The US Politburo has done it again. The dictatorship in Washington has ignored the will of the people and taken over another sector of the US economy. This time with a $450 billion bail out to the health care insurance industry. To most reading the political garbage in the main stream media this will come as a surprise to them. Affordable cost was the objective right?
Comrade Reid
The insurance industry saw an opening to consolidate market share and eliminate competitive practices for all time and they took advantage of it. Basically now all medical plans will have to be the same. This eliminates confusion but also makes it very easy for competitors to fix prices to near monopoly levels. Now with alternative forms of insurance closed down the insurance executives can get down to the business of price fixing. You the consumer will get plan A, B, C or D. And if you don’t like that you can pay on your own. Washington gets power and political patronage.
Monopolies look to deliver the least service for the maximum amount of revenue. The less innovation the better. Innovation will be almost gone. What equipment that the industry has now is what it most likely will be 30 years from now. Monopolies are not responsive especially if it will cost them money. New technologies will be sidelined for years before they are adopted.
Insurance companies will get to use the government as a back stop to deny claims. The government will be the bad guy now and insurance companies can say “it’s the governments fault not ours.” With huge amounts of profit to be made from denying insurance claims money will flow to politicians like a four foot wide sewer pipe full of feces. The pressure on government to deny claims will be tremendous both to make money for the insurance industry and to claim medical savings for voters. This is just evil.
The Hammer and Sickle fly proudly in Washington DC
The rich and upper middle income people will be able to pay out of pocket or buy better quality plans. For the rest of us we will be at the mercy of the government for health care. Consumers will be pitted against the insurance industry and special interest always wins in Washington. This is simply not a fair fight. This is evil.
The first to feel the effects will be the elderly. The Washington elites have been looking at the billions spent on the elderly for decades. Now they have their chance. The elderly will be powerless to stop them and they can look for inferior care for the rest of their lives. The elites will not care unless it is one of their own like Ted Kennedy. If you are 78 years old and need brain surgery you will not get it. You are now second class. Elections have consequences and this is a huge step towards eliminating “white privilege”.
So cost will increase, Washington dictatorship will increase, health care insurance profits will increase and you will die sooner. Hope and change are here. Hope you are a insurance executive.
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