Now just pause for a moment. Look at the headline of this blog. Can you imagine for a second if it was 2003 and George Bush was president. Imagine the New York Times reporting “Black Unemployment Up 25.2% Since Bush Became President.”
The NAACP, Annenburg Foundation, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, ADL, Jessie Jackson, and the rest of the race hustlers and parasite organizations would be howling to the high heavens “Bush is a racist” and “Bush hates black people.” Every paper in the country would run a version of the above headline. Yet today when blacks are devastated by Obamanomics not a peep out of the nations news outlets. As long as the news media agrees with the politics of the president devastating unemployment is fine with them. Its not their jobs they are lost.
And where are the black leaders screaming about how the black man is bearing the brunt of Obamanomics? All we get is Maxine Waters telling Obama to make more stops in black communities on his next bus tour and then reverting back to calling white people racist. It all comas back to white people being racist to black leaders. Like a lab experiment where the subjects have access to a button that injects them with cocaine, they keep pushing and pushing that race button. They simply do not understand that while they may get a short term high, in the long run that button will kill them.
This is reality for millions of black people. Ineffectual black leaders educated in communism, socialism, and hating white people. Some would refer to them as racist bastards. Economic illiterates who have no clue how wealth is created and dispersed. Incapable of understanding the plantation has a new master, and it is them, not the white man, running the plantation.
If you take into account the drop in the labor force participation rate from 65.7% to 63.9% from when Obama was inaugurated the 25.2% does not capture the true devastation Obamanomics has had on the black community. The actual black labor force participation rate is 62.2% or 1.7% LOWER than the national average. This means that the unemployment rates for blacks is UNDERSTATED and is in fact worse than the official data.
Some would estimate 33% higher or 18.7% if all former black workers dropped from the calculations because they have not been actively seeking employment for the last four weeks were induced in the Department of Labor calculations. The unemployment rate peaked at 24.9% during the Great Depression. Hmmmm.
Sticking with the facts when Obama was inaugurated the black unemployment rate was 12.7% and is now 15.9%. Black unemployment has reached as high as 16.5% under Obama, the highest since July 1984.
Hope and Change is turning into a socialist nightmare for millions of black workers. Obamanomics has devastated the black community more than white and Latino communities. The prospects of a Obama re-election and the implication of Obamacare that will kill millions of jobs and further devastate the black community is daunting. Blacks should not walk, but run to the nearest capitalist candidate running for president.
As for black teen unemployment the Department of Labor sums it up best “As Chart 2 also illustrates, black youth (aged 16-19) have significantly higher unemployment rates than black adults. The unemployment rate for black youth reached a high of 49.2 percent in September 2010 and as of June 2011 had fallen to 39.9 percent. Not only has the unemployment rate remained high, but a large number of black teens are no longer in the labor force — either working or looking for work. In 2007, black teens participated in the labor force at a rate of 30.3 percent. By 2010, that rate had declined to 25.5 percent. Labor force participation of black men and women aged 20-54 declined by 1.2 percentage points from 78.2 percent in 2007 to 77.0 percent in 2010, while older black workers (aged 55 and older) increased by 1.4 percentage points — 35.3 percent in 2007 to 36.7 percent in 2010.”
Many unemployed are flocking to education for a source of financial aid and fulfillment. With the budget crisis that will have to be dealt with sooner or later the days of hiding out at the local college collecting financial aid are numbered. This generation of youthful idleness will put down the video games one day and wake up unemployed, unfulfilled, bitter, and looking for some payback. They have been betrayed by their leaders for some obscure political philosophy that is nothing but garbage designed to help the elites subjugate the peasants and enslave them. Unemployed, no prospects, bitter, and years older.
It could end very badly for the United States with our diverse background when our country goes bankrupt
Unlike the Great Depression when unemployment hit 24.9% we were a homogeneous nation. Now we are many separate groups. We are very diverse educationally, ethnically, socially, politically, and the potential for a Yugoslavia type ethnic war increases the longer Obama stays in power. It should be clear to all but the dullest and most ideologically dedicated that Obama is incapable of uniting America.
The politicians in Washington feed this separation daily. Black leaders regularly call whites racist. Obama mocks Republicans on a regular basis. Words have meaning. Words have impact. One flash point event, another depression, and it would be Yugoslavia 1990 here in America.
Black leaders would be wise to moderate their comments and accept that their political philosophy has lead to the complete destruction of the black community. New black leaders who understand capitalism need to replace the tired old socialist and communist who currently wield power.
Those who have studied the Civil War know that it was not Fort Sumter that just happened. It was years of divisiveness over tariffs, states rights, western expansion, Supreme Court rulings, debates, politics, and finally hundreds of thousands of dead. Our bloodiest conflict. It did not happen overnight.
When I hear black leaders calling me a racist all the time, everyday, Yugoslavia comes to mind. Ethnic tensions in Yugoslavia were suppressed for decades by the brutal communist regime, and then one day the communist were gone.
Be careful what you wish for, it might come true.
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