Did you ever sit back and just think of why elites are so dumb? Stupid ideas seem to come forth form their brains, pens, computers and mouths like diarrhea from a baby’s ass. Just mountains of crap that make no sense to the average man. It takes a degree not so much to figure it out but to see the elite’s point of view and their game plan. A rather disturbing view of rip offs and deception for the common man.
First off there are two kids of elites. Those that really do understand the game and are the puppet masters. The first group is made up of college professors, Marxist Jews, journalist, and big business with market share to protect and money to be made from the federal government protecting their interest.
The second group of pseudo “elites” pretends to be “enlightened” and “understanding” just so they can be a part of the liberal mainstream crowd. The second group consist of two subgroups.
Washington Post journalist Sally Quinn doesn’t understand what the elite’s game is about. A useful idiot married into liberal money and is promoting the cause to her obnoxious and callous peers. Maybe someday her husband will let her in on the secret.
The first subgroup would be someone like journalist Sally Quinn of the Washington Post who appears on O’Rielly from time to time. Even though Mrs. Quinn is a journalist it’s pretty apparent with her verbal joisting with O’Reilly she’s as dumb as a box of rocks and would fall into the pseudo elite crowd. She has had the liberal corn cob up her ass most likely her whole life and is probably a complete bore everywhere except the bedroom. She’s smart enough to get the dogma down right, like our president, but completely lacks the ability to truly understand the game or come up with new diversion strategies on her own which is of course why she is in journalism and not on Wall Street or in academia. A borderline idiot that mixes well with the Marxist at cocktail parties.
The second subgroup are the working stiffs who don’t have a clue or are just plain idiots. Many of my relatives in the northeast would fall into this category. Unquestioning loyalty to some dumb dogma without a inkling as to how the dogma plays out in the real world. A complete incapacity to think for themselves. They think money comes from Obama’s secret stash. They believe what they learned in high school. They like American Idol. They know every guy Jlo has banged. They think out of wedlock babies are no big deal and Juno was a cool movie. And these idiots vote in our elections. The elites the world over play the “I will help the poor and give you something free” game and the pseudo elites respond. They will be out in 2012 when Obama is on the top of the ticket. Idiot elites. Some would say cannon fodder.
The first group is dominated by Marxist Jews and greedy evil bastards who want to control the world. The George Soro and Adolph Hitler types who are depraved and care little for the suffering of their fellow man.
In academic the idle bored bastards come up with bull crap like cap and trade for two main reasons. The first is to make money. Highly intelligent people with money and connections know that no matter what the political game is they will come out on top. The more complex and cumbersome the better the game is for them. For a professor supporting the latest version of ripping off the peasants can lead to a life of decent money and plenty of leisure time.
The cap and trade game is a perfect example where the people get ripped off billions and big corporations like GE, Goldman Sacks and the usual suspects get the big money while the politicians throw a few million away to peasant third world countries to justify their actions and make it appear legitimate to the dumber pseudo elites that support them. Bored elites in academia can think up stupid redistribute the wealth political games all day long. Some of them get sold to the pseudo elites and some even to the general public and can become law. It’s all a game to the intellectually gifted, wealthy and politically connected.
Social Security, Medicaid, Section 8 Housing, AFDC and others are programs sold to the pseudo elites as helping the people when in reality if all these programs were gone there would be more than enough wealth in private hands to take care of the elderly in a much more humane and efficient manner. Our children would have biological fathers in the home. Women would not grow up to be paid by the government to be whores. We would have a much more decent society. The elite bastards could care less about decency. It’s all about the government money and power.
The real elites understand it’s all about the money and power. They make the game complex and the rules always favor them.
Shipping the old farts off to the nursing home may be convenient but the elderly educating and babysitting the grandchildren would be considered more humane and worthy endeavor for the aged among us.
The real elites would like to get their hands into as many aspects of the peasants’ life as possible for simple economic reasons. The bigger the government is the more money they will make. Obama has been a god send to Wall Street pumping billions into the coffers of the elites. When Obama isn’t shoveling the cash over to Wall Street Ben Bernanke is. The real elites understand this and keep changing the games and programs to keep the money coming in.
The pseudo elites play along as each new program is rolled out and outrage expresses at usually big business but also political parties like the Republicans or Libertarians. The elite dummies need to support a program and eventually the general public. The elites can throw out hundreds of programs and plans out there. It’s a simple numbers game. It starts out with 5% of the GDP under Teddy Roosevelt, then 8% under Wilson and now 25% under Obama. The Federal Reserve, Wall Street and Washington has never been a better place to work these days.
Even today as it is apparent to all but the dumbest in our society that social security was a Ponzi scheme the brainwashed pseudo elites still cling to the idea of “saving” social security. It’s only now when the last positive cash flow dollar has been ripped off by congress and the program is permanently in the red that Democratic strategist Bob Beckel admits to the idiot elites like Sally Quinn that it was all just a game by Democrats to scare seniors that Republicans would steal their social security every election. Just a sick game for the elites to skim the cash off the top and remove it out of the system to fund political corruption. Yea just a game Bob. We are all laughing now.
And that’s how the game works. Time after time, year after year. The puppet master elites conjure up a new scheme and roll it out to the pseudo elites, the pitifully dumb and brainwashed poor, and finally the general public. The elites get richer and the poor get poorer. Since Obama has taken office the poverty rate has increased to 15%. The poorest of the poor and the dumbest of the dumb will vote 95% for their master in 2012. A good business model if you are at the top. Pretty similar to drug dealing. Bad news, jail, death, injury if you are at the bottom.
How do I know this? I did the education thing and all the bull crap programs and fairy tale government policies are in the text books. Pages and pages of fairy tales and crap that confuse the less intellectually gifted among us like Sally Quinn but make perfect sense to the son of a Wall Street banker or New York lawyer. The truly gifted wicked bastards and politically connected figure out the game and play it. The pseudo elites like Quinn sell it to the public. The dumb ignorant masses vote for the politicians that implement the games and the working man pays.
Really it’s not complex if you think about it. A complex chess game for the connected and a world of blind faith for the followers. Put it in a text book and it becomes the “enlightened” way to think. Some like Quinn never figure out it’s a game and believe. Some know it’s a game. Some are just tools looking to see who bangs Jlo next. What it will lead to is a rape of the people time after time.
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