Well the housing bubble and bust have come and gone. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have polluted the world financial system with sub prime loans and the world economy was sick for months, years. We the world citizens suffered the miserable disastrous social engineering policies of the elites together. And now two and a half years later as the United States continues to be plagued with Harvard educated Marxist in the White House the rest of the world has had enough and has decided they will be moving on. That sound you are hearing is the rest of the world decoupling from the United States and leaving us behind to fight it out with our dull affirmative action president and his Ivy League progressives.
Obama must be asking Geithner “Bush got a housing bubble, Reagan got a Savings and Loan bubble, Clinton got a NASDAQ bubble so where is my money bubble?”
In case anybody didn’t bother to look China’s economic growth slowed down to 10.30% in June down from 11.90% in May. India’s economy grew at an 8.8% in the first quarter. India’s manufacturing sector grew 12.4%. Even high tax Germany has shown signs of recovery with a 5.7% growth rate in the fourth quarter of 2009 and a modest 2.2% growth rate in the first quarter and a astonishing 9.0% in the second quarter of 2010. Meanwhile the United States staggers along with massive borrowing to achieve a 1.6% second quarter GDP growth rate. While the rest of the world is busting their ass and getting back to work the Afro Leninist whips out another credit card and charges up more debt and proclaims he is the savior of the economy.
So we will get more economic proposals from the statist in the White House, more stagnation and eventually inflation.
What Obama, Bernanke and Geithner have so desperately been trying to do is ignite another bubble like the one John Law did from 1715 to 1720 in France. None of their economic play book is new. It’s been around for centuries. And the Marxist, Keynesian and Wiz Kid have played it by the book inflating the monetary base 160%, the money stock almost 17% since 2008 and still no bubble. Obama must be pissed as well as the Democrats who will be losing this 2010 election in record numbers. $825 billion stimulus package, cash for clunkers, mortgage deduction credits, small business loans, take over of the banking industry, automotive industry and still billions of dollars sitting with banks and corporations on the sidelines. Obama has to be asking Geithner “Where is my bubble?” Why would Obama want another bubble just like the last one but only bigger?
John Law 1671-1729 would teach Geithner and Bernanke a lesson on how to create another financial bubble.
Bubbles tend to last 4 years give or take. If John Law was alive today he could tell you. Four years is just long enough to get people intoxicated on false hope and cheap money, just long enough to get people to abandon their rational thought and re-elect a Hugo Chavez wanna be. Just long enough to get the pieces of the dictatorship in place before the inevitable bust.
And then silence. There is no bubble for the 2010 elections. Hitler had the people behind him. Obama does not and in most jurisdictions in America elections are very difficult to fix, excluding Minnesota and Washington State. Bad new for the dictator wanna be.
As it stands there are billions of dollars sitting on the sidelines. Thousands of banks waiting for the Federal Reserve to capitulate to the forces of economics and raise interest rates. And what will unleash the forces of inflation on our nation? Remember those world economic growth rates? As China figures out it doesn’t need to buy American bonds, as Germany continues to practice fiscally conservative financial policies, as India discovers capitalism works the world will start to look elsewhere for economic markets and leadership.
As the rest of the world moves forward with real growth financed by investment and savings the United States cheap money policies will come back to haunt them and the dollar will plunge even more than today. Inflation will increase as the price of imported goods rise. Eventually the Federal Reserve will have to defend the dollar and hike interest rates. And when banks finally think they have a chance at making a profit all those billions of dollars will come out of the closet flooding the US economy creating the long awaited money bubble Obama has desperately been praying for. All those billions flooding the market at the same time all those sub prime mortgages from the last bubble come due at Fannie, Freddie and the zombie banks.
And that sums up the Obama and Democratic economic strategy. Now maybe some are too stupid (Obama) to understand the strategy but some are not (Geithner, Bernanke, Frank) and know exactly what they are doing. In the end it’s a simple strategy of blowing up the money supply, getting the peasants drunk and then when it all comes crashing down clamp the dictatorship screws and nail the coffin shut on freedom and liberty.
This Labor Day we can all be thankful Obama is asking Geithner “Where’s my bubble?” and not “How long do I have before it burst?” Maybe we peasants have enough time to get some adults in charge in Washington.
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