The forces of the people have been waging a assault on Obama and his health care for months now just as the allies in WWII pushed the Germans back out of France and next to the motherland. Like the allies it has been a wonderful campaign of watching the fascist in retreat. Only problem? The other side has a lot of men and material left to do battle with. And like the Battle of the Bulge the people will get a big huge smack down if they don’t take heed to the counter attack coming their way.
What does the other side have? The press. Not to be underestimated. Obama and his emotionally handicapped thugs can turn the press into a vicious attack dog in a New York minute. A few well spoken words that the attack is on and the press will vilify any opponent in its path. And it will.
59 senators and 257 congressmen and women. Legislatively they can do as they please. Fraudulent elections like in Minnesota and Washington are just a warm up for the coming fraud in 2010 and 2012 when California will gain 9 congressional seats due in large part to illegal immigration. If you think your going to get a conservative Republican sympathetic to your values think again. It ain’t going to happen. We have one party rule until succession and revolution.
Inflation. That weasel Ben Bernanke knows his role in the future. He’s the dude that will drop the inflation bomb if things get really bad for the fascist. He can destroy you overnight just like what happened in Argentina where a peso became worthless overnight. And it will happen. The bonds have been issued and the currency printed. It’s already there in place and all the weasel has to do is raise the fed funds rate. You will be destroyed and helpless. Your money worthless. Gas will be $6.00 a gallon. The deed has already been done and Bernanke is just waiting his marching orders from the chosen one. And you will suffer for your disobedience.
What do you do? Get a gun and learn how to use it inside and out. Don’t be like the 6 million Jews during Hitler’s reign that went down without a fight. If the government fights you will you win? No. You will lose but you have to ask yourself do I want to go out like the millions of Jews to the concentration camps or go down with a fight. Well which one is it? You the individual can make a difference.
Protest often and hard. I am a regular working class American like millions of others but have through hard work and my own cash been able to obtain a pretty fricking respectable education. I am fortunate that give or take a little I KNOW where this crapola is leading. We have a bunch of adult juveniles that are slowly waking up to see the coming dictatorship for what it is and those of us who saw through the junk from day one. The question is can we turn back the clock. Its 1934 Germany in America and thanks is to God for people like Glen Beck, Neal Boortz and other less intellectually gifted pundits for getting the word out to the people. WE HAVE GOT TO MAKE ONE LAST PEACEFUL STAND!
Going to Washington DC or a local 9-12 protest is our chance to peacefully engage the imperial federal government before dissent is shut down. We can make a difference! This is your chance and you need to take advantage of it or go to your grave regretting you didn’t make a stand.
In the long run what you need to know is that the USSR broke up over being BROKE! They, the Central Committee, simply could not pay their bills. The army, civil servants, peasants all went unpaid. The USSR federal government was broke. And that is what is happening to OUR federal government. The day China and Singapore lose faith in America and stop buying our treasury notes is the day inflation will kick in and our government will be broke. USSR II. And the ground work has been accomplished by Obama, Bush and our imperial federal government.
If we get to the point where Washington cannot be rescued from itself state legislatures need to be VERY strong in the face of adversity. That day may be a year from now or 20 years from now but that day will come. State legislatures need to self segregate based on their constituents. California will be its own nation. Don’t fight it. The south and Midwest will form the most powerful new nation and the northeast will form its own union. Accept it and don’t waste men and material fighting it. Form free trade alliances and live in peace and liberty. The new motto should be “freedom for those who want to be free.”
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