It is no secret Jews are probably the most loathed race/religion on the planet followed closely by blacks. For most of my life and probably most of all Caucasian Americans we have ignored this small minority group. Making up 5,270,000 people in the United States and 20 to 25 million worldwide (including liberal counts in Africa and Asia) they have had a profound impact on American and world politics in the beginning half of the 21st century.
Their progressive leadership in destroying Christianity in America through legal entanglement for Christian groups and Christian governments in America is legendary. Groups like the ACLU and SPLC regularly sue over the slightest pro Christian school prayer, posting of the 10 commandments, even setting up nativity scenes around Christmas. To put it bluntly about 78% of the Jews in America more or less hate Christians and do everything in their power to eliminate all vestiges of Christianity from our society both in the public domain and private. They practice religious intolerance through their financing of these despicable anti-Christian organizations and spread their propaganda of anti-Christian godless nihilist messages from Hollywood and the media.
Why is there no regret for the death of millions at the hands of Marxist Jews in the USSR from 1919 to 1933? Why is it not in our history books?
It is interesting to note how the Jews in Israel are pleading for religious tolerance in the Middle East for Jews as well as Christians while American Jews show no tolerance for even the slightest show of Christianity in the public domain in America. The same Jews who get all indignant if a white man points out there are three Marxist Jews on the United States Supreme Court. Frankly most Americans would just tell them to go to hell and ignore them. But the times are changing.
George Soros, Chuck Schumer, Barbra Boxer, Diane Fienstein, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and all the crazy super rich Marxist (although they never would admit that) are about to see their dream realized of a possible collapse of capitalism in America and a possible dictatorship. Just like the one brought about by American billionaire, and influential founder of the Federal Reserve, Jacob Schiff in Russia in 1917. The Jew hating Jew billionaire George Soros is playing the same role today in destroying America as Schiff had in destroying Czarist Russia.
Eventually Americans will realize who the culprits are.
When Germany collapsed into hyper inflation in 1923 Countess Judith Listowel wrote:
“My relations and friends were too stupid. They didn’t understand what inflation meant. They didn’t rush to get rid of their money (that was what the Jews and Germans did). All my relations thought it would stop the next week – and they went on thinking so.
They woke up late. They started selling their valuables because they couldn’t buy food – the china from the mantelpiece, the furniture, the silver. That made them think – it made them think when the price of a set of old silver spoons went up from 20,000 to 40,000 crowns in a matter of a week or two. And if you had to sell a valuable writing desk for money which was worth only half as much a week later, of course there was ill – feeling.
It was resented when Jews bought these things. The Jewish women would turn up at parties or at the dansants when we were all broke, wearing the silver fox furs – three at a time for ostentation – and diamonds which they bought from our relations for a song – or what, when they saw them again, had become a song. My relations didn’t know the value of anything. They were stupid. Our solicitors were no better. My mother’s banker manager gave her appalling advice – he didn’t know what he was talking about either.
Anti-Semitism had been negligible before inflation. Although Bela Kun’s revolution had been mainly run by the Jews, the White Terror had largely purged political resentment. The Jews had been badly treated in Hungry since the 1860’s, and were not received socially for many years. Nine out of ten bore grudges (like George Soros today over the destruction of his beloved fascist Germany?), and when the opportunity of impressing the arrogant gentiles arrived at last, who was to blame them for taking it? When they made a success of inflation, they were hated. When they were ostentatious about it, they were hated even more. It may have been stupid of them, and of course the wiser Jews, especially the older ones, were greatly upset, and remonstrated with the younger, because they foresaw the antagonism their behavior would create.”
Who will benefit from the inflationary collapse of America? George Soros. Wall Street dominated by the Jewish firm of Goldman Sachs will reap billions in profits. General Electric and other insider fortune 500 corporations with large dept portfolios will see their debt wiped out and their market share and power increase. Medium and smaller companies with insufficient market share will get wiped out. Power and wealth will concentrate into the hands of a few politically connected elite individuals and companies.
And who will lose? Again let’s go to Lady Listowel for some historical accuracy and perspective as she writes about how inflation affected her circle of friends and the elderly:
“One use to see the appearance of their flats gradually changing. One remembered where there used to hang a picture, or a carpet, or a secretaire. Eventually their rooms would be almost empty – and on paper some people were reduced to nothing.
In practice, people didn’t just die. They were terribly hungry, and relations and friends would help with a little food from time to time. We sent them parcels, or took them ourselves because we had no cash to pay for postage. And some of them begged – not in the streets – but by making casual visits (one knew only too well what they had come for) or by writing letters asking for help.
Everyone still tried to keep up appearances: at first, early on, people looked around to see what economies they could make, what clubs to resign from, what luxuries to do without. Later it was a question of considering what necessities to do without.
And when the food was not a problem – after all, we lived most of the time in the country where we could get it – there were troubles because we had no money. Only one of us could afford to go to Budapest at a time. There was no way to get medical help without money. If you had a toothache you couldn’t afford a dentist. If you needed to go to the hospital, you might get into a convent; otherwise you stayed home, and got better, or got worse.”
This half Jew dirt bag will be despised in the coming years much the same as Hitler is despised today.
Clearly there was a turning point in Europe and public opinion about the Jews. Hitler never would have gained power without the support of the people. Also happening at that time was the Jewish dominated communist movement (Tel Aviv University admits 38.5% of the communist at that time in the USSR were Jewish) in the USSR that confiscated vast amounts of land from the peasants and turned it over to the state creating famine throughout the 1920’s and cumulating in the Holodomor in 1932-33 Ukraine that killed a estimated 3 to 10 million Christian gentiles whose only crime was they wanted to farm their land.
Ask yourself if you saw millions of white Christian Canadians being put to death by a communist Jewish ideology and Marxist party members a few miles away in Toronto would you sit up and take notice?
Why was the world so complacent and ignorant of what was happening from 1932 to 1933? Why did no one really care? Why did no one care back in 1939-45?
We see the progressive all around us trying to destroy America. The open borders policy to let more 93 IQ democratic voters enter. The Hollywood vilification of Christians and family values. The media vilification of decent Christians like Sarah Palin who oppose statist. The unholy alliance of 85 IQ voters and 130 IQ lawyers. The concentration of wealth that will occur with inflation into the hands of “Marxist” like Soros and Goldman Sacks. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve. We gentiles are not quite as dumb and the chosen people think.
Well, well, well. The Marxist Jews in 1920’s USSR thought they had it all figured out. Things changed. Stalin eventually was persuaded to put them into trains and ship them to Hitler and Germany. Things change. People remember. With or without political correctness.
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