In 64 AD roman emperor Nero fiddled while the city burned. And so it today as history repeats itself. Obama and the Senate waste time on health care “reform” while the dollar collapses. The latest PriceWaterhouseCoopers reports that health care premiums would raise $4,000 per family by 2019. Another study by the GAO, and the GAO is notorious for underestimating federal programs, estimated the cost to be $829 billion to a trillion dollars over 10 years. In addition to the taxes on medical products over $100 and $3,800 tax on those without insurance. Talk about a jobs killer! But the President and his disciples push onward talking crap to the people every step of the way. Propaganda and incompetence rule in Washington. Just like the days of the USSR and Rome under Nero।
Meanwhile while healthcare is pushed the dollar is collapsing. Despite losing 10.3% in value the last six months the president and his brethren seems oblivious or unconcerned. World banks have switched from acquiring 63% (1999) of their foreign currency reserves in dollars to 37% today and the drop is escalating. The national deficit is approaching $12 trillion dollars with $1.4 trillion just in 2009. Simply put the Federal Reserve is flooding the US and the world with devalued dollars.
Obama and his advisors would argue that the cheaper dollar makes American goods more competitive overseas creating a more favorable balance of trade payments. Not good arguments considering the Asian economies are export orientated economies and they will be forced to restructure to the new America and its weak dollar. But let’s give the administration the benefit of the doubt. So the dollar cheapens and our exports are cheaper overseas. Fine but what about that cap and trade legislation that will dramatically increase the cost of energy to domestic manufacturers? With the increased cost of imported energy as the dollar loses value (66% of our crude is imported) combined with cap and trade taxes on energy our domestic manufacturing base could potentially be destroyed or seriously damaged. One of the few areas of competitive advantage American manufacturers has with EU and Asian competitors are our relatively cheap energy supplies. Take that advantage away and what do you have? A very limited amount of domestic manufacturing capacity and a scramble by the few big firms to gain monopoly status in the US marketplace.
This has been done before. It’s called mercantilism. This is the theory and system of political economy prevailing in Europe after the decline of feudalism, based on national policies of accumulating bullion, establishing colonies and a merchant marine, and developing industry and mining to attain a favorable balance of trade. It was practiced in the 16th and 17th centuries. Basically the federal government set up monopoly industries that gouged consumers in the homeland, locked out domestic competitors, and sold goods as cheaply as possible to foreign countries. It was discredited by Adam Smith and others. Eventually in the 18th century people got fed up with these policies and trade was liberalized. The industrial revolution made it very difficult to reign in domestic competitors competing in new industries. Standards of living increased and society moved on.
All these tricks and attempts by Obama and his advisors have been done before. His fascist takeover of the banks and key industry players like GM and GE. Hitler did the same thing with Mercedes and the German banks. National health care is a main component of control over the masses both in communist countries and fascist Germany. Mercantilism? A bad economic policy discredited long ago but still attractive to control freaks the world over including China today.
And where does it all lead to? With the increased immigration of millions of Hispanics without full citizenship rights basically serving the same function of Negros in the 18th century, servants without representation beholden to special interest. In the 18th century it was slave holders. Today it is democrats and unions. Backwards economics policies that will impoverish the people. Dictatorship in Washington. Where can any rational person think this direction is taking us? Economic and civil calamity.
As I said before the state legislatures need to be very aware of what is going on and be ready to succeed from the union when the time is right. Learn money and banking and have local banks versed in how to issue local currencies.
And how do we know when that time has arrived? Well in the former USSR there came a point where they could not borrow. The state treasury was tapped out. The money was useless. Workers pretended to work and employers pretended to pay the workers. Edicts of new production quotas came out of Moscow on a regular basis and factories reported the quotas were meet. It was a fantasy game and all played it until one day the Berlin Wall came crashing down and the pretending was over and reality set in. Countries told Moscow they would be independent and passed along some cash. Moscow unable to pay anyone anything accepted the cash and left. It was a peaceful transition of power. The central authority simply spend itself out of existence much like Washington today with all its grandiose propaganda that is believed by the dull witted, ignorant and evil.
Someday the people of America will unite against the federal government. Illegal immigrants will be sent packing. Affirmative action will disappear. Federal power will be decentralized. And the people will be able to live in freedom and liberty as it was in the past. Freedom isn’t free.
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