Sunday, March 27, 2011

Greedy Bastards in Washington continue to Rip Off the People

Obama, Marie Antoinette Obama and the US Congress continue their lavish lives and payouts to the politically connected with yet another extravagant spending bill. What the hell is another $1.2 trillion among friends? All the talk of working “for the people” and in the end it comes down to a scramble for cash by a bunch of greedy bastards.

The Wicked Witch of the West refuses to die without one last grab for cash

1. $2.5 billion for a high speed rail line in California

2. $50 million nationwide for a high-tech train braking system

3. $800,000 for the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail to generate tourism dollars.

4. $450 million project to make a second engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is under the tree despite the Obama administration saying they thought it was a waste of money.

5. $80 million in grants to states and Indian tribes to preserve Pacific salmon

6. $13 million in clean water grants for rural and Alaska native villages

7. $4 million for the Kentucky National Guard’s marijuana eradication program

8. $330 million to state and local governments for jailing illegal immigrants convicted of crimes

Greedy bastards with power over you and me. A couple of lessons should not be lost on Americans who are not governed by emotion and illogical thoughts.

First a progressive income tax makes productive members of society a target of the lazy wealth envy crowd with communism in their blood and rip off artist.

Second there is no benefit in helping the poor with long-term monetary assistance. In an ideal world this assistance would be done at the local level by a Christian Church.

King George was never so callous with the public treasury as Obama, Reid, and Pelosi have been. “Give then the money” is the cry of the socialist and they certainly live up to that mantra. What have been the result?

The highest poverty rate in 45 years.

Greedy bastard idiots that either know what they preach is bull crap or ignorant stupid bastards that believe their own propaganda. Have pity on their ignorance and remember when these bastards had power and what they did in five years when they are on the streets begging for food.

All these trillions of misallocated resources that could have been spend on capitalism and the means of production all pissed away “for the people.”

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