Here in Orlando, Florida we have been hit hard by the recession. The unemployment rate has pretty much mirrored the national average of around 10%. But that is very misleading in this area and other areas in the united states that have high illegal immigration rates. I would estimate conservatively the real unemployment rate is around 17% simply because illegal immigrants tend not to file unemployment. Most simply pick up and move elsewhere leaving behind foreclosed homes and deserted subdivisions. Some stay behind getting by on government assistance. Government agencies here and most places don’t ask a lot of questions when a mother of four shows up looking for food stamps and aid. Some would argue if you look closer the real unemployment rate including those partially employed and those that gave up looking it would be around 20%.
Of course what has caused this was the Federal Reserve easy money supply during the boom years, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buying subprime loans, never bothering to check for US citizenship, and Keynesian economics of both Bush and Obama. Keynesian economics consisting basically of taxing and spending. Roosevelt and Hoover used these policies in the 1930’s and mid 40’s to achieve a whopping average unemployment rate of 17.2%. And now we have bush and Obama repeating history with the twist that Obama is nationalizing 30% soon to be 48% of our GDP. It’s collapsing folks. The best we can hope for is a peaceful breakup of the United States and an end to the federal government in Washington.
Ronald Reagan had a quote that best describes this phenomenon we are experiencing “How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.” And the Obama solution as prescribed by Carl Marx “There is only one way to kill capitalism, taxes, taxes, and more taxes!!!!!” Seems with the health care bill, cap and trade and the take over of currently 30% of the GDP soon to be 48% Obama is following Marx’s game plan with astonishing success. Yes the communist is in the White House and the results are more and more evident as the private sector is crowded out, taxed and destroyed.
None of this will be reversed until the cancer that infects our federal government is destroyed. The demographics are against freedom loving people. Increases in minority voting and educational indoctrination both in government schools and the popular culture controlled by super rich assholes who hate America have taken us to this point.
And do you think it will get better? The Federal Reserve has increased the money supply 120%. A year or two from now what do you think the inflation rate will be as the dollar plunges? 40%? Interest rates 50%? Communism will be the answer for the uneducated and indoctrinated masses.
And just to set the record strait it all accelerated because of two men. Alan Greenspan knew what he was doing during the housing boom setting the federal finds rate at 1%. He was a republican hater probably influenced by his idiot wife Andrea Mitchell. Greenspan really hated Bush. Sabotage plain and simple. Greenspan knew what he was doing; he knew exactly what he was doing.
The other man responsible was an economic illiterate. Gorge Bush. Bush started the bail out crap, $152 billion, $300 billion, $700 billion and it never stopped. Bush opened the door for Obama and the communist to ruin this country. If Bush would have vetoed every single bail out Goldman sack would be gone. GM and Chrysler would have merged like they were destined to and reorganized under bankruptcy laws. Citi Bank would be gone and all of the other banks that made bad loans would have been gone. Foreign banks and the remaining 50% would have filled the gap and by now, yes right now, we would be coming out of the recession in a very strong position for the survivors. The economy would be free from the government and we the people would be free from Washington for the time being.
Instead the recession lingers on and in the not to distant future we have to look forward to the collapse of the dollar, the collapse of commercial real estate, more housing foreclosures and a transition to a command economy. So here are some pictures of the first casualties in America as we transition to a command economy. John Maynard Keynes, Alan Greenspan, George Bush, Barrack Hussein Obama (mm mmm mm) and Carl Marx must be given their due.
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