In a disgusting display of vicious hatred towards Christians Orlando Sentinel columnist Mike Thomas has written an article mocking Christians for praying against health care reform. He like most secular progressives fails to understand Christianity. Christians don’t pray for or against health care they pray to Jesus. Christians have been for centuries, long before Obama was born, been out in the slums and ghettos providing comfort and yes health care to the poor. They don’t need a mandate from Messiah Obama to do the Christian thing.
Orlando Sentinel columnist Mike Thomas
Like all secular progressives Mr. Thomas believes and worships government. Only government is worthy of his and if it was up to him our prayers. He is blinded in his ideology to the corruption and graft all around the federal government’s health care bill as has been pointed out by opposing congressmen Denis Kucinich (D) and Ron Paul (R). He truly believes government will deliver heath care like Jesus would. Just like Social Security, AMTRAK, Medicare, and other deficit and corruption riddle programs. His god is government and his religion is ever evolving “for the people”.
His vile display on Christmas Eve shows his and other secular progressives hatred towards and contempt for Christians and all others who believe in a higher being.
Please e-mail the fascist and let him know what you think.
Would Jesus pray to block health care for needy?
People are praying for many things during this holy season. But perhaps the most unusual request of all comes from religious conservatives, including some in Congress. They staged an Internet “prayercast” to block the health-care legislation being voted on today in the Senate.
Given that Democrats have the 60 votes lined up to pass it, they may have to call in Benny Hinn to pull off this miracle.
How exactly does one pray against health care?
Dear Lord, please do not send the downtrodden to the doctor because my taxes will go up and I’ll have to wait in line for my knee replacement.
Or: Dear God, please don’t give that other family health coverage taxpayers cannot afford so I can keep the Medicare Advantage and drug plan we also cannot afford.
Or how about a simple: Deliver us from socialism. Amen.
I certainly do not agree with everything in the health-care bills. But praying against access to medical care right before Christmas? And then claiming God’s political support?
It conjures up images of Scrooge, of Pottersville — of the crowd telling Bartimaeus to shut up when he pleaded to Jesus to cure his blindness.
Rest of article and comments section.
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