This socialized health care debate is so stupid I cringe every time the subject appears on television. First let’s dispense of the Democratic Party motive. Money. Another ponzi scheme like social security except in reverse. If you are young you might get treatment but if you are old kiss it goodbye. Basically tax the hell out of the citizens and give the service to those you choose to. Negros, illegal immigrants, minorities, young people and last in line white males and the elderly. Dispense as little heath care as possible and pocket the change.
To reform the system is not complex. Really it’s called capitalism.
1. Medical saving accounts for the young. Require all people under 30 to set up medical savings accounts where they purchase $5,000 deductable health insurance and save 1% of their gross income to be used for medical expenses. The account builds up and when they get older surprise! They have money to cover the deductable. $5,000 deductable insurance for the under 30 crowd would be very inexpensive.
2. Get the leaches out of the system. Limit personal suffering and pain damages to $100,000. Pass a loser pays law for medical lawsuits that require the loser to pay all cost of the lawsuit. Medical liability insurance cost would plummet.
3. Allow both foreign and domestic insurers to sell insurance wherever they want. States could still regulate the companies. Competition both foreign and domestic would drop the obscene 20% monopoly profit margin down to 3% to 6% while increasing service to the people.
4. Eliminate Medicaid and Medicare. Obscene waste of money. Pass laws for people over 65 that insurance companies can only charge one rate for all regardless of pre-existing condition. Require the insurance company to pay 100% of the cost of medical bills over $10,000 so the elderly will not go bust. Take the money from Medicaid, Medicare and any elderly related federal expenses and give them a voucher to buy medical insurance. With national and international insurance providers, reduced liability and a free market the elderly would be much better served than they now are with government run health care.
5. Allow all individual to deduct health care from their taxes the same as corporations do. Encourage individuals to keep their personal insurance policy much the same as we keep our life insurance policies throughout our lives.
6. Pass a law prohibiting the federal government from passing any law related to the medical industry. The federal government in its current configuration is incapable of doing anything positive for the medical industry.
7. Eliminate the monopoly patented time for new drugs. Let the drug companies compete like every other industry without monopoly time for their products. Privatize the Food and Drug Administration so approval is efficient and faster. Seven years and millions of dollars is an unnecessary barrier to entry for new companies that doesn’t need to be there. The FDA needs to get out of the way of progress and let the private sector screen new drugs.
And there you have it. These changes would reduce the percent of the gross domestic product that medical expenses consume from a bloated 17% to around 12%. Efficiencies would go up as insurance companies and medical facilities were forced into competition with each other. The leaches would be gone and only the really bad doctors would be put out of business. And the key as always is to get the federal government out of the way and let the people be free.
This is a very solid, sound way to solve this problem. Bravo!