Sunday, March 27, 2011

Whore Not Hero: The Traitor Files — Teddy Kennedy

The following appeared in Atlas Shrugs on 2-27-2011.

Is it any wonder that we have a radical in the White House? I mean, seriously. The Democrat heroes of the left have for decades been the worst subversives in our nation’s history, actively working against individual rights, capitalism, and basic Constitutional principles. Time and time again. Is it any wonder that we wound up in this current crisis, with an imposter at 1600 Pennsylavania Avenue? It’s a wonder that it didn’t happen sooner. We are in a chokehold, held hostage by the leftwing government’s union armies.

What I want to know is, why were these traitors protected? Teddy was the tip of the poisonous spear. Time after time, year after year, decade after decde, their treason is/was covered up. Was there not one decent man or woman with integrity? One?

The Teddy Files: Even Worse Than You Thought! Powerline hat tip Rut

After repeated attempts, Judicial Watch has managed to pry loose certain documents relating to Teddy Kennedy from the FBI. The FBI’s original redactions plainly had nothing to do with national security, so the agency apparently was trying to protect Kennedy’s reputation.

The most entertaining documents relate to a trip Kennedy took to Latin America in 1961. He visited a number of countries, accompanied by his “political counselor.” In each country, Kennedy met with prominent Communists or other left-wing leaders. The U.S. Ambassador to Mexico was outraged that Kennedy wanted to bring such people to the embassy–this was the heart of the Cold War, after all–and he refused, telling Kennedy to arrange his own interviews somewhere else. A State Department official in Peru described Teddy as “pompous and a spoiled brat.”

In Colombia, the first person Kennedy wanted to meet with was Lauchlin Currie, a Russian spy who served as a key aide to Franklin Roosevelt, then moved to Colombia and renounced his American citizenship.

By the time he got to Chile, Kennedy apparently was tired of political work, so he “made arrangements to ‘rent’ a brothel for an entire night” in Santiago. You can read the FBI reports here. Here is one of them;

The year after his Latin American tour, Kennedy entered the United States Senate. It is quite remarkable: the Kennedy that emerges from the FBI reports sounds like a right-winger’s cartoon fantasy of the man. However bad you thought Ted Kennedy was, he was worse!

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