Reminds me of my 19th nervous breakdown listening to the salesman sell me a piece of junk. A few bones to the Republicans, lying to seniors that they would not be affected, health care insurance coverage horror stories, really sneaking in just a tiny weenie bit of government care for “those with no insurance”, lies about illegal immigrant coverage, abortion coverage, demonizing Republicans, lying about death panels, and the communist moves on.
The usual crap from a pathological creep who doesn’t know the truth if it hit him in the face. For instance how pray tell if you make something free for the 47 million without coverage will the cost be neutral? Supply and demand. If something is free people will overuse it and have no respect for it. Kind of like the government treats us peasants. Yea dude I really believe that waste and fraud in Medicare will cover 47 million people – when I am on acid. In the real world we know you’re going to cover illegals and the inner city folks and kill a lot of babies and seniors.
This dude and his stoner political science buddies must think we are truly stone cold stupid. Here’s the plan. Allow insurance companies to sell wherever they want. Loser pays for medical law suits. Get rid of pre existing conditions preventing coverage. Increase enforcement of Medicaid fraud. Target low income people with vouchers to buy insurance. Shut up, water the lawn and tell children to not drop out of school. What an egotistical asshole you are Mr. President.
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