As incredible as it seems Orange County Judge Belvin Perry, yes the same judge who presided over the Casey Anthony trial, ordered roofer Mark Schmidter into the slammer for handing out informed jury fliers outside the designated "free speech" box.
"Perry found Schmidter guilty of "indirect criminal contempt" for violating two such orders. One deals with handing out pamphlets outside the courthouse aimed at influencing jurors. The other prohibits First Amendment activities outside specially designated "free-speech zones.""
Orlando Sentinel, 7-26-2011.
Mark Schmidter gets 151 days in the hole for handing out paper in front of the Orange County Court House
Perry is a affirmative action hire that should not be in a position of authority. Sentencing someone to 151 days for handing out paper in the wrong spot in front of the courthouse is Hitler fascism. Perry should be removed from the bench immidiatly.
If you would like to help remove Perry please write:
Judicial Qualifications Commission
1110 Thomasville Road
Tallahassee, FL 32303
Phone (850) 488-1581
Perry has exhibited bias in this case. Mark Schmidter is a “Tea Bagger” freedom lover and Perry took advantage of his role as judge to persecute Schmidter for his political beliefs.
All one has to do is ask if a black man was handing out fliers in front of the Orange County Courthouse protesting bank foreclosures, capitalism, Republicans, or anything politically correct Perry would never, in a million years, sentence the politically correct black man to 151 days in jail. Perry knows it, we know it, and the politically protected classes know it. There is no way in hell that would ever happen.
Perry clearly lacks the intelligence to figure out the firestorm that would come his way for committing such a heinous injustice. He needs to be removed from the bench. Perry is an example of the worse of the worst that affirmative action produces.
Perry is a pos of the first order.
I challenge anyone else who supports the 1st amendment of our constitution that so many of our friends, neighbors, relatives died for to protect then you will send $1. $5. or whatever to:
Mark Schmidter Defense Appeal fund c/o Attorney Adam H. Sudbury,
250 North Orange Ave. Suite 550
Orlando Fl. 32801
The following appeared in the Orlando Sentinel on 7-26-2011
Orange County Judge Blevin Perry gave Mark Schmidter 151 days for handing out paper in front of the courthouse. Perry needs to be removed from the bench ASAP.
Local roofing contractor Mark Schmidter learned the hard way Tuesday what can happen when you defy the administrative orders of Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin Perry.
Following a trial lasting all morning, Perry found Schmidter guilty of “indirect criminal contempt” for violating two such orders. One deals with handing out pamphlets outside the courthouse aimed at influencing jurors. The other prohibits First Amendment activities outside specially designated “free-speech zones.”
Perry sentenced Schmidter, 64, to roughly five months in the Orange County Jail — 141 days for violating his first order, regarding jury pamphlets, and 151 days for his second order, regarding free-speech zones. The sentences are concurrent. Perry also handed him a $250 fine for each violation.
Rest of story here. or 407-420-5447.
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