Oh how the fascist regime of Hitler’s Third Reich lives on in the Democratic Party and portions of the Republican Party. Just as Hitler and his fascist took over the banking system in the 1930’s so do Obama and his fascist in the party keep pushing for control of banks today. Of course we remember the first shot was fired by Bush and McCain to “save” our banks. What they were saving the banks from was a bunch of worthless paper generated by Fannie and Freddie.
Fascist Frank from Massachusetts
Imagine a world where the banks that got involved in sub prime mortgages were allowed to fail. 50% of the banking system gone. The most corrupt insiders out of a job walking the streets desperately trying to sell their McMansions at 60% of purchase price. True evil both in Washington and Wall Street exposed and out on the street. Justice over insane banking practices.
And you know what? If the process was allowed to go forward as nature and capitalism intended the banking system would be nearly recovered today. Sure it would have hurt but new companies with sound banking principals would have emerged. Foreign banking concerns not caught up in the corruption would have bought assets from the toxic institutions. The United States and the world banking system would be stronger with the riff raff out of the way. Wall Street would have learned a valuable lesson to never trust Washington. Capitalism would have done its job of killing the corrupt and exposing lunacy.
But it was not to be. Goldman Sacks alumni Henry Paulson saved his old company with one of the worse pieces of crap legislation ever passed in the history of America. It will go down in history as the federal government final push for dictatorship over the people. You know the good old standbys used by the ruling class to establish dictatorship, war, economic crisis and yet to be experienced sever inflation. And the inflation is just around the corner.
For those not paying attention the producer price index was up 1.8% or 21.6% annually. The consumer price index was up 0.4% or 4.8% annually. With a reduction in production overcapacity, money growth of 20% in the past year, monetary base increases of 120% or more what do you think will happen when the democrats push to lower unemployment to 8% with more printed money? A whole lot of dollars chasing less supply. Hey we all loved the 70’s we just didn’t want to relive them.
And now our fascist congressman from Massachusetts is pushing more “reform”. He wants to set up a Consumer Protection Agency and have a Harvard professor (Elizabeth Warren) run it. Oh gee another Harvard affirmative action genius. Thanks but no thanks please give me somebody from the University of Montana or anyplace where people are not indoctrinated into the communist ways of the world. Anyplace but an Ivy League school. These people are the stupidest most elitist snobs on the planet. Time to destroy the temple. Throw out the money changers.
Fascist Frank wants to reinstall Glass-Steagall on a case by case basis. This 1933 act separated banks from brokerage houses. Hey Frank the problem was not Glass-Steagall or lack thereof it was your Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Community Reinvestment Act that forced the hand of lending institutions to make bad loans to the “disadvantaged” members of America. Look and the foreclosures fascist Frank and you will see they trend very nicely with increased minority home ownership. Ouch that hurts but it is so true. That and your liberal white scum scamming the housing bubble.
And who exactly is going to be the judge of this “case by case” basis? And how will it be decided? Let me guess. Goldman Sacks contributed $10 million to the democrats. No need for action against them. Sun Trust contributed $3 million to republicans. Got to break them up. Yea fascist Frank we get it. Loser.
And fascist Frank wants to limit company size and complexity. How about letting them fail if they get stupid? No fascist Frank wants to dictate the terms a company can grow. Why who would not want our bankers to be competitive with the rest of the world’s bankers? Fascism first right Barney? Why hell a “republican” bank might get big and we really need a law to cut them down to size.
One part of the fascist Frank’s bill that is unconstitutional would be to prevent overturning of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Now citizen privacy is a noble idea but who in the hell does Frank think he is to prohibit future legislatures from modifying or throwing out Gramm-Leach-Bliley if they god damn well please. Does Mr. Frank think he is writing the bible or some other great work that should be followed for thousands and thousands of years? Does Mr. Frank have a connection to god we are not aware of?
And the taxes on institutions holding over $10 billion in assets. Why of course there has got to be a tax in there somewhere butt it’s to assist in the dissolution of failed institutions. Why didn’t you let Goldman Sacks fail the first time? Has anyone told Mr. Frank that the United States has bankruptcy courts? You know that rule of law thing?
And of course there has to be a bone thrown to the Federal Reserve to assist troubled institutions with cash. What the hell why not? And of course there is that slight minor detail of the government closing down “troubled” institutions even though they may be operating in the marketplace and have not asked to be liquidated. Hey what the hell just close them down if they don’t meet some obscure measurement like say donations to democratic politicians. You know all for the party or shut them down.
The move towards dictatorship moves on in the financial sector championed by fascist Frank and his party buddies. This is such a Hitler repeat of the 1930’s. This just makes me sick to be an American.
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