Monday, November 15, 2010

Obama has Achieved Many of his Anti Colonialist/Socialist Goals

Bill O’Reilly is finally starting to see what the rest of non-Harvard educated America has seen in Obama for a couple of years now. Obama is an anti American anti colonialist, communist, socialist, whatever. Translated Obama is going to everything in his power to weaken America militarily, economically and socially in the world without tipping off main street dullards like O’Reilly.
As our economic situation deteriorates Obama and those in the Democratic Party would argue Bush got us into the ditch. And they would be for the most part correct. The difference is that Bush tried to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and was blocked by Frank, Obama and others. Bush tried to win both wars. Bush tried to do what is best for America. And that is the difference. Obama does everything in his power to weaken America and the American dream in favor of his one world socialist dream.
Bush did everything he could to create economic growth as misguided as he was. Obama opposes economic growth every chance he gets. He wants all the economic growth and power for himself and his socialist buddies.

News Commentator Bill O’Reilly wants to be “fair” to our anti-American socialist president

The problem with Bush is he wasn’t vigorous enough in exposing the bad guys Freddie and Fannie. He spent like a drunkard. He was afraid to fire incompetents like Rumsfeld. For a guy who sad “bring it on” he was a wimp whom lacked the balls to do what was needed to get the job done In the end the Democrats steamrolled Bush with his “compassionate conservative” weakness. Bush was weak in everything but the war on terror.
Obama is none of that. He’s a bold faced liar who spun a bunch of BS to get elected and as soon as the swearing in was over went hard left fascist Hitler style. He leveraged the federal government with a huge assist from TARP, Bush and Hank Paulson. He leveraged the federal government into key industrial sectors, GM and Chrysler. Tried to control the energy markets with cap and trade. Is attempting to control health care. Gained control over education and student loans. In 10 years if Obama dreams came true no white conservative male would get a student loan. No freedom of thought. All goals of totalitarian governments the world over.
Obama and the Democrats have stolen Hitler’s playbook and tweaked it a little bit here and there, repackaged it with liberal doses of affirmative action, globalism, environmentalism, unions, and sold it to the same people who supported Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Chavez and every other progressive freak on the planet.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn understood the sickness of socialism

And here comes Bill O’Reilly two years after the fact questioning Obama because he can’t answer a question about jihad from a girl in India. Personally I think a Harvard education produces people like Bush, O’Reilly and Obama who lack the capacity to think clearly but hey that’s just me. There does seem to be a pattern of Harvard graduates getting into places of authority and then screwing everything up they touch. Anyway. Back to Obama’s economic record.
Now first thing you have to understand about socialist is they don’t care about the people. They all say they do and offer government goodies like health care but that’s just to get to the real prize, control and revenue streams. For health care it’s pretty simple. You offer it for free. The ignorant peasants vote you into power. You know its 17% of the GDP. You deliver about 10% of the GDP back to the peasants in the form of health care and pocket the difference. Like they would do in Canada if they weren’t so bloody inefficient. The real appeal for a socialist is you get to kill all your political opponents by denying them medical treatment which most people need sooner or later. Another appeal to having access to that GDP is if you need money for other priorities such as war or a new Obama pyramid or Obama posters all over the country you can deny old farts medical care and divert the money to your favorite pet project. What the hell they are already dying. Hitler knew this and so does every socialist. The object is to get control over the people and the economy. Everything else is secondary.

Yuri Bezmenov understood the sickness of socialism

In the 1930’s when the German economy was booming while the rest of the world suffered they had no gold. They had no silver. Germany went off the gold standard in 1933 when their reserves were depleted. The fascist economic miracle was all done on the promise of a better tomorrow and fiat money. If the currency collapses like it is now for the United States it really doesn’t matter to a socialist. Hitler’s currency had collapsed and it did not stop him for a moment. The train just kept on rolling. As long as the people believe and the socialist have control over the means of production then you can create a socialist government and kill millions to get there. This disconnect from standard business thinking is why so many fail to understand Obama and all the millions of socialist, fascist, communist and one world government types like him.
We saw this thinking in the USSR. Alexander Solzhenitsyn explained it clearly to America. Yuri Bezmenov explained the mindset of a socialist. Still millions like O’Reilly refused to see the obvious and denied it for years when it was right there in front of them. Pinhead.
So let’s take a look at Obama and the Democrats record of economically weakening and detaching America from the rest of the world similar to what happened to Germany in 1932 and 33 when they were finally force to abandon the gold standard and create their socialist dream economy. Remember in the 1930’s the NAZI Party achieved partial power in the Reichstag before Hitler and laid the foundation for Hitler’s rise to dictatorship status.
Since the Democrats took over congress in January of 2007 the civilian participation rate has declined from 66.4% to 64.5%. When Obama took office it was 65.7%. This translates into a loss of 5.5 million to 5.9 million jobs. Millions of jobless peasants just like in the 1930’s.

Every socialist dreams of adoring masses that will do whatever they say. The trick for the socialist is to come up with BS slogans and promises to get power like Obama achieved in 2008. Promise the peasants the world and deliver unemployment, war and dictatorship. Obama has achieved two of the three and is close to the third one. Just one more election cycle to go.

Since the Democrats took office in 2007 the debt has increased 705% from 160,701 million to 1,294,090 million. To a socialist debt means nothing. Control over the means of production is the goal. By the government crowding out the remaining free segment of the private sector Obama and the Democrats have achieved their goal. Wall Street wins. The unions win. Democratic power is solidified. To hell with the peasants. Power is the goal.
Unemployment has been at 9.6% for awhile. This is typical for socialist economies. It’s been that way in Europe for decades. The Democrats must be wondering when the peasants will shut up and get use to it. Socialists want millions unemployed and dependent on government. Socialists want workers to come to them for pay raises. They realize when there excess labor wages will be driven down and the uneducated masses will come crying to the socialist in government for relief.
For decades Americans have enjoyed a 33% higher standard of living, lower poverty rate and lower unemployment than Europeans. Because we are less socialist than European countries. More of our economy is in private hands than in Europe.
Under Obama the US poverty rate has climbed to 15.0%. Not as high as many European country’s but sinful in todays world of productivity advances. The highest rate in almost 50 years. And not a peep out of the “compassionate” socialist in congress. Why? They don’t give a damn about poverty or the people. Its all about the power!

Obama and his adoring socialist masses

It’s all about the power not the people. When the Bill O’Reilly’s of the world understand that basic principal of socialism and socialist then maybe we can have a chance of removing this vile affirmative action dictator wannabe from power in 2012. It took a Indian girl asking Obama about jihad for it to finally sink into O’Reilly’s Harvard educated head that Obama is not nor has he ever been for the American people. Obama is and always has been for socialism and nothing more. It’s all about control and power.
The big difference between the 1930’s Germany and Obama today is information. Glen Beck deserves a lot of credit but so do the many unsung heroes like economist Dan Mitchell, Peter Schiff, Lew Rockwell, Robert Murphy, Murray Rothbard, Ludwig von Mises and others. The public has access to information undreamed of back in the 1930’s. Back in the 1930’s both the German (Hitler) and American (FDR) pubic blindly followed two of the worst dictators in their respective countries with the end results of millions of jobless people and millions of dead people. Hopefully thinking Americans have awakened from their blissful slumber. Hopefully Germany will end its socialist policies and start creating a environment that benefits the natives. Hopefully Americans will stop our own decline, seal the border and eliminate the socialist from government. It’s our only hope to remain a nation.
And while the Democrats can still steal a few major senate races in Nevada, Washington, Colorado and may even try to steal the 2012 presidential election they can’t steal the local elections. The people in the fly over states will revolt sooner or later against the progressives and unions on the coast. It takes just one governor in one state to fire that first shot. We don’t have to live like dogs under the tyrants in Washington. We can and will be free or die.
Obama and the Democrats will go back into hiding behind the blue dog Democrats like in the past. They will extend the Bush tax cuts and try to act like decent people but it’s all just a waiting game until 2012. Socialism is a mental disease and until the Bill O’Reilly’s of the world recognize it for what it is and ostracize those inflicted with the disease the socialist like Obama will continue to plague the planet with their plans for unemployment, starvation and death to millions.

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