If you don’t know the story of the Roman Emperor Caligula (12 AD to 41 AD) it is one of brutality and sadness. His father was a great warrior adopted by Emperor Tiberius. He was extremely popular to the extent that he was considered a threat to Emperor Tiberius. It is rumored Tiberius had Germanicus poisoned when Caligula was 6 years old. When Caligula’s mother returned to Rome with her six children she became embroiled in a feud with Tiberius that eventually destroyed the remainder of her family. His mother and brother were exiled in 29 AD on charges of treason. His other brother was imprisoned on charges of treason. Caligula himself was shuttled from grandmother to grandmother and was forced to be Tiberius’s servant. Eventually his mother and two brothers died in prison. By the time Caligula was granted emperor status he could not have hated the senate and people of Rome anymore than he did. Despite this hatred remarkably his first two years were relatively event free. It wasn’t until his third and fourth years that he became the tyrant history remembers him for.
And here we are 1,968 years later with a president in office who is a racist and hates America with every fiber of his being. He blames insurance companies for making his ill mother fill out forms. It never seems to have occurred to him to help his mother fill out the forms. I mean does it take a lawyer to fill out these forms? Oh yea he is a lawyer.

And he just loves that hate whitey speech in his church. His wife hates whitey for keeping her down. The black man built everything in America and white people just sat back and collected the receipts. All this hatred of America and capitalism was reinforced in Hawaii by communist Frank Davis, Columbia white gilt riddled professors, Harvard sycophant law professors, and his disgustingly selfish pig of a wife. He is surrounded by the hate America crowd and the rest of America is waking up to realize there is a crazy in the White House. And it’s only been 6 short months.
What was it 41 czars? And what is the increase in the monetary base? 120%? 140%? The tyrant is going ahead with the dictatorship full blast with or without health care reform. The seeds for the coming financial storm have been planted. The dictator wants nothing less than to make white people slaves to the blacks for past slavery. He doesn’t want reparations. He wants an eye for a eye. Economic slavery. Total and complete subjugation of the white race to minorities, gays, Jews, sexual predators, child molesters and the perverts that make up the Democratic Party. And this would be just fine with the fascist who have control of the Democratic Party.

For those of you who read this far the two graphs are the financial collapse that is looming on the horizon. Sooner or later when the world economy recovers and banks around the world can dump dollars, ponds, francs, lira and other overinflated currencies they will. The prices of imports will increase dramatically as the dollar plummets. Scarcity will become the norm and the dictator will be laughing his half black ass off.
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