Of course the evidence of Obama being a true believer in Marx, Alinsky, Mao, Castro, Chavez and all the other emotionally handicapped illogical fanatical freaks of the world is overwhelming. Glen Beck plays Obama’s quotes from the magic Negros lips night after night. All Obama’s buddies are freaks and hemorrhoids from the dungeons of filth and slime. Come on Juan you can get off the plantation. Listen to Obama once in awhile. The dude doesn’t really try to hide his affinity for one world government or complete redistribution of wealth. It’s all about power to the central government to distribute as he pleases. Just listen Juan and you will hear echoes of Carl Marx and Hugo Chavez.
The most perceptive among us, or those that actually investigated Obama, knew what this dude was from day one. It was out there before the election. Sean Hannity raised the most obvious associations with “radicals” but for those on the Internet Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs had Obama’s complete life history exposed from tawdry beginning to end. Meeting with Arabs who wanted to see Israel nuked into history. Trips to Pakistan. His Columbia years and using the name Barry Soreto. It was all out there to be confirmed or refuted by the press and it never was refuted. I am not saying Atlas Shrugs has it 100% right. Pamela probably wouldn’t even make that claim. But Obama’s past should have been investigated and the meetings, events and associations should have been confirmed or refuted. Obama should have had the same scrutiny as Bush or Kerry. And now we have a communist in the White House. Just frigging great. Are the press and Juan Williams proud?
Now let’s say hypothetically we had a Republican with past ties to the KKK. And the presidential candidate supported the previous apartheid government in South Africa. The candidate admired Hitler and a lot of his speeches and statements were very similar to Hitler’s beliefs espoused in mein kampf. This candidate hated Jews with a passion but was always careful in his public statements. He got a daddy entrance into a prestigious university and daddy’s million dollar donation assured he passed all his classes and was appointed president of the law review. Secret trips under false names were made for clandestine meetings with European fascist in Germany during his college years. He wrote a book but was too lazy and lacked the talent to finish it so he hired a former SS officer to finish writing the book. Do you think the press would investigate?
Yes Juan and Billy Obama is a communist. Every statement he makes ALWAYS supports centralized federal government except when it serves his political philosophy. Medical marijuana being the only federalist position Obama has to date that I am aware of. Yes he wants to centralize the whole economy into the hands of the federal government. Yes that would be 100% ownership of the economy Juan. Communism Juan. I can just hear Juan saying “but he doesn’t want government ownership of everything!” Yea Juan and when the dollar collapses and the price of gas goes to $6.00 a gallon with 10% interest rates what do you think his next “solution” will be? Nationalize the oil companies of course. And the beat will go one. One industry then another until we end up looking like Venezuela. Wise up Juan and stop being a foot stool. Get off the plantation and be a free man.
Billy is not that stupid he only plays stupid on television. We get it Billy. You’re a very rich guy with a big audience and you need to keep the bucks rolling in and the ratings high. You get a pass. We understand.
I remember when I was in basic training and some other poor sap would screw up. Sure enough the drill sergeant would catch the screw up and come running down the formation to confront the guy yelling “do you want to fuck me in the ass son?” I would be watching this maybe three feet from the poor guy and it was all I could do not to just bust out laughing on the spot. Desperately I had no choice but to bite my cheeks as hard as I could hoping desperately the self inflicted pain could overcome my intense desire to double over in laughter. It was a very intense fight and from it I learned self control. And I guess this was one of the lessons taught that day. And so Billy we get it. We know your struggling mightily not to bust out laughing at the stupidity surrounding you as the world pretends Obama is not a communist. Keep on making them bucks Billy.
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