The democrats since 2000 have become quite accomplished at voter fraud. Ballots in Washington, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio, Nevada, Florida and any strong democratic precinct always seem to come up big in close elections. In Minnesota it was so fraudulent and stupid only a bias judge could condone it. Franken and Soros simply kept finding “missing” ballots until they won the recount. It took five trips to the courthouse before they achieved victory. With 43,000 ACORN registrations and mysterious “missing” ballots popping up everywhere they won the most fraudulent election. And now it’s New Jersey’s turn.
The number of ballots cast last November in Milwaukee exceeded the number of registered voters by about 4,500, investigators said.
Recently one of the tricks of the Democratic Party was exposed in New York. Democratic poll workers simply go through the voter registration rolls and see who has not voted. Then they vote for that person. How many votes do you need? And those votes mysteriously appear.
But this is not the only trick. Another trick is to look at who has not voted after the polls close and vote for that person. This is effective in strong democratic districts where there is little republican oversight. These districts end up with over 100% voting. And no one seems to care.
And then there is the move into a state for a week as was done in Ohio in 2008 and vote absentee. This was done very successfully thanks to ACORN. No one seems to care.
The old standby that has been around forever is for people with two residences to register to vote in ach residence. People from New York have been voting in West Palm Beach for decades. And no one seems to care.
So as the race in New Jersey gets close don’t be surprised if the democrat Corzine “squeaks” out the win with over 100% voting in some districts. The dictators all over the world rely on stealing elections and our democratic party is no different. New Jersey will be an election filled with fraud no matter the outcome and it will be covered up by the democratic establishment. Seriously do you people of New Jersey thing your going to get a fair election? Get real dude.
The end of fair election is over. Not that there was fair election in Chicago or any mob city. It’s just stupid for Americans to thing this bloated system of government will produce anything good at this point. You have to prepare for the collapse of the dollar and the prospect that you will have to defend and protect yourself in the coming years. If the people revolt our federal government will fall. It’s that simple. Instead of following the Iraq model where all government was destroyed we the people need to do everything in our power to preserve our state governments and local authority. The federal government is brain dead and in a death spiral.
New Jersey will go to Corzine.
And the people will revolt.
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