We have the Affirmative Action Latino Lunch Lady who voted against the Second Amendment the first chance she got and now we get another progressive on the court. The Jew brains to back up the revolution. Brings back memories of the original USSR politburo back in 1919 when Jew New York billionaire Jacob Schiff bankrolled the communist government. Over 300 of the original 384 commissars were Jewish.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev on the Supreme Court. Three Marxist on the highest court in the land. Got to have some brains to make the trains run on time. Dogmatic idol worship only goes so far.
The Dream World of Obama and the Elites
Yes indeed Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev or Kagan, Breyer and Ginsburg. Three committed progressives that will change the United States into a workers paradise like the former USSR. What a joke that the stupid communist like Obama have to rely on the Jewish brains to push his utopian agenda through. What Maxine Waters didn’t qualify for this position?
When are the Jewish people going to acknowledge their part in the Ukrainian Holocaust of 1932-33? All these Jewish communist are coming out of hiding now hoping that this is their opportunity to commit more genocide on the undesirables that are in their minds not worthy of life. After all to the “elites” we only need 500 million people on the planet. The rest are just so much human excrement that should be disposed of in a proper manner.
The Original Utopia the Garden of Eden
What the elites want is a Star Trek world where men and women walk around giving brilliant orders and there are no families. Just relationships that take place depending on what your location in time and space is at any particular moment. Everyone has a IQ over 100 and everyone is a model physical specimen. There is not formal pay structure, all take what they want whenever they want. A utopia post scarcity society where there is no jealousy, family, jails, crime, hard work or any of the downers of everyday life. A one world government where only the beautiful people exist.
To get to that utopia a one world government must be in place and a few billion people need to be eliminated. Industrialization and production for the masses needs to stop. Economic development needs to be focused only on projects worthy of the future chosen residences of the planet. All the cap and trade bull shit is just a way to stop industrialization and economic growth. Let the preferred few like Goldman Sacks, GE and George Soros steal the trillions from the peasants and use the plunder to research projects that will benefit the special few of future generations. The rest are just peasants that may be allowed to live out their days or maybe not. It really doesn’t matter to the world elite as long as the peasants don’t damage the planet.
A classless society has been a dream of the world since Sparta back in the 6th century BC. Obama, Kagan, Breyer and Ginsburg are just the latest in a long line of despots and evil bastards who think their vision is superior and justified by whatever means necessary to achieve that vision.
Obama knows Sotomayor is a intellectual dullard and Ginsburg is ready to croak. Kagan is 50 and has the intellectual skills and proper breeding for intelligence and evil needed to justify such actions that will be needed to extinguish the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the United States of America for once and for all. She does not believe in rule of law. She does not believe in peasant rights. She like 78% of her comrades believe she should rule over the peasants any way she wants to and they should be thankful to her for any rights gr
Friday, September 10, 2010
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