What has deeply disappointed me this political year is the lack of candor about two of the biggest issues tearing America apart, race and social security. Both are talked about indirectly or not at all by the Republicans. Democrats and their lab dogs like the NAACP cry racism over any and everything. Then the Republican and Tea Party people beg and plead that they are not racist. And then the Democrats and their lap dogs cry racism again and again. Mindless Saul Alinsky tactics that work. What happened to the real men and women of yesteryear who would just reply “You don’t like it? Take a walk buster!”
Immigration has become the substitute issue for race. We all know the illegals south of the border like the old country one party rule formula and vote democratic 65% of the time. We all know Republican businessmen love the fact that 10 million uneducated undocumented workers drive down blue collar wages 37%. It wasn’t until 22,000 people were killed in a civil war just south of the border that anyone payed any attention and now the Republicans have taken up this issue. Oh great and where was Reagan, Bush I, Bush II or Ford? And now we are suppose to believe the Republicans are serious? Sorry the track record isn’t there.
Florida District 24 Republican Candidate Karen Diebel is fine with Social Security and federal entitlement programs
Social Security is the other taboo issue no politician wants to mention except in passing giving the standard “I do believe with some digging we can find 10% (savings)” crap answer. Translated that means they support the Ponzi scheme or are too afraid to piss off the gimme generation. Both issues are more damaging to freedom and liberty because they cut to the real issues that have been destroying America for decades.
Blacks have been radicalized by mostly Jews since the NAACP was founded by the white man Moorfield Storey as an almost all white organization exploiting black issues for the benefit of the communist movement. How else to we explain 95% of blacks voting for the party of Jim Crow, slavery and segregation? The Republican Party was formed to destroy slavery. The Democratic Party actively promoted segregation for decades. How did a small group of radicals brainwash the American Negroes so thoroughly?
Of course the official answer given is Lyndon Johnson’s support of the Civil Rights legislation. A more politically incorrect answer is blacks allowed themselves to be enslaved by Democrats (this time voluntarily) with the 1965 Great Society programs. Give mama a welfare check programs that have destroyed the black family in America. Today blacks have been so dumb down and left fatherless they cannot do nothing more that react like a Pavlov dog when the dinner bell rings. With government education and propaganda you can walk up to almost any black and tell them the democrat candidate supports black genocide and they would still support and vote for the democrat. This kind of brainwashing of 12% of voters is killing America along with the 5th grade educated immigrants pouring over the border. Is it racism? Maybe but if you don’t identify the problem there is no hope of solving the problem.
Florida District 8 Congressional Candidate Todd Long has the courage to question federal entitlement programs. A breath of much needed fresh air. Open the link in this blog and look at how a man answers the though questions showing political courage with a strong sense of direction. Todd is a leader.
Republicans are now just starting to talk about immigration but only because they think they can score political points with it. As soon as the passions die out they will sell out to the Chamber of Commerce once again and allow cheap uneducated labor to flood the US marketplace. I have said it for years voting Republican is a waste of time. They sell out every time. Ronald Reagan, Bush I and II, Congressman Keller, Boehner and so forth. When it comes to crunch time they have no instincts for a fight and cave in to special interest. Its what they know. Its who they are.
Social Security is the elephant in the tent, like racism, that everyone pretends is not there. The Republicans talk about fiscal responsibility but they blew the budget up under their idol Reagan 76% and 56% during the Bush years when they were in control of the House, Senate and Presidency. If they will not talk about a program that generates 37.8% of federal revenues and the fact that it is already in deficit status 10 years ahead of schedule then what chance is there they will change once back in power? Do any of these Republicans realize 44.7% of the federal government is transfer payments? All of them rail against the 13.1 trillion deficit and not a peep out of them about the massive federal programs already in place. What the ……? Where is the intelligent life forms?
Okay so the Republicans, we assume, like Social Security and the taxes will be raised from 12.4% to 18%? 20% by 2020? I would like a strait answer on that. Never mind Obamacare its DOA. Entitlements will soon be 15% of the GDP and will climb to 25% in 2042 if nothing is done. Hey we all like grandma but its past time someone stood up to the gimme generation and told them Roosevelt was a bad economic president and the entitlements from the federal government need to end. Adopt the Todd Long rule and just say no to all social engineering at the federal level. It was a lie back in 1935 and the lie is destroying America from within.
Finally has any of these Republican thought of what will happen, god forbid, we get into a real war? Lets just say there is a economic stagnation or collapse. China owns $2.5 trillion in foreign debt. At least $800 billion in US notes and bonds. And with a dollar and Euro collapse they lose what? 30%? 50%? Or more? Who knows but with a $8.9 trillion dollar economy economically they are not that far off from challenging the US for world power status. Lets say the Chinese become just a little pissed seeing all their foreign debt become useless and their economy in the toilet. Lets say the peasants at the factories put pressure on their communist slave masters to keep paying that $56 dollars a month wage and the communist slave masters don’t have the cash. So what do tyrants throughout history do? War.
North Korea is a basket case and South Korea has a $1.35 trillion dollar economy there for the taking. Taiwan has a nice $731 billion dollar economy. Burma is another basket case and all of a sudden you have a real situation on your hands. China has a lot of interest in Africa and the Middle East. And there you are America $15 trillion or more in debt with Chinese troop movements throughout the Southeast Asia and Africa and your response is what? You cant even afford to pay Social Security and all of a sudden the boys are going to suit up and fight a war with China? Who will buy the debt?
For those who don’t know history Russia had a similar situation in 1914 to 1916 with weak leadership and a poorly run Czarist federal government. It didn’t end very well. Russia suffered 73 years of communism because the Czarist leadership was not prepared militarily or financially for WWI. When the citizens are starving some Bolshevik Jew promising bread and land sounds pretty good.
What Social Security and the national debt represent is the removal of the United States of America as the number one superpower…and the Republicans are silent on Social Security and entitlements. What the hell its just our nation and national security at stake. And no one says a word about anything of importance. All we get is mindless crap about the deficit and how they will fix the problem. They will put their heads together and “dig” real deep to save 10% off the federal budget. Wow the money bubble set to explode and they worry about saving that 10%. Funny and tragic.
We are at the equivalent of 1931 with 10% unemployment and looking into the abyss. The Republicans have shown no real indication in the time I have spent with them locally (my apologies to Marco Rubio and Todd Long) that they grasp the severity of our economic situation. In 2011 when the capital gains tax goes up to 20% and the artificial growth is over what will America be looking at with the communist in the White House having another party with Lady GaGa? The economic abyss.
We don’t need another Ronald Reagan that hiked Social Security taxes, ran huge deficits and spend like a drunken sailor. We don’t need the ra ra BS talk and the long winded talks about fiscal responsibility while voting to hike Social Security taxes. Ronald Reagan is not the role model we want or need. He was a talker and not a doer. The one good thing about Reagan was he had Arthur Laffer. That’s it.
Lets move on and kill Social Security and adopt a Switzerland type of retirement. Its simple. 5% of your gross goes towards federal, state, local or AAA rated corporate bonds. Your account and your choice. Pay back the taxpayers the billions ripped off from them in the Ponzi scheme. Apologize to the tax payers. End Medicaid and Medicare. Give the elderly and pre-existing condition people who qualify a voucher to buy private insurance. Split the cost of the Social Security buy out and vouchers with the states. Kill the program and move on. Its time for Republicans to get real or lose the country.
There is a reason I am a Libertarian. We have no political power but we do sleep well at night.
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