With the ouster of Mike Huckabee, who forever justified or not, will be known as the man who commuted the sentence of a four time cop killer. The road to the Republican nomination is wide open for Sarah Palin. Romney will give her a fight as well as Pawlenty of Minnesota. It will be interesting but not very interesting in the Republican Primaries in 2012. But has anyone thought of what this will do to the liberal elite establishment that has run America since Teddy Roosevelt?

Sarah is not one of the elites. Why would she support the Department of Education, Housing or even the Federal Reserve? Sooner or later, probably sooner, she will figure out all these agencies are a way to enslave the population and or rip them off. And she has never been on the inside getting that special treatment from these organizations and she will work to kill them.
The first reaction will be for the powerful elites to buy her off. They will try to corrupt her as much as possible with trips and contributions. Suddenly the Federal Elections Commission that was missing in action in 2008 will grow a spine and investigate every donation to Palin. Forget 2008 when millions of overseas donations poured into Obama’s coffers. In 2012 the FEC will be as pure as Snow White but only to Palin.
And if Sarah makes her way through the traps that will be set for her? I give her a good chance of doing just that. Her experience with the crap thrown her way in Alaska as governor has had the unintended side affect of making her keenly aware of the dirty tactics that will be used against her. I would not be surprised if her campaign makes every single dollar donated to her have a name and address behind it. The current requirement is only donations over $50 which is how Obama filtered millions in illegal donations into his coffers. After her Alaska experience she will be extra diligent in running a squeaky clean campaign. And I doubt she will not hesitate to fire those under her that try to sabotage or deviate from her strict standards.
So all goes as intended. She is elected. And how long will it be before Obama and his thugs do the Fort Sumter succession dance? History tells us it won’t be long. Try a couple months at best. The elites will not tolerate someone in the White House who is really for the people.
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