The announcement of the nuclear bomb plant seemed to catch everyone in the international community by surprise including BHO. What a bad act these people are. As one who was there the intelligence is pretty good. Even in WWII we knew what the Germans were doing. Believe me we have known about Iranian progress in building nuclear bombs since they began building one in the 1980’s. It’s laughable that BO didn’t know about it. What embarrassed him was that most likely the Israeli intelligence service Mossad faxed their top secret sensitive compartment information file over to the International Atomic Energy Agency. What a shame for BO and his give peace a chance foreign policy. Reality sucks. Kumbya only last on LSD and hippie communes.
Basically what really happened is Bush chickened out in a planned attack on Iran. Better to do it in 2008 after the elections and get it over with. Similar to the bail outs that have prolonged the recession that should be over by now but continue to plague the American people. Bush acted like a kid avoiding a flu shot and then coming down with the flu. Hindsight is 20/20 but some pain now is always better than a lot of pain latter. And now Obama has inherited the Islamic fascist problem.
So what will happen? The dogs of Israel and Iran will keep barking and nothing. The dogs will fight. If the dogs fight oil will go to $6.00 a gallon and the world will be ready for a fight. All the minutia will go away. Obama will be another FDR. Killing the economy and then facilitating a world war to bail his legacy out. Millions will die for some affirmative action ego and we will have our civil war postponed once again.
Dick Cheney wanted to take out Iran and their navy and nuclear facilities. The window of opportunity was last December. Bush backed down and now the war clouds gather over the Middle East. Politicians love war. Revolution of the people is very distasteful. Guess which direction they will go.
Bush started this crap but did not have the balls to finish it. Now we have an incompetent in the White House. May we the people have a revolution here and Israel subdue the Middle East.
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