Once again the Democrats rolled the weak leadership in the Republican Party and specifically John Boehner. With a government shut down looming the corrupt Boehner reduced his original demand of $61 billion in spending cuts to $38.5 billion. With current expenditures of 3.7758 trillion (annualized) and receipts of 2.4414 (annualized) this is beyond stupid. The equivalent of a couple of pirates fighting it out to the death as their ship burns and sinks into the sea.
Here the Republicans had a chance to send a “message” to the Democrats that they were serious about budget reform. Republicans had the chance shut the government down for a few days, weeks, months. This was the perfect opportunity to play a little chicken with the thugs on the other side and Boehner caved just like he did in 2008 with the $152 billion “refund” bail out, $300 billion “loan modification” bail out and finally with the $700 billion TARP bail out. Boehner is weak and that is all there is to it.
The make believe opposition leader John Boehner. Never meet a Democrat he would not bend over and kiss their ass.
The winning strategy would have been to shut the government down for a few days, just long enough to increase the apprehension on the other side and then cut a deal. Three days? Five days? Whatever in the grand scheme of things it would not have been a big deal. If the Democrats wanted to block military pay pass a partial CR to pay them. What we learned is Boehner and the Republicans have no intention of “winning” or protecting the people from a out of control federal government. The Republicans had the perfect opportunity to pick a fight and they backed down.
What really hurts is Boehner sold out the right to life Republican supporters and funding for Planned Parenthood will continue as well as NPR. Any moral victories for the right vanished. Boehner is a corrupt son of a bitch and Reid rolled his ass. Boehner, like Reagan, talks the talk but when it comes time to lace up the gloves he runs away like a coward.
What I want to know is why was there such media attention to this piss poor theater? We do not have two political parties in America and have not had two since the 1896 election when the progressives flipped flopped issues between the Democrats and Republicans making the parties indistinguishable to voters.
The “Tea Party” needs to start running their own candidates. The Republicans had a chance to fight and showed their true progressive colors once again. They are for big government. The client list is different from the Democrats but the game is the same. Continuing to support these progressives will lead to the same results, more debt and big government.
The wheels to a fascist aka “State Capitalism” dictatorship are rolling. We need someone who will FIGHT the bastards. Lincoln went through many generals before he found one who would fight in Sherman. The Tea Party needs to insist on the ouster of Boehner as Speaker of the House. The man is a coward.
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