With the prospect of government protected oligopoly status and the addition of millions of young healthy customers forced to buy their product investors are flocking to health insurance stocks. WellPoint had a 52 week lot of $29.32 and is now at $60.05 near its high of $60.89. United Health Group had a 52 week low of $16.18 and is not at $32.15. AETNA 52 week low of $18.66 and now is at $34.00. Humana 52 week low of $18.57 and not trading at $45.79. Record highs for the year. A nice 100% plus gain since March. The health care reform legislation sure seems to be good business for the evil health care insurance business.
MSNBC Reporter Ratigan Dylan
What has happened here is nothing new. Governments have been setting up monopoly conditions in markets for centuries. Earl Gray and the importation and taxation of tea set the stage for the American Revolution. The Boston Tea Party was a protest of unfair trade and taxation of tea products. Governments and private companies do this to extract monopoly profits from the peasants. And now this practice has come to our health insurance.
This is how governments think. This is why the founding fathers separated government from business. This is why Andrew Jackson successfully fought with all his might to kill the Second Bank of the United States. Government has an inherent propensity to set up monopolies. It’s what they do. The reasoning is simple. Government is an unresponsive body designed to beat money out of peasants using force and coercion. That’s all it is. Nothing more than a bunch of Tony Soprano thugs beating down business owners and peasants for protection money. A bunch of lazy unproductive slugs willing to use force to live high on the hog. The founding fathers recognized this and did everything in their power to restrict government.
The bankers back in the early 20th century went to government to set up a monopoly bank we now call the Federal Reserve. Anyone wonder why those Wall Street types are so rich? It’s not because they are smarter than you. It’s because by concentrating the Federal Reserve in New York they are able to get inside information on financial conditions the rest of the country does not have access to. And that is the real reason the Federal Reserve is in New York and pretends to be regional. It’s a government monopoly designed to serve a narrow special interest group. And that all folks.
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz another Political Science Major
So why is financial reporter Dylan Ratigan of MSNBC so outraged when health care stocks rise 10% when this latest monopoly legislation takes hold? Did he miss history 101 in college? Or is he another victim of propaganda? He was probably told by his government school government is for the people and private business bad. The unusual crap and unfortunately for him he believed the propaganda. What we witnessed in his interview with Debbie Wasserman Schultz was another American coming to the realization that government almost never does what is in the best interest of the people. The same lesson our founding fathers realized 233 year ago. As for Mrs. Wasserman Schultz she’s a lost cause. People like her are the same ones who were saying the earth is flat and there is Global Warming.
A decade or so ago I was a math teacher. I taught math and hated the undisciplined students and overcrowded schools. But what I learned was not that our monopoly public school system was bad. I knew that and was already a strong supporter of vouchers. What I learned was how few people can really think coherently.
Algebra and other simple math classes require the ability to think rationally. It doesn’t depend on being pretty or talking a good game. It requires a little study and the application of a rational thinking process to get the right answers. I was simply astonished at the number of students that could not do simple logical thinking. These kids looked like normal human beings. They talked like normal human beings. It scared the hell out of me that these idiots would some day be voting!
Debbie Wasserman Schultz is an example of one of these idiots that cannot think. She most likely hated every math class she took. She passed the minimum and fled immediately to the refuge of political science. Oh the great world of illogical morons looking to control other people. People who think they are smart but are as dumb as a box of rocks. She is an example of why you should avoid anyone with a political science degree. To lazy to study something academically strenuous and brain washed up to her eyebrows in political crap.
And so we have another government created monopoly set up to plunder and pillage the peasants. Stupid morons like Debbie Wasserman Schultz set it up. It will cost you dearly. You think insurance premiums were high before? Oh yea baby you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Add health care to the Federal Reserve, education, post office, social security, AMTRAC and others. Dictatorship and the collapse are coming. The only thing we have to be grateful for is congress is spending us into a revolution. We just need to be smart and form a new government based on the founding fathers principals of limited federal government. We are repeating history because we strayed from the constitution. It’s that simple Debbie and Dylan.
MSNBC\'s Dylan Ratigan Yells at Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
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