Florida Congressional District 8 is the infamous home of national jerk Alan “Die Quickly” Grayson. In a Zogby poll Todd Long was leading Grayson by 8%. Grayson is despised by both independents and the right for his outrageous statements pandering to the left. Whoever wins the August 24th primary will have little trouble firing up the base. Grayson is probably the most hated congressperson since Dan Rostenkowski had the nerve to tax the gimme generation for the Medicare catastrophic coverage act of 1994. Grayson is truly a despicable devil’s spawn bastard who needs to be in a psychiatric ward and not congress. And with that here they are.
Todd Long on the campaign trail with his book “The Conservative Comeback” that has been reportedly sent to 30,000 Republican voters in Florida District 8. Quite a impressive logistical feat.
Todd Long is a local lawyer who has written a campaign book, The Conservative Comeback, where he expresses his desire to return the federal government back to its original small size and purpose of basic national functions like defense and environmental policy. He would like to eventually eliminate over time all social engineering programs from the federal government like Social Security and Medicare and delegate those responsibilities to the states or local government. He understands the Laffer Curve which states that when you increase taxes more than 30% revenue collection declines not increases in most cases and especially in the area of the productive sector of the economy, translated personal taxes, corporate taxes and capital gains taxes. He along with Rubio is one of the few politicians with the balls to admit Social Security and Medicare are unsustainable and will bankrupt America. He has my support and I would “walk for this man” as they say in politics. His volunteer workers have distributed his book to a reported 30,000 potential voters in District 8. Clearly the best educated and economically Austrian candidate of the bunch. Clearly he has a dedicated army of volunteers who believe in his message.
On the negative side Todd has quite a colorful past including a DUI in 1998, a “drunk and disorderly” warning at the local Orlando Millennium Mall in 2005, allegations of sexual harassment (denied 8-16-2010), allegations of financial hard times (denied 8-16-2010) and a police report of how a cop found Mr. Long drunk and asleep on a sidewalk in Tallahassee in 2007. There is a reason when I get trashed I do it at home Todd. The worst thing that happens to me is I say something stupid on face book or my wife kicks my ass. Enough said.
Patricia Sullivan is living the American dream with four home schooled children, a loving husband and running for congress at the same time.
The press certainly would enjoy a Todd Long congressional tenure. Todd claims to have found salvation in Christian principals and no matter what happens in this election I hope he keeps his faith strong. We all need our faith in these times of trouble.
Patricia Sullivan is living the American Dream. She is the mother of four and has home schooled all of them. Her first daughter is graduating and on her way to college. She is the organizer of the 2009 Tea Parties in Lake County. She has no political connections or great wealth but has amassed a sizable army of volunteers to spread the message of this citizen warrior. Despite being on a shoe string budget of $56,000 she will finish well in the August 24th primary.
What she has going for her is charisma. She speaks strongly with a slow clear purpose and cadence making her thoughts clear to her audience expressing her anger over the current state of affairs. I suspect this comes from her years of homeschooling trying to make lessons both interesting and clear to her children. Whatever it is it creates compelling political drama from the normal political speech. Charisma is hard to define but she clearly has it in abundance.
Dan Fanelli is a former Navy pilot and former commercial airliner pilot.
Negatives: I have been involved in Orlando politics regularly for a year now and have talked with hundreds of volunteers and politicians. Nobody has said a bad thing about Mrs. Sullivan. She is highly respected by friends and foes. She is a very inspiring local figure to everyone who knows her. If there is any criticism of her is she lacks (she has an Associate of Arts degree) the depth of understanding a graduate degree provides in law or business. Life is complex and knowledge is power.
Dan Fanelli is a Navy pilot veteran and if you don’t know that talk to him for five minutes. He will surly remind you. He is the only military veteran in the race and a formal commercial airline pilot who was flying when 9-11 happened. He is an honorable man and as far as we can tell has never been awaken by police for sleeping on a sidewalk in public.
Ross Bieling is a successful businessman who earned his law degree as a non traditional student in 2008
He is most famous for being trashed by Jon Steward for his politically incorrect ad telling the public to “send me to Washington and I will send our enemies to where they belong and that not to a courtroom” and “send me to Washington and get rid of that bum Alan Grayson.” So he’s not on Michael Moore’s Christmas list. We all love Dan but in a seven candidate race his message is falling on deaf ears. There are no negatives for Dan other than his fund raising has been the second worst of the other six and even falling behind third party candidate Peg Dunmire of the now infamous Florida Tea Party. His volunteer force is minimal compared to Long, Kelly or Sullivan. Mr. Fanelli is a very honorable man who has had a very hard time gaining momentum in this hotly contested race.
Ross Bieling is a very intelligent self made businessman and I would be comfortable if he was elected to congress. His list of accomplishments with his private business in the medical field is impressive as well as his education obtaining a law degree as a working nontraditional student in 2008. Very impressive.
Businessman Bruce O’Donoghue is the most successful Republican fundraiser but has a recent 2008 DUI. A very organized and intelligent political foe.
On the negative side he has not filed a fund raising report at this time according to Open Secrets. He has no name recognition that I am aware of. His public speaking is more suited for a business meeting than inspiring the troops. I respect this man but come August 24th it would not surprise me if he finishes seventh.
Bruce O’Donoghue is a local small businessperson who started in his parent’s traffic engineering business and eventually took it over. He has raised an impressive $478,000 in contributions (compared to Todd Long’s $220,000) with 79% from fund raising efforts and not his personal financing. On the issues he is standard Republican fare, cut waste, taxes, spending, repeal Obamacare. In person he is very articulate and in command. Mr. O’Donoghue is a very respectable opponent and very intelligent.
On the negative there is a report of a 2008 DUI and tax trouble in 2009. The recent DUI is very damaging to Mr. O’Donoghue. I think everyone is having recent financial troubles with the exception of government workers. The recent DUI drops Mr. O’Donoghue from second to fifth, what a shame. He is a very accomplished and polished individual.
Kurt Kelly’s vote supporting a multibillion dollar federal government rail system has been costly for his chances in District 8.
Kurt Kelly is another challenger who is a strong passionate speaker but lacks the charisma of Sullivan. On the positive side he has a clean record and brags about it every chance he gets. He is an adequate fund raiser and has a good volunteer army.
On the negative side he can be a weak speaker when trying to justify his stand on the ground rail system here in Central Florida. He has a hard time justifying his votes for massive government projects that will waste billions while touting himself as a fiscal conservative. Pathetic political double talk. We don’t need double talk we need a leader with a clear vision to reduce the federal governments share of the GDP.
Daniel Webster is the former Florida Speaker of the House. He is the Republican establishment candidate in a very anti-establishment year. He has been endorsed by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Mike Huckabee along with much of the Republican establishment. His fund raising is slightly above average at $228,000 with no personal contributions. He is an honorable man who is a career politician.
On the negative side he is elderly and not a very inspiring speaker. Unlike O’Donoghue or Long you don’t get the sense that there is much in his intellect beyond the standard Republican talking points. His biggest claim to fame is he has never lost a election. One could attribute that to his skills but one could also comment on the fact that he has one of the most universally recognizable names in modern political history. Who knows how many last minute voters who failed to research the candidates voted for him simply due to his name recognition? Hopefully the District 8 voters will be educated come August 24th.
Daniel Webster’s days of never suffering a political defeat are about to end August 24th. Uninspiring and standard Republican establishment candidate in a anti establishment year.
Friday, September 10, 2010
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