The November 3rd elections for congress in upstate New York, Virginia governorship and New Jersey governorship all give us a glimpse of the coming suppression of the people through the electoral process. None of this is new and has been going on ever since the first guy stuffed a few more votes for the local favorite at the ballot box. The Republicans have traditionally suppressed the vote by requiring people to certify that they are actually a citizen and not a felon. I support these efforts. Democrats want every illegal and convict to vote and then they have a few tricks up their sleeves that they will employ in New Jersey.
Anyone remember the 2008 New Hampshire Primary? Obama was the young punk taking the crown of despot leader USA away from Hillary. Obama had a lot of momentum and his crowds in New Hampshire were wildly enthusiastic. He was leading by 13% in the Gallop poll, 9% in a CNN poll and 11% in Hilary’s own polling. Even with the margin of error it was statistically impossible for Hillary to win by 3%, 39% to 36%, like she did. The Republican final results were off by only 1%. The margin of error is generally plus or minus 4%. So split the difference in the three polls and say Obama had an 11% lead and Hillary made up 4% then Obama still wins by a comfortable 7 points. So where was the fraud?
The Clinton fraud machine tied to the democrat old school fraud fro decades is much more traditional. Political fanatics simply register to vote in multiple locations. Anyone with two residences probably does it. You simply register to vote at both locations so no matter where you are on Election Day you don’t have to go far to vote. And most people in the past probably didn’t abuse the little indiscretion voting only one wherever they were. And out of this little indiscretion soon corrupt politicians could build mobile armies of voters registered to vote in multiple states. And this is how the Clinton machine won New Hampshire. Get your buddies in Vermont, Maine and Massachusetts to register to vote in New Hampshire. This is very risky but Hillary had no choice. If she lost New Hampshire she was done and she knew it. It was bold and it succeeded because she is in the party of corruption that does not care about decency. The press was totally snookered and no one investigated the fraud.
None of this was lost on Obama. He knew he was ripped off and he got some pay back in the democratic caucuses later on. He imported a bunch of thugs to attend and win pretty much every caucus all the while intimidation Hillary voters. I don’t know if this was in his original plan to get the democratic nomination but it certainly was after New Hampshire. Of course the Hillary caucus voters were surprised by the fraud and intimidation and made a movie called “We Will Not Be Silenced”. And this is what happens when you don’t play by the rules. Thug #1 rips off thug #2. Thug #2 rips off thug #1. And so it went in the democratic primaries and caucuses of 2008. Obama won because his union thugs were more aggressive and more willing to cheat to get him the nomination. And now the press is so surprised Obama is still a thug in the White House. To bad they didn’t investigate the fraud in New Hampshire and the democratic caucuses. Maybe someone decent like Indiana Senator Even Bayh would have gotten the nomination and the thugocracy exposed.
And now we have the New Jersey rip off coming up. How do I know democrat incumbent Corzine will win? Because if he loses the Obama Administration is over. Losing Virginian and New Jersey governorships would cause all the democrats in the middle to become born again Christians supporting every fiscally responsible measure proposed in the halls of congress. Kind of like putting a gun to the head of a junky and telling them to straighten up or they will be killed. Socialized medicine would be gone. Cap and trade gone. The Obama Administration would be Jimmy Carter II.
So how will the democrats achieve this fraudulent election? The first step was getting Chris Daggett to run as an independent. Why would Chris agree? Money somewhere somehow hidden up the road. Maybe another appointment by Corzine like the previous one he enjoyed at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Permit Efficiency Task Force. Seems strange a former Corzine appointee career bureaucrat would all the sudden find Jesus and convert into a maverick fighting for the people overnight. Yea right and I have the rights to the Brooklyn Bridge for you.
More likely Corzine or one of his friends or aids asked Chris to run as a independent and siphon off republican votes. Most likely a plum government appointment awaits Daggett in the future.
By the time Daggett announced last April 20 it was pretty clear New Jersey was disgusted wit Corzine and his endless tax and spending spree. The current Rasmussen poll has Republican Christie at 46%, Corzine at 43% and Daggett at 7% and 4% undecided. Without Daggett the numbers are daunting, 53% for the republican and only 43% for the democrat. Even the most skilled election fraud machine in the world would have a hard time with these numbers. 10% might be overcome in a small state like New Hampshire as Hillary proved by New Jersey is not New Hampshire and the massive voter fraud might even be exposed. 3% is a much more reasonable obstacle to overcome and the democrats will overcome it. They have no choice the presidency hangs in the balance.
The first area of fraud will be the old Bill and Hillary scam where voters in neighboring states will be called in to vote. The old registered in two states model that has worked well. This will get a percent or two.
Then there is the old reliable which was recently “discovered” in New York where political operatives involved with voting fraud voters who have not voted and vote for them using absentee ballots. Cumbersome and risky but it will be needed in the New Jersey election to overcome the will of the people.
Then there is the tried and true method of keeping the results secret after the polls close so operatives can go through the voter rolls and see who has not voted and simply vote for them using regular voting procedures. Works well in heavily black democratic districts where corruption is acceptable and there is little or no oversight. Look at the voting precincts that always reports late and you can be assured there is fraud taking place. Brothers and sisters just helping their neighbor out by voting for them. These precincts seem to always have more than 100% voting later on when absentee ballots start showing up for people who have “already” voted.
And finally if all else fails there is the Minnesota method where you just keep taking the election to court, each time more ballots arrive supporting your candidate, until you reach the magic number then call it final.
So for the people of New Jersey your popular rebellion will be squashed by fraud and abuse. Sorry no tax cut for you. Should have thought of that long ago when you let crooks and thugs take over your government.
As for the Republicans they will do nothing. You can bet the democrats have a laundry list of corruption stashed away somewhere to blackmail republicans from every walk of life. The election will be a sham and the republicans will do nothing about it. The only press agency out there that might investigate, and I sincerely doubt they do, is Fox.
The only thing the people can do is support the complete collapse of the federal government and split the states up peacefully. To bad for New Jersey you will be in the future fascist states of America. See ya wouldn’t want to be ya!
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