How low can the press go? Apparently as low as blaming a red neck Sarah Palin for the actions of a deranged Marxist Jew Jared Loughner who loves the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Polar opposites of sane Americas but close enough cause and effect for the fascist press. The leftist loon killed 6 and wounded 13 at Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords rally at a supermarket.
Another Jew mad man who hates his fellow Jews? He joins George Soros, Karl Marx, Engels and all the other freak Jews who want to exterminate Jews. Jewicide. We gentiles just call it crazy assholes but then again we are just racist white folk who are not as smart as crazy Marxist Jews.
Marxist Jew Freak Jared Loughner killed a nine year old and critically wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords for some unknown leftist cause.
And what is this Daily Kos death threats to Glen Beck and Sarah Palin? Anytime something does not go a leftist fascist way they huff and puff and threaten to blow your house up. The right needs to tell the left to go to hell.
These “bad asses” with their 30 round Glock clips masturbating dreaming of homosexual relationships with Marx and Engels need to get a reality check. Red neck hunting and killing nation would take these creeps out in a New York minute if the feces ever hit the fan. Pansy ass “hard ass” whips who can only dream up killing unarmed innocents like nine year old Christina-Taylor Green. Coward Marxist bastards. Red neck nation would love a chance to have at it with these Marxist cowards.
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