Monday, November 15, 2010

Most of the White Peasants Get it but the Republicans Still Don’t

We have a date with destiny. The ponzi schemes in Social Security, federal, state and local pensions, bloated government school systems and crazy borrowing will soon plunge us into chaos. With the exception of the old fart blue hairs who can’t think clearly and the liberal class envy emotionally handicapped crowd most rational white people get it. We understand it was all a game our politicians played on us and we were just too self absorbed to pay attention.
One group that is still pretending not to get it is the Republicans. The Republicans rolled out their “Pledge to America” plan. Its sugar and cream and not much substance. Their plan to roll back federal spending to 2008 levels ($2.9 trillion) is unrealistic. The Republicans are not dealing with the reality of the severity of our financial situation.

Most of us white trash folks with IQ’s over 100 understand socialism doesn’t work but Republicans, Democrats and all the elites don’t.

First we owe $13.5 trillion dollars. But forget that for a second. Our current federal tax revenue is $2.8 trillion. So if we go back to 2008 ($2.9 trillion) we only have a deficit of $100 million? Is that progress? Of course they will argue that increased economic activities will increase federal tax receipts but even so did they forget a few things? Let’s assume tax receipts increase to $2.9 trillion and then?
What about that national debt interest? Currently it’s about $200 million. What happens when the economy heats up, there a Republican in the White House and the Keynesian (Democrat) Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke decides its time to fight inflation by raising interest rates? Most of our debt is short term treasury bills and notes. Our national adjustable rate mortgage could increase considerably in a very short period of time. Opps. Will the Republicans be able to keep the budget at $2.9 trillion?
And what about that ponzi scheme the blue hairs refer to as Social Security? It’s scheduled to be in the red permanently in 2015. With a unfunded liability of $14.5 trillion things could get really nasty. Do the Republicans want to raise the retirement age to 70? The average life expectancy of black men is 70. I can just hear the cat calls of racism now. Do the Republicans’ want to raise the social Security tax to 18%? And break another promise? Or shall they reduce benefits 27%? Of course the only sane rational answer is to get rid of the program and set up personal accounts. But neither party will discuss that option.
What about the $19 trillion prescription drug liability? What about the $76 trillion dollar Medicaid liability? And of course Obamacare which to the Republicans credit they vow to kill.
To a clear thinking white peasant the problem is very clear. Socialism. It never works. They don’t call Social Security Social Security for nothing. It’s socialism. Socialism always leads to failure. Socialism always leads to bankruptcy.
Now I understand the Republicans have to win the popularity contest. I understand that they need the blue haired old ladies votes to win. I respect that but God help us if the leadership actually believes the pledge to America is nothing more than a campaign gimmick. $2.9 trillion will come and go in a nanosecond with our unfunded liabilities and debt payments. If the Republican are serous about getting America back to fiscal sanity and off the road the USSR traveled down they need to address the root cause of the problem and that is socialism.

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