Here in the Orlando, Florida area we suffered like the rest of the nation at the hands of ACORN voter registration drives and general disenchantment with former President Bush’s policies. Both our local republican candidates lost seats to democrats. One of the pick ups was the now infamous Alan Grayson in Florida’s 8th congressional district. The other candidate is the exact opposite in personality; I refer to her as “the mouse”, Suzanne Kosmas (D) in the 24th district. Fortunately 2008 will turn into 2010 and we the people have a chance to get some representation against Obama for at least for a couple of years before reapportionment of congressional seats occurs in 2012.
Todd Long Republican candidate for Florida’s 8th congressional district
If you pay attention and get on e-mail list you can get incredible access to candidates. These candidates have meet and greets everywhere not just parades. Typically they have an announcement party in their homes and it is open to the public. I have been to a couple of these and am always surprised by the modest turn out. These events are excellent opportunities to get to know the candidates one on one. You can ask them anything and they may laugh at you but nothing is out of bounds. You can get a feel for their personal style and how liberal or conservative they are. Granted these are up and coming candidates but they have very legitimate shots at winning their elections.
I personally am involved with libertarians and all the infighting of party politics so I can only imagine the headaches that occur on a bigger scale. These people present a very pleasant outward image but if their party politics are anything like the libertarians it surly must be some nasty infighting going on. God bless them for sacrificing financially and putting up with the additional obligations coming their way.
As examples of getting to know the candidates by simply paying attention here are a few:
Candidate X is constitutionally conservative in the mold of the founding fathers. He ALWAYS attends parades, holds fundraisers open to the public, makes time to communicate by phone, in person, e-mail to anyone interested in his platform. He is always available to explain a position to the news media or citizens. He believes in limited federal involvement and prefers the states and local governments deal with social engineering programs including entitlements.
Dan Fanelli Republican candidate for Florida’s 8th congressional district
Candidate Y is also a constitutional conservative candidate. Sometimes he makes the parades and evens and sometimes not. His educational level is not quite the same as candidate X’s. He is not as organized and it can be difficult to get in touch with him at times.
Candidate Z is a staunch republican. Z believes in social entitlement programs. Z is more business like and formal. Very conventional positions. A very reliable person of integrity but not one to think outside the box. Maybe a Reagan conservative but that might be stretching it some.
And there ten months before the election you have a real feel for the candidates running. Obviously candidate Z is the safe bet. Candidate Y is eliminated right away. If this person can’t make the rounds in a primary what will they be like in Washington? Sorry.
Candidate Z in another time before our national debt was $12.2 trillion with an economy of $14.4 (85%!) might be the preferred candidate but sorry not in today’s world. With unfunded liabilities of $106,514,122,657,391 I don’t want a candidate that will not go after Social Security and Medicare. More of the same is not good enough. Clearly candidate X is the best choice for my district and the country.
Karen Diebel Republican candidate for Florida’s 24th congressional district
It’s really that easy if the citizens would just take the time to get involved. Sadly most of us sit at home watching Olbermann or Beck getting mad and complaining. With just a little research and initiative you can meet these people and personally tell them your complaints one on one. You can get to know who they really are and their positions. Maybe they will agree, maybe they will laugh at you but at least you are involved in the process and not standing on the sidelines.
I truly believe if more people got involved and meet their representative at these events both the people and representative would have a greater respect for each other. It’s just sad when a major candidate for congress or the senate has a event open to the public and there are maybe 20 people there. Get out there and let them know what you really think!
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