The recent Supreme Court decision that forces California to release 33,000 prisoners inadvertently has brought to light a couple of issues. The first is the Hispanic crime rate. The second is the cost to California of illegal immigration.
While Hispanic only make up 13% of the population they contribute 40% to federal prison population according to the PEW research group. In contrast whites make up 64% of the population and contribute only 27% to the federal prison population.
The end of California sovereignty is near, will they become a part of Mexico or will United States taxpayers keep bailing them out?
California’s prison system illegal immigrant population, 13% of the total prison population, is estimated to be 20,864 at $44,563 per prisoner per year costing taxpayers $1 billion per year. A stageing amount by itself but when combined with the $7.7 billion spent by California taxpayers to educate illegal immigrants and $1.4 billion on health care, suddenly that “cheap” labor does not look so cheap anymore.
And if that was not enough California is sitting on a demographic time bomb that will make todays incarceration cost look “cheap.” Today 51% of California’s under 18 years of age population is Hispanic. Combined with a out of wedlock birth ratefor hispanic women of 52.6% (28.7% for white and 72.3% for blacks) California in a short period of time will not be recognizable in most areas as a state that is part of the United States.
Why is the out of birth rate relevant to the future of California? To quote the Men’s Defense Association:
“Female-headed households are a minority of households, but they generate over seventy percent of the criminal class. A study made by the Bureau of Justice Statistics showed that 72 percent of incarcerated juvenile delinquents grew up in broken homes, mostly female headed; yet such single-parent homes are only 24 percent of all homes. The ratios of delinquency between father-headed homes and mother-headed homes show that it takes eight hundred and fifteen intact homes to generate as much delinquency as is generated by one hundred broken homes, mostly female headed.”
With a $26 billion dollar budget deficit California’s politicians have to get serious about illegal immigration, with or without federal approval, or decay into bankruptcy and third world status. California could be just another Mexico in a very short period of time.
The choice will be a clear one, get serious about enforcing the law, third world status, or US taxpayers bailing out California again and again.
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