The Magic Half Negro has given his orders for the troops in Afghanistan and the military will obediently obey. From a military and political point of view the half Negro walked a fine line about as well as he could be expected. He had to give in to the military or lose all military support. This is important for a dictator wanna bee like Obama. No military support no dictatorship. End of story. So the dictator in training conceded somewhat to the military and gave them some troops.
Affirmative Action President
Doesn’t change the fact that the fascist wanna bee is squarely pitted against the people of the United States. Like Hitler in 1933 this scum needs to develop a contingent of Brown Shirts like the SEIU union to carry the fight to the people. But the fool failed to realize the power of the modern internet and the press repeatedly broadcasting his SEIU thugs beating up civilians. The con also failed to realize there are plenty of red necks and the like just waiting in the wings for a chance to take the SEIU thugs down a notch or maybe quite a few notches. Just give us an excuse. This ain’t going to be no 1933 Mr. President. So the communist educated affirmative action idiot flails away on foreign policy. So be it.
Nothing changes. The march to civil war continues. No quarter.
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