Someone like Ron Paul who is vehemently against all foreign war but who is for liberty and freedom would never win this award. I guess peace can only come from dictators and dictator wannabees. So Obama and the “Afghanistan war is necessary” but capitalism is bad gets the award. True peace loving people like Ron Paul and Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin are passed over. What a crock of crap.
Medea Benjamin

The real motivation of the Nobel committee is to try and influence Obama to pull out of Afghanistan so Obama can concentrate on the Middle East and eventually getting rid of the Jews and Israel. And of course continuing to destroy capitalism in America. So if you hate Jews you get the prize. We get it. If you are a Jew you only get the prize if you support the terrorist with concessions who want to kill you. Yea we get it.
Ron Paul
Why someone who is really for peace never gets the award disgraces the name of the award. Yasser Arafat, life long terrorist who sodomized teenagers for fun, Al Gore a global warming con artist, Woodrow Wilson who jailed hundreds of thousand in the United States using the sedition act for those who dared speak out against WWI. What bull crap this award is.
Just once I would like to see a real person who does not hate Jews and is really for peace get the award. Medea Benjamin has been one of the few liberals to oppose Barrack Hussein Obama, mm mmm mm, and has earned respect points for going against her party. She REALLY wants peace! Why not her?
We all remember Ron Paul’s 2008 presidential debates where he was the only one to stand up to members of his own party and oppose war. That took courage and conviction. He truly wants out of Iraq and Afghanistan. There could not be a better man for the award. But since he is for freedom and liberty and does not hate Jews he is disqualified. Only those who hate Jews and capitalism seem to get the award. Yea we get it.
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