Well in my opinion no. It’s an inflammatory but accurate depiction of our Commander in Chief. His father was Negro and his mother white. Would mulatto be better? As for his education his mother was a communist. Frank Davis a communist. He attended Columbia and Harvard. Both schools notorious for turning out brain washed idiots that infect our government at the federal level. Some of the dopiest of dopes have come out of these institutions along with a few bright ones who pass on the indoctrination. So my answer is no.
As for Obama being dark I could care less. Most, 90% or more, white people really don’t give a rat’s ass about color. But we always get it thrown in our faces by minorities like Sotomayor and Wright. I mean the real racist here is Obama who sat in a hate whitey church for 20 years and ran around with Islamic terrorist who goal in life is to kill Jews. The guy is a total racist just like his wife. The only white guys Obama likes are crazy liberal white guys who want to put sterilization in our drinking water.
I guess like a lot of white folks just got tired of having their race thrown in their face every time they had dealings with minorities in the work place and dealing with the government. After awhile you just get fed up with it and you say “fuck it call me a racist” and then live up to it.
If Obama proves anything is that we desperately need to get rid of all vestiges of discrimination ASAP. Affirmative action has proven a colossal failure and Obama proves it. He simply does not have the intellect that Bill Clinton had to change as the situation changes. And while we are getting rid of affirmative action lets get rid of legacy admissions for rich kids. Clean it all out.
The top universities also have this annoying habit of substituting liberal Jew boys and calling them “white” to prove there is not enough minority representation. Rich liberal Jew boys are NOT white boys! Call them what they are, Jews. If that day ever comes the public will be flabbergasted to learn Harvard has maybe 20% white guys. Maybe 0.5% poor white male representation at best.
One of the disgraces I witness was the complete underrepresentation of poor whites in the universities I attended. They simply were not there. The closest thing to poor and white I saw was ex-military guys scrapping by trying to blend in. Affirmative action needs to stop and deserving people need to receive an education regardless of race or sex.
So is this racist? You make the call.
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