Usually the “gimme generation” is the generation “Y” crowds of older teens and twenty something’s who are all self absorbed with themselves. But when the term “gimme” comes up I tend to think of “The Greatest Generation” as Tom Brokaw termed them. These are the elderly today who went through the Great Depression and WWII. Two generations sacrificed financially and with their blood. After the war many went to college on the GI Bill and the process of hitting up the government for goodies was firmly engrained in the psyche of the folks.
My grandmother is one of these people. She thinks Hoover was a laze faire corporate shrill and Roosevelt a god. When I point out to her taxes were raised to 55% and federal spending increased 40% under Hoover she just ignores it. When I tell her taxes were raised to 70% and the average unemployment rate was 17.2% under Roosevelt’s miserable 11 year dictatorship she doesn’t believe me. To her and millions of elderly there is nothing wrong the federal government can do. And they have been this way for decades. Dictatorship and fascism go together like ice cream, apple pie and baseball for this generation.
And then comes this half Negro president and his party that has paid them off for generations with social security ponzi schemes (this generation only paid 1.65% tax for SS), Medicaid, Medicare and a whole plethora of government goodies taken form their kids and given to them. And all of a sudden the roles are REVERSED! The half Negro and his fascist buddies are now going to rob Medicaid and enrich politicians and give “THEIR” money to illegal immigrants and Negros! Quite astonishing for these coddled old farts who never meet a government hand out they didn’t like.
Quite similar to the Jews reaction in fascist Italy in 1938 when Hitler told Mussolini to start putting his Jewish supporters in ovens instead of the presidential palace. The Jews were the strongest supporters of fascism both politically and financially and JUST LIKE THAT the fascist turned on them. Boom. And the fascist never looked back. The Jews did end up in the ovens just like the elderly will end up dealing with “Death Panels”.
And what is the lesson in all this? Dictatorships and dictators will use anyone to get that power. You may think (psss 78% of American Jews who supported Obama) you’re on the right side of the dictatorship but it can change literally overnight.
And now the greatest generation has had the dictatorship they have nurtured and created their entire life turn on them. Cry me a river.
And why are the fascist turning on their core constituents?