All this health care debate is so tiring. We the people know the special interest have both the democrats and republicans in their pocket. The biggest factor in getting the cost down would be to get the government totally out of the health care business and we all know it. But they push on looking to grab the prize. Similar to the 1966 Kansas City Chiefs pushing to get that last American Football League championship one year prior to the merger with the NFL. Interesting but quite irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. So many bigger games and battles to be fought in the coming years ahead.
And so it is with our politicians of today. Social Security will be insolvent in 2018 if not sooner. Does anyone think we will pay 20% to keep it solvent? Does anyone think the government will graciously pay off the file cabinet of IUO’s back to the people? Not a chance. Social Security will become a welfare program and all the IOU’s will magically disappear with the stroke of a pen.
Medicaid and Medicare are insolvent in many states and federally. And? The politicians’ want to rip off the programs like Social Security. Collect a few trillion pay a few billion and pocket the change. Cover illegal’s and give grandma and grandpa a pill. These politicians are diabolical.
And then we have our affirmative action Harvard educated lying president. An informal look at his speeches and statements reveals at least a 50% lie rate. Quite high even for a politician. At least Bush told the truth and lied by omission. This pathological liar is so stoned on his ego he can’t help but lie almost constantly. Very few in the press call him out. Watching him lie to George Stephanopoulos about the extremely regressive $3,800 medical care tax was too much to stomach even for me. Hell give me Jimmy Carter, at least he tries to be honest.
We the people in the fly over states know the federal government is doomed. And what are you going to do about it? Does anyone see a Libertarian take over of the party? Last time I checked it was the same corrupt players as 2006. Graham, McCain, Boehner and what are they going to do different when they get power in 2010? We are $11 trillion in debt. The GDP is $14 trillion. And? There going to magically cut out waste and fraud? Did they do it in 2005? Did they regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2005? No the Republicans will take over in 2010 and the beat will go on. The nation will be insolvent just like the former USSR in 1989.
It’s what business people call an end game. We all know it. The politicians know it. Only some of the people know it. Now you know it. And how does this play out?
The nice business folks in the suburbs want to keep the illusion this is America as long as possible. The government wants to stay in power as long as possible. Why? To rip the people off as much as possible before it all breaks down. And then you are left holding the bag as those with money leave while the next revolution is fought by those that remain.
None of this slips by our military. None of this should slip by state legislatures. And none of this should slip by the public.
What needs to happen? Spending on every entitlement program must be eliminated or cut. No Department of Education. No housing and urban development. Medicaid cut drastically. Everything must go or we perish holding on to nothing. It so reminds me of the story on how to catch a monkey. I have no idea if this is true or not but here it goes. In Africa natives place a banana in a box with a narrow entrance big enough for a monkey to place his hand in. When the monkey grabs the banana he makes a fist. The fist is too big to pass through the opening. The money will pull and pull for hours until the hunting party arrives. And then he is killed. And so it is with our politicians and the people. They have themselves trapped financially and they will pull and pull until the Day of Judgment and it all is over. And the sad thing will be right before the Republic dies is all we had to do was let go of the debt and move on with our lives.
If business, politicians and the people with money don’t understand this the Republic is over. As longs as they are fighting over trivial issues like nationalized health care the war is lost. The issue is our unfunded liabilities and the national debt. This country need to turn on a dime. Libertarians taking over the Republican Party is the first step in a long road to recovery. And the chances of that happening are slim to none.
The only thing we the people can do it elect local and state representatives with leadership abilities and a understanding of the original constitution and the role of state government. And be ready to succeed from the union.
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