Almost all my relatives are leftist. Some of them more extreme than others. As the sole Libertarian I am more or less a pariah at family gatherings. Once in awhile I try to argue facts but it is pretty useless and I resign myself to blather about social justice and how Democrats are on the side of the people. One wonders how much money will have to be shoveled to Wall Street, GE, GM, Chrysler, unions and “green” companies by Obama and his party members before the lemmings take notice and realize the “peoples” party is a bunch of greedy bastards. Maybe someday but not today.
We will all be dead soon if we do not reduce the world population by 6,915,459,759 people using Chairman Mao as our spiritual leader to guide us to Valhalla. But if we get rid of 6,915,459,759 who gets to live?
One of the issues that comes up, secretly, one on one usually, is the overpopulation of the planet. As if there is a “right” amount of people. Mother Nature gives and she can damn sure take it away. If Mother Nature decides there are too many people the population will drop with or without George Soros approval. When is that bastard going to die anyway?
Getting back to the overpopulation “problem” there are several web sitesout there that address the “problem” such as “theGlobal Community: order and hope within chaos – we are now, and we are the future.” Pretty ominous declaration, like listening to Karl Marx telling me communism is inevitable. They declare:
“The Global community has researched and developed policies to reduce human population to 500 millions. We have regulated world population by means that are voluntary and benign and we have to take along with us a fair proportion of other life forms. Proper Earth management will certainly be a necessary tool to achieve our goal. A sound governance of the Earth is needed for the long term survival of our species. This is ‘la raison d’etre’ (reason for existence) of the Global Community. The Global community has proposed the creation of global ministries to manage Earth and humanities global problems. Of not there will be a collapse of humanity and of the environment. From now on every global decision we make will have tremendous consequences on our future. All men and women are responsible and accountable for the future of humanity. We have what it takes to decrease the rate of growth of world population and make it a negative rate of growth. Let us do that for the survival of our species and all life on Earth.”
Holy crap Batman, I feel like I just read the Communist Manifesto. “All men and women are responsible.” Did these lemmings ever hear of Paris Hilton? What a guilt trip placing the survival of the planet onto “every man and woman.” Proper “Earth Management”? Do these loons think if their model China become number one they will respect the planet?
Needless to say to any sane person these people are modern communist, dangerous and nuts.
Some of their proposals:
1. Why marry? Just make a oath of equality to the Global Community and enjoy each others company without the babies. (I guess you have to get the blessing of
the Global Community to have babies?)
2. Delay reproduction until later in life. (Civilized people do that now, are they talking about the third world people?)
3. Spread children farther apart. (I guess Fox News anchor Megan Kelly fails on that account. Is it any of their GD business?)
4. Government commitment to decreasing population growth. (Pretty fricking fascist and scary as hell.)
Virginie Dufour supports gentle sex monitoring supervisors making sure women do not get pregnant and thereby hurting Mother Earth
5. Local programs on family planning and contraception. (More government intrusion into our personal lives and bedrooms. Similar to the communist program of having block communist party members reporting on the neighbors’ anti-revolutionary behavior to the party boss apparatus. I can just see the local communist pigs reporting Juan and Maria had unprotected sex on the 14th of July to the Party Boss.)
6. Educational programs emphasizing the connection between family planning and the social good. (It is all for Mother Earth not you. You peons have no rights.)
How is this to be enforced? Lots of contraceptives and government “incentives.” What incentives? Chopping off penises and tits? Jail? Loss of job? They make it sound so innocent when in reality they are talking about a world dictatorship.
If the above measures do not work these Globalist are prepared to use:
1. Sexual abstinence. (Yea that will work, in jail.)
2. Contraception.
3. Serialization.
4. Abortion.
5. Infanticide.
And the Globalist cite China’s one child policy as a model to be followed. The blogs go on to talk about education, economic development of women and other government heavy handed communist tricks of the trade. More and more Uncle Joe Stalin solutions for the people. As an economist and Libertarian I just want to beat these idiots about the ears until some sense is knocked the fugk into them.
The Globalist would like nice obedient peasants who will do whatever the fearless all knowing leader suggest so we can save the planet
I have read enough garbage for the day, now it is my turn.
First dictatorships are inherently unstable. World dictatorships even more. People do not like to be told how and when to breed. People will revolt.
Second in the 20th century we lost easily 300 million people due to war, sickness, and famine yet the world population grew at astonishing rates. Even in communist China with the madman Mao starving their peasants off by the millions the population grew. Governments would, in the long run, not make a difference. As has been proven time after time, the answer to problems is handled much more efficiently in the private sector by private corporations.
Third why be such assholes? Why do it the hard way? Why be so secretive and George Soros like? All Soros and China want is the destruction of the United States. Soros is an ex-Nazi Jewicide freak that will be dead soon and China does not give a damn about the environment. China would rape and pillage Mother Earth from one side of the globe to the other. China already is colonizing Africa, building infrastructure and buying assets for future exploitation of the people and resources.
These one world people could not think their way out of a cardboard box.
The answers:
You can become a Global Community Citizen. All it takes is being dim witted and gullible. Looks like Mao and one of his subjects.
The evil hard way. Test children starting in the first grade and by the 6th grade get an accurate assessment of IQ. Perform sterilization on the ones in the bottom 50 percentile. No doubt racist and draconian. Guaranteed to increase the IQ of the population in a generation, if there is no revolution by then.
The easy capitalist way. Pay women not to reproduce. Put your money where your mouth is. Open clinics all over the world. Have capitalist businessmen figure out the demand curve to capture the most women effectively. Pay the capitalist pigs high wages, called efficiency wages, above the going market rate for the country. Let the capitalist businessmen figure out the details and before you know it third world women will be flocking into sterilization clinics all over the world to get their tubes tied and a pay check. Why waste money on the men? Last time I checked they did not breed.
There will be a learning curve. Some nations will resist, some will outlaw the practice, some cultures will resist. It will be a trial and error process. The key is paying women on a voluntary basis. No need for wars. No need to destroy capitalism and America. No need for the fascist Chinese to be the world leader, leading the way into environmental raping and pillaging of the planet like a bunch of army ants devouring everything in their wake. No need for secrecy and fascist Jews who hate Jews to lead your organization. All voluntary and funded through private donations.
But if they get rid of 6.9 billion people what do they base the criteria for the remaining 500,000? Sounds like a bunch of Jehovah Witnesses telling people only 144,000 people are worthy of heaven. Well at least these people upped the number to 500,000.
What a difference it would make if these one world communist would utilize capitalism to achieve their purported ends. Of course some of them have no interest in solving the world population crisis and helping Mother Earth. For most in the environmental movement it is just another way to promote communism. For the true believers setting up sterilization clinics throughout the third world would benefit their goals and provide a revenue source for these countries. The progressive fat cats could channel their energies into a open and free exchange of desired goals for money.
As always there is a hard, nasty, dirty way and a easy capitalist beneficial way. The Globalist just need to get the top 100 wealthy families to buy into it and pay the bill. Of course the Globalist will probably find the top 100 wealthy families have no interest in “saving” the planet. The Globalist will eventually find out that while the top 100 wealthy families profess belief in their ideals of one world government to save the planet, in reality, as always, the top echelon are interested in power, money, and little else.
George Soros admits he screws up people and governments just for the fun of it. Most top 100 rich families would like the power of a one world government to settle some old scores. Like maybe the Jews getting even with Caucasian for centuries of discrimination and murder? Maybe using the Chinese to achieve that goal? What I am saying is people are bastards. Why chance it? Capitalism is always the best solution for the problems that ail you.
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