to offer congress to help with the financial crisis that will consume America over the next decade? Privatizing the food service in congress?
Karen Diebel, her son Liam and Campaign Manager Anthony Bonna
Adams and Diebel also have a situation in that there are only so many female republican women voters to attract. If either one were the sole strong female republican candidate in the primary the female vote could easily push them ahead of Miller. Rumor has it Adams may drop out of the race but having invested $100,000 of her own money that doesn’t seem likely. If either one dropped out and endorsed the other the primary would be the remaining ones for the taking. If Sandy Adams drops out of the race look for Mrs. Diebel to run away with this contest.
Overall this race is rated as a toss up but living in the district without Obama running Kosmas will be lucky to get 45% of the vote. If Kosmas would have voted against health care reform she would have easily won. But that didn’t happen. The Democrat fat cats need to contribute to independent Larry Sinclair and hope he can get some Republican votes. Kosmas looks one and done. Look for Diebel to out class her and destroy her on her record as a flip flopper.
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