For those who have read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918 – 2008) The Gulag Archipelago and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich you know that after the priest, rabbis, political dissidents and enemies of the state are imprisoned or killed there are still a lot of people out there that need to be terrorized for the regime to stay in power. What to do?
The former USSR went on monthly campaigns against whatever was convenient. If you neighbor didn’t like you and complained that was seven years in Siberia. If you didn’t attend enough political functions that was five years. If you didn’t kill enough rats or complained about the lack of toilet paper that was good for ten years. The propose was not so much that people were not pure communist but that the state needed slave labor for state projects and had a need to continually terrorize the peasants. Every month there would be a new crime of the month that was publicized and people rounded up and sent to slave labor camps.
USSR writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsin
Under such a system for the average person intelligence and self control would be the key to staying out of the gulag. Intelligence and self control. Who in the United States has those qualities and who lacks them?
It just so happens that mathematician La Griffe du Lion ( has indirectly answered this question. When he was analyzing serial killers he came up with a couple of probability charts showing the incarceration rates for blacks, Hispanics and whites. With the data set for blacks and whites the information would be very relevant due to the two populations long established in America. Hispanics are a little tougher because they are relatively new entrants into American society. What is known is Hispanics have a average IQ of 93, blacks 85 and whites 100.
Because of the get tough on crime attitude and break up of the black family in the last 50 years we already have seen this scenario play out to a large extent. If America went communist the already huge disparities in incarceration rates would become even more exaggerated. This is not good news for the Hope and Change crowd. If they were hoping to get a free car and house with the communist their dream could become the nightmare of a jail cell and a push food service cart.
Black vs White incarceration rates
Back in 1974 blacks had about a 14% chance of doing time, Hispanics roughly 4% and whites 2.5%. Society passed laws that increased child support payments that led to increased divorce rates, increased welfare payments that led to more unwed mothers. Out of wedlock rates went to eventually 68% black, 42% Hispanic and 26% white. Divorce rates are stagnant at 40% but that is under represented because many couples today simply do not bother getting married today. In the end the government got what it wanted, lots of fatherless children and lots of clients for the criminal justice industry.
With increased law enforcement crack downs on drugs, violent crimes and the lack of a father figure the prison population increased dramatically. By 2001 if you were black your chances of ending up in the clink were approximately 32%, Hispanics 17% and whites about 4.5%. As America became less traditional family orientated and more police state orientated clearly the Hope and Change crowd bore the brunt of the oppression and family destruction. Pure government evil that is rarely reported on in the press and only occasionally in academia. Was this destruction of the family and increased incarceration of the male population laying the groundwork for our current progressive government to move America into a totalitarian police state? Sure seems to be the trend.
Hispanic vs White incarceration rates
Nobody seems to care. Republicans claim to be for the family and are against abortion but rarely stand up for no child support laws and split custody arrangement where expenses of child rearing are spit evenly as well as parental time. Democrats support as much cash in single mothers pockets as possible. Single women overwhelmingly vote (63% in 2004) Democrat. Democrats don’t hide their contempt for the traditional family and Republicans are all talk and generally make the problem worse by supporting draconian child support laws at the state level. We can only assume a communist Obama regime would further destroy the family unit.
So what would the incarceration rates be under a screwed up nobody has a dad communist regime? For white men let’s say the police state under Obama incarcerated 10% of them. A reasonable figure probably achieved in the USSR in its heyday. At a white incarceration rate of 10% black males, if justice was blind, would be incarcerated at a rate of an astonishing 50% or more! Hispanics about 35%! Damn amigo that’s a pretty damn good excuse to head for the southern border.
At 20% incarceration rate for white guys the number are even more astonishing. The black incarceration rate climbs to over 70% and Hispanic to over 60%. This of course assumes justice is blind and there are no quotas like there are for federal employment. These numbers show that blacks and Hispanic males have by far the most to fear from a communist Obama administration if it gains enough strength to take our country into the Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro territory.
Criminal Distribution Blacks 1.27 standard deviation and Hispanic 1.02 SD
People have been screaming at blacks to get off the Democratic Party plantation for decades. And for decades they have moved closer and closer to dependency and now towards slavery in penitentiaries all over America. Nothing really has changed in 145 years for blacks. They were freed, imprisoned in large numbers and now are returning to slavery in the form of incarcerated government servants . Hope and Change.
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Sunday, May 23, 2010
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