The Jews who make up 2% of the US population and Arabs who make up 0.6% of the population are having a little public relations fight over here. Both groups have a war going on in America and are infiltrating our Tea Parties and universities. Here locally in Orlando we have Jews telling us Tea Party folk about the evils of Muslims and Sharia Law. Like we didn’t notice those two wars that we fought, oh when was that? 2000’s maybe?
Pamela Geller is giving her spiel to the Tennessee Tea Party May 22 to 23rd. The oh so smart Jews need to educate us dumb white folk that the Arabs are bad folks and that 0.6% minority group will be dictating to us any month now not to eat bacon. Muhammad will replace Jesus Christ any day now. Just listen to Pam she will set you strait.
Pamela Geller is now preaching to the Tea Party
Here’s a message to the Jews. If you want to protect Israel then maybe you should have thought of that before you voted 78% for Obama. Maybe you should not have donated so heavily to the Democratic Party. Maybe you should not piss off the Christians with your constant legal harassments of their religion using the ACLU as a front. Maybe you should not be so in love with communism and Karl Marx. You made your bed now lie in it. American Jews will need to explain to their children what they did to help Israel out in 2008 someday when Israel no longer exist.
Here’s a message for the Muslims. Your religion sucks. You are stuck in the 7th century. That sucks for you. As soon as the peasants get a cell phone and an I Pod your religion is history. Anyone remember Zoroastrianism? Anyone worshiping Ahura Mazda? Kiss your religion goodbye. Who in the fuck wants to be a part of a religion that kills women and children in the name of Allah? As soon as your jihad is over and your people realize what cold hearted murdering bastards the mullahs are they will be flocking to Christianity. You a bunch of sick bastards that are too cowardly to fight a war with a regular army. You resort to murdering the innocent and putting bombs on the side of the road. Yea assholes that will go down in history right next to the Normandy invasion, not.
Both these asshole groups need to go over to the Middle East and fight it out. Frankly I could care less. We fought two wars over there and compared to the Vietnamese, Japanese or Germans the Arabs fight like stupid kids. We found out they are bullies that can kill women and children. They like to blow themselves up and have many candidates for this duty. Huh? What else is here to say? Stupidly fanatical?
We found out the Jews love it when Americas fight Muslims. Jews support the vilest communist progressive organizations in America continually attacking Christianity with legal entanglements but come crying to us when they need another war fought. Fuck the Jews. Fight your own god damn wars. It’s not my problem you can’t get along with your neighbors. If it were me I would speak the language of the Muslims and bribe the hell out of them. But that’s just me.
Nobody is worshiping Ahura Mazda these days
Here’s another message to the Jews. We just had two wars with the Muslims and where the hell were you? How many Jews were in the US Army in Iraq? If you were 35 years old or less and not in the United States Army from 2001 to present or the Israeli Army then I really have no respect for you. I really don’t want to talk to you.
It really makes an impression seeing a young, educated 25 year old Jew giving a lecture to us white folks about how we need to get our lily white ass over there to the Middle East and kill us some more Muslims. Get your Jew ass over there and stop counting you gold coins. Stop fucking up America with your Karl Marx shit and your Jew sponsored organizations. Frankly we are sick of the Jew foreign policy towed by the United States government. One of the few things I agree with Obama on.
We Americans want to get the United States government reset to 1791. That is our priority. Not Sharia Law or Israel. Live Free or Die. It’s not just a slogan anymore. Here’s a word of warning to both groups. In the next decade it will get pretty ugly in America. Maybe just maybe you don’t want to get caught in the crossfire. You need to take your fight back over to the Middle East and let us white folks do our fighting or I promise you both groups will come to deeply regret their decisions. When you rile us white folk up we generally kill millions not thousands.
VN:D [1.9.1_1087]
Sunday, May 23, 2010
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