If I write that 28.6% of blacks, 16.7% of Hispanics, 4.4% of whites and 1.1% of Asians end up in jail is that racist? If I write Asians have an average Q of 101, whites 100, Hispanics 93 and blacks 85 is that racist? Or would it be stating the facts as compiled by the Department of Justice and every IQ test ever devised?
The simple truth is racism is a belief of one race in its superiority over other races. Blacks fit this mold better than any other group in America. In my experience and the continued controversy over the subject in America blacks and their party, the Democratic Party, can’t let race drop. It doesn’t matter that since 1962 blacks have achieved equality based on their potential and IQ. It doesn’t matter that million and billions have been spent on affirmative action and inner city development. It doesn’t matter that America has kissed the black ass for 30 years and counting. It doesn’t matter to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. America will always be racist and to hell with reality.
The reality is America has spent billions in the black community, discriminated against white in every aspect of government and the private sector, demonized white people and played the race card for the last frigging time. It ends here and now.
White America is feed up with paying out of our pocket for bull crap that never works and gets incompetents positions of power and authority. President Obama is exhibit #1. Does anyone in their right mind think he is anywhere near Bill Clintons intellect? Can he change his narrow ideological view of the world on a dime like Bill? Hell no! He’s a teleprompter reading ideological dolt wedded to his Marxist philosophy. He’s a 95 IQ affirmative action dolt passed along at Columbia and Harvard to inflict the indoctrination session he received onto the rest of the nation. The guy is one of the dumbest presidents to ever parade around in the oval office.
To be fair Bush was no brainer either. Nor Ronald Reagan. But Bush and Reagan compromised, some would say more than compromised, with the opposition. Both had enough smarts to do what they wanted to do. Bush won in Iraq. Reagan won the cold war. Like them or hate them they achieved victory and made America a safer place. Obama so far has displayed none of these characteristics.
This weekend Obama will go on all the major networks except Fox to push government health care. Why? He’s a communist at heart and cannot bring himself to acknowledge or dignify the press operation he would like to shut down. It’s that simple. Bill O’Reilly hypostatizes that it is because Obama is immature. Bull crap. Obama is a communist at heart and will go down with the ship before he concedes an inch to freedom and liberty. That’s the truth.
What do I think? White America better frigging wake up and real soon or all those crime free suburbs will be history. All those nice suburban crime free schools will be history. All those kids going to college will be history. Communism doesn’t allow for such bourgeoisie pursuits of happiness. All must be for the state and all else is discarded. Kiss the black man’s and men of colors ass all you white people is the object of this administration. Is this racist or reality? So far it’s Obama’s reality and the white folks are starting to get the message.
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