To the American left who worship Chairman Mao, Che, Castro and State Capitalism aka fascism it’s all just a bunch of fun and games. Grown people going into the streets to throw rocks at the police or yell and scream. In America for decades if you were a “radical” it meant a nice government job where you punched a keyboard all day, attend various meetings acting like you were important, and pretended you were contributing to a better society when in fact government workers are lazy parasites looking for a cushy job with benefits.
We all remember in high school during our indoctrination sessions our desire to be a “radical revolutionary” and “different.” We were taught corporations are evil and government was good. We needed to side with government to discipline those evil capitalist pigs.
CBS Liberal Reporters Thought the Egyptian Revolution was all fun and games until Lara Logan was repeatedly raped in a crowd of demonstrators.
All the “real” radicals read Saul Alinsky, Chairman Moe’s Red Book, and defended Castro and Chavez. These “radicals” got their government jobs and started businesses like Ben and Jerry’s, Progressive Insurance, and others that would be patronized by fellow lemmings from the left scurrying about enjoying the fruits of capitalism while blabbering about future uprisings and utopia.
We have these idiots here in Orlando. They are everywhere. Fat ass ex-county commissioners who never meet a tax hike they did not like. Living the high life on their $120,000 a year pensions railing against social injustice and the virtues of a “progressive” agenda. Most never having worked a productive day in their life like our president. Most not having a clue what it is like to create a job, a building, a road, or a bridge. To them these things just appear out of thin air magically at the wave of their hand and command.
Big business panders to their every whim and desire making the government slugs feel like royalty. It is good business. And so we end up with a pampered, spoiled privileged class of government parasites and corporations that pander to them. And this is how revolutions begin. A out of touch government, a peasant class highly taxed both by taxes and inflation from a bloated fiscally irresponsible central bank and government. Marie Antoinette-Obama cruising over to Spain, eating her arugula salads and ribs, preaching revolution and living like the pig she is off of other peoples sweat and labor. So much injustice and contempt from the privileged government class and their contractors towards the “little people.” And the fuse explodes.
The fuse has exploded in Egypt and the fire is spreading. At first the mindless morons in America rejoiced. Katie Couric, a half Jewish leftist, actually thought she had something in common with the revolution in Egypt and promptly ran over there to promote and celibate the uprising. Where was she during the Iranian uprising? Like 78% of her ilk she didn’t have a clue. The protesters in Egypt turned on CBS reporter Lara Logan, possibly thinking she was the half Jew Couric shouting “Jew” as they raped her, and the reality of revolution set in for Logan and the staff at CBS. They thought the protesters were on their side. They thought they would be received with open arms. They were given a dose of reality.
Wars and revolutions are unpredictable messy affairs. Just because Saul Alinsky or Mao says it happens this way doesn’t not mean it will happen that way. These fat pigs in government are playing with fire. The end game for them is more taxes and power. Their fat cat corporate buddies want more contracts and money.
These fake radicals “for the people” think it is all fun and games. While the peasants starve the government fat cats want to build a new government multi-billion dollar choo choo train. Why not some pyramids? According to government thinking a broken window adds to the economy just as much as food production. Why not a pyramid right smack in the middle of I-4 in Orlando. It will add jobs and create wealth using government logic. Why pay the peasants? Who needs all the little people? Let them eat free health care.
Now we have Google executives playing the role of a new revolutionary like their hero Che. Yea all fun and games and now Lara Logan is screwed up for life and 300 people are dead. These revolutions can be quite messy affairs and they never turn out the way the instigators envisioned. Unfortunately for the fat asses milking the system for $120,000 a year in government pensions information is the equalizer. May the best most organized group win. Power to the people.
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