This blog falls into the pure speculation category. Of course the inner workings of a multi billion dollar company like BP and their political connections are unknown.
Where is the Federal Response? Politics or Incompetence?
What we do know is BP donated lots of cash to politicians, $15.9 million, and has political connections mostly to the left of the political spectrum. Obama received a sizable $77,051 donation from BP executives and was their favorite politician as measured by their donations.
What we do know is the Obama team was either asleep or didn’t care about the oil spill for days? It took eight days for the Obama regime to dispatch a cabinet level official and it wasn’t until April 30 that cabinet officials were fully deployed. Would the Obama team have reacted the same if it was Shell or Exxon polluting the Gulf of Mexico?
Stupid question. We all know the answer. Rahm Emanuel would be cranking up the blitz against Exxon in a New York minute. The left loves demonizing Exxon, Shell, Mobil and the rest. BP was politically connected with the left through political donations and ideology. The Obama regime clearly ignored it at first and only later grasped the seriousness of the situation. Like they had advanced warning?
Incompetent Affirmative Action President likes to party a lot and point fingers
Why did Goldman Sacks sell 44% of its BP stock 20 days before the oil tragedy? What did the insiders know that nobody else knew? 4.6 million BP shares sold. If those shares were sold today it would have cost Goldman 36% or $96 million dollars. Nobody is that good. How did they know and who tipped them off?
Its clear BP had the B or C team on API Well No. 60-817-44169. Reading an account of the rookie mistakes, poor design and disregard for safety testing and procedures its clear BP was acting like a 1950’s contractor back in the days when nobody cared. The last time I saw a construction site run like this drilling operation where there was a complete disregard for life was 1987. Contractors are so safety cognizant in construction these days it makes me wish for the old days. Generally the safety apparatchik in a modern construction company beats you into submission one way or another. It simply blows me away BP and Transocean would be so careless.
Procedures, test and design all compromised. Faulty under designed equipment, inadequate safety testing or testing simply not performed. A false sense of security with the approval of the federal government to utilize poor procedures and designs. Just an incredible 1950’s mentality with no regard for human life. Clearly the federal government engineers approving these designs had no clue what they were doing or are complicate in this disaster. Clearly BP was gambling and knew they would save a lot of money or have a drilling accident. What company would have a poor design and then put the not ready for prime time players in charge? Maybe a company that kind of sort of wanted a drilling disaster but on a much smaller scale?
A five or ten day drilling leak would get the attention of the press and bring out the environmentalist to scold the “drill baby drill” crowd. Obama could say “see no more drilling.” There are a lot of political points to be scored from a limited deep water well leak. As long as it doesn’t last 10 months like the 1979 Bay of Campeche disaster. Certainly BP felt confident in its ability to cap a well leak in 2010. Certainly it would be a containable controlled disaster? Well maybe not.
What’s in it for BP? Are you serious? Lots of money. A billion or two is chump change to BP if you can drive the price of oil back to $80 or $100 a barrel. The more dead pelicans on television the better for BP. Moving the price of oil from $72 a barrel to $90 a barrel would make the blunder pay for itself ten times over. Limiting or eliminating drilling in the Gulf of Mexico would be a huge financial windfall for the oil companies. Plenty of incentive for the BP top management to botch a well or two. Every COO’s dream. Making money and gaining political friends who hate your competitors. What could be better?
If this dime store novel conspiracy theory is correct congress and the White House will go easy on BP in congressional testimony. They will still grill them and make a show of it. Much like the show they put on with Goldman Sacks where they humiliate them then, fine them chump change, then line them up for the next billion dollar deal with cap and trade. Trash your friend in public and give them a big prize in private. A big prize like a moratorium on off shore drilling. BP would take that deal any day.
Friday, September 10, 2010
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